Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 241 Mr. Ye!

Chapter 241 Mr. Ye!
Su Ke just took office recently, so he was very busy. He had a morning meeting just now, but he didn't hear Ye Feng's call. When he returned to his office, he called Ye Feng, but he couldn't get through.

Su Ke was very surprised. Sister Ning clearly said that she had sent her brother-in-law here?

Did the brother-in-law sneak away again?

Thinking of this, Su Ke's forehead started to sweat.Sister Ning made it clear in the morning that she sent her brother-in-law here just to let him stay in the company honestly and not run around. If her brother-in-law really slipped away, even if Sister Ning didn't blame him, he would feel bad about it.

Su Ke quickly called the front desk.

Described Ye Feng's appearance in detail, this question, hey, Ye Feng is really here!However, he went to the exam with Manager Wan.

Only then did Su Ke realize that today is the day for the company to recruit new employees.

Brother-in-law went to take the application test?

Thinking of this, Su Ke was in awe!

As expected of Professor Ye from Haida University, as expected of Sister Ning's man, he won't leave such a hard back door, he must pass the exam by himself!

Really full of literati arrogance!

Su Ke was very moved, thinking that if he was himself, he must rely on relationships.But look at brother-in-law, alas, Su Ke shook his head and sighed, it's incomparable, the gap between people is so obvious.

Since the brother-in-law wants to enter the company through formal channels, it's hard for Su Ke to intervene.

However, the positions I applied for this time are relatively tiring, and Sister Ning's intention is to find a place for her brother-in-law to stay, preferably at leisure. If her brother-in-law is exhausted, Sister Ning will be unhappy.Therefore, what should be arranged must be arranged.

Su Ke picked up the phone, but after thinking about it, he put it down again. Su Ke decided to go down and see for himself.


"this is not OK!"

"What did you write? The lips of the donkey are wrong!"

"This word is well written, but I don't have any thoughts of my own at all."

"This person's views and suggestions are good and unique, and he can enter the interview."

In a conference room, people from the personnel department were quickly reviewing the test papers for this competition.

Suddenly, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Su Ke and his secretary came in with a smile.

"President Su!"

Seeing Su Ke, everyone stood up one after another. Manager Wan rushed over to greet him, "President Su has alarmed you just because of this little thing."

Su Ke smiled, "It's okay, you are busy, I just wander around, you are busy, you are busy."

Everyone was really busy, seeing what Su Ke said, they continued to work. After all, the boss didn't come here to let them rest.

Everyone was silently looking at the test papers in their hands. Suddenly, Manager Wan said angrily: "Who is this? Didn't write a single question? Handed in a blank paper? What does he think of our company! "

Su Ke also passed by after hearing the sound, frowning, blank volume?
Which of the people who came to apply for the job was not well-prepared?

Anyone else hand in a blank paper?

Su Ke is also very upset, this is completely disrespectful to the company!
"President Su, look, this person didn't write a word." Su Ke held up this blank paper and said angrily: "I suggest that we inform the headquarters, and directly prevent this person from participating in all recruitments of our group." !"

Su Ke took the test paper and looked at it, but he didn't write a single question!
"Well, this person's attitude is indeed...uh, Ye Feng?"

Originally, Su Ke was similar to Manager Wan, and he was also very angry, but when he saw this person's name, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

Ye Feng?

Then isn't he my brother-in-law?
I rub!

isn't it?
Brother-in-law didn't write a single question?
At this moment, Su Ke felt that his brain was almost running out!
"President Su, then I will arrange someone to notify the headquarters." Manager Wan took out his phone and was ready to call.

"Wait a minute!" Su Ke rubbed the center of his brows, then pointed to the last part of the test paper, and said, "Actually, it's not like he didn't write a single question. Look, he just answered one question."

When Manager Wan saw it, he twitched the corners of his mouth, a little confused why Su Ke's attitude suddenly changed, so he could only say cautiously, "But this question can't be considered a question, right?"

Moreover, what is your favorite fruit in this question, this big brother wrote "onion"!
Onion is his fruit?

I just wrote such a question, why the hell did you answer it wrong!

"No." Su Ke shook his head and said solemnly: "This question is precisely the most important one."

"Huh?" Manager Wan was a little confused, why is this question so important?
"Look, the question asks what fruit do you like the most, but this person wrote an onion. What does this prove? It proves that this person's thinking is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people! Why does he write an onion in the entire test paper? Didn’t answer any questions, but only took this question? I don’t think he really can’t, maybe he doesn’t want to write it. Because everything he wants to express has been concentrated in these two words ——Onion! It’s not a fruit, but he wrote it here, he wants to tell us that the company must be unique, eclectic, and break the boundaries!”

Seeing Su Ke's serious look, cold sweat dripped down Manager Wan's forehead. Isn't this explanation Nima too strong?
Have you ever seen that there are so many things in an onion?
"This, is this impossible?" Although Mr. Su is the boss, Manager Wan must also be responsible for the company. Mr. Su is obviously talking nonsense, it makes no sense!

At this time, the secretary next to Su Ke changed his expression, as if he suddenly thought of something, he stepped forward and said to Manager Wan: "Manager Wan, maybe someone else wrote these two words, but it doesn't mean anything, but take a closer look at this person's name." .”

"Ye Feng?"

Nothing special!

"This is Professor Ye from Haida!" the secretary reminded.

"Professor Ye?" Manager Wan opened his eyes wide, "Is that Professor Ye who made a fuss two days ago?"


"It turned out to be him." Manager Wan muttered to himself, and then said: "But he is engaged in research, we are engaged in technology, he..."

At this time, Su Ke suddenly said lightly, "He is my brother-in-law."

"He is so suitable!" Manager Wan didn't even stumble, his attitude was a 180-degree turn, full of praise and praise for Ye Feng, "Professor Ye is simply a rare talent. ! With his joining, our company is like a tiger with wings added, and it will definitely be improved to a higher level!"

Fortunately, no one in this room drank water, otherwise they would have choked to death.

"President Su, I think Professor Ye is at least qualified for the position of vice president based on the advanced thinking ability shown in this test paper!" Manager Wan is more serious than Su Ke, holding Ye Feng's blank Juan preached to everyone, "Look, all of you, Professor Ye's first six questions are clean, but please pay attention, under the seventh and No. 13 questions, look carefully, do you see? A dot! What does this represent? This shows that Professor Ye has distinguished that these two questions are the two most difficult questions in the entire test paper! Look again, under the ninth and No.15 questions, there are two more point, and these few questions, there is a point below, Professor Ye is grading all the test questions! If you say he can't do it, I don't believe it."

"As Mr. Su said, it's not that Professor Ye doesn't know how to do it. The main reason is that he doesn't want to do it. He wants to convey a concept to us. We must be innovative! We must be unique! We must be unrestrained! We need this kind of person when we are engaged in technology. leadership!"

"Good! Well said!" Su Ke took the lead in applauding.

Everyone in the room clapped and clapped.

"Manager Wan's analysis is thorough!"

"Looking at it this way, Professor Ye is really a genius!"

"I also think that Professor Ye can be a great leader!"

"That's right, Professor Ye's coming to our company is like adding wings to a tiger!"

Everyone agreed with smiles on their faces, but they didn't know what to think in their hearts.

Su Ke pressed his hands and said, "Forget about the vice president. After all, Professor Ye is busy. Let's be a consultant. You can make arrangements."

"President Su." At this time, Manager Wan suddenly stood up and said to Su Ke in a low voice: "Actually, Professor Ye can really be the vice president. Have you forgotten that a vice president in our company has been transferred back to the headquarters? This is free. Mr. Lan seems determined to win a position like this."

Su Ke narrowed his eyes, if Manager Wan hadn't reminded him, he really wouldn't have thought of this incident.

Mr. Lan is Lan Tian!

Although this guy didn't become the president, he still came in with a stern face. He is now the most powerful vice president in the company, with a lot of influence.

Indeed, if Ye Feng was allowed to occupy the recently vacated position of vice president, would Lan Tian dare to say anything?

good idea!
Su Ke looked at Manager Wan approvingly, and said, "I think you are overqualified to be a manager. Let's follow Professor Ye first. He will be the vice president, and you will be his deputy."

"Professor Ye can't stay for a few days, you understand." Before leaving, Su Ke patted Manager Wan on the shoulder and said softly.

Manager Wan's face was filled with excitement, Su Ke, what does this mean?
Professor Ye can't stay for a few days?

After Professor Ye leaves, who will take the position of vice president?The answer is so obvious!
"Thank you, President Su, for your cultivation!"

Manager Wan bowed to Su Ke excitedly.

Manager Wan was not in the mood to read other people's test papers anymore, so he hurried out to find Ye Feng.


in the hall.

rest area.

Holding a cup of tea, Manager Wan hurried towards Ye Feng with small steps.

"Professor Ye, oh no, President Ye, do you want tea?"

"Um, Mr. Ye? Me?"

Ye Feng looked confused again, he has never been more confused than today in his life.

"Yes, your answers to the test paper are so perfect that our company's President Su took a fancy to him at a glance. After the company's research, we decided to directly hire you as the deputy general manager!" Lao Wan said with a smile.

Ye Feng stared at the boss immediately, what the hell are you talking about?

The people who were waiting for the result were also frightened.

Directly hired as a vice president?
These people all looked at Ye Feng as if they were looking at a god. How perfect is this big brother's answer to the test paper!

This is too strong!
Many people looked at Ye Feng with admiration.

Look at people, they are all here to apply, why is there such a big gap?

He is directly Mr. Ye!And the manager personally served tea and water!
It's a step to reach the pinnacle of life!
Manager Wan's voice made Boss Ye envious of many people.

However, later on, some of them were admitted by the personnel department, and when they saw Ye Feng's test paper, they almost died of anger like him!
you sir!

What the hell are you teaching in vain!

(End of this chapter)

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