Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 242 News Feed?

Chapter 242 News Feed? (Add more rewards for gm garbled codes)

On the eighth floor, a luxurious office.

"Mr. Ye, what beverage do you usually like to drink? Coffee? Or tea?"

"Tea bar."

"Black tea, green tea or black tea?"

"scented tea."

"Okay, I'll arrange someone to prepare for you."

Manager Wan is full of energy now, he is busy, just to serve Ye Feng comfortably.

"Mr. Ye, we need to meet with our employees later, when do you have time?"

Although he knows that Ye Feng has time anytime, but as a veteran in the workplace, Manager Wan is impeccable in his words.

"Old Wan, don't be so busy, just sit there and rest." Seeing that he was so busy, Ye Feng felt sorry.

"It's okay, it's all I should do." Manager Wan said with a smile.

Ye Feng shook his head, and said with a smile: "I don't know what I'm always in charge of, can you tell me?"

"Okay." Manager Wan said: "You are mainly in charge of the website operation of the company. Besides you, our department also has two directors, one director and one deputy, and there are more than a hundred employees. Our company is relatively large. department."

"Website operation?" Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, "What kind of website are we?"

Manager Wan choked for a moment. Boss Ye really didn't know anything, but he still smiled and said, "It's a search browser. Have you ever used VC browser? This is our company's product."

Ye Feng was surprised, "VC browser? Are we in charge of this?"

"Yes." Manager Wan nodded.

Ye was a little surprised, Ye Feng really knew about this browser, and he even used it often.I didn't expect it to be owned by the Lan family, and I was in charge of it myself. I have to say that the world is really amazing!

"Then let's meet with the staff first."

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements now."


The office area on the eighth floor.

Only twenty or so people.

At this time, there is a lot of discussion.

"Have you heard? Our department has a new vice president."

"I heard that, I heard that this vice president has a lot of background!"

"Didn't you say it was Professor Ye from Haida University?"

"Professor Ye! I really like his poems, my idol!"

"I really don't understand why Professor Ye came to our company as the vice president. Isn't he a professor of Haida?"

"He's an academic researcher, so he doesn't match his major when he comes to our company, can he do it?"

"It is said that Mr. Ye is a relative of Mr. Su. Mr. Su said yes, who dares to say no?"

"Mr. Lan...I heard that Mr. Lan originally wanted to promote Director Liu of our department, but he was cut off by Mr. Ye."

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't talk nonsense."

"Director Liu is here!"

The door was pushed open, and it was Director Liu, who said expressionlessly: "Calm down, Mr. Ye is here to inspect the work."

There are two people beside him, Ye Feng and Lao Wan.

Ye Feng smiled and said, "It's not for inspection, it's just to come and have a look."

"Is everyone here?" Ye Feng asked.

Director Liu next to him replied indifferently: "Except for Deputy Director Li, everyone else is here."

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, didn't he mean the number 20?That's more than [-], what about the others?

Lao Wan next to him might have seen Ye Feng's doubts, and explained in a low voice: "The rest of the people are in the news business, and they are not usually there."

When he said this, Ye Feng was even more confused, running the news?What does this mean?Aren't we a search engine?Why are you running the news?
Although he was puzzled in his heart, Ye Feng didn't show it. After chatting with everyone in the office area for a while, Ye Feng left, which was regarded as meeting.


Ye Feng was alone in the office, and Lao Wan was in the secretary's office outside. Anyway, Ye Feng didn't have a secretary now, so Lao Wan acted as a temporary one.Lao Wan had to read all the documents first to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, so Ye Feng could just sign it.

Ye Feng, who had nothing to do, turned on the computer and logged into the game.

He found that being the boss was so comfortable!
Nothing to do!
Drinking tea and playing games, I am so happy.

Soon, it will be off work.

Ye Feng doesn't go home at noon, there is also a cafeteria in the company building, and one meal is enough here.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in."

Lao Wan came in. Seeing that Ye Feng was still concentrating on the computer, Lao Wan asked concerned: "Boss Ye, are you busy? It's time for lunch break, let's go eat first."

Ye Fengfeng said without raising his head: "Don't worry, wait until I finish brushing this boss!"

Lao Wan: "..."

He has seen bosses who play games at work, but this is the first time he has seen someone as devoted as Ye Feng!
You always forget to eat and sleep to play!

However, the more Ye Feng is like this, the happier Lao Wan is. Ye Feng doesn't care about anything. Doesn't this mean that what President Su said to him is true?Ye Feng stayed here for a few days, and left after a while!

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Feng didn't turn off the computer either, and left after tapping the keyboard a few times.

The canteen is on the fifth floor.

many people.

Manager Wan followed Ye Feng with two meals by himself, attracting many people's attention along the way.

"Isn't this Manager Wan from the Human Resources Department? Why are you now a follower?"

"Who's that guy in front of him?"

"do not know."

"You don't know this? This is our company's new Mr. Ye! I heard that he is still related to Mr. Su!"

"Really? Did you come in through relationships?"

"Hey, you are looking carefully, does this person look familiar? This is the famous Professor Hai Daye!"

"Professor Ye Feng? My God! Professor Ye is also looking for a relationship?"


Ye Feng also ignored those comments, he just wanted to find an empty table right now.Maybe it's because he wasted time by playing some games. There are no empty tables in the cafeteria?

Oh, no, there seems to be one over there.Seeing that there was no one at the place by the window, Ye Feng took Lao Wan there.

"Uh, Mr. Ye, let's not sit here, let's go to another place." Lao Wan persuaded Ye Feng to walk over there.

"Why?" Ye Feng was puzzled.

"That's a special position for Mr. Lan, let's..."

Before Lao Wan finished speaking, Ye Feng interrupted: "Boss Lan? Lan Tian? Why don't you care about him." Someone Ye sat over without caring, and Lao Wan saw that Ye Feng sat down. Now, I can only bite the bullet and go on.

But within a minute of the two of them sitting here, three or four people came up behind Ye Feng, and one of them said to Lao Wan in a strange way: "Hey, isn't this Manager Wan? Is it comfortable to eat at the general table?"

Lan Tian also frowned. The company clearly stipulates that everyone must eat in the cafeteria at noon, even Su Ke is no exception.But after all, they are high-level people, so they all have their own special fixed dining table.Lan Tian also came out late today, after shopping for dinner, he took a look, hey, someone took over his table!

Who the hell is so closed-eyed?
"Um, Boss Lan!"

Lao Wan quickly put down his chopsticks and stood up, with an embarrassed smile on his face, a little at a loss.

Ye Feng glanced back, ignored them, and just said to Lao Wan indifferently: "Have you finished eating?"

"Hey boy, are you new here?"

Ye Fengqi laughed at the guy next to Lan Tian.

Ye Feng put down his chopsticks, didn't look at him, and asked in a low voice, "Look down on the newcomer?"

"Don't you know that this table belongs to Mr. Lan!" Another person frowned.

"Boss Lan's desk? This company belongs to his family?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, what a joke, who doesn't know that the president of Lan's Group is our aunt of Mr. Lan!" The man's face was full of pride, as if Lan Tian was himself.

When Ye Feng heard it, he smiled disdainfully.

"What are you laughing at!" The man said with a sullen face.

"My aunt? That's still my mother, am I proud?"

As soon as Ye Feng said this, the people next to him were stunned. Even Lao Wan's eyes widened, looking at Ye Feng in disbelief.He knew that Ye Feng's relationship was strong, even Su Ke himself said that Ye Feng was his brother-in-law, but Lao Wan never expected that Ye Feng's relationship was so hard!He is the husband of President Lan Ruo's daughter?I wipe!
The man was also choked by Ye Feng, and his face was red and purple. At this time, Lan Tian, ​​who had been silent for a long time, finally said, "Ye Feng, although I don't know why you came to the company, but I advise you, it's best not to get involved." Lan Tian had already recognized Ye Feng.

Ye Feng glanced at him, "It's not big or small, you can call Ye Feng? Go eat while you're at it."

Lan Tian's face immediately darkened, but he really couldn't beep with Ye Feng!
Ye Feng really is his cousin-in-law!
And it's kind!
Depend on!
"let's go!"

Lan Tian hurriedly slipped away with her own.

"Boss Ye, I don't know if I should say something or not." After Lan Tian left, Lao Wan said hesitantly.


"Be careful, Mr. Lan is competing with our department recently. If he trips our department, then you and Mr. Su will lose face."

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, competition?
"What competition?"

Lao Wan organized his language before explaining: "Aren't we in charge of the VC browser? Actually, to be more specific, we are in charge of the news push in the browser, which is mainly to attract users and increase traffic. But Recently, Mr. Lan has created a small game project, and the traffic he has attracted by this project has almost surpassed ours! You have offended him, and if you fail, he will propose to merge the two departments. Then you, the vice president There will be no more!"

To be honest, Lao Wan is still quite worried about this matter. The loss of Ye Feng's vice president is nothing to Ye Feng, but it is a big deal to Lao Wan!At that time, Ye Feng is afraid that his butt will leave, so what will Lao Wan do!
Hearing Lao Wan's words, Ye Feng suddenly realized, no wonder when he went to meet with the staff in the morning, he said that many people went to run the news. It turns out that this department is responsible for the news push work on the browser!
VC browser?

I rub!

Someone Ye seems to have thought of something suddenly!
 Thank you for the gm garbled rewards, plus more, and thank you for your various supports.

(End of this chapter)

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