Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 243 You are all wrong!

Chapter 243 You are all wrong!

Ye continued to play his game leisurely in his office.

"Boss Ye, this document needs your signature."

"Have you seen it?"

"I've seen it, no problem."



"Boss Ye, you need to stamp your seal on this."


"Boss Ye, you need to approve this."


"Boss Ye, is it convenient for you now?"


Although Ye Feng doesn't need to read these things, he must sign some important documents.He has signed seven or eight of them in a short while, which has seriously affected Ye's game experience.

"Dong dong dong."

There was another knock on the door.

"Come in."

Lao Wan came in with a look of embarrassment, really, this was the first time in his career that he felt so embarrassed to report to the boss!What a heinous crime!Full of guilt!

"That's what, Mr. Ye, I'm really sorry to disturb you playing games, but this document must be signed by you personally."

Ye Feng sighed, took Lao Wan's document, picked up the pen and was about to sign directly as before.However, when Ye Feng saw the name of this file, he was stunned for a moment.

"Funding application?"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and asked, "What kind of funding are you applying for?" Regarding the question of money, Ye Feng rarely asked one more question.

Lao Wan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Ye Feng to intervene, but there was nothing wrong with it, he said in a down-to-earth manner: "In the afternoon, Boss Lan released another puzzle game. Traffic expectations are very good. If Mr. Lan really overwhelms us, then our department is really likely to be annexed by them, so I thought about applying for a fund to expand the scale of our news collection and strive to let our department The flow rate has also been adjusted upwards."

After listening to him, Ye Feng didn't sign directly this time, but put down the pen in his hand.Ye frowned, as if thinking about something.After a while, Ye Feng said lightly: "Go and show me a copy of our department's materials. By the way, give me a copy of Lan Tian's game."

"Eh?" Listening to Ye Feng's old information, Lao Wan didn't react for a while.

Ye Feng frowned, "Huh?"

"Oh, I'll go right away!" After Lao Wan came back to his senses, he went out in a hurry. Although he didn't understand it in his heart, he didn't dare to ask more questions.After all, Ye Feng is the vice president, he is just an assistant.

Looking at Lao Wan's back, Ye Feng shook his head helplessly, he really failed as a vice president!
In less than 10 minutes, Lao Wan came back with two folders.

"Boss Ye, it's just the information you want."

"Well, you go out first."

"This one……"

Before Lao Wan left, Ye Feng frowned and said, "Is there anything else?"

"Mr. Ye, you should apply for funding as soon as possible." Lao Wan said cautiously.

"I'll think about it, you go out first." Ye Feng said lightly.


Lao Wan sighed, turned and left.

Apply for funding?

Scale up?

What about trouble?

Ye Feng was also speechless.

You said that you are a browser website, why do you have to think about competing with those news networks for jobs?
Ah, a bunch of amateurs, can you do professional work?
Isn't this a joke!
Although he already had a general idea in his mind, Ye Feng still looked at the information in his hand seriously. He needs to know whether the development of search engines in this world is the same as in his previous life.

In 10 minutes, Ye Feng finished reading the information in his hand.

In general, it is similar to the previous life, and the development concept is also almost the same. It can even be said that it has far surpassed the previous life in some professional levels.But what leaves Ye Feng speechless is that he found that as long as things in this world are related to culture, they are definitely behind by more than 01:30 points.

For example, this browser, although the technology is quite powerful, but because the cultural development of this world is too slow, the article push is still in the early stage of fragmentation.

People in this world have also discovered that browsers cannot simply do searches, there must be some content that can increase traffic.And just like the previous life, they also focused on the news.This approach is indeed correct, but the problem is that their ideas at this time are still quite immature.In other words, it is difficult to change the traditional news concept after the fragmentation era!
This problem also existed in previous lives.However, this problem has been solved in the previous life, and people in this world actually want to use free web games to make up for the lack of competitiveness in article push.

I have to say that the person who came up with this method is also a talent!
That is to say, the development of science and technology in this world is so powerful that such a method can be born.However, your method is obviously not very effective!

Want to use a few free mini games to increase traffic?This is alright, but is there anyone playing this broken game of yours?And it’s not that expensive!

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open again.

Lao Wan walked in in a panic.

"Boss Ye, it's bad, it's bad!"

Ye Feng frowned, "What's the matter? Don't worry, speak slowly."

Lao Wan wiped the sweat off his forehead and said nervously: "The latest news, the number of viewers of Mr. Lan's mini-games has exceeded the 300 million mark! It has surpassed us! Mr. Lan already has a reason to annex us! "

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, Merger?
Ha ha.

"A meeting in the conference room!" Ye Feng said lightly.

Lao Wan was stunned, "Yes!"


Conference room on the eighth floor.

Everyone in the department was there, including the two directors, a total of more than 20 people.

Ye Feng was at the front, facing everyone.

The scene was very depressing, and everyone got the news.

The news department was surpassed by the game department!

This is unprecedented!

They may face the fate of being annexed!
"Tell me what you think." Ye Feng broke the depression.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at yours, but no one spoke.

Seeing the silence, Lao Wan hurriedly said: "Mr. Ye, I think we should increase investment and expand our news gathering. If we can increase our manpower by one-third, we can dig out some valuable and eye-catching news. Big news will surely turn the tide of defeat!"

"Yes, Wan Zhuli is right!"

"I agree with Wan Zhuo's suggestion!"

"We have to scale up!"



After Lao Wan finished speaking, the following people all seconded their proposals, and it seemed that they all thought so.

Ye Feng secretly sighed in his heart, this method will not work at all!

Even if you double or triple the size, you still can't beat others!
This is not a question of whether your news is worthwhile!

No matter how valuable your news is, can it compare to that of CCTV?Can it be more valuable than those professional news online?Who the hell is convulsed to watch the news in your browser?

"Don't talk about this again." Ye Feng shook his head and rejected their suggestion.


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. How dare you not agree to such a solution?
At this time, Director Liu of the department said, "Mr. Ye, you are the vice president, so please tell me what to do." Director Liu had a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He was on Lan Tian's side. If Ye Feng hadn't come , now he is sitting in Ye Feng's position.Anyway, he couldn't be the vice president anymore, he wished that the news department would be merged.

"Okay, then I'll tell you what I think."

Ye Feng didn't care what Director Liu originally meant, and then he said: "Actually, we can change our thinking mode. You must first understand that our news feed is different from traditional news reports."

Hearing Ye Feng's words, everyone was taken aback, different?It's all news, why is it different?

Ye Feng continued to say in shock: "Traditional news reports are first-level reading, but our online information is second-level reading. This is an essential difference!"

What he said made everyone dumbfounded, what the hell is a first-level browsing and a second-level browsing, what does he mean by that?
"What, Mr. Ye, can you explain what is the meaning of first-level browsing and second-level browsing? We are not very educated, so we don't understand." Lao Wan asked everyone's aspirations.

Ye Feng nodded with a smile, and explained: "The so-called first-level browsing means that you can see everything at a glance, including your title and content, while the second-level browsing means that you can only see a title at the first glance, and want to To see what's inside, you need to tap."

With Ye Feng's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

That's what it meant.

But what's the point?
Isn't it just a click?

You have to turn the pages to read the newspaper!

Director Liu sneered and said, "What a great idea! May I ask Mr. Ye, which expert and scholar gave this explanation? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

Ye Feng glanced at him, and said calmly: "This is the definition given by Ye Feng, a famous mathematician, writer, calligrapher, poet, and educator from the double department of Haitian University in China. Why? Do you have a question?"

Lao Wan was just drinking water, and after hearing Ye Feng's words, he spit it out.

Originally, everyone was a little curious when Ye Feng started talking. Which expert is this awesome?So many titles?

But the last listen, Ye Feng!

Only then did this group of people realize that the big brother in front of them is a Taishan-level big brother in the domestic academic circles!
Director Liu was also choked by Ye Feng, his face was flushed red, he hesitated and didn't know what to say!
You are a bully!
Director Liu wanted to cry but had no tears!

Ye Feng glanced at him, didn't argue with him too much, and continued: "Professor Ye told you today that you used the wrong method to get online news feeds before!"

Ye is serious.

And the people below are full of bewildered faces.


What are you talking nonsense about?
If Ye Feng hadn't been their leader now, this group of people would have gone up and hammered him to death!
I don't care what kind of professor you are, I have been in this industry for so many years, you are telling us that what we do is wrong?

Go to your uncle's Professor Ye!
You bastard don't understand the relationship!

(End of this chapter)

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