Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 244 Wasn't he messing around?

Chapter 244 Wasn't he messing around?

Everyone was a little unhappy.

That's right, after all these people have been working in this industry for so many years, Ye Feng suddenly told them that what you did was wrong, and even that what you did in this industry was wrong, no one can stand it!
Although no one spoke, everyone was sullen.

You are President Ye!You are Professor Ye!
But do you understand the Internet?

You are a layman who came in through the back door!

Call you Mr. Ye, do you really consider yourself a leader?

Also we were wrong!Go to the second uncle!You are a relationship account!Play your game honestly!
At this time, even Lao Wan didn't answer Ye Feng's words at this time, even he felt that Ye Feng was talking nonsense this time!

"What? You think what I said is wrong?" Ye Feng asked lightly.

"Yes! Why is it wrong! You are so right!" Director Liu said with an exaggerated smile: "You are Mr. Ye! You are an expert! Then tell me what we should do?" It sounds like Director Liu He was responding to Ye Feng, but everyone knew he was mocking him.Everyone didn't respond, they all looked at Ye Feng blankly.

Ye Feng glanced at him, and said calmly: "I'll edit a few samples and send them to you, you can have a look." As he spoke, Ye Feng started typing on the computer in front of him.In less than a minute, Ye Feng finished it and sent it to everyone.

Everyone has a computer in front of them, and everyone opens the document sent by Ye Feng to have a look.

One by one almost vomited blood without his anger!

What the hell is this all about?
The headline reads "Shocked! The man is silent and the woman is in tears!"

Then what the hell are you talking about in the following content about an old woman crossing the road?

Then it's gone!

The full text should not exceed [-] words!

Why is Nima so shocked?

Why is it that men are silent after watching this, and women are crying when they see it?

There is also the following, which is even more excessive!
"Shocked! A woman actually did such a thing in broad daylight!"

What do you still think?

Flip to the bottom, rely on!
Your second uncle!
What happened to a little girl who went to school by bicycle?Shock your sister! Shock!

And the last one, "Shocked! So he turned out to be one of the top ten gods and demons in ancient times?"

Everyone, it turned out that it was Chi You of Nima!

God and devil, your second uncle, god and devil!
Depend on!
Isn't this Nima made up?

After reading these three news articles written by Ye Feng, everyone completely overturned the three views!Oh no, this shit doesn't deserve to be called news at all!Calling them news is an insult to news!Grass!This is an insult to everyone's IQ!

Everyone looked gloomy.


Is this a sample?

Do you still want to promote?

"Have you all finished watching?" Ye Feng's face was calm, as if he didn't see the gloom on everyone's faces, and said to himself: "It's actually easy to understand, in the fragmented information age , the Internet is full of secondary browsing, so the title is extremely important. It is not an exaggeration to say that a title that can attract people's attention is a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times more important than your content!" I am afraid that everyone will still I didn't understand, so Ye Feng explained again.

But, no matter how Ye Feng explained it, everyone couldn't accept it!

As far as Nima is concerned, it is completely inconsistent with the text!
One editor couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a sullen face, "Mr. Ye, have you ever touched the Internet before?"

"No." Ye Feng said lightly.

Everyone's face became more gloomy, you have never been in touch with the Internet, and how dare you say that we were wrong before?
So you bastard is right?

You are a layman who knows what a fart!

"Boss Ye! With all due respect, your plan is not acceptable!" Another editor spoke.

"Yes! Mr. Ye, I'm not afraid that you will be unhappy. This time it is about the life and death of our department and each of us. Your idea is too naive!"

Someone else said: "Mr. Ye, you may be at the textbook level in the academic field, but as the saying goes, every line is like a mountain, and you don't know much about the Internet. I think we should add more people. This is a safer way!"

Lao Wan also said from the side: "Mr. Ye, I think your idea is good, but should you ask Mr. Su first? After all, he is an expert in this field."

"Yes, why don't you ask President Su."

"Mr. Su is an expert in the Internet, so he will definitely help us with a trick!"

"Yes, you can ask President Su."

Everyone chattered, and everyone thought Ye Feng's idea was too nonsense, and they all suggested that Ye Feng ask Su Ke.

Su Ke is an expert in this area of ​​the Internet?

But this problem is not an Internet problem in essence!
To put it bluntly, this thing is actually a thought change in cultural communication!

It seems to be related to the Internet, but it is essentially a matter of the cultural field!

"No need! President Su is so busy that he doesn't have time to take care of this, just do as I say!" Ye Feng made a final decision, "Call all the colleagues who are collecting news outside, and do it according to the format of my title. I don't care what you write, you can write news, you can also write history, even myths, gossip, or even your own nonsense. But each of you must remember that the title must be exaggerated! If you don't Can write, put the word 'shock' in front of me!"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, the faces of every editor present were extremely ugly.

But before Ye Feng finished speaking, he arranged again: "Everyone will write at least [-] pieces of news like this this afternoon. From this afternoon onwards, the website must start publishing such articles in an all-round way, understand?"

No one pays attention to him!
"Understood!" Ye Feng's voice raised an octave. He knew that these people didn't understand. We have to collectively call Dad!

Seeing that Ye Feng got angry, everyone lost their minds and replied weakly one by one.

"Okay, the meeting is over."

After leaving a word, Ye Feng left first.

Director Li also left directly, but the corners of his mouth were full of sarcasm, and he sneered even more in his heart.If Ye Feng does this, it will definitely bring down the news department!He seemed to have seen the moment when the news department was merged with the game department!

The two leaders left immediately, and everyone exploded in an instant!
"Assistant Wan, take a look! Mr. Ye is just messing around!"

"That's right, do you want to persuade him? If he does this, our news department really has no hope at all!"

Lao Wan also wants to cry, I've been persuading him so much, what can this big brother do if he doesn't listen to me!
"This damn relationship account!"

"What are you commanding blindly, him!"

"I don't know anything, so I have to try my best!"

"Boss Su is quite a principled person, why did you let this guy in?"

"Our news department is finished, hopeless!"

Lao Wan sighed, and said to everyone: "Forget it, everyone don't complain, just do what Mr. Ye said when you are ready." After finishing speaking, Lao Wan whispered to everyone: "Actually, everyone also Don't be too nervous, although Mr. Ye doesn't understand these things, Mr. Ye's backstage is quite strong! Maybe even if he messes up the news department, Mr. Lan can't move us!" Actually, this is what Lao Wan wanted to understand, Ye Feng is the son-in-law of President Lan Ruo!Mr. Su and Mr. Lan have to call him brother-in-law!
No matter how powerful Lan Tian made the game department, how dare he annex Ye Feng's news department?
"That's right!" An editor's eyes lit up, and he said, "I heard that Mr. Ye handed in a blank paper when he applied for the job, and Mr. Su didn't say anything, and directly arranged for him to be our vice president! By the way, Wasn't Wan Zhuzhu also there at that time? Is it true?"

Everyone looked at Lao Wan, and Lao Wan lowered his voice and said, "Don't show off, Mr. Ye has a good face, after all, he is a master who is well-known both at home and abroad."


"President Ye's background is really strong!"

"Maybe it's really what Assistant Wan said, Boss Lan dare not touch Boss Ye."

"hope so."

Lao Wan said: "That's all right, let's break up, just do what Mr. Ye wants, as long as Mr. Ye is happy."

Come on, that's the only way.

Everyone sighed and went back to work, everyone could only pin their hopes on Ye Feng's backstage being tough enough, hope he can withstand it.

As for the bullshit mode that Ye Feng mentioned, hehe, let's pull the fuck out!

No one took it seriously, everyone just pretended to make Mr. Ye happy!

(End of this chapter)

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