Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 245 VC Shocks Department!

Chapter 245 VC Shocks Department!
In the afternoon, Ye Feng went back to play games after the meeting.Anyway, he has already arranged it, and the rest depends on the reaction of the market.


Zhang San is a college student. The end of the term is approaching, and he is about to go online to find a paper to copy, so as to cope with the final homework.

Open the vc browser, which is the search engine he often uses.

Zhang San just wanted to enter the search content, but he was suddenly attracted by a piece of news below.

Shock!This person actually used this method to live forever?
Seeing this title, Zhang San was stunned!

Did humans really discover the secret of immortality?

Zhang San's breathing became rapid!
Who doesn't want to live forever?
It's so tempting!

Zhang San's fingers even trembled a little, immortality!Zhang San clicked in dryly.

"He is the legend of China... Yuanshi Tianzun! Immortal!"

After 30 seconds...

Zhang San almost died of anger without him!

you sir!

Immortal, your sister!

I also know that Yuanshi Tianzun is immortal!How the hell do I know that Master Tongtian is also immortal!

Zhang San felt that he was cheated, and quit angrily, and then, eh?The following article actually caught his attention again!

Shock! The 21-year-old boy has grown ten centimeters taller. The reason is so simple?
Looking at this title, Zhang San felt as if his hands were not in control, and his heart was like a cat scratching, wanting to click in to see what the method is.

Then, he felt that his IQ was insulted again!

Damn it!Exercising every day can grow your body, I don't even know it!
"What rubbish article? Is the editor retarded? Damn!"

This time Zhang San was really angry, and unceremoniously vented his anger under this article.

Zhang San was about to get down to business, but the frightening thing was that the following title aroused his strong curiosity again!
Did this happen yesterday?Shocked 13 billion Chinese people!


Expose the world's strongest!Netizen comments: Horror!

13 billion Chinese people can't take it anymore!Buzhuan is not a Chinese!


Zhang San's mentality collapsed, and the title of every article made him want to click in, but many articles were nonsense!And the most pitiful thing is that he knows that the articles in it may be written blindly, but he just can't help but want to click in!Then, exit angrily again and again!And so on and on and on and on!
This afternoon, I don’t know how many people were shocked by the article pushed by VC browser!

Open the vc browser, the whole thing is full of shocks!What "shocked 13 billion Chinese people", what "men were silent when they saw it, and women shed tears when they saw it", what "********, netizens commented:******", etc., almost all That's the title of this fuckin' shit!

The push of the entire vc is all about this kind of thing!
And the most pitiful thing is that everyone seems to be under a spell, and they can't help but want to click in!Even if you know that the articles in it must be a mess, you just can't help it!

Of course, it's not all made up here, after all, the vc editor has not yet fully networked, and there are still many things that have something to do with the title.

And this is exactly in line with the fragmented and mature performance, which makes netizens even more uncomfortable. Some things are really interesting after you read them, but there are also some things that you want to beat this editor to death after reading. !
Just when this kind of curiosity was constantly being aroused, and then the IQ was constantly being rubbed on the ground, the Internet exploded.

This matter is being discussed everywhere in the circle.

"Damn, this vc is poisonous! I want to check some information in the afternoon, and then I forcefully read the news that is useless for a long time! I'll wipe it!"

"Like me, I can't control myself at all!"

"This bastard vc is such a fool!"

"I was shocked at least a hundred times today!"

"Hehe, the 13 billion people in China have been shocked no less than a hundred times, what's worse than you?"

"The main reason is that this thing can't be controlled. It's like smoking marijuana. I can't help but want to click it!"

"Actually, there are some interesting things about him. At least let me know that the most vengeful animal in the world is an elephant!"

"That's right, I watched it all afternoon, and let me know that the panda is Chi You's mount, no wonder Chi You lost, hahaha!"

"He pushes these articles, which is good to pass the time! But, there are too many nonsense in it!"

"What the hell do I think VC must have a special department that writes these things!"

"Absolutely! If you want me to say it's the shock department!"

"Yes, that's a good use of the word, Shocking Department! It's so appropriate!"

On the Internet, there are all kinds of comments, but most of them are not positive comments.Almost all scolded VC for making it up, and some netizens even invented the term "shock department"!

In the news department, many editors are also reading online comments.

"It's over, we were scolded miserably."

"The reputation is directly stink!"

"I just said that this method can't work, alas."

"Forget it, that's not a move."

"I didn't do anything today, I was shocked!"

"Me too, we might as well just change the name to Shock Department! This is no news!"

"Why don't you give Mr. Ye a quick reaction? Maybe it's too late to make amends now."

"That's right, let's go to Assistant Wan and tell Mr. Ye to stop. If this continues, even if we don't get annexed by the game department, we will have to play ourselves to death."

The editors discussed for a long time, and finally someone went to respond to Lao Wan.In fact, it doesn't need to be said by them, Lao Wan is also paying attention to the comments of netizens.

Seeing that he was about to leave work, Lao Wan hurried to find Ye Feng, but Ye Feng's attitude was still very firm.




Isn't that normal?
Of the ten editors in the previous life, nine and a half were mentally handicapped!

Whether to be scolded or not, and whether there is traffic are completely two concepts!

When Ye Feng came home, Su Ning was not there, so she called and said that she slept with her daughter at the mother-in-law's side.Probably avoiding Ye Feng, Ye Feng didn't think much about it.After he dealt with it casually, he casually read the comments of netizens while lying on the bed.

At this time, not only the majority of netizens are spraying vc, but even some websites in the industry are spraying!
Some peers, such as Qiandu, Koukou Browser, Somao Browser, etc., have issued official documents to criticize VC for disrupting the market and wasting netizens' time.

After Ye Feng saw it, he didn't have any special reaction.

Because in the previous life, when this kind of news dissemination changed, it also caused a lot of criticism. At that time, a website called "UC" took the lead in promoting this "shocking" style model. At that time, UC would be sprayed. Become a dog.But what happened later?Regardless of whether it is a certain degree or a button, as long as it is an article push on the Internet, it has all become such a model.Even this change in the way of disseminating information has become a classic case in university textbooks!
A method that was refuted and looked down upon by countless people at the beginning, but later became the object of everyone's eagerness to imitate.

Isn't it because this model can attract traffic?

And in psychology, experts have also made a reasonable explanation for this phenomenon-curiosity is hard to control!
(End of this chapter)

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