Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 246 Scary Traffic!

Chapter 246 Scary Traffic!

The next day, early in the morning, Ye Feng arrived at the company on time.

"Mr. Ye is good!"

"Morning, Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Ye is good!"

Along the way, many little girls greeted Ye Feng with peachy eyes.

As soon as Ye Feng entered the office area, the atmosphere of the news department was not lively at first, and it became even more weird.However, although this group of people didn't want to see Ye Feng in their hearts, Ye Feng was their leader after all, and they all greeted Ye Feng with fake smiles on their faces.

Ye smiled lightly, pretending not to notice, and responded to everyone one by one.

"Morning, Mr. Ye!"

Lao Wan also came out when he heard the commotion outside, and greeted Ye Feng with a smiling face.

Ye Feng nodded.

"What is this for?"

Seeing everyone gathered in front of a computer, Ye Feng asked curiously.

Lao Wan glanced at the group of editors, and explained with a smile: "Everyone is waiting for traffic statistics." Afraid that Ye Feng still didn't understand, Lao Wan continued: "In the circle of celebrities, there is a detailed statistics. It will update the traffic situation of major websites every day, which is also the main basis for determining how much traffic a website has.”

Ye Feng was taken aback, "There is still this function in the circle? Why haven't I seen it?" Ye Feng is also very familiar with the celebrity circle now, but he has never seen the function that Lao Wan mentioned.

Lao Wan smiled, "This is the internal port of each major company. Only those who have been audited by the celebrity circle can have this function. After all, traffic data can be regarded as internal information of the company, and it will not be released to the public. public."

"oh, I see."

After Lao Wan explained it like this, Ye Feng understood that this is only available to major companies, and ordinary people do not have this authority.

"Did the data come out?" Ye Feng was also a little curious, and he also wanted to know what the website traffic was like yesterday.

An editor replied: "Not yet, it will be soon, there are still three to five minutes."

At this time, several people came in from outside.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Lan Tian and the others.

The faces of these editors turned ugly. What does Lan Tianlai mean?
Ye Feng also raised his eyebrows, "What are you doing here?"

Lan Tian smiled happily, "Didn't you hear that Mr. Ye made a big move yesterday? I'll also come over to worship and see how your results are." After he finished speaking, the people next to him Everyone who came laughed.

Obviously, Lan Tian brought people here to laugh at Ye Feng.Of course, Lan Tian couldn't hide what happened yesterday.

How dare Ye Feng do this?
Turned the news department into a shock department!Lan Tian almost died laughing last night!
Lan Tian admired Ye Feng, this is indeed a famous professor!


This is talented!

This brain circuit is really different from ordinary people!

"Come on, let me see, isn't it out yet?" Lan Tian stepped forward, pushed away the editor sitting in front of the computer, and lay down in front of the computer desk.

"It's out." A person behind Lan Tian shouted, "Mr. Lan, let's take a look at our game data first, or I'm afraid that Mr. Ye and his side will be too high later and scare us!"


These words immediately caused a burst of laughter from these people.

The faces of the people in the news department were all ugly, Lao Wan also pulled the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, Mr. Lan and the others are too bullying!

"Mr. Ye..."

Ye Feng shook his head at him, and said to the man calmly: "You are right, if you don't read yours first, you will have no chance."

Seeing Ye Feng go back so confidently, the group of editors applauded.Don't look at President Ye who doesn't know anything and will mess around, but the relationship between them is really strong enough!He didn't give Lan Tian any face!
"Ha ha."

Lan Tian sneered twice, although he didn't dare to talk back to Ye Feng, but after reading the data later, he must bury you!

Lan Tian came here today to see Ye Feng's jokes!To be honest, he really didn't dare to say anything about merging Ye Feng's news department, but it's disgusting, he's the head office, right?
At this time, Lan Tian had already clicked on the sub-list of "Small Web Games". In this list, all the small game areas set up by major domestic online platforms to increase daily traffic are listed.

There are ten websites on each page. Lan Tian directly clicked on the third page. He knew that vc's ranking of small games is almost at this level. The first few pages are all super giants in the Internet industry. Although vc is not small, But compared to those, it is still a bit worse.

Sure enough, on the third page, "vc free tour" is listed, ranking No. 20 three!

"Congratulations, Mr. Lan, we have risen two more!"

"Thanks to Mr. Lan's leadership!"

"It's not a dream for us to squeeze into the top [-] according to this momentum!"

A group of Lan Tian's younger brothers expressed their congratulations one after another, while Lao Wan's expressions became even uglier.

Not only is it ranked high, but the statistics behind it are also very eye-catching!

More than 400 million traffic!
This has surpassed the best time for their news department!

You know, the average daily traffic of vc browser is almost 1000 million!And Lan Tian's mini-game has already reached 400 million!This is a terrible thing!Although many people know about his small game because they need to use vc, the traffic is not fake, his game department has really made a huge contribution to increasing the traffic of the website!
Moreover, I heard that the traffic was still 300 million yesterday, why is it directly 400 million today?This is too scary!

The editors of the news department still looked uglier and more depressed than the other!
It's really cold now, how can I compare it with others?

Rely on Mr. Ye's shock department?

Pull it down.

"How is it, Mr. Ye?" Lan Tian smiled brightly, triumphantly.

Facing Lan Tian's ridicule, Ye Feng just glanced at him, and then said lightly: "Look at the news flow."

"Hehe, Mr. Ye still wants to watch the news flow? Okay, just take a look."

Lan Tian laughed, moved the mouse, and clicked on the classified list of "Web News".Like the one just now, there are ten websites on one page, but in terms of web news, vc usually ranks on the fifth page, after all, there are too many websites dedicated to news.

Lan Tian directly clicked on the fifth page.

Everyone looked over quickly.


Everyone's heart was half cold, the fifth page, without their "vc news"!
Lan Tian burst into laughter with a "puchi", "You fell out of the top fifty, Mr. Ye?" Laughing at Ye Feng, he clicked on the next page.

Page six, still nothing.

The editors carefully read it several times, no!

The editors looked at Ye Feng sadly, you must be bragging!Are you okay now?He fell out of the top sixty!
Never before!

Don't let him say that he fell out of the top [-], when will we go to the top [-] abroad?
When is it not firmly occupying the top five positions on the fifth page?

Now I can't even find it on page six!
"Look at No.60." Lan Tian clicked to the seventh page with a smile on his face.

Lan Tian didn't even expect that "vc news" hadn't been seen on the seventh page?
isn't it?
Did it fall to page eight?

Thinking of this, Lan Tian was a little speechless, "Mr. Ye, you are really a talent, you really set a record in history!"

The people next to him sneered and shook their heads, while those editors, including Lao Wan, all looked ashen.However, Ye Feng's expression remained the same, even a slight smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Feng was a little worried at first, but when he saw that the seventh page was missing, Ye Feng's heart fell into his stomach instead.

Lan Tian turned to the eighth page again.

isn't it?
not yet?
Page Nine!
I wipe!not yet!

The tenth page, this is already the last page, this list only has the top [-] data!
All the editors clenched their fists, they must be there, they must be there, if there is no last page, then it is really doomed, falling out of a hundred, even Ye Feng's background is not good enough, He may be fine, but it is estimated that their group of editors will definitely be fired!
Especially Lao Wan, he is sweating profusely now, and his heart is panicked!
Boss Su asked him to help Ye Feng, but this is how it ended up?Mr. Su must not kill him!
Lao Wan didn't believe it at all, and read it back and forth several times!But, just not!

It's over now!
Lao Wan's eyes are glazed over, and all the editors are also in mourning!

Looking at Ye Feng's eyes, I can't wait to eat this relationship!
Grass!It's all his fault that you've been fooling around!Now it's really dead!

Even Lan Tian couldn't stand it any longer, "Mr. Ye, if you don't understand me, don't command me. Look at what you've done to the company? Falling out of the top [-]? It's unheard of! Let me tell you ..."

"What are you talking about, Chichi?"

Ye Feng pulled Lan Tianpa aside impatiently, you kid still educate me?Expansive, right?
"Ye Feng! Don't be too arrogant!"

Being pulled by Ye Feng like a little chicken, this made Lan Tian angry.

"Wait, you ruined the news department, I'll go and ask Su Ke how to deal with it! Hmph!" Lan Tian looked ugly. Although Ye Feng had a strong relationship, the company also had company rules.

"Who said I ruined the news department?" Ye Feng glanced at him, then walked to the computer by himself, held the mouse, and slowly clicked to the fourth page.

Lan Tian was stunned for a moment, seeing Ye Feng's action, he sneered and said, "You don't think you can be on the first four pages, do you? Dreaming!"

Sure enough, neither did the fourth page!
In fact, both Lan Tian and Lao Wan knew that the first four pages were impossible!After all, those websites are all dedicated to news, what can you do better than others?
However, Ye Feng didn't care about those, and just looked at it for himself.

On the third page, no.

The second!
"Hehe, what's the matter, die... I'll wipe it!" Lan Tian, ​​who was originally smiling, suddenly widened his eyes and burst into a foul language.

Immediately afterwards, the news department rang out bursts of exclamations!
"I wipe!"

"how is this possible?"

"Oh my God!"

"My God! Is this fake?"

"I read it wrong! I must have read it wrong!"

At this moment, looking at the computer, no one can believe their eyes!
What is this Nima?

The last place on the first page - "vc news"!
No. [-]?

I'll go to your second uncle!

Looking at this ranking, Lan Tian was stunned from the inside out!
The people around are all dumbfounded!

tenth! ! ! !
Is this Nima a data error?

A news push category for browsers, which is actually ranked tenth?How many professional news networks have been killed by this shit?How can it be!

The office area immediately exploded!

Looking back at the data, there was a sound of gasping for air!Everyone looked pale!He is like seeing a ghost!
3000 million!
3000 million!
The average daily traffic of his entire vc is only 1000 million!
One of your news feeds actually has 3000 million traffic?
three times!
It's three times the size!

Absolutely impossible!
This is so unscientific!
(End of this chapter)

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