Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 248 The storm is coming!

Chapter 248 The storm is coming!

Bangzi is very angry, but Huaxia's netizens are also very angry!

"Pu Yijian has become a victim?"

"As cowardly as he is, he still wants to abuse me, Dahuaxia? I'm still shady, so he deserves it, too?"

"What is the purpose of the national media to guide public opinion in this way? Do you really think that China is easy to bully?"

"Do you really understand the facts one by one? How dare you bark? I have never seen such a brazen person!"

"It's impossible to release Park Yijian! He broke the law and must be punished!"

In the public channel of Huaxia Celebrity Circle, there is already a lot of scolding, not only Pu Yijian's idiot fans, but also many netizens who poured in from Bangguo, and even many foreign students studying in Huaxia.



"Park Ouba must be released!"

"As a Chinese, I feel ashamed!"



There is stick language, but also Chinese, anyway, it is a mess.

Ye Feng just glanced at it a few times, and didn't take it seriously at all. If talking about it was useful, wouldn't my Greater China agree with the whole world long ago?
Turning on the game, Mr. Ye continued to start his day's work, and this matter was forgotten by him in a blink of an eye.

However, just a seemingly innocuous incident in Ye Feng, it intensified.I don't know if the Bangguo government really values ​​Park Yijian or what, anyway, the media on their side has been fueling the flames, and several influential Korean stars have stepped forward to support Park Yijian. Park Yijian's various encounters in Huaxia are greatly fabricated and exaggerated.Now, I don't know how many people have joined in, but the fans of these Korean stars are usually hundreds of thousands!For a moment, almost the whole country of Bangguo was furious!
The influx of IPs from many countries into the country has alarmed China's Internet Supervision Bureau!

Looking at the tens of thousands of overseas IPs, the network supervisors were shocked, but after they checked, they found out that it was a joke!

A false alarm.

This kind of thing happened not once or twice.Not to mention it is a great country, which of these neighboring countries in Greater China has never been angry?Fight against the Japanese, hate the monkey, hate the third... These are all commonplace!

The network supervisor didn't care either.

And at this moment, a group of people are quietly planning a "war" on a self-made chat software in Bang Country!
"Everyone here?" a person named Air sent a message.

Oupin: "There are still a few places left, but it's almost the same."

"Forget it, that's it, don't wait." It seems that Air has more prestige among this group of people.

"It's already possible to do it, we people are more than enough to abuse them!" hgsz said.

The following group of people laughed and said very relaxedly: "With the leader of Air, it's too easy to abuse Huaxia. There is no Huaxia in the top ten hackers in the world."

"That's right, Master Air is ranked ninth, so there is no pressure in this operation!"

Air is more cautious, "Don't take it lightly, China has a population of 13 billion, maybe Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Although there are no Chinese hackers in the top ten hackers in the world, don't forget that Y, L, and S, who ranked the top three in the world back then, may They are all Chinese!"

Oupin was a little unconcerned, "God Air, you are too cautious. Now more than 20 years have passed since their era. How long have they disappeared? Even if they are still there now, how old are they? This era , it no longer belongs to them!"

"That's right, Lord Air, don't worry."

"The Chinese hackers have fallen."

"Could China's overall strength still rank in the top ten now? If it weren't for their large population base, I'm afraid they would have fallen out of the top twenty long ago!"

Air seemed to be silent for a while, and then sent another message: "Huaxia, there must be masters!" Air's tone was firmer. They felt that Huaxia's decline was very complete. That's because they haven't reached Air's level yet. They don't quite know.But Air has heard that last year, the security department of the United States was breached by foreign forces, and in the end it was traced to Huaxia!However, there is no direct evidence that it is someone or force in Huaxia who did it. We only know that the IP belongs to Huaxia!

"Expert? That's just what I want! At worst, I can't believe how many strong people are left in a declining empire!"

"That's right, I heard that the Matrix established by Huaxia more than 20 years ago made the whole world frightened. Unfortunately, I was not born in that era. I would like to see how much Huaxia still has without the three great gods Y, L, and S." strength!"

"Hehe, if the three of Y and the others are still there, maybe we really can't see enough, but it's wishful thinking to rely on the so-called masters in Huaxia to stop us!"

"Everyone should be careful. Since God Air said that, he has his reasons. However, I am really looking forward to meeting this former Matrix! Thinking about it, I still have some expectations!"

Although God Air reminded him, few of these people took it seriously.

Indeed, this group of people is really powerful and defiant!In other words, they have the strength to look down on China now!

Needless to say, Air is the ninth super giant in the world!He has participated in many world-class hacker wars, and even in the battle where he became a god five years ago, he destroyed a country by himself!He alone directly brought down the network of a country in Eastern Europe!

In addition to him, like Oupin, he is also a well-known existence in the world hacker circle, known as 'Ou43'!This nickname is because the world hacker ranking has undergone several major reshuffles, but he has always been ranked 43, which has not changed for seven years!This strength can be called terrifying!
There is also that person named bgsz, although he is not ranked very high in the world, he is very popular in the country of Bang. This person has repeatedly attacked the financial network of the country of Bang, sweeping away huge amounts of money again and again.Up to now, he is the most wanted criminal on the Internet in Bangguo, but what is surprising is that Bangguo has spent several years, but he doesn't even know whether bgsz is a man or a woman.

Some of the remaining people are also well-known figures in the hacker world. Some are veteran professional hackers, some are national security experts wearing vests, and some are even people from state departments.In short, no one here knows the real identity of the other party, but they all know that the other party has good hacking skills.

After a moment.

Air said again: "The opportunity has been created very well. Countless IPs have poured into Huaxia. Let's all prepare for it. Our purpose is very simple, which is to force Huaxia to release Park Yijian! Of course, what to do Everyone understands, right?"



"Be careful to cover yourself, find more 'broilers', and let Huaxia know that our people did it, but you must not reveal your IP!" Air instructed.

"Don't worry, I know all the tricks!"

"Hey, I can't wait to torture the former empire of Huaxia!"

"Huaxia! Who dared to compete with it? Hahaha!"

"We're not bullying the elderly, are we? Haha!"

"Heh, you may not know that, more than 20 years ago, that guy Y abused our country again and again. It is a shame for us! Today we are going to abuse those seniors back, and it is also a way to help them vent their anger. Already!"

"Isn't that killing two birds with one stone?"

"Okay, let's get ready!" Air said, seeing what these people said, Air was also deeply touched, thinking how powerful Huaxia was in the hacker world back then?



These three people are simply three mountains on the heads of all the hackers in the world, especially Y, which simply exceeds the limit of human beings! Air has become a god when one person destroys one country, but it is said that Y once fought the world alone!He beat all the top hackers in the world all by himself!That was the time that completely broke the psychology of all the top hackers in the world.

At that time, Huaxia had the final say in the world of hackers!

No one even dared to resist!
It's a pity that Y, L, and S, the three legendary figures who once forged the Chinese Empire, have already withdrawn from history.Today's China is really a declining empire.

The hackers of the stick country have shown their sharp fangs, and may pounce on this aging empire at any time.

Many hacker forces in the world or the security departments of some countries have all set their sights on this mysterious east.Everyone wants to know, how much strength is left in this once mighty empire?After so many years, it is said that the Chinese hacker community has declined, but no one has dared to really break into the Chinese mainland!
This invasion of Bang Kingdom is the first time since those three disappeared!
(End of this chapter)

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