Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 249 God S reappears in the rivers and lakes?

Chapter 249 God S reappears in the rivers and lakes?
in the afternoon.

The hacker war has ended for more than an hour.

But the anger of the Chinese people on the Internet has intensified.

"These bastards are deceiving people too much!"

"The major websites on the Internet were paralyzed for more than half an hour. This group of sticks is too hateful!"

"How do you know it's a stick?"

"Nonsense! Every one of those websites says 'Release Park Yijian'. Do you think it's a stick?"

"It's impossible to release Pu Yijian! Wait for him to sit in prison! You bastard!"

"You want hackers to put pressure on us? These grandchildren underestimate us!"

"So many websites in our country have been hacked, this is a blatant slap in the face!"

"Where are the hackers in our country?"

"It's all done. If it wasn't for private hackers who came forward, we would have been killed this time!"

"Yes, I must give them a thumbs up this time!"

"Ma De, why don't our people fight back? Just wait for the country to attack us? What a loser!"

"Hey, I remember that there was a hacker war that broke out back then. We were so powerful in China at that time! The whole world dared not beep!"

Bangguo hacked many domestic portals so arrogantly, the people in the country were naturally filled with righteous indignation, and they screamed angrily.What the hell is it that Pu Yijian insults China first, and we can just arrest him out of reason?First, a group of sticks came over to spray, and then even used hackers to sabotage?What the hell is when we Huaxia are easy to bully, right?

"Can't sit still!"

"It must be tasted with blood, and our loss must be paid by the country!"

"That's right, they must be taught a lesson!"

"I wipe! It's started again!"


"Bangzi has made a comeback! Mango video can no longer be opened!"

"The southeast news website is full of curse words! I'm so pissed off!"

No one expected that the battle that had just stopped for less than two hours would start again!

Numerous websites in China have been compromised again. If there are any websites in China that have not been affected, then there are only two places left: "Celebrity Circle" and "Heaven and Myriad Worlds".No one dares to attack these two places, no matter how powerful a hacker you are, you will never dare to attack these two places.It can be said that these two places are restricted areas for hackers!
But apart from these two places, some other websites have fallen one after another!
The offensive this time is much more violent than the last one!

Moreover, Huaxia was caught off guard, and no one expected that the Bang people would make a comeback so soon!
After the domestic network monitors and private hackers reacted, it was already too late!

This time, the number of hackers in the country is huge, and the number of masters has skyrocketed!

Especially Air, Sam, Oupin, and bgsz, no one can stop them!
The hackers of Bang Country, like a torrent, directly broke down the levee of Huaxia!

Wei C Technology.

Ye was still playing games, and no one reported these things to him.

Ye Feng is more leisurely than anyone else, but those people in the technical department are too busy!

"It's over! We collapsed again!"

"I can't stop it!"

"The opponent is too strong!"

"Oh, there's no other way, even if Luoshen helps us, we can't stop it."

The people in the technical department were ashamed. They had tried their best, but they were completely helpless in the face of the hackers in the country!

At this time, the director of the technical department looked gloomy, walked to a corner, and took out his mobile phone.

"Hey, Mr. Su, are you busy? Hmm, something happened, you can find out after you go online."

top floor.

Su Ke was in a meeting, put down his phone and frowned, "Okay, let's stop here today."

After speaking, Su Ke hurried back to his office.

Looking online, a gleam of light flashed in Su Ke's eyes!
Hack Wars!

The country of sticks?
"You go out first." Su Ke said to the secretary: "If someone asks me to report on work, just say I'm home, understand?"

The secretary was taken aback, "Oh, I understand." Although he didn't understand Su Ke's meaning, it would be fine to follow what the boss said, and there was no need to understand it.

When the secretary went out, Su Ke locked the door of the office.

He took out a black notebook from under the desk, and found a USB flash drive, as if he copied something into it.Then, he tapped on the keyboard.


In a temporary dialog box called "Front Alliance".

"Almost the whole line collapsed, what should I do?"

A person named "wase" asked, he is a person of the network supervisor.

However, no one replied to him.

How to do?
How can this be done?
They were all beaten into dogs!

What else can be done?
In the dialog box, it seemed lifeless.

After a while, someone said: "Hold on, they will leave sooner or later."

Wase asked indignantly, "" "Still? Just like this? Let them destroy everywhere without restraint?"

"Otherwise, what can I do!"

That person is also very aggrieved, suffering!Who wants to suffer so aggrievedly?But so what?

No one is reconciled, but there is no other way.

In the dialog box, Huaxia's hacker masters, like Luoshen and Cangwu, did not speak, which is a shame!China's shame!

But no one can do anything!

I can only endure it!
This is not a solution!

We can only wait for those stick hackers to retreat by themselves!

At this moment, suddenly an ip invaded the dialog box!

Everyone turned pale with fright, this dialog box was temporarily made by them, it is impossible for outsiders to invade!Even those hackers in the great country can't find this place!
There was a layer of sweat on everyone's foreheads, they were really frightened!
"Has the glory of the past been abandoned?"

A seemingly abrupt sentence popped out of the dialog box.

Everyone was stunned, but when they saw the person's name clearly, they were all stunned.


Simple one letter!
Just one S!

It shocked everyone!

I don't know how many hackers looked at this name, dumbfounded!
Is this really God S?
Everyone is amazed!
Because the hacker's name is just a code name, you can choose whatever you want, anyone can use the name "S"!

However, since Y, L, and S swept the world that year, in order to show respect for the three, no one else dared to use these three letters.Is this a noob who doesn't understand anything?
But as soon as this idea came out, it was instantly rejected by everyone.If it was Xiaobai, how could he directly invade this dialog box?Those who can intrude into this dialog box don't need to question his strength anymore!

Great God!

Definitely the level of a great god!

Could it be that God S really reappeared?

Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "Ah! It has been taken back! Even the loopholes have been plugged!"

"Look at the official website, a firewall has been set up! Oh my god, it turned out to be a temporary firewall of the [-]S level!"

Even Luoshen, who hadn't spoken all this time, posted a message: "The official website has been restored! I've taken over!"

Cang Wu also hurriedly said: "Hurry up, the three major websites have regained control, come and fix the website!"

"Ah? My account on has been kicked out, and Bangguo has... I wiped it? has returned to normal? Is this my own? Why did you kick me!"

But no one paid attention to him, everyone was excited!

Definitely God S!
Who else would dare to use this name?
Who else has this strength besides Huaxia?
In less than 10 minutes, half of the lost ground was recovered!
God!This is the real God!
"The ip of someone in Bangguo was picked up by God S!"

"It's Oupin! It's Oupin!"

"Quick, publish his personal information globally immediately! Put pressure on the government of the country and arrest him immediately!"

Oupin had only been wrestling with God S for so long, and God S picked up all the information?

So fucking strong!

stick country.

"S! It turned out to be God S!" bgsz said in horror.

"Hasn't God S disappeared for more than 20 years? How could he appear suddenly!" Oupin also roared, he was accidentally breached by S, and all his personal information was exposed!It can be said that Oupin is finished!His best destination is to play for the national government.

Even Sam gasped, "God S? Impossible! This is impossible!"

Air was also in shock, "Retreat! Everyone retreat immediately!"

Seeing the name "S", the group of hackers in Bangguo immediately panicked.A group of people returned to Bang Country in a panic, and even because of the panic, many hackers in Bang Country didn't have time to deal with the traces they left, so many people were found out their real identities!
No way, any hacker will be shocked when he sees the name "S", especially the opponent's strength is extremely abnormal!
No one is not afraid!



These three names are the three nightmares in the hearts of hackers in the world!

Not only the hackers in the country were scared to death, but even the other forces who watched the battle in secret were soaked in cold sweat after seeing this "S".

Could it be that God S really reappeared?
Thinking of this, I don't know how many people felt a chill in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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