Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 250 Enemies all over the world!

Chapter 250 Enemies all over the world!


Could it be that God S really returned?

When seeing this name, I don't know how many people shuddered!
A simple letter, but it carries too many things.Maybe, God S is not as dazzling as God Y, nor as sharp as God L, but he is the most respectable god among the three!
Back then, God S fought against European and American countries. He faced countless hackers from many countries alone, and fought for three days and three nights!In the end, he dragged down the entire Western Internet forces by himself!
Not even Y and L can match this perseverance!

Everyone is scared!

They are really scared!
S's reputation is too appalling!
Bangguo, on a certain chat software.

Sam: "Oupin has been arrested."

Air: "Well, I already know."

Bgsz "What should we do now? God S is really too strong, almost incomprehensible!"

Speaking of the sudden appearance of S, everyone fell silent for an instant.

Really too strong!

After a while, Air said: "Actually, whether this is God S or not is still uncertain."

"Indeed, God S has disappeared for more than 20 years, how could he appear so suddenly?" Sam also asked.

After the initial panic, now Air and the others have slowed down.

Is this really God S?
Perhaps in the eyes of a hacker at the level of bgsz, this S is really too strong to understand, but in the eyes of Air and Sam, this S seems to be far from the legendary S god.It is true that they have not experienced that era, and they have no way of knowing how strong the real God S is.But if God S is really only at this level, it seems that the name is not worthy of the name!

Air: "Wait and see, whether he is real or not, we will find out soon."

"?" bgsz puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Sam said faintly: "Soon, China will be in chaos."

Everyone was stunned, but then seemed to understand what it meant.



A group of top hackers has assembled.

亅 (US), the seventh-ranked super hacker in the world: "For this 'S', what do you guys think?"

"I don't know if it's true or not, but he's a strong man!" This was said by You, who is from the Eagle Country and ranks fifth in the world's hacker list!
"Everyone is well aware of Air's technology, and with Sam and Oupin helping him, he didn't take advantage of it at all. Even Oupin himself fell into it. This person is terrible!" Three Keyou - the No.1 hacker in the Middle East, and the eighth existence on the world hacker list!
Tojo (Japanese): "Perhaps, this is really God S! After all, a great god with such skills cannot be an unknown person!"

After he finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

Yes, what Tojo said had some truth.

After a long time, you said quietly: "Their era is over, isn't it? Even if he is the real S God, so what?"


"They're getting old!"

"The legend of God S has lasted for more than 20 years, and it should end."

At this time, existence gg, who ranked fourth in the world rankings, appeared, "70.00% of this S is fake."

Everyone was taken aback, but no one refuted.

Indeed, with the strength of these people, in fact, everyone has their own basic judgment deep in their hearts.However, everyone hopes that he is the real God S!Everyone actually subconsciously hopes that God S can only use such strength!
"But I'm not [-]% sure." Tojo said, "I'd like to try it."

"Hehe, whether it's true or not, this is indeed a rare master!"

"If you want to find out if it's true or not, why don't you all go there and test the waters together? The legendary God S, that's one man who is in charge of everything!"

"Hehe, if you can defeat the former glory, what a wonderful scene it would be!"

Suddenly, a person named Ling said: "At seven o'clock tonight, hunt Huaxia!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of zero, everyone was stunned for a moment, this is the third super giant on the world rankings today!He showed up?
Moreover, what does he mean by this?
Hunting China?

Everyone's eyes lit up at once!


"Must be there!"

"Hehe, let's verify and verify whether this S is true or not."

"I hope you don't disappoint me!"

With Zero's leadership, this group of peak hackers who were already eager to try suddenly regained their spirits.


You will know at night whether you are true or false!

In the evening, after get off work.

Mr. Ye went home happily.

When I got home, Her Lady Queen has already prepared dinner.

Ye Feng saw that the food in the kitchen had been prepared, but there was no sign of Su Ning.

"Ningning? Ningning?"

Ye Feng changed into his slippers and yelled twice.

"Papa! Papa!"

Su Ning didn't show up, but the little baby ran out of the room hearing the sound.

Looking at his daughter, Ye Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

"Daddy hugs! I miss dad!"

Ye Feng picked up little Yiyi who was rushing over, he was quite busy recently, plus Yiyi was always with his father-in-law, Ye Feng hadn't seen the little baby for several days.I didn't expect Su Ning to bring the baby back today, it's not bad, give my wife a thumbs up!

The little guy put his arms around Ye Feng's neck and gave his father a sweet treat.It can be seen that the little guy misses Ye Feng a lot since he hasn't seen his father for several days.

"Where's mom?"

Ye Feng hugged the baby for a while and then asked.

"Mom is fixing the computer. Mom said the computer is broken."

The little guy told his father in a childish voice.

Someone Ye was a little surprised, repairing the computer?Does Su Ning still have this skill?

Holding the baby in his arms, Ye Feng went to the study.


Ye Feng dragged out a long tone.

Su Ning sat in front of the computer desk without looking back, "Are you back? You should take your daughter to dinner first."

"Don't do it now, let's eat first." Ye Feng hugged Yiyi and went over, seeing Su Ning's so-called repairing the computer, Ye was dumbfounded, "Come on, don't do it, I will do it after dinner." .”

Su Ning's so-called computer repair!
Just keep refreshing and restarting!What problem can this solve?

"Can you fix it?" Su Ning pouted and said, "I don't know what happened today, many softwares can't be opened, is this computer old?"

Ye Feng smiled and said: "Maybe, let's go eat first, and I'll take a look after dinner."

"Hmm~" Su Ning thought for a while, "Okay."

The family of three went to eat harmoniously.

But at this time, the Internet has already exploded!
I don't know how many overseas hacker forces launched a fierce attack on Huaxia at the same time!

What's even more frightening is that six of the top ten super masters in the world's hacker rankings suddenly appeared!
"No! I can't stand it anymore!"

"Come help me quickly! CCTV is about to fall!"

"Grass! I was implanted with a virus!"

"Made! How come there is an IP of Eagle Country?"

"How many people are there? They are almost catching up with our Huaxia people!"

"What's going on with these Suns? Why are they all here to join in the fun?"

Enemy all over the world!

This time it is really the enemy of the world!
The United States, the Eagle Country, the Japanese Country, the Bang Country, the Middle East, Asan, Russia, etc., are simply countless forces, all of them are here!All are attacking Huaxia crazily!

Although Huaxia has been continuously joined by hackers, the number of opponents is really too much!Too much!
And the most frightening thing is that their technology is even better than Huaxia's!
Complete abuse!

It's really cruel!
Now, everyone can only count on God S!

"Come on!"

"Repelled Air! God S did a good job!"

"Ah! Not good, God S has entered the opponent's trap!"

"My God! God S has actually come out?"

"Zero! It turned out to be zero!"

"There are also 亅, you, Sankeyou, Tojo...they surrounded God S!"


"So many people bully God S? Paralyzed! I'm going to help God S!"

"I am coming too!"

China vs. hackers all over the world!

Although you can't see the smoke, the swords and swords on the battlefield are even more intense. If you are not careful, you will be in the abyss!
China's last hope!

Today's Huaxia can still persist so tenaciously, all thanks to God S fighting hard against the heroes alone!

That's right!

It's hard work!

He alone restrained at least [-] top masters of the opponent!
Including zero, you... these six top ten gods in the world!
But S's situation is not good.

You: "It's almost certain, this is not God S!"

"Well, although it is very strong, it must be a fake." Tojo also said.

"If you dare to impersonate God S, he must die!" Yu Evil said fiercely.

"Everyone be careful, although this person is not God S, but he is really strong!" Zero's words reveal caution, although they have determined through hacking methods that this person is not God S, but the strength he has shown Shocking enough too!

There are so many of them, but they still haven't captured him yet!You must know that Zero is the third in the world!There are still so many top helpers in the world, but after such a long time, they are still entangled!

Even though it's fake, it's scary enough!

More and more hackers are entering the battlefield. This time, the hacker war is no longer a simple battle of sticks, but has evolved into a bloody battle for China to resist the invasion of the world!
Enemy all over the world!

A scuffle!
(End of this chapter)

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