Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 251 represents invincibility!

Chapter 251 represents invincibility!

It turned out to be Y!

Seeing this name, I don't know how many Chinese people were so excited that they shed tears!

Although, they knew that this Y must also be fake!
However, seeing Y, L, and S gods appearing at the same time again, everyone still couldn't restrain the excitement in their hearts!
These three people represent the pinnacle of Chinese hackers!

It represents invincibility!

It represents the power that makes the whole world tremble!
The fighting has temporarily stopped.

There was a fire in the backyard, and the hackers immediately became a little confused, and even some masters withdrew directly. Huaxia took advantage of the situation to fight back and successfully drove the intruders out.One website after another returned to normal.

Huaxia, whether it was the people participating in the battle or the people watching the battle, all cheered.

"Great! Finally kicked out these bastards!"

"God Y! You're so awesome!"

"Although I know it's fake, I still can't help being excited!"

"How do you know it's fake?"

"Nonsense, God Y has disappeared for more than 20 years, and God S and God L in front are fake, you say this Y is real or fake?"

"Whether it's true or not, the three of them are our heroes!"

"Yes, they are worthy of the names Y, L, and S!"

"God Y is too fierce. In such a short period of time, he has crossed seventeen countries by himself. He is invincible!"

"God Y is not only awesome in technology, but also in literary talent!"

Someone posted screenshots from abroad.

"Fuck me, whoever offends China will be punished even if it is far away? Is the Emperor Wu of the Han behind him? This sentence is paired with this picture, how domineering!"

"This sentence makes my blood boil!"

"Aren't hackers all men of science? Can they write such sentences? Isn't that too strong?"

"Who told you that those who study science don't understand literature? Have you forgotten someone?"

"Damn, Professor Ye! Isn't this a living example? He is a world-class mathematician, so he is still a well-known literary figure both at home and abroad?"

"That's right, Professor Ye can do both arts and sciences, so it's not unusual for this Y to have such abilities."

"They're all bosses!"

"I am very lucky in Huaxia. There was Professor Ye in the past and the second generation Y! Huaxia must prosper!"

"Second generation Y? That's a good word!"

The people in Huaxia are talking about it, and all kinds of words are emerging one after another, and they are jubilant.Some people are amazed by the strength of the second generation Y, others are amazed by his literary talents, and some even think of Ye Feng, who can say almost anything.

Those who offend me China will be punished even if they are far away!

Han Wu whip map!
This sentence, this picture, put together is the most appropriate.

My Huaxia's thousand-year-old arrogance is undoubtedly revealed at this moment!


The hackers finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ha, now the gods Y, L, and S have reappeared like this."

"I don't know which three great gods they are." Luoshen felt a little regretful, these three people were naturally not the real Y, L, and S, it's a pity that they don't know their real identities.

"Whatever, anyway, they will be the real three gods in my mind from now on!" Cang Wu said.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for S and L who withstood the pressure, and finally Y with a thunderous blow, we'd be afraid..." The words didn't finish, but everyone understood what he meant.

"What's the situation with Y now?" Wase, as the leader of the network supervisor, knew that Y was committing a crime, but he didn't say a word.You are allowed to set fire, but we are not allowed to light lamps?joke!The sage has long said, how to repay virtue for virtue?Repay kindness with kindness, and repay grievances with grievances!
"I went out to have a look just now, God and a group of masters have already started chasing Y, but it seems that no trace of God Y has been found yet."

"Haven't found any traces of God Y? I'll wipe it! Isn't he too strong? It's been 5 minutes, right? That's God leading the team!"

After hearing the news, everyone was secretly surprised, this Y seemed a little too strong!

Suddenly, Luo Shen said: "Their website has already started repairing!"

"Huh? Could it be that God Y was caught?" Someone asked worriedly.

"Hehe, how is it possible, Y I have been watching the battle, God and they haven't found Y until now, look, the Japanese website has fallen again!"

"Bangguo's website was repaired... dizzy, it fell again in less than two seconds? Isn't this too scary?"

"This God Y is playing God and the others like walking dogs!"

At this time, Wase said: "Everyone, take the time to rest first, don't waste the time God Y worked so hard to create, those bastards will definitely not let it go!"

Luoshen also said: "Yes, everyone, take a break!"

"Okay! I'm looking at it and I'll take a rest in a while."

Cang Wu said: "I'll take a look too, I think God Y may make big moves, after all he said that he will be punished even if he is far away! Now God Y has been hiding and hiding, and he can't show the domineering of these words! "

When he said that, everyone was a little surprised.

That's right, didn't God Y say, "Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away"?Such a domineering sentence, if you just hide and pull with them like this, it will have no deterrent effect at all!
God Y must have follow-up actions!
Luoshen asked suspiciously: "He is going around in circles like this, seems to be delaying time?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but then they found out.

What is he going to do?
No one can guess.

At the same time, both Su Ke and Lin Yi had already stopped their hands. While moving their wrists, they were paying attention to the "Y" that suddenly appeared. Even, the two of them were still testing each other constantly.

Perhaps, in the eyes of ordinary people, Y, L, and S represent only the supreme glory of the hacker world, but for Su Ke and Lin Yi, these three names represent too many meanings.

In fact, the two of them already vaguely knew who this "Y" was. It seemed that, except for that person, no one dared to use this name, right?Just like "L" and "S", except for them, no one in the hacker world would dare to use it fraudulently, right?
However, if this "L" is really that person, isn't he too perverted?

And at this time, in the international group, the faces of all the top hackers are quite ugly.


Y you uncle!
Why did he do this again?

Are you interested?

The whole S scares away those sticks once, and then you are addicted, right?

A fake S is not enough, and then you made a fake L, and now even Nima’s Y is out?

Seeing this Y, everyone immediately wanted to capture him and kill him by coincidence!
However, after they did it, they realized that this Y is simply a loach, right?
I can't catch it at all!

It's half an hour!
Under the leadership of God, they gathered more than 30 top hackers in the world, and they were actually walked by this fake Y for half an hour?Moreover, what they can't accept the most is that they haven't discovered this Y yet!

Everyone knows that he is in the network of these seventeen countries, but no one knows where he is!Even, several times, Y took over their repaired website again under the noses of everyone!


At this time, even God, who is ranked No. [-] in the world, suddenly realized this terrible fact!

There is such a huge gap between this group of people and this Y in terms of technology!

It is estimated that no one will believe it, God they represent the strongest network technology of this era!There is still such a gap between them and this Y?Or a huge gap?

Thinking of this, everyone felt a little dry.

Air: "Well, he can't be the real Y, right?" Air's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Impossible!" God, who hadn't shown up all this time, appeared, "This is not Y! He's just good at escaping. Let's stop catching him and continue attacking Huaxia! If we directly defeat Huaxia, I don't believe he won't come back!"

"But what if he attacks our country from the rear?" Tojo asked worriedly.

"Hmph! He is alone, what are you afraid of? Let him attack, and I will see who is faster!" God said viciously.

"it is good!"

"Force him to show himself!"


After chasing for a long time but still not being able to catch up, this group of top masters are going to be fuming.

Can't catch up, right?
Then let's bully Huaxia, aren't you sure you will be punished even if you are far away?come!Come and kill me!

In an instant, this group of top hackers returned to Huaxia with full of anger!

Seeing those hackers who had been chasing him all retreat, Ye Feng in front of the computer showed a sneer, he was waiting for this moment!
With Ye Feng's skills, let alone let them chase him, as long as Ye Feng is willing, they can't even find a shadow!The reason why Ye Feng has been walking them, of course, is not playing, he is really delaying time!

And now, the time is just right.

No one would believe it, but Ye Feng was able to create a virus while being chased and intercepted by more than 30 top hackers in the world!

That's right!

It's a virus!

From the very beginning, Ye Feng had already thought about it. It would be unrealistic to drive out these bastards completely.Ye Feng is invincible, but there is only one person. In the face of countless foreign hackers, his point-to-point injuries are all painless.

At this time, someone Ye needs a large area of ​​magic damage!
It can hurt and scare the hackers in the whole world at once, so that they can't spare to come to Huaxia to do things, and even directly make them have a psychological shadow on Huaxia, and dare not commit crimes for the rest of their lives!
And the virus is the magic damage that Ye Feng is going to sacrifice!

A magical damage that can cover the whole world!

Those who offend me China will be punished even if they are far away!

Ye Feng knows that the network technology in this world is much better than the technology in the previous life, and those anti-virus software and firewalls are also quite powerful. Even in this world-renowned hacker war, no one used a virus. Maybe, this world The viruses or Trojan horses are not as eye-catching as in the previous life.

However, that was because they hadn't met Ye Feng.

Yes, the network technology in this world is more powerful than in the previous life!

Yes, the cyber security in this world is better than the previous life!
Yes, the Trojan horses in this world are not as powerful as in the previous life!
But, don't forget, Ye Feng's network technology didn't come from his previous life either!

Although he doesn't know where his technology comes from, he is sure that he is invincible on the Internet in this world!

Virus useless?

Ha ha.

Looking at the virus he made, Ye Feng thought about it, and then tapped the keyboard a few more times.

Since we want to highlight my Huaxia's invincible posture, then this image must be there!
On Ye Feng's computer, a naive cartoon panda appeared, holding three burning incense sticks...

This suddenness, presumably the netizens in the previous life should be familiar with it!
This is the manifestation pattern of "Panda Burning Incense" poisoning!

The virus Ye Feng made was not the "Panda Burning Incense" in his previous life, but since Ye Feng hung this pattern, he simply called it "Panda Burning Incense".

Looking at the cartoon panda burning incense, Ye Feng smiled faintly.

This panda in the previous life was quite distasteful. I don’t know, people in this world, will you “love” our national treasure?

 It's been a long time since I posted the group number: 627919717
  Everyone can come in and practice diving...

(End of this chapter)

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