Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 252 Panda Raids!

Chapter 252 Panda Raids!

The sudden appearance of Y touched the hearts of many people.

In the Bangguo circle, a group of people screamed in anger.

"This bastard, hasn't caught him yet?"

"It is a heinous crime to dare to invade our country's official website!"

"Want him, must want him!"

"The police have issued a warrant for arrest."

"People who rely on the police will definitely not be able to catch it. I wonder if God Air and the others have gained anything?"

"I know a little about network technology and have been watching the battle, but so far, it seems that there has been no progress."

Japanese circle.


"God Tojo will definitely vent his anger on us!"

"That Huaxia pig is waiting to die!"

"He must bear the wrath of the Great Japanese Kingdom!"

"Such an arrogant Chinese person will definitely be killed by our people!"

Eagle Country.

"I heard that the world's top hackers have joined forces?"


"Isn't this a gentleman?"

"Oh, to hell with gentlemen."

"This is war! No gentleman involved!"

"That Y is really strong, I only worship the strong!"

"That's right, God and dozens of them couldn't catch him. I hate to admire this Chinese man. Although he has caused some damage to our country, this is what we provoked first."

"Oh no, wake up, he is our enemy!"

Almost all the seventeen countries whose State Affairs Network was hacked by Ye Feng, such as Xiong Guo, the United States, and the Middle East, are constantly paying attention to the direction of this matter, and many netizens are discussing it on the Internet.

Of course, China's attention is even higher!
Especially the Chinese hackers, almost no one went to rest, and they all stared at the computer.

"God Y has been going around in circles with them for so long?" Wase asked.

"No one knows what God Y is thinking." Luo Shen said silently.

Some people also questioned: "Does this Y feel that he is not strong enough and can only procrastinate like this?"

Of course, his words immediately met with many rebuttals, Cangwu said: "Fart! God Y hasn't been found yet, so you say God's skills are not good?"

"That's right, that's a team led by God. All the top ten hackers participated. Faced with such a lineup, God Y is like playing a monkey. Isn't this technology good?"

"I think God Y's technology has probably surpassed God S and God L!"

"That's right, from now on, God Y is indeed the strongest!"

On the Huaxia side, Minzong on the Internet is also discussing.

"Why doesn't God Y attack?"

"It's not the way to hide like this!"

"The sentence 'Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away' made my blood boil, and then I kept running like this? I fainted!"

"That's right, take out our Huaxia's domineering spirit and directly fuck him!"

"God Y beat them!"

In fact, many people don't know any hacking techniques at all, and they don't even know how to watch the battle. Many news are relayed by domestic hackers.However, this did not affect their high attention to this matter. It was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and many people were staying up late waiting for news. God Y is the first and only Chinese super hacker who broke out of the encirclement. Naturally, everyone's attention is focused on him.Everyone is expecting God Y to do what he says, and those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!

Do not!
Far from enough!

Blood debt must be paid in blood!
What will God Y do?
This is what everyone wants to know!
"Huh? God, they gave up?" Luoshen, who had been watching the battle, wondered, "Aren't they going to continue to encircle God Y?"

"Hahaha! This group of scumbags, so many people can't find God Y together, let's go home, wash up and sleep!" Cang Wu laughed.

"God Y is really cheating!"

"Ah! Not good!"

Suddenly, wase of the network supervisor panicked: "God, they are back!"

"Attention! Attention everyone!"

"These grandchildren are here again!"

"Everyone cheer up!"

"They can't find God Y to vent our anger on us? Made!"

"Stop them!"

All the hackers in Huaxia cheered up in an instant, and they must stand up this time!

"God S has appeared!"

"God L is also joining the battle!"

"Where's God Y?"

"Y come back!"

"God Y, don't waste time, my hometown has been stolen!"

"Damn it, are they trying to use China as a bait to force God Y out?"


The long-term battle consumes too much energy!
At this time, Ye Feng simply ignored God and the others.Ye Feng naturally knew that God and the others went to Huaxia to wreak havoc again, but Ye Feng was not in a hurry, with S and L supporting them, they could at least hold on for a while.

Ye Feng tapped the keyboard quickly, randomly picked out a group of unlucky people on the Internet of Seventeen Countries, a total of [-] computers, and Ye Feng turned them into his own broilers with great effort.

Although Ye is quite confident in his network technology, after all, this is the first time he has made a virus. To be on the safe side, he naturally needs to test it first.

Send a virus.

The first one, successfully infected.

The second one encountered a firewall, but it was cracked by the virus in an instant and successfully infected.

The third one, the system is not compatible, there is no way, what kind of broken system is this bastard using?Can't find one out of a thousand people who use this system!
Number four, huh?antivirus software?Panda Burning Incense was detected, and the anti-virus software as a computer guardian was ready to kill this cute panda, but it was unbelievable that in the next second, Panda Burning Incense uninstalled the anti-virus software on this computer... ...Fuck me, no one will believe this!A virus of yours killed the anti-virus software on other people's computers?What a mess!

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng also smiled.

Other people's viruses can't work, but his can. The virus he made is neither a wormhole type nor a traditional fpt, ​​but it is extremely destructive!

Fifth station, infection.

The sixth station successfully lurks, waiting for the click to take effect...

The seventh station was successfully infected and spread through mailboxes.

The eighth station, a conflict occurred, and the infection failed...


A total of twenty computers, seventeen were successfully infected by Ye Feng!
This infection rate is terrible!

It's close to [-]%!
Seeing the result, Ye Feng sneered, and without wasting any time, he continued to grab "broilers" on the Seventeen Kingdoms network.This time, he is not going to experiment, but to do it directly!

On Huaxia's side, everyone once again fell into a hard fight with me.

"I wipe! I can't stand it anymore!"

"I knew I had gone to the rest meeting just now, but now I can't keep up with my reaction!"

"Where is God Y? Why hasn't he come back yet! Lost?"

"It's not enough to rely on S and L alone. Why did God Y go?"

Another total defeat.

Air asked, "Y hasn't shown up yet?"

You: "No, or he is still hiding."

"I don't believe it anymore, where to buy it, continue, step up efforts!" Sanke You shouted.


However, at this moment, a scene that no one expected happened!Air, one of the main forces of the invasion, suddenly withdrew from the battlefield!
Then there was a hacker from Eagle Country, and then another hacker from America!
One after another, hackers inexplicably quit the battlefield one after another!
"What's going on?" God asked, "Where's Air?"

"I don't know, huh? Why is Tojo gone?" You were also at a loss.

"Could it be that something happened in their hometown again?" A hacker wondered.

At this time, the disconnected Air reappeared, "I'll wipe it! Who the hell installed a virus on my computer?"

Tojo also switched to another computer and came up, "Me too! I wipe it! It's poisoned? It's fake!" Tojo couldn't believe his eyes.

Another hacker said cursingly: "What the hell, I just clicked on that email from Tojo, and I was poisoned!"

"Me? Why the hell am I sending you an email!" Tojo also scolded: "You're a Middle Easterner, I'm in Japan, and I'm sending you an email? I must be sick!"

"Fuck, this is a contagious virus!"

God said angrily: "You don't turn on the protection on your computer? Don't you have any security awareness?"

Air: "How can there be no protection?"

Tojo said: "It must be protected, but it's useless!"

Three grams of oil: "Grass, I was also poisoned just now! This virus is too powerful!"

"God, what should we do?" This is what MBK asked, because, he was also poisoned just now!
But God didn't respond.

MBK: "God?"

"I rub it! Isn't it? God is also poisoned?" You panicked.

What kind of virus is this shit!

It's horrible!
After a few seconds, God appeared again and said, "Retreat! Everyone retreat! Immediately clean up the virus in your computer and strengthen prevention and control! This virus is too strong!" Yes, he was also poisoned just now, and he didn't do anything , was directly poisoned!
This virus is terrible!

They have never encountered such a silent virus Trojan horse before!

And at this time, the icons of all the poisoned computers had turned into a cartoon panda offering incense, and beside this naive panda, there was also a line of bloody regular script!
Those who offend me China will be punished even if they are far away!


It's that Y!

Seeing this sentence, God, all of them understood!

This virus was made by that Y!

(End of this chapter)

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