Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 253: Global Terror!

Chapter 253: Global Terror!

Stick country domestic.

Park is an otaku twice, he has a very high sense of national honor, and he is extremely annoyed and angry about Y's invasion of the national affairs network.

"What are these people doing for food? You can't even find that Y? It's just trash!"

Park paid attention to the information of all parties on the Internet twice, and cursed in a low voice: "This is because I don't understand hacking technology, or if I take action, I must be better than that god! Sigh, waste!"

"Attack Huaxia again? This decision is not bad!" Park saw God twice and they returned to Huaxia again, his eyes lit up instantly, "Fuck them! Fuck him hard!"


"Huh? Email?" Park was a little dazed twice, who would send the email to him if it was too late?After opening the mailbox, Park was stunned twice.

"Smecta, a 23-year-old single and lonely young woman, wants to chat with you about life."

There is also a sexy and enchanting picture below, a very exciting picture.

In an instant, Park felt his hormones rise in a straight line twice!
He clicked on the email without thinking, 23 years old?Or a lonely young woman?

The more Park thought about it, the more excited he became!

"Crap! What the hell is this?"

After clicking on it, the small flames of Park's two restlessness were extinguished in an instant. How can there be any ideals in life in the email?It's just a bunch of code!
Park cursed and closed the mailbox twice, but he didn't care, so he was going to continue to pay attention to the battle.

But suddenly, his computer screen was occupied by a cartoon panda!
A cartoon panda holding three incense sticks!
"What the fuck is this?"

Pu was stunned twice, frantically clicking the mouse and typing on the keyboard, but it didn't work!The computer doesn't respond at all!There is only one incensed panda, and the bloody sentence next to it, "Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away"!

Not only the screen, but even the icons of those softwares have turned into this panda. Park shut down and restarted twice, disconnected and reconnected almost everything that can be used, but it didn't work!It's useless at all!
Park was about to go mad with anger twice, slapping the keyboard frantically, rebooting in various ways... Then, his computer was paralyzed under his frightened eyes.

Park was so angry that he smoked twice!
God bastard!

It was definitely that bastard Y who did it!

Didn't you see that bloody Chinese?Absolutely this Y, there will be no one else!

Eagle Country.

In an Internet cafe.

It can be seen that this Internet cafe is very popular, hundreds of computers are full of seats.

Some people are brushing the ranks of the heavens all night, some people are enthusiastically chasing dramas, and many people are paying attention to this world-class hacker war. It can be said that all kinds of people are doing various things.



"what happened?"

"My computer is stuck! I wipe it! My equipment worth thirty pounds! Fake Fake!"

"My computer blue screen! Waiter?"

"Administrator! Where's the administrator? Come and see what's wrong with my computer?"

"What the hell? Is this a panda?"

"What does this panda mean? Oh my! It's taken over my computer!"

"A very cute panda, but this bastard ate the boss that I fought hard all day to the end! Ahhh! I want to kill it!"

"This is a virus, why is the computer poisoned?"

"Is this sentence in Chinese? Isn't this the Chinese sentence that appeared on the State Affairs Network? Why did it appear here again?"

"What does this sentence mean?"

"I've learned a little bit of Chinese. It seems to mean that if you offend Huaxia, no matter how far you are from me, I will kill you!"


"This is that Y!"

"This is Huaxia's hackers coming to take revenge!"

"No, this virus can't be killed! I wipe it! All antivirus software has been forcibly uninstalled?"

"Then what should we do?"

"I can't help it! I can't even use the antivirus software, what else can I do!"

"What kind of virus is this! It's too scary!"

Almost at the same time, the computers in the entire Internet cafe were all poisoned.


a country.

Inoue was secretly admiring their national quintessence in the room. He didn't care about the hacker war at all. That thing is not as good as the national quintessence!

"Mmm~mmmm~Ya Butterfly~"

Inoue looked excited, his golden right hand was swinging rhythmically with the national essence, and he seemed to be at the pinnacle of his life.


The panda jumped out all the time!
"I wipe!"

Inoue was a little caught off guard by the sudden change in the picture, and the panda that jumped out suddenly gave Inoue a big jump.


Inoue hurriedly adjusted the computer, trying to get rid of the obstructive panda, but no matter what he did, you panda will still be your panda!

"Am I he..."

Inoue looked down and felt like crying without tears!
If something goes wrong with your uncle's father, I will never end with you!
Which bastard made the virus?

Seventeen countries, such as America, Xiong Country, Middle East, Fa Country, etc., were all implanted with panda burning incense by "broiler" controlled by Ye Feng!
In this night, countless computers were infected, and countless computers were paralyzed!
One hundred!

One thousand units!

Ten thousand units!

One hundred thousand units!
Horrible numbers!

And the most terrifying thing is that this number is still soaring crazily!
No solution!

There is no solution to this "Panda Burning Incense" made by Ye Feng!
And at this time, Huaxia's side.

Everyone is still busy resisting the hackers' invasion.

"Fuck them!"

"Everyone stand up!"

"It has been approved by the state, and we have brought in a lot of helpers!"

"Really? It's so good!"

Huaxia is still continuously calling people from all over the world, and everyone is ready to fight these bastards to the death!

Someone asked, "Where is God Y? Has God Y appeared?"

"I do not know!"

"I've never seen God Y before!"

"This is already imminent, God Y hasn't shown up yet?"

"Oh, forget it, don't count on him yet, let's hold on to it first! Isn't there still God S and God L!"

"Yes! Let's hold on!"

Seeing that God Y has not appeared for a long time, everyone no longer has any expectations for him.No one knew where he was or what this guy was doing.

However, people who are fighting suddenly find that these overseas hackers are becoming less and less?
Wase: "What's the situation?"

"I don't know!" Cang Wu said.

Luo Shen said: "Could it be that God Y has made a move again?"

"No way, those foreign websites are all good."

"Then what's going on? God is gone?"

"Why are they all retreating?"

Everyone in Huaxia was at a loss, could it be God Y who did it?

But none of the foreign websites were attacked!

How did they all suddenly disappear?


This is so weird!

Nobody knows what's going on.

Wase said with some concern: "Everyone, be careful, has the other party found God Y's trace and went to surround him?"

Luo Shen said: "No, I tracked down Air just now, and I found that he disappeared suddenly, which means he went offline directly!"

"Yes, so does the three-gram oil in the Middle East!"

"So, many of them went offline directly?"

The more people study, the more confused they become. What's going on?
Go offline directly?
Could it be that you are in a hurry to go to the toilet?

Then we can't make an appointment to go together, can we?
When Huaxia was guessing, a notification that no one expected shocked the world in an instant!
"Name: Panda Burning Incense."

"Type: Internet virus."

"Where it spread: stick, sun, bear, eagle, rice... seventeen countries."

"Status: currently unsolvable (uncontrollable, uncrackable)."

"Danger factor: SSS+ (super extremely dangerous)!"

- Notification of the United World Organization.

A few minutes later, the World Joint Computer Protection Center forwarded the notice intact.

As soon as this announcement came out, there was an instant global uproar!

Bang Nation was shocked!

Japan was shocked!

Eagle Country was shocked!

The United States was shocked!

The whole world is so shocked!


The whole world is scared!

United World Organization?

No one is unfamiliar with this organization, and the celebrity circles and heavens and worlds that are used all over the world are run by this organization.

This organization is extremely mysterious and powerful, but how many years has it been since the United World Organization issued a notice?
And is it a virus with a risk factor as high as SSS+?
Currently unsolved virus?
What does SSS+ stand for?
What does unsolvable represent?
More than 20 years ago, when God Y was fighting the world, he also created a virus, and his virus infected 9000 million computers all over the world!Is that scary enough?But at that time, the risk factor of God Y's virus was only SSS!

This panda burning incense is actually SSS+?Surpassed God Y back then?
Moreover, in the status column, although it also wrote "currently unsolvable", there is only the sentence "unable to decipher" in the brackets!

And this Panda Burning Incense is not only uncrackable, but there is also a sentence "uncontrollable" in front of it?
What does uncontrollable mean?
This means that if you keep going online, you will be infected sooner or later!
This Nima...

Seeing this notice, everyone gasped, and many people broke out in a cold sweat.


Yaque was silent.

All the hackers were staring blankly at the notice.

In the villa, Su Ke was shocked!He knows better than anyone else what this SSS+ represents!Back then, Y was also SSS, and his son turned out to be the best?Back then, God Y truly ruled the world of hackers. He was the man who established the Chinese hacker empire!The current Y actually surpassed his father?Thinking of this, Su Ke couldn't help swallowing.

In Zhao Meng's villa, there was a wry smile on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth. He thought that this guy might be a little stronger than himself, which Lin Yi could accept. After all, Y was a little stronger than L back then. Now the two of them A little bit is acceptable.But who would have thought that this guy would be so fierce!

Uncontrollable, uncrackable?
Hold the grass!

Hacking League group chat here.

I don't know how long it took before Luoshen said in a daze, "This, is this God Y?"

Wase also said blankly, "Maybe, maybe?"

Cang Wu was frightened, "SSS+? It's fake! Uncontrollable? Uncrackable? Oh my god!"

"I, I really believe that he is not God Y anymore, this damn is stronger than God Y!" Someone exclaimed in horror.

At this time, everyone finally understood what "Y" meant by "Anyone who offends China will be punished even if he is far away"!
Seventeen countries!
A whole seventeen powerful countries!

All of them were indiscriminately attacked by God Y!
Didn't you guys beat me up in Huaxia?


Why don't you go on!
Grass Nima's!

Isn't the giant panda, our national treasure in China, cute?
(End of this chapter)

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