Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 254 Antivirus software?

Chapter 254 Antivirus software? (Add more rewards for the name of Huang)
Abroad, seventeen countries.

The virus ravaged all the netizens in these seventeen countries wantonly.

Panda Burning Incense seems to have invaded every corner of society in this short period of time. Personal computers, corporate users, government computers, etc. are all connected to the Internet, and the virus is spreading rapidly.

No one on the Internet in these seventeen countries is paying attention to what kind of hell hacker war, and all of them are full of curses.

"Oh my god! My laptop is poisoned!"

"Fack! My internet cafe! It's over, I'm bankrupt."

"I uninstalled all the computer systems, but after 10 minutes, I was poisoned again? I didn't do anything! This virus is too unreasonable, right?"

"This bastard! This damn Chinese!"

"Where are the hackers in our country? Hurry up and research an anti-virus software!"

"They? They're all fucking poisoned!"

"Anti-virus software? Anti-virus software is useless! This Panda Burning Incense can kill the anti-virus software! I haven't seen the League of Nations, and there is no solution for this Panda Burning Incense! This is simply too scary!"

"This is a disaster!"

"Baga! My quintessence! My computer!"

"How many computers are poisoned now?"

"I don't know, there is no government notice, and the World United Organization does not seem to have issued a notice."

"Fuck me! What the hell is this virus? This Huaxia Y is too fucking wicked!"

"Where's God? Where's MBK? Fight back!"

"I said it all, they were also poisoned..."

"Isn't it? They are number one and number two in the world! Are they all poisoned?"

"This Y seems to be scarier than the Y back then!"

The Internet in Seventeen Countries was full of wailing, and everyone in other countries was in danger, for fear that if they were not careful, they would get burned.


Su Ning came over at some time, wearing pajamas, holding a cup of hot tea, "Is it fixed?"

Ye Feng nodded, "It's almost there." Ye Feng took the tea with a smile, "Haven't you slept yet?"

Su Ning didn't answer, but just said: "It's getting late, go to bed early, I'm working on it tomorrow."

"Okay, you sleep first, I'll be fine now." Ye Feng said.

Su Ning glanced at him, said nothing, and went back by herself.

After Su Ning left, Ye Feng called up the software he made again.

After watching it for a while, Ye Feng found that the destructive power of the virus he made seemed to be beyond imagination.

In such a short period of time, 40.00% of the computers have been infected?

However, Ye Feng was still a little dissatisfied!


Only 40.00%!

This is not enough!
Someone Ye decided to add a fire.

Ye Feng tapped the keyboard quickly, inputting instructions one after another.

Three minutes later, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye's mouth.


Go back to sleep, after finishing, Ye didn't bother to pay attention.

He is still quite confident in himself.

Hey, it is estimated that this time it will reach 70.00%!

stick country.

It is the most severely affected area. After all, they provoked this incident. Naturally, someone Ye took special care of them. Maybe the infection rate in other countries is 40.00%, but the rate in Bang Country is much higher than this figure. Their country The infection rate has reached 70.00%!


Is this a frightening number?
Seven out of ten computers were hacked by Panda Burning Incense!

How long does it take?

Is it three hours?

I'm afraid after this night, their country can basically say goodbye to the Internet...

Pu Sanqian is a lucky guy, his computer is still fine, and he is also cautious when surfing the Internet. He does not click on unfamiliar emails, websites, or advertisements...Pu Sanqian is afraid that he will be poisoned too!
But suddenly, a pop-up window popped up in the lower right corner of his computer.

"Panda Burning Incense Crack Protection Tool - Antivirus Master!"

The words "provided by the Internet Security Bureau of China" are also written on the back.

Looking at this software, Park Sanqian is about to cry!

at last!

Finally developed the software to crack this damn virus!

Not only Park Sanqian, but almost all users in Bangguo have seen this software.


"This damn panda is finally cracked!"

"Long live the Big Stick Nation!"

"The government is still reliable, those hackers are rubbish!"

Pu Sanqian and many other people in Bangguo were so excited that they didn't want it anymore. They all rushed over to download it without even thinking about it, especially those users who hadn't been infected. It was faster than one!
Everyone thinks that they have seen hope, and the words "produced by the Internet Security Bureau of China" are so reassuring!
I don't know how many people downloaded it immediately.

Then, emmm, what is this shit?
Seeing the panda that popped out of his computer suddenly, Pu Sanqian's mentality exploded!

I hate your second uncle!
Antivirus software you a stick!
This shit is a virus!

Hold the grass!Hold the grass!Hold the grass!

Park Sanqian just started crying!
Nima's bastard is too much of a bully!

All the people who downloaded this software are all fucked up!


Tojo said in surprise: "I'm going? The Bangguo government has cracked the Panda Burning Incense? They have developed an anti-virus tool?"

"real or fake?"

"So fast? It's incredible!"

"Bang Nation's network technology really shouldn't be underestimated!"

"What about Air? Is it real?"


"Why isn't Air online yet?"

"Paralysis, don't worry about it, I'll download one right away, this panda is making my head dizzy!"

"Yes, I will download one too!"

Everyone called Air a few times, but he didn't show up. (Air: Crack your uncle, crack it, my computer hasn’t been repaired yet!)
Not only these hackers discovered that the Bangzi government had cracked Panda Burning Incense, but even the people found out, and all of them excitedly began to import this latest anti-virus software from Bangzi across the country.

Then, they will be the same as the people of Bang Nation...

"I'll go to Madeleine to die!"

"This shit is the anti-virus software you researched?"

"Fuck! I'm poisoned again!"

"Son of a bitch!"

"Baga! The stick is so fucking rubbish!"

"You guys are so fucking wicked!"

How many people have downloaded this software?Even some people who are not from the Seventeen Kingdoms, fearing that they will be infected, have downloaded this software in advance to protect their computers, but who the hell would want it, this shit is a virus!

I got a virus and came back?
I rub!

On the Internet, the abuse of Bangguo was overwhelming in an instant!
The National Internet Security Bureau?

Be safe, sir!

The government of the country is also like he wants to cry but has no tears!

What does this Nima have to do with me?
In fact, everyone knows that this was not created by the government of the great country, it is very likely that it was created by that Y!But who told this to have your name written on it?Who do you scold?Now the people of the seventeen countries urgently need a venting point!

The criticisms on the Internet are against Yingtian, those who criticize Huaxia, God Y, those hackers, and many people criticize Bangguo!
However, this does not stop the spread of the virus!

At this moment, the virus infection rate in Seventeen Countries has soared to a terrifying 70.00%!
And the worst thing is Bangguo, after the baptism of this anti-virus software, they have successfully climbed to 90.00% five!
Be proud of the world!

Who fights!

Of the ten computers in our big stick country, nine and a half are poisoned!
I asked, who else!
Our big stick country now uses mobile phones to surf the Internet, what's wrong?Are we proud?Smartphones are so fucking easy to use!

It can be said that this cartoon panda has completely occupied the Internet in Bangguo!
Overnight, Bang Nation fell!

And the other sixteen countries are not much better than it!

The computer is paralyzed in a large area!
It is hard to imagine, in this Internet age, if they can no longer use computers tomorrow, what will it be like?
A panda burning incense directly made the world mess up!
Sweeping seventeen countries!
At this time, no matter if they were Chinese or foreigners, everyone deeply understood the meaning of Y's phrase "Anyone who offends China will be punished even if he is far away"!
 Thank you for the rewards of the name of the wilderness, plus more, and thank you for your various supports.

(End of this chapter)

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