Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 255 The mobile phone is also useless!

Chapter 255 The mobile phone is also useless!
the next day.

Ye Feng went to work early in the morning, and Queen Su Ning personally sent him here, as well as the little baby.

"Goodbye, Papa."

The little guy poked his head out of the car window, and waved with his father nonchalantly.

Ye Feng smiled happily, "Yiyi wants to listen to her mother, do you understand?"

"Well, Yiyi is the most obedient."

The little guy is very good.

"Slow down." Ye Feng told Su Ning again.

Su Ning nodded towards Ye Feng and smiled.


After entering the company, many people greeted Ye Feng along the way.

"Mr. Ye is good!"

"Mr. Ye is good!"

Ye Feng was in a good mood, and they all smiled and nodded in response.The current Ye Feng really looks like a president.

"Hey, did you watch the battle last night?"

"I'm going to watch the battle! It's so fucking exciting!"

"God S, God L, God Y, invincible!"

"Especially God Y, he is too strong!"

"The sentence that offends China will be punished even if it is far away, it is too domineering!"

"God Y is really fierce, he will do what he says! A panda burns incense, and kills the opponent directly without leaving a piece of armor!"

Just as Ye Feng entered the office area, he heard everyone talking about the battle last night.

"Hush, Mr. Ye is here."

"Good morning, President Ye."

"Morning, Mr. Ye!"

Ye Feng smiled, "Good morning, is the website okay?"

"It's all right, it was fixed yesterday."

Ye Feng nodded, "Let's all work."

Back in his office, Ye Feng turned on the computer and browsed the major domestic websites.

Well, yes, everything is back to normal.

Then he looked at the news again, and sure enough, the news reports early this morning were all about "Panda Burning Incense"!
"Epic Internet Virus - Panda Burning Incense!" "

"The virus is rampant in 300 countries, which may cause economic losses of up to [-] billion! "

"The Disgusting Hacker: Y! "

"A Worldwide Disaster Caused by Hackers! "

"Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away?The legend of a patriotic hacker! "

"National Treasure Giant Panda Becomes Notorious Representative?Is this a crime, or a credit? "

"The super virus beyond the "Chinese Empire"-"Panda Burning Incense"! "

"Unprecedented SSS+ level warning of the League of Nations! "

"The World's No. [-] Virus: Unsolvable Panda Burning Incense!" "


Similar reports can be described as overwhelming. Perhaps it has been too long since such a powerful Internet virus has appeared in this world, so the appearance of my panda burning incense immediately ignited the attention of the world.

The world's number one virus!

The former No. [-] in the world was an SSS-level network virus called "Huaxia Empire" created by Y, but the current No. [-] in the world is still created by a hacker named "Y"!

And it's even more terrifying SSS+ level!
Is this a coincidence?

what is this else?
No one knows.


stick country.

There is nothing wrong with their network, but the domestic computers have basically collapsed!
What the hell is a disaster!
Companies cannot work, governments cannot work.Even the computers in those scientific research institutes were infected!
This day is the darkest day since the modernization of the country!
In a certain security company in Bang Country, a bunch of people have not had a rest all night.


"Can't break it!"

"No idea!"

"This virus is too complicated!"

"Too many variants!"

They are already desperate, all the top network security experts and super hackers in the country are all involved, but there is no way!Can't find a clue at all!

This virus cannot be cracked!
The same scene was repeated in each of the seventeen countries.


middle East.

Eagle Country.

Bear Country.


There is no way, it cannot be cracked!Even the most powerful country of the United States is helpless!

On this day, the whole world fell silent.

Facing this naive cartoon panda, the world felt powerless for the first time!

On the Internet, the angry shouts seemed to be louder than the monstrous flood!
"Y! Must catch Y!"

"This damned Chinese!"

"Simply a devil! He must be brought to justice!"

"You can't let him go!"

"One must find him!"

"Made, kill him! Hang him! Must hang him!"

"Damn it!"

"Our loss is huge!"

Many people's computers are dead and can't be used at all. They are all using their mobile phones to surf the Internet.

In fact, not only the people like them, but even the top hackers in the world are chatting with their mobile phones one by one!

You: "I can't help it, let's give up completely."

Three grams of oil: "I heard that more than 70.00% of our side has been infected. It's really scary!"

"It's the same with us. This number is still growing crazily. If we don't stop it, it will really collapse!" Tojo said worriedly.

At this time, Air came out, and said bitterly: "You guys are pretty good, our country is already close to 90.00% infection rate, it doesn't even take a day!"

Even MBK came out, "Air, who the hell are you offending?"

"Damn! How the hell should I know that there are such fierce people in Huaxia, and I will go to death myself? This Y is worse than that Y, isn't he a human!" Air is also very helpless, who knows that Huaxia is so awesome boss?Didn't he say that Huaxia is now a desert in the hacker world?Nima, have you ever seen such a desert?

Air is really regretting his intestines now.

"And God? Has he made any progress?"

God: "No, this virus has no solution."

The crowd fell silent.

After a while, everyone continued to speak cursingly.

"Must catch this Y!"

"We must find him!"

"Such a dangerous person, we can't let him be free!"

"Don't worry, the government will probably take action today!"

Sure enough, at 3000 o'clock in the morning, the United States issued a red notice, "Y" is wanted worldwide, and a reward of [-] million US dollars is offered!
Immediately afterwards, Japan, the Eagle Country, the Bear Country, the Middle East and other disaster-stricken countries and regions issued their highest-level arrest warrants one after another!
Global Most Wanted Hacker Y!

And ask the Huaxia government to cooperate with the arrest!

At the same time, seventeen countries have sought help from the United Nations Organization. They have no way to do it. It is absolutely impossible to develop a method to crack this damn panda by themselves!We can only rely on the League of Nations!
On Huaxia's side, the people were also very angry when they saw that seventeen countries had issued red arrest warrants one after another.

"It's so fucking shameless, isn't it?"

"Why don't you want your hackers to arrest us when they come to China to make trouble?"

"These bastards!"

"God Y, don't worry, the 13 million compatriots are your solid backing!"

"You want us to hand over God Y? Just dream!"

"Cooperate with your paralysis!"

The people of Huaxia are very angry, and the government of Huaxia seems to be very angry.

Cooperate with wanted?

Cooperate with your uncle!

"Statement: Since ancient times, our country and nation have advocated peace. We are deeply touched by the vicious blows suffered by the 37 countries. However, the identity of hacker Y is unknown. After vigorous investigation by our country, it was found that hacker Y is not in the territory. At the same time, Our country has officially issued a red notice to arrest [-] illegal cyber criminals including God, MBK, Sankeyou, Air, and you!"

This is the reaction given by Huaxia. Looking at this life, the leaders of the Seventeen Kingdoms almost vomited blood one by one.

Vigorously investigate your uncle!

Did you respond in less than 2 minutes, a vigorous investigation in 2 minutes?
The identity of Y is still unknown?
Not in your territory yet?
How the hell are you looking for a reason and be more professional!

Netizens applauded after seeing it.

"Yes! Y is not in the territory! You can arrest it wherever you want! Anyway, it is not in our Huaxia!"

"That's right, they want Y, we want their people, hahaha!"

"Beautiful job!"

"National heroes must be protected!"

"Stunning, I am Huaxia!"


After Ye Feng in the office saw this statement, his heart warmed up.

He could still see such an obvious protection.

The people and governments of foreign countries have already been scolding, seeing the overwhelming scolding, Ye Feng's eyes gradually turned cold.

It seems that you still don't feel the pain, can you still surf the Internet?
This little day is still quite moist, right?
Someone Ye sneered, turned on the computer, inserted a USB flash drive that had been prepared a long time ago, and clicked on the keyboard again.

stick country.

No one uses a computer for a long time, the whole thing has become a panda, and what a fart!
Everyone was holding their mobile phones, venting their anger crazily online.

Park Sanqian was going crazy, all three computers in his house were poisoned!
The whole family could only hug their mobile phones, and Pu Sanqian was using his mobile phone to vent his anger on the Internet.

Suddenly, the screen of his mobile phone flickered.

"Huh? Why... I'm fucking your mother!"

Before Pu Sanqian finished speaking, a cute giant panda appeared directly on the screen of his mobile phone!
Pu Sanqian's mentality immediately collapsed!

Nima's father's mobile phone is poisoned?
On the Internet, many netizens were horrified to find that their mobile phones were poisoned!

It's pandas again!

Nima's Panda Burning Incense can even infect mobile phones?

crazy!These people are fucking crazy!
In the international hacker group.

Air said in horror: "Panda burns incense so he can infect the phone!"

"Crap! Two of my mobile phones have been poisoned!" You said angrily, "Is there any end to it?"

MBK's face was solemn: "Y is going to kill everyone!"

"We still underestimated him, he still has back hands!"

"What should I do? Is there any news from the League of Nations?"


"It's over, and the mobile phone can't be used anymore, so I bid farewell to the Internet now!"

These people are completely desperate this time!

There is no way at all!
It's too much for a computer virus like you to be able to infect a mobile phone!
Ten percent!


Last night it was a computer, today it is a mobile phone!
Looking at the soaring infection rate, the whole world is silent now!
Everyone is silent!
It seems that at this moment, the whole world is quiet.

That's right, there's nothing they can do if they're not quiet, after all, they don't even have the tools to surf the Internet...

(End of this chapter)

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