Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 256 Give up resistance, surrender and admit your mistake!

Chapter 256 Give up resistance, surrender and admit your mistake!

Lao Wan knocked on the door and came in, reminding him: "Boss Ye, are you busy? I'm off work, let's go eat now..."

"Are you off work? Go now."

After Lao Wan reminded him like this, Ye Feng realized that he was really off work.

Ye Feng tidied up his computer, pulled out the USB drive and put it away, and went out with Lao Wan.For Lao Wan, Ye Feng still admires him very much, he does things lightly and seriously, of course, the main reason is that he makes Ye very comfortable.

In the cafeteria, Lao Wan bought a meal for Ye Feng, and the two still sat at Lan Tian's special table, oh no, now everyone in the company already knows that this is President Ye's special table.

The two of them bowed their heads and ate, and had nothing to say.

But the tadpoles next to them were not idle.

"Hey, have you guys heard? Almost all the computers in Bang Country are infected!"

"What? Impossible?"

"How is it impossible? It is said that not only the computer, but even the mobile phone began to be infected this morning!"

"real or fake?"

"Really, don't you all watch the news?"

"The destructive power of panda burning incense is really too strong! Early this morning, the League of Nations announced that the rate of computer infection in the seventeen countries last night has exceeded 70.00%! Bang country is the worst, it is said that it is as high as 90.00% seven!"

"How much money does this cost?"

"It's conservatively estimated that the seventeen countries will lose this amount!" The guy stretched out his hand and gestured.

The person on the opposite side was surprised: "[-] million? Can't it?"

The guy chuckled, "500 million? Of course not! At least [-] billion!"

Hearing this number, the people around all gasped.

The guy seemed to think it was not enough, and continued: "500 billion... US dollars!"

"I go!"

"Now their economy has gone backwards for at least half a year!"

"this is too scary!"

"This is not a virus! This is a fucking nuclear bomb, right?"

Everyone was shocked by this number.

Ye Feng, who was eating with his head down, smiled faintly after hearing this.

500 million?
It's really conservative enough!

What can you do without a computer in this day and age?
Not to mention going to work in the company, government office, and scientific and technological research, even when you go to the supermarket to buy things, you have to scan them with a computer, right?

Take Bang Nation as an example, 90.00% of the computers in the country were paralyzed, which directly caused their entire country to do nothing for a day...

In this Internet age, if you don't have a computer, it's a huge economic disaster!

At this time, Ye Feng and the others suddenly came over.

"President Su!"

Old Wan Teng stood up immediately.

The person who came was Su Ke. Su Ke smiled and asked Lao Wan to sit down, and then sat beside Ye Feng himself.

"Brother-in-law, are you still used to the company's food? It must not be as delicious as my sister's." Su Ke said with a smile.

Ye Feng gave Su Ke a strange look, not knowing why he came over suddenly.

"It's not bad." Ye Feng said casually, in fact, for Ye Feng, there are only two kinds of food in his eyes, one is made by himself, and the other is made by others.

"Brother-in-law sees that you have dark circles under your eyes, didn't you sleep well last night?" Su Ke seemed to be more concerned about Ye Feng.

Ye Feng glanced at him, and said lightly: "Your sister is too troublesome, she didn't sleep well."

"Cough cough."

Su Ke almost choked to death without him.

"What does brother-in-law think about this?"

There is a big TV in the cafeteria, which is broadcasting the noon news, which is reporting the panda burning incense and wreaking havoc on Seventeen Kingdoms.

Ye Feng put down his chopsticks, looked at Su Ke indifferently, and after looking at him for about three seconds, he slowly said: "A great hero is for the country and the people."

After speaking, he got up and left.

Su Ke pouted his chin, thinking about Ye Feng's words thoughtfully.

Back in the office, Ye Feng was smoking a cigarette, frowning slightly.

It seems that Su Ke seems to have found himself?
This is not Ye Feng's wild imagination. In his previous life, he was an excellent killer. Although he was killed by someone later, there are some basic things that Ye Mou can still do.

How did he doubt himself?
Ye Feng couldn't figure it out, he was quite sure about his skills, in this world, it was impossible for anyone to discover him.

Ye was a little puzzled.

In fact, Ye Feng didn't know at all, Su Ke didn't suspect him, but he was sure it was him!It's not because Su Ke's technology is so good, it's mainly because of that "Y"!When seeing this Y, no matter whether it is Su Ke or Lin Yi, the first reaction almost instantly is Ye Feng!

There is no one else but him!

But someone Ye may not understand for a while.

While Ye Feng was thinking about his life, those hackers and people abroad were suffering in dire straits.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the United Nations officially notified the seventeen countries: Panda burning incense, there is no solution.

After receiving this news from the League of Nations, they were really completely desperate!
The League of Nations can't help it?
Then he is still talking about a dick!
Regarding this matter, the League of Nations also gave a suggestion, let Seventeen Nations reconcile with Y, ask Y for forgiveness, let him make anti-virus software, and crack Panda Burning Incense.Otherwise, no one can do anything.

Faced with this result, neither the governments of the seventeen countries nor the hackers could accept it.


Didn't he just surrender?

So many people, so many countries, were hanged and beaten by a Y until they surrendered?
This is too uncomfortable for him!

However, they had no other choice.


I can only surrender!
At two o'clock in the afternoon, hackers from seventeen countries published a paragraph on their own virus called Panda Burning Incense.

Air from Bangguo: "I am Air. I am deeply sorry for this accident. I have offended you so much. I hope God Y will not forget the villain. You are the top hacker in the world. I believe you have Measurable. If possible, please also publish the anti-virus software!"

Tojo from Japan: "I am Tojo. I am ashamed of His Majesty the Emperor. I got angry and challenged God Y beyond my means. Here, I solemnly apologize to God Y! If possible, please release the anti-virus software .”

fei from Xiong Kingdom: "I am fei. I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai. I offended God Y and brought a huge disaster to my country. I sincerely apologize to God Y and hope God Y can provide anti-virus software to end this situation. catastrophe."

Eagle country you...

Three grams of oil from the Middle East…

The MBK of the country...

Even God, the world's number one American hacker, came forward to apologize to God Y!

The hackers led by all the seventeen countries apologized publicly, hoping to be forgiven by God Y and provide anti-virus software.

At this time, they are all cowardly!

No one is not cowardly!

There is no way, even the League of Nations can't cure this panda, so we can only surrender!
At this moment, the whole world is waiting.

Everyone is waiting for God Y's reply.

At this time, the news spread to the country, and the whole country was immediately jubilant!

"Hahaha! Awesome!"

"God Y is invincible!"

"God apologized? Too domineering!"

"I'm so proud!"

What is a hacker?It is the one who hides in the dark.There are so many hackers who publicly apologized. It's nothing like the so-called existence. Even when Y ruled the hacker world back then, this scene never happened!The war of hackers has never been invisible or touchable. If you lose, you lose. If you can’t beat me, can’t you hide?It's a big deal that I don't go online anymore, can't I?But this time, it really doesn't work!Not only can they not beat Y, they can't even hide!
They must stand up!
This group of hackers created this matter. If they can't solve it, their respective governments will definitely kill them!

The top [-] hackers in the world are almost collectively apologizing!

This scene, I don't know how many people's hearts have been stimulated.

In the Seventeen Kingdoms, the few people who can still use their mobile phones to surf the Internet, saw this scene, and felt a fire in their hearts.But there was nothing they could do, nothing at all!Everyone has realized that this Y is simply a demon!
The whole world is waiting for Y's reply, and Y didn't keep everyone waiting too long.

Panda Burning Incense soon had a new change, "Jiaqun, @%@¥...!¥#...#DSFSD!!"

Looking at Y's reply, I don't know how many people have not recovered.

Although the string of codes cannot be understood by ordinary people, everyone knows the two Chinese characters in front of them!

Join the group?

Does he still have this operation?

God, they almost vomited blood one by one.

you sir!

Why should he join the group?

What the hell are you doing so much?

But they can't do anything, who makes them inferior to others?

Ordinary people may not know what those codes mean, but in the eyes of God, they are almost equivalent to a group number.

(End of this chapter)

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