Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 257 Untitled

Chapter 257 Untitled

Panda burning incense, cracked.

It is the antivirus software given by Y.

The seventeen countries are celebrating nationally.

This hateful panda finally disappeared, and countless mobile phones and computers returned to normal.

"Hahaha, I can finally go online again!"

"How fresh is the air of the Internet!"

"This Y really has the demeanor of a master! God, they apologize, but he stopped. I don't seem to hate him very much now."

"Bah, he's a devil!"

"Whatever, anyway, the computer has finally been repaired now!"

"Yes, thank God!"

"I don't know what that Y and God said in that group!"

"Yeah, I'm really curious."

"I want to know too, but those who know the news don't seem to be very willing to talk about it."

"Does God know what's going on?"

"Yeah, what did they say?"

Although Panda Burning Incense was finally killed, it left a huge mystery for countless people.

God Y, what did they say that day?
No one knows, and those who know are also silent, and keep silent about it!
There is also a lot of discussion on Huaxia Internet.

"God Y is just too kind!"

"That's right, it would be nice to let them fend for themselves! Why save them!"

"Hey, God Y is a kind-hearted and kind-hearted person. It is estimated that in that group, those overseas hackers kept saying good things, and God Y's heart softened."

"I think they might have given God Y a lot of money, otherwise God Y wouldn't have given up so easily!"

"It also makes sense!"

"Fart! God Y is such a person?"

"That's right! You're talking nonsense, I can set your whole family on fire with just one panda, don't you believe it?"

…… also said everything. Some people said that Y was too kind-hearted and couldn’t see such a large-scale network disaster so he provided anti-virus software. Some people said that God and they admitted it wrong, and God Y was too lazy to argue with them. Some people even maliciously speculated that God Y had received a huge amount of money from others, so they gave up.In short, there are all kinds of speculation.

Those who knew the truth looked at everyone's speculation indifferently.


Just admit your mistake?

Receive money?

Ha ha.

You will never imagine what God Y did.

However, none of the insiders came forward to clarify the public's speculation.

Because, this matter, there is no way to say!

Can't even mention it!
Because, after the signing of this treaty, the League of Nations issued an SSS-level confidentiality order!

All insiders must not reveal a single bit!
Everyone also understands that if this treaty is announced to the world, there will be chaos in the world!

The countless people in the Seventeen Kingdoms will never accept it!
If things go wrong, turmoil will break out, which is not a good thing for anyone.

Therefore, this treaty is only circulated in the hacker community, and ordinary people in any country know nothing about it.

However, everyone found that the United States and other countries have quietly canceled the arrest of Y, which surprised everyone.

"Maybe they know how to repay their kindness?"

"Hahaha! Know how to repay your kindness, why do I want to laugh so much!"

"I gave you a knife and then brought you back to life. I am your benefactor? This theory is too nonsense!"

"Then tell me why?"

"Maybe this is the condition for God Y to provide anti-virus software?"

"Hey, that makes sense!"

"Well, indeed, this is also reasonable."

"Hey? Look, the world hacker rankings are about to be updated!"

Suddenly, someone sent a connection.

Everyone, the world hacker list?
To be honest, people usually don't care much about this thing, but on the cusp of this storm, when they heard about this ranking, everyone became more and more curious.

Even Ye Feng couldn't help being curious and clicked in.

Not only the people of China, but even the people in the seventeen countries that have just returned to normal and people who are paying attention to this incident all over the world clicked in.Especially hackers around the world or people who know computer technology will not miss this list.

Everyone wants to see who is on this list of hackers.

Not surprisingly, this is the ranking list released by the League of Nations, and everyone is used to it. Only the League of Nations has enough ability to do this kind of ranking.

However, this list still shows "maintenance", which means that it has not been updated yet, but everyone knows that it will be soon.


"God Y is definitely number one!"

"That's for sure!"

"It is estimated that God S and God L are also on the list!"

"Well, only the three of them can make the list in our country."

stick country.

"Where can God rank Air?"

"Last year he was ninth, right?"

"I don't know if I can make it into the top ten this time."


"Tojo-kun of our country, it is estimated that the ranking should not be too low?"

"Then I don't know, but I know that Y must be number one!"


"God can't keep the number one this time!"

"I can't help it, it's all blown away!"

"Hehe, no one can compete with Y for the first place! Let's see if God can sit in the second place!"

"A new generation replaces the old!"

Having just experienced a virus baptism that shocked the world, the whole world is paying special attention to this list.

"Why hasn't it been updated yet?"

"That's right! Didn't you say it will be soon?"

"Update quickly!"

"I'm thankful for the flowers!"

"There are so many people waiting, can you hurry up!"

There are countless comments below the list, people from any country, in any language can see it, almost all of them are reminding.

The bored Ye Feng was also waiting.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Updated!"

Suddenly, everyone looked over quickly.

But seeing this, the people of the world are silent.

No. [-] in the world: Y.

Second in the world: L.

The third in the world: S.

The top three are occupied by these three letters again!

Why say it again?

Because of this scene, it happened more than 20 years ago!

It's these three letters!
That's it!



And seeing these three letters occupy the top three for the first time, the Chinese people, especially those older netizens, were all very excited!
The glory of my China has finally returned again!
But in addition to the excitement, everyone also found a problem.

First: Y.

There is no problem with this, but the following introduction is somewhat intriguing.

Identity: SSS-level top secret.

Gender: SSS-level top secret.

Age: SSS-level top secret.

Nationality: SSS level top secret.

Introduction: Maker of Panda Burning Incense.

Similarly, the introductions of L and S are similar, their identity, gender, age, and nationality are all SSS-level top secret!
And looking at other hackers, for example, the fourth one is a person named Aidike, and his introduction is very different.

Fourth: Ediko.

Identity: unknown.

Sex: Male.

Age: unknown.

Nationality: American.


The same is true of the other hackers below, either unknown or directly announced, such as the SSS-level top-secret three of Y, L, and S, they have never appeared again.

What does it mean?
The League of Nations knows the identities of the three of them?
But don't publish it?
Many people are a little confused about the meaning of the League of Nations.

Even Ye Feng frowned, does the League of Nations really know his identity?This is not scientific!

However, the result of Su Ke and Lin Duo is not too unexpected, it is top secret and normal.

Just when everyone was puzzled, someone suddenly discovered a surprising thing.

"Why don't the top ten people have God? It's impossible! Who are these people except Y, L, and S? I haven't heard of it!"

When he called out, everyone reacted.

Looking at those people ranked in the top ten, no one really knows anyone?

What is the situation?
Where is God?
What about MBK?
What about zero?

What about you?
What about three grams of oil?

What about Air?
What about Tojo?
These people are all in the top ten, but now they don't even make the top ten?

Everyone turned back again, no!
Neither did the second page!

Neither did the third page!

Neither does the fourth page!


Everyone has looked through this list, and there is no God in the top [-] in the world?
What about trouble?

Everyone was dumbfounded, how is this possible?

Even Ye Feng was a little confused, unscientific, where did they go?

At this moment, one statement after another came out one after another.

God (m): "From today onwards, I announce my permanent withdrawal from the hacker world!"

MBK (Eagle): "From today, I vow to join the six divisions!"

Tojo (Japanese): "From today onwards, I will become a monk in Tianning Temple, the past has nothing to do with me!"

Air (stick): "I feel deeply ashamed of the country in the past, and I am willing to plead guilty and serve the country forever!"


Almost in no particular order, God and others have announced their withdrawal from the hacker world, those who become monks, those who serve the country serve the country, and those who surrender themselves, the people of the world are so dumbfounded.

What does this mean?
How the hell are these people transformed?

One by one suddenly enlightened?

Ye Feng didn't realize it at first, but after thinking about it, he understood.

This may be their last choice. They have all signed the treaty, and the country will not let them go. Even if it uses the power of the whole country, it will definitely find them.Faced with such pressure, few people can withstand it.

God and their statement seemed to announce that this hacker war that stirred up the world was completely over amidst doubts one after another.

Perhaps, all the mysteries here will only be solved one by one by later generations after 20 years.

(End of this chapter)

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