Chapter 258

A cyber attack that devastated seventeen countries in the world seems to have slowly passed away.

Although there are sporadic news from time to time, whether it is in the world or in China, it seems that they are intentionally or unintentionally downplaying this matter.Everyone seems to no longer have such high enthusiasm, and life is back on track.Ye Feng is also, it is time to go to work, slowly waiting for the arrival of Su Ning's birthday.

On this day, in the morning, I finished my meal early in the morning.

"Don't go to work today, I'll call Su Ke." Su Ning put down her chopsticks and said to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was a little strange, "What's wrong?" Don't you have to go to work today?Master Ning Ning actually found out with conscience?
While packing up the dishes, Su Ning said, "It's foggy outside, no one should go out today."

"Huh? Smog?"

Ye was taken aback for a moment, then got up and walked to the window, looked up, and sure enough, there was a vast expanse of whiteness!
Visibility must not exceed three meters!

The little guy next to him hugged Ye Feng's leg, "Baba, Baba, Yiyi wants to see too." The little guy is not tall enough to see outside.

Ye Feng smiled and picked up his daughter.

"Wow, it's so cloudy!" The little guy was a little excited, "Papa, Papa, are these clouds falling from the sky? Yiyi is going to play outside!"

Ye Feng looked at the vast expanse of whiteness outside the window, and said with a wry smile: "This is not a cloud, it's smog, it's poisonous, Yiyi can't go out." Ye Feng shook his head, a little helpless.

This is the first winter he has lived in this world. Who would have thought that with such advanced technology in this world, there would be smog in winter?

The little guy pouted, blinked his big eyes and asked: "But this is a cloud, it looks exactly like Baiyun, how can it be poisonous?"

Ye Feng rubbed the baby girl's little head, and Su Ning, who was tidy up next to her, came over and said, "You little girl, stay at home honestly, no one can go out today."

"No, no." The little guy quit, "Ma Ma lied to others, Ma Ma said yesterday that she would take Yiyi out to play today, Ma Ma lied to the children!"

Su Ning blushed, "When the smog clears, mom is taking Yiyi away, not today."

"No, no, Yiyi is going today!" The little guy insisted.

"Yiyi, good boy, let's stay at home today and listen to mother." Ye Feng also coaxed.

The little guy pouted, his face full of displeasure.

After the couple's disdainful efforts, the little baby finally agreed to watch cartoons at home, but only for one day.Su Ning had no choice but to agree.

In the living room, Ye Feng and Su Ning are watching cartoons with Yiyi.

But for this cartoon, Ye Feng said that he really couldn't stand it.

The bored Ye started swiping his phone.

In the cat circle, there are also constant complaints about the first smog this year.

"I was caught off guard by the smog today."

"The traffic is jammed!"

"I went out with my mother, and then my mother looked back, and I was gone, and I looked up, and my mother was gone..."


"Let me tell you, when you go out in smog, you must bring a guide dog with you!"

"Sure enough, all living beings are equal in smog days!"

"What exactly caused this thing?"

"In recent years, there have been every year!"

"It is said that this stuff is poisonous, and it seems to be carcinogenic! Everyone, be careful, you'd better wear a mask when you go out."

"So scary?"

"It is said to be true!"

"Be careful anyway, especially don't drive, it's easy to get into trouble."

"Pull it down! I didn't drive this morning, I walked to work, but he was hit by another car at the gate of the company! Now he is lying in the hospital!"

"I wipe, you are miserable!"

"I heard the highways are closed."

In the circle, many people are sharing the stories they met this morning.

At this time, Queen Meow appeared as the owner of the circle.

"Everyone, please protect yourself and be careful when you go out."

This is the concern from Her Lady Queen.

"Ah! Your Lady Queen!"

"Thank you, Your Lady Queen, Your Lady Queen must also pay attention!"

"When will Her Lady Queen release a new song?"

"My Lady Queen, protect yourself and drink plenty of hot water. The smog is not good for your throat."

"Thank you, Her Lady Queen, for your concern."

As soon as Su Ning appeared, the circle became more lively.

At home, someone Ye was also watching the circle, and suddenly saw Su Ning, and looked up, sure enough, Ning Ning was also playing with her phone with her head down.

Ye Feng chuckled, originally he logged in Ye Zi's account, and then changed it to a poisonous one.

Syphilis: "Ah, Her Majesty Queen, my idol, I'm so excited! Seeing Her Majesty the Queen, I can't do it, I'm dead!" After all, Ye Zi's identity is different from before. She is already the famous Professor Ye. I can't be as casual as before, but the syphilis account is fine, just play casually!

"Eh? Poison God?"


"Hahahaha! I didn't expect the Poison God to be so skinny!"

"Laughing cramp! Poison God, you accompany me for medical expenses!"

Seeing that Du was so funny, the fans immediately burst out laughing. Usually, Du doesn’t show up very often. Everyone knows him basically through songs. The songs he wrote have profound meanings. I originally thought that Du Shen was a deep and reserved person. Well, no one thought that he would have such a funny side.

Su Ning saw it too, looked up and saw Ye Feng holding back a smile, Her Lady Queen wrinkled her little nose and gave him a white look.

This guy, childish ghost!

Su Ning pouted and typed in the circle to respond: "Hey, Poison God, do you think you released this smog!!!"


"What does Her Lady Queen mean?"

"Hahaha! Yes, yes, it must be made by the God of Poison!"

"Poison God, Poison God, it must be you!"

"Poison God, you must be responsible!"

Some fans didn't react for a while, but after reading other people's speeches, they immediately understood.God of poison, the one who controls poison!This smog is also under his control!Hahaha!Since when has Her Majesty the Queen become so naughty?

Someone Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, he couldn't laugh or cry, was his daughter-in-law spoiled by him?Wasn't Su Ning like this before?Are you going to tease me now?no!Never suffer!
Poisonous cat: "I won't blame you for this, it's pm2.5, it's nothing to do with me. Her Majesty has spread rumors, I despise you!"

"Huh? Pm2.5?"

"what is this?"

"What did the Poison God say?"

"I don't know, poisonous god, don't quibble, it must be you who did it!"

"Yes, Poison God, don't change the subject!"

"Do you think it's enough if you come up with a term we haven't heard before? Today you have to make up for our wounded hearts!"

"Yes, yes, your smog has caused us great harm! We must make up for it."

"Hey, Poison God, tell me how you want to make amends."

"Poison God sings a song, if you sing well, we will forgive you!"

"That's right, let's sing a song, God of Poison, to purify our polluted hearts."

"Sing and sing!"

"Sing and sing!"


Seeing the booing from the fans, Ye Feng almost vomited blood.

Where is he and what is he, how did he become my fault?

Still singing?
Return the essence to your polluted mind?
He has something to do with me!
Moreover, you don't know what Pm2.5 is?

Are you kidding me?

"Ye Feng, what are you talking about pm2.5?"

Originally, Ye Feng thought that this group of fans were deliberately pretending to be confused, but when Ning Ning suddenly raised her head, Ye was immediately dumbfounded.

You guys really don't know?
(End of this chapter)

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