Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 259 Recording a song with Su Ning 1

Chapter 259 Recording Songs with Su Ning

Fans think that the pm2.5 that Ye Feng said was made up by himself, but Su Ning doesn't think so, who is Ye Feng?That is the most educated person in China!Maybe this guy really knows something that ordinary people don't know.

Baby Su Ning was a little curious.

"You don't know?" Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and asked.

Su Ning gave him a blank look, and snorted, "I don't want to talk about falling down, I don't want to know yet."

Baby Su Ning is upset.

Ye Feng almost vomited blood, what the hell did I say to me?

I wipe!woman!

What an unreasonable animal!

In the cat circle.

"Poison God, don't pretend to be dead!"

"Yeah, I'm waiting for you to sing!"

"Don't run away, the culprit, I must pay for my mental damage with a song!"

"Poison God? Call the Poison God!"

The fans are enthusiastic. Of course, everyone has no malice at all. Everyone knows that the smog has nothing to do with syphilis, it's just a joke.But, to be honest, the fans really like Syphilis' songs, it's fake to blame him, but it's true to let him sing.

At this time, Queen Meow said: "Poison God, sing!"

With Su Ning taking the lead, the fans will be even happier!




Countless people have poisoned cats.

Ye Feng was checking the world's pm2.5 online, when suddenly his phone buzzed and vibrated.

Come in and take a look, Ye has black lines all over his head!

What does this have to do with me?

"Ning Ning, is there anyone who cheats on your husband like you?" Mrs. Ye wanted to cry but had no tears. There was really nothing she could do about this prodigal and lovely daughter-in-law.

Su Ning snorted, triumphantly, and said with a smile: "Great God, people also want to hear you sing." Su Ning's words are true, she has never heard Ye Feng's live version of singing, speaking of it Really looking forward to it.

At this time, the little baby who was watching the cartoon suddenly said: "Mama is so stinky!" After saying that, he quickly crawled into his father's arms and looked at his mother with a smile.

Her Lady Queen's originally complacent smile froze all of a sudden, and she looked at her precious daughter angrily.

It made Ye Feng laugh out loud.

Her Lady Queen looked at Ye Feng with a straight face and smiled.

"Cough cough."

Ye smiled for a while, and felt a murderous aura gathering around him.

"Smile, why don't you laugh anymore." The maid narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Ye Feng.

"Eh." Someone Ye swallowed, and then said to the baby in his arms: "Girl, how can you laugh at mom? What's wrong with mom being so cute?"

The little guy huddled in his father's arms, blinking his big eyes and pouting at Su Ning.

This makes Su Ning "angry", this dead girl, she is really supporting her for nothing!

"Yiyi, come here!"

Su Ning said "viciously".

"People don't want it!"

The little guy shrank back into his father's arms "in fear", begging for protection.

Seeing that the little guy is disobedient because of Ye Feng's presence?Su Ning looked at Ye Feng, "Ye Feng, come here."

"Uh, this..."


The little guy looked at his father pitifully.

Someone Ye found out sadly that he had encountered a problem of the century?
Choose a daughter or a wife?

My goodness!

"What, Ningning, don't you say you want to listen to my singing? Let's go singing?" Someone Ye quickly changed the subject, "Do you have any equipment at home?"

At this time, Ye found out that it is better to sing!

"Ning Ning? Let's go, fans are waiting." Ye Feng stood up, pulled Su Ning up, pushed her and walked upstairs.

The little guy was lying on the sofa, happily waving his little hand at Papa, and Ye Feng also turned his head and winked at his daughter.

Upstairs, there is indeed a small recording room.

Ye Feng already knew that as long as Su Ning lived in the villa, there would definitely be a recording room.Although this recording room is not as big as their home in Haicheng, it is well equipped.

Close the door, and nothing will happen to the little baby watching TV downstairs by himself.Seeing that Su Ning seemed a little unhappy, Ye Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "Why are you so angry with girls, be good, just smile."

Su Ning gave him a blank look, pouted her lips, looked at Ye Feng, and didn't speak.

Su Ning is not angry with the little baby, she is obviously angry with someone Ye, but with Ye Feng's EQ, she must not be able to tell.

Since Ye Feng came, Su Ning's life has changed.

The baby girl is no longer only close to herself, and sometimes bullies herself with her father, needless to say, Ye Feng, who often makes herself angry, Baby Su Ning feels wronged.

Blame Ye Feng, that bastard!
However, after thinking about Ye Feng's arrival, his life seems less monotonous than before?Life seems to have become more lively, my daughter is much happier than before, and I often laugh, this family seems to have more warmth of life.

Hmm~ Ye Feng, this bastard, still has some uses.

Thinking about it this way, baby Su Ning felt much better.

Ye would never know that in just a few seconds, the baby Ningning in front of him had so many thoughts on her mind... Moreover, she managed to get rid of the grievances in her heart. up.

"You stay away from me!"

Su Ning stretched out a small hand in disgust, pressed Ye Feng's chest, and pushed the hooligan Feng who was close to her body away by an arm.

Ye Feng rubbed his nose and smiled embarrassingly. As for what, they are old couples.

"What song do you want to listen to?"

Ye Feng walked around looking at the equipment in the room, and asked Su Ning casually.

"You really want to sing?"

Seeing that Ye Feng was about to get serious, Su Ning was a little surprised.

"Yeah, didn't you say you wanted to hear it?"

Ye Feng said it as a matter of course.

Listening to Ye Feng's casual sentence, Su Ning actually felt warm in her heart.

"You can sing well." Su Ning said sweetly with a smile on her lips.

Ye Feng glanced at her, thought for a while, and said, "Wait for me for a while." After speaking, he went out.

Su Ning was a little strange, wondering why Ye Feng went there.

However, Ye Feng came back after a while, holding a USB flash drive in his hand, and saw Ye Feng insert the USB flash drive into a recorder.

"What is this?" Su Ning asked strangely.

"You'll know after a while." Ye Feng pretended to be mysterious, and then saw Ye Feng fiddled with various instruments, playing the piano for a while, beating the drums for a while, and playing with the electronic organ for a while... He fiddled with those musical instruments by himself, Su Ning looked at him curiously.

Ye had been fiddling for more than ten minutes, and Su Ning was waiting with her arms folded.

"Okay, you're done!"

Ye Feng said with a smile: "Wait, I'll sing for you."

"Did you compose a song just now?"

Su Ning said in surprise, Su Ning is a professional singer, she vaguely felt that Ye Feng was preparing a song just now, but this song is a bit simple, right?

Moreover, what is Ye Feng doing?

Just sing a song, but also compose a tune by yourself?

Su Ning was a little confused.

Facing Su Ning's doubts, Ye Feng did not answer, he pulled Su Ning to let her sit on a chair, and put on a headset for her.After finishing all this, Ye Feng adjusted the recording equipment in the house again, then walked into the small recording studio at the innermost, and opened his voice slowly into the microphone in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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