Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 260 Wan Wusheng

Chapter 260 Wan Wusheng

"Deng Deng Dang Dang~~~~~" (that's such a sloppy onomatopoeia)

This is a prelude heard by Su Ning, very simple.

Then, Ye Feng spoke.

"Once upon a time, the imperial capital was beautiful and the four seasons were clean and refreshing."

When Ye Feng sang, his voice was very different, and the first line of the lyrics surprised Su Ning.

Gods used to be beautiful?

The implication is that now...?
Also, haven't you heard this song?

Another new song?

Su Ning blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Ye Feng.

"I can't see where I am ten meters away today."

This second sentence almost made Su Ning faint. My Professor Ye, why are you... so talented?

Can't see where it is from ten meters away?
Isn't this the smog day of today?
Is this not only a new song, but Professor Ye improvised it?
"I heard that there is a vast expanse of white haze for thousands of miles around."

"There is a siren sound in the earlobe in the fog"


Ye Feng quickly finished recording a song.

Let's not talk about how brainwashing the tune of this song is, just talk about the lyrics, Her Lady Queen is really convinced now!


Although she always felt that her Professor Ye was very talented, she had never felt so intuitively like today!
How can you have so many associations in just one smoggy day?

Ye Feng came out, helped Su Ning take off the earphones, and asked with a smile: "How is it? Is it okay?"

Su Ning held back a smile, "Okay, fans of your song will definitely like it very much." Indeed, this song is not only beautiful, but the main reason is that the word is so magical!After Su Ning finished listening, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

Seeing the smile on Su Ning's face, Ye Feng also smiled slightly, but he was not very happy in his heart, even a little worried.

People in this world, their understanding of smog, is still at this point?
Not even pm2.5 announced?
Do you just take the smog day as a joke?
Ye Feng and Su Ning went downstairs, Su Ning excitedly picked up the phone, and urged: "Hurry up, I'll send you flowers."

Leaning on the sofa, Ye Feng looked at his precious girl who was staring at the TV and laughing, and seemed to have made a decision in his heart, and then announced the song he had recorded.


In the cat circle.

Huaye never sees all come out, "Didn't you say that the poisonous god wants to sing? People? You are not lying to me, are you?" As the number one fan in the cat circle, he was given to Aite by other fans.

"No! Her Lady Queen has already said that the Poison God will definitely sing!"

"Maybe I went to record a song? After all, the circle can't broadcast live."

"Wait a little longer, I believe the Poison God will not be able to escape!"

After a while, the God of Poison still didn't appear, and now the fans couldn't wait any longer.

"Poison God? Poison God? Call the Poison God!"

"Didn't the Poison God run away?"

"I'll go after that, the God of Poison let us go!"

"No, this guy is too irresponsible!"

"That's right, the smog he created just slipped away like this, hahaha!"

"My mental damage fee!"

"Hahaha, everyone, stop making trouble, maybe the Poison God is busy."

The fans also knew that it was just a joke. Poison God can sing the best, but no one will blame him if he doesn't sing.

At this time, suddenly, Queen Meow put a new song on the top, "Responsible God of Poison, pay for everyone's mental damage."

Fans were surprised when they saw it.

"I'll go, the God of Poison is powerful!"

"Wow, you are indeed my idol!"

"Hey, Poison God is so fond of fans, I want to follow him."

"Ah, no, I want to go home and let my idol sing a song!"

"I envy your circle, it's so good."

There are also many fans in the cat circle who are not cats. They are fans of other families, but they came to play, and seeing that the poisonous god actually complied with such an unreasonable request from fans, isn't this too pampering fans?
Many other fans are envious.

"Huh? Life of the Mist?"

"What the hell is this? Poison God also sang this song?"


"Damn it! Haven't you heard of it before?"

"New song?"

"I'm going! The God of Poison is against the sky!"

"This Poison God directly made a new song?"

Almost all fans think that even if the God of Poison sings, it must be a cover of the previous songs, or simply sing a few lines. No one will think there is any problem with this, after all, God of Poison sing It is the greatest favor to the fans.

But looking at this song, everyone never expected that Poison God would come up with a new song?
Fans are dumbfounded.

One by one hurriedly clicked in.

"Once upon a time, the imperial capital was beautiful and the four seasons were clean and refreshing."

"I can't see where I am ten meters away today."

"I heard that there is a vast expanse of white haze for thousands of miles around."

"There is a siren sound in the earlobe in the fog"

Just after listening to the beginning, the fans' reaction was almost the same as that of Su Ning at that time.


I wipe!Is this a song about smog?

Didn't Poison God write it today?

Listening to the song, fans were taken aback.

"I saw girls covering their mouths desperately on the street"

"Covering your mouth feels like suffocation"

"A large fog spreads and surrounds people"

"People are covered with smog ashes when they walk"

The voice of the Poison God is very different from Ye Feng's usual voice, or the voices of Ye Zi, Zi Ye, Night Cat, and Syphilis are all very different, and this is why no one has doubted the four of them for so long is a person.Poison God's voice is thicker and deeper, but the singing method of this song is different from the previous songs of Poison God. In addition to the deep voice, some playful feelings have been added.

Each lyric has many comments.

"Poison God is invincible!"

"Sings beautifully, and the lyrics are even more invincible!"

"This is a true portrayal of me today! My body is covered in dust!"

"Shut up, I'm bothering me to listen to the song!"

There is a transitional music here, and the sound of guzheng is crisp and melodious.

Then Ye Feng's deep singing voice sounded again.

"In the past, when you spoke, your voice was clear and crisp."

"You were coughing and coughing on the phone today"

"Look at the gray haze upstairs and downstairs."

"There are bursts of singing in my heart floating in the fog"

The poison god's voice suddenly became a little high and excited.

"I saw the smog piled on the helpless people"

"Helpless people inhale harmful substances into their lungs"

"Each lung is like a professional purification equipment"

"Contributing high drug costs to reducing pollution"

In the last sentence, the God of Poison seemed to be sighing.

Listening to this paragraph, many fans were stunned for a moment.

Is the smog that serious?

Isn't it just a foggy day mixed with some dust?

Wouldn't it be enough to wear a mask?

Still have to go to the hospital?
Not so exaggerated?

However, the song of Poison God suddenly changed and became even more high-pitched, even a little bit sad and indignant.

"I saw the smog engulfing the Northeast overnight"

"Pedestrians on the street wear masks to play heroes with white eyebrows"

"No matter how good your martial arts are, you can't see who your opponent is"

"Environmental experts say that improvement has to wait for strong winds to blow"

The last sentence seems to be a sarcasm.

Many fans couldn't stop laughing after hearing this.

"This song is amazing! Hahahaha!"

"I'm dying of laughter! The God of Poison is indeed the God of Poison!"

"He can write this kind of song, it's amazing!"

"It's a true portrayal of today! Ten meters away, there is no distinction between humans and animals!"

"The hero with white eyebrows is too vivid!"

"I'm not in the north, and we don't have any smog here today. Can someone please take a few photos?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I can't understand this picture!"

"Yes, how can you not see people in broad daylight?"

"Also, Poison God exaggerated the smog, right? Isn't smog and smog just thick fog and dust? It's not that scary, is it?"

"Maybe Poison God wrote it deliberately for the sake of spoofing."

"This song is well written! Down to earth! Haha, I like it!"

"I've been brainwashed, this word and this song are simply poisonous! As expected of the God of Poison! It successfully poisoned me!"

The fans' comments were all cheerful, and Su Ning kept repeating the single. To be honest, not only the lyrics of this song are interesting, but its tune was also popular in the previous life.

This song "Wanwusheng" is actually "Wanwusheng" adapted by a talented online singer in the previous life, and the tune is the same.You know, "All Things Live" back then was a brainwashing divine comedy!

Ye Feng took out this song "Wan Wusheng" in this world, and the effect will naturally not be bad.

However, looking at the cheerful comments from the fans, Ye Feng couldn't be happier.

Smog is fog plus dust?
Am I exaggerating?

You all know that this kind of weather is called "smog", but you don't know the difference between it and "fog"?

Is the difference just a little more dust?

Then why isn't he called "fog dust"?

With such advanced technology in this world, the people are actually ignorant of the dangers of smog?
This was completely unexpected by Ye Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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