Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 261 Covered lid?

Chapter 261 Covered lid?

If the smog of the previous life has been shelved for so long, there is still a reason.After all, the technology in the previous life was not as advanced as it is now. Even the experts thought that the smog that appeared back then was heavy fog.

But what about this world?
Ye Feng doesn't believe that these experts in this world don't know what is fog and what is haze!
Ye Feng checked the consultation method of the environmental protection department on the Internet, and then called directly.

"Hey, this is the chacha center." It's a female voice, formulaic beginning.

Ye Feng didn't care, and said directly: "Oh, hello, I want to ask, can you help me check the pm2.5 data today?" Actually, Ye Feng doesn't know much about smog, he can There is only one pm2.5 value to measure smog.

There was silence over there, and after a while, he said, "I'm sorry sir, we don't have the data you mentioned here."

"No?" Ye Feng frowned, and even raised his voice.

Su Ning turned her head to look at Ye Feng, wondering who he was calling.

"You are in charge of the environment, how come you don't even have this data?" Ye Feng asked.

The other side said apologetically: "I'm sorry sir, we really don't have any here. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Ye Feng frowned, thought for a while, and asked again: "What is the air pollution index in the imperial capital today?"

The other side seemed to ponder for a while before answering: "We are not responsible for the air quality. You need to consult the chacha department for details."


Ye Feng sneered and hung up the phone casually.

Going on, it doesn't make any sense.

Not your responsibility?

You are ****, who is responsible if you are not responsible?

Is the security guard at the gate in charge?

"Who are you calling? You look unhappy?" Su Ning asked casually as she lowered her head and played with her mobile phone while nestling on the sofa.

Ye Feng shook his head, "It's nothing, I just asked the chacha department about something."

"They? What did you ask them for?" Su Ning was a little strange, Ye Feng seemed a little out of order today, why should he ask them for nothing?

"Oh, forget it, I'll go out for a while." Ye Feng sighed, and after finishing speaking, he was about to go out with his coat.

"There is such a heavy smog outside, where are you going?" Su Ning put down her phone and said with a frown, she didn't want Ye Feng to go out.

"There's something wrong, dear, you two don't go out, this smog..." Speaking of this, Ye Feng suddenly didn't know how to continue, you said the smog is poisonous, it really isn't a big poison, but You say it is not poisonous, but this thing actually does a lot of harm to people's bodies.After thinking for a while, Ye Feng told Su Ning, "You two should stay at home, especially Yiyi, you can't go out, you know?"


Su Ning saw that Ye Feng didn't seem to want to say anything, so she didn't ask. Anyway, it would be good if Ye Feng didn't go out and cause trouble. Last time, Su Ning was very anxious.

"drive safely."

"Hmm, don't worry, I may not come back at noon."


Like a little daughter-in-law, Su Ning reminded her husband who was going out.

"Ma Ma, Ma Ma, why can Papa go out?" As soon as Ye Feng walked away, the little guy couldn't sit still and shouted that he wanted to go out to play.

"Yiyi wants to go out too, I want to go out!"

The little guy quit.

But Su Ning ignored her at all, that is, her father spoiled her and made a fuss about everything. For Ye Yiyi's coquettish and cute way, Master Su Ning said that she already had some resistance experience.

Seeing his mother ignoring him, the little guy yelled for a while, then went to watch TV obediently again.

Su Ning, who was playing with her mobile phone, had a faint smile on her lips.


Sitting in the car, Ye Feng searched the Internet for reports or academic papers about the smog on his mobile phone, but there were very few of them. The sporadic reports were all traffic accidents caused by the smog.And there are even fewer related academic journals, it can almost be said that there are not many articles.

However, at the bottom, there was a long-ago paper that caught Ye Feng's attention.

"The Difference Between "Fog" and "Haze" in Luelun"?
This paper is almost equivalent to hiding in a corner. Ye Feng clicked in and took a look. It probably talked about the difference between the formation of smog and thick fog.

Hasn't someone researched this?

Why is there no follow-up?
Look at when this paper was published, grass, five years ago!
However, looking at the number of views of this paper, it must have caused a sensation back then, right?Moreover, Ye Feng checked the information and found that the word "smog" seems to be the first to be derived from here.

However, you guys figured it out five years ago, but you still haven't figured out pm2.5?

on purpose!
The brute force is intentional!
Ye Feng felt as if he had met a "big cover", a "big cover" covered by someone!
Looking at the publisher of this paper, it turned out to be a professor at Peking University!
A professional paper by a Peking University professor has zero citations?
Ha ha.

Ye Feng became more and more convinced that the cover of smog must have been suppressed by some people!

Otherwise, research on smog would never have come to an abrupt end!
Ye Feng never felt that he was a bad person, but he had to take care of this matter!
Because, air is such a thing, no one can be alone!

Maybe Ye is not afraid of the smog, but what about his wife and children?
After thinking about it, Ye Feng drove directly to Peking University.

On the road, the smog was not as severe as in the morning, and it seemed to have dissipated a little, but the visibility was still very low.Ye Feng drove the car slowly, although his home was a bit far from Peking University, but he also knew that this kind of weather was not the time to be in a hurry.

More than ten o'clock.

Ye Feng finally arrived at the gate of Peking University.

The security guard didn't stop him and drove in directly.

After finding a parking space, Ye Feng first called Zhao Huangming and asked for the contact information of Dean Hu of the Chinese Department of Peking University.

Called, beeped twice, connected.

"Hello? Who is it?"

Dean Hu's voice came from the phone.

"Dean Hu, I'm Ye Feng." Ye Feng smiled.

"Ye Feng? Professor Ye?"

Dean Hu was reading a book in the office, when he heard that it was Ye Feng, his eyes widened immediately.

"Yes, are you at Peking University now? I have something to ask for your help."

"Yes, where are you? I'll look for you right away." Dean Hu is also quite polite, although Dean Hu is not young, but this is Professor Ye!Whether it is calligraphy or literature, Dean Hu admires Ye Feng from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't bother you, tell me where you are, I'll go find you." After all, I was looking for help, and Ye Feng didn't want to bother him so much.

"That's fine, I'm in the chacha building..."


Knowing the address, Ye Feng got off the car and went straight there.


In the office, Dean Hu was quite enthusiastic. He took out his best tea and even brewed a pot of tea himself.

The two sat opposite each other, drinking tea.

"I heard that Professor Ye is an expert in tea ceremony, what does Professor Ye think of this tea?"

Dean Hu has known for a long time that Ye Feng has a tea house, which is said to be famous among the high society in Haicheng.

"Not bad, Yushu Yinhua, a rare good tea."

Ye Feng is not complimenting, this tea is really good.

Hearing Ye Feng's affirmation, Dean Hu was also very happy.

The two chatted for a while before Ye Feng said, "Mr. Hu, do you know Professor Wang Yuqin from Peking University?"

Wang Yuqin is the author of the paper that Ye Feng saw.

"Professor Wang Yuqin?"

Hearing the name, Dean Hu was stunned for a moment, and said a little strangely: "Why are you looking for him? He is a professor of our School of Environmental Sciences."

Ye Feng is a literature student, uh, okay, he is still a mathematics student, but this has nothing to do with environmental studies?You are looking for Professor Wang, what do you two have in common?
Dean Hu is a little strange.

Ye Feng smiled, "I just encountered a little trouble, and I want to ask him for help. I wonder if Mr. Hu can recommend him?"

"Hey, I thought it's a big deal, and it's easy to do." Although Ye Feng didn't know why he asked Professor Wang, he still readily agreed.

"Thank you then." Ye Feng beamed with joy.

It is impossible for Ye Feng to study smog, after all, he doesn't know anything about the environment.However, he can find someone to help with research!
Professor Wang Yuqin has published a paper on smog before, and must have studied it. Although I don’t know why there is no follow-up, it at least shows that Professor Wang is an expert in this field!

Therefore, Ye Feng came to him directly, he needed to know some data, some data that could support his next move!

That's right, Ye Feng had already figured out what to do on the way here!


with a cover?
I just don't care about you guys!
No one can cover this lid!

(End of this chapter)

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