Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 263 Research style

Chapter 263 Research style

After three cigarettes, the middle-aged man finally came out.

He got into a black car, Ye Feng immediately pushed open his car door, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the side of the black car, opened the door, and sat in directly.

"I wipe! You are... oh, I wipe!"

A black figure suddenly appeared on the co-pilot, which startled the middle-aged man, but before he could see the figure clearly, a fist the size of a casserole came across, and then the guy felt his eyes go dark, I feel like I'm going to faint...

The middle-aged man fainted and was punched by Ye Feng.

Unhurriedly, Ye took out the silver needle he carried with him, and stabbed the guy's head several times. After a while, the middle-aged man woke up in a daze, but his eyes were very bright. is sluggish.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing here?" Ye Feng's voice seemed to have magical powers, and the dazed middle-aged man answered without even thinking...


"dong dong"

Ye Feng knocked on the door, and it was still Qian Lao who opened the door.

"You? Why are you here again?" Qian Lao's face was ugly, and he was about to close the door after he finished speaking, as if he didn't want to see Ye Feng.But Ye Feng had quick eyes and quick hands, and blocked the door all of a sudden.

"What are you doing! Let go! Or, or I'll call the police!" Qian Lao said angrily.

Ye Feng said lightly: "Mr. Qian, don't worry, I'm here to help Mr. Wang. After so many years, don't you feel aggrieved?"

Hearing Ye Feng's inexplicable words, Mr. Qian was quite astonished, and froze in place for a while.

That's right, Ye Feng came to visit Wang Lao again, and this time, he was well prepared, and he was sure to persuade Wang Lao to cooperate with him.

"you you……"

Mr. Qian hesitated and hawed, not knowing what to say.

"Mr. Qian, let's go in and talk?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

(The process of persuading Mr. Wang with [-] words is omitted here. Don’t ask me why, I’m just too lazy to talk about it... probably the content is to persuade Mr. Wang to help Ye Feng...)

After talking so much with the old couple, Ye Feng has a deeper understanding of what happened to Wang Lao back then.

That was seven years ago. At that time, smog was already a problem. As an expert in environmental science, Mr. Wang is naturally sensitive to air changes that others cannot match.He immediately realized that this "foggy day" was not an ordinary foggy day.

Later, Mr. Wang began to invest a lot of time and energy in researching this "foggy sky". Finally, after two years of independent research, Mr. Wang understood what this "foggy sky" was all about!
It turns out that there is another component in this "fog", which is called "haze".Later, Mr. Wang excitedly published his own research results, that is, the article "The Difference Between "Fog" and "Smog" in Lue Lun".

But what happened later was something Wang Lao never expected.

His thesis caused a huge shock in the academic world at that time, and even many people paid close attention to it.Unfortunately, his research has touched the interests of too many people.If you think about it, you can understand, how did the haze come from?Isn't it the excessive discharge of some big polluting enterprises?Even some state-owned enterprises are blatantly and illegally emitting exhaust gas!

Wang Lao's research made too many people sleepless.Therefore, some wealthy people united another group of wealthy people (the Buddha said: this sentence needs to be understood by the readers themselves), and they joined forces to kill Wang Lao.

Since then, no one has studied the smog anymore. After all, what happened to Mr. Wang was a bloody example, and because there was no follow-up, the public gradually stopped paying attention.But these people are still worried, afraid that Mr. Wang will mess around in the future, and they will send people to beat Mr. Wang from time to time.

(Okay, don’t write it, let’s make up the rest by yourself.)

At night, at home, in the study.

Ye Feng held a stack of documents in his hand, which was the painstaking effort of Mr. Wang for so many years.

"What are you doing? I see you started watching these things after eating. What is this?"

After taking a shower, Su Ning came in with wet hair.

Ye Feng rubbed the center of his brows, without raising his head, he said, "I'm studying smog."

"Study on smog?"

Her Lady Queen was very strange, "Did you find anything out of your research?"

"See for yourself."

Ye Feng didn't answer Su Ning, but handed her a report that he had just sorted out.

Su Ning took it while wiping her hair.

After a few glances, Su Ning's beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

"This is real?"

Su Ning couldn't believe it.

Ye Feng nodded, "Of course, this is only a part of the harm."

There was a hint of worry in Su Ning's eyes, and she said, "What are you going to do with it?" To be honest, with Su Ning's identity, she didn't realize that the smog was so harmful, although she knew that the smog was harmful to the environment. The human body is not good, but the things Ye Feng showed her are completely different from what she knew before!
Su Ning, like many people, thinks that smog is foggy weather mixed with dust, but Ye Feng now tells her that fog and smog are two different things!

Moreover, the harm to the human body is far beyond Su Ning's imagination!
"What do you think I should do?" Ye Feng asked with a smile.

"Of course we want to expose it, let everyone know the dangers of the smog, everyone should take precautions consciously!" Baby Ning Ning said without even thinking about it.

But Ye Feng shook his head, stood up, took the towel in Su Ning's hand, gently wiped her hair, and said, "This matter is not as simple as you think."


Su Ning asked.

Ye Fengdao: "There are many problems to be solved here, such as how the smog is formed? I have already figured this out, but after that comes another more difficult problem."

Su Ning didn't speak, but listened quietly. She had a vague feeling that Ye Feng seemed to have encountered a dilemma.Otherwise, he usually wouldn't talk about these things with himself. With Ye Feng's personality, he would always do it when he thought about it, and would never discuss it with Su Ning.

Ye Feng said softly: "The main reason for the smog is that many enterprises emit polluting waste gas, or because burning coal pollutes the environment too much. If this incident is known to the world, you have thought about it. How much impact will it have on the areas of the pillar industry? Maybe millions of people will lose their jobs because of it.”

Ye Feng sighed lightly. At the very beginning, Ye Feng was still determined to lift the cover of the smog.But when he got a deeper understanding of this matter, he suddenly discovered that the involvement in this matter was really too great!
If it is revealed rashly, maybe something will happen!
Su Ning was also silent, this is really not a good choice.

After a while, Su Ning said quietly, "Actually, if you think that what you do is right, then you can choose whatever you want. Because every answer is right." After saying this In a word, Su Ning went out silently.She is a smart woman, knowing that Ye Feng needs to think about it for herself now.

Both choices are correct, so can you choose casually?

Because, the results are all correct?

Su Ning's words made Ye Feng a little dazed.

Is it like this?
Ye Feng sat in front of the computer, frowning in thought.

After thinking for a long time, he still didn't understand. Later, Ye Feng turned on the computer and hacked into the database of the largest hospital in the imperial capital.He wanted to see if the death rate on hazy days had changed.

20.00% Seven!

This is the mortality rate of patients with heart disease in haze days!
To be honest, when I saw this number, Ye was startled!
This is seven times the usual amount!
What kind of number is this?
Let’s look at some other diseases, and sure enough, the incidence rate increases suddenly in smog days.

Moreover, Ye Feng himself is a big doctor of Chinese medicine, he actually understands the dangers of smog in his heart, but the impact without these data is even greater!

Withdrawing from the hospital's database, Ye gritted his teeth, Mad!What the hell!


Lift this lid!

Ye Feng made a software for making animations by himself, and then used the data he collected and some professional research results provided by Mr. Wang to start his own production!
(End of this chapter)

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