Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 264 Help me?

Chapter 264 Help me?
In the past few days, it has been a series of smog days, but it is much smaller than the first time.

Ye Feng also went to work.

In the office, Mr. Ye was not playing games, but immersed himself in making his animated science films.

Lifting the cover of the smog, Ye Feng didn't want to reveal his real identity, not because he was afraid, but mainly because it would cause some unnecessary troubles, and if it didn't work out, it would implicate Haida.Therefore, he planned to use the name of poison to do things.

Animation science, this is a way Ye Feng thought of, he wants to show the famous documentary of Chai Jing in the form of animation in the form of animation.Although he doesn't know how to draw this kind of simplified painting, after all, he still has some foundation in Chinese painting, which is barely enough, and with his invincible computer technology, it is actually not a big problem.The main difficulty is professional knowledge, Ye Feng needs to collect too much data, and must ensure the authenticity of these data, the workload is too great.


The number of flowers in the song "Wan Wusheng" by the God of Venom has soared like a rocket. In just a few days, it has already reached the top three in the fan creation list, and the number of flowers is still skyrocketing. It is estimated that tomorrow You can climb to the top.

"Wow, the Great God Poison has released a new song?"

"This song is so magical!"

"Poison God's songs have always been very deep. Is this song satirizing the smog?"

"What's so ironic about smog?"

"It's mostly ridicule, not irony."

"Anyway, this song is nice, and I've been repeating it for a long time."

'Hey, Poison God's songs can only be heard in the circle, why does he post on the fan cover list every time?If he posted it in his own circle, it would definitely sweep the major music charts! '

"Are you new here upstairs? Didn't you know that Poison God is a loyal fan of Queen Su Ning? Of course this is to increase Her Lady Queen's popularity!"

"To be honest, the night cats I admire the most in the fan world are Ye Zi, Zi Ye and Poison God. They are simply crazy!"

"It's been a long time since I saw the leader appear."

"Yezi...then isn't he Professor Ye? Professor Ye's status is much higher than Su Ning's right now?"

"Nonsense, Professor Ye is an existence like a national treasure, and he is not from the entertainment industry. The two of you are not in the same dimension, okay?"

"But Poison God is also awesome. He is the one with the most in-depth lyrics among the four of them. Every song can be thought-provoking."


The fans in the circle have everything to say, but almost no one is aware of the seriousness of the smog. Everyone pays more attention to the quality of this song, and no one notices that this song wants to express s things.Yes, after all, it is an entertainment society.

"Dong Dong~"

"Come in."

Ye Feng said without raising his head.

"Brother-in-law, are you busy?"

Hearing the voice, Ye Feng was taken aback for a moment, and looked up, but he didn't expect it was Su Ke, and Lao Wan followed behind.

"How did you have time to come down?"

Ye Feng was a little strange. As the president of the company, Su Ke was usually very busy. Sometimes he didn't even have time to eat lunch. Why did he have time to visit him today?
"It's not that my brother-in-law has been here for so long, and I didn't come to see it, so I feel really sorry." Su Ke said with a smile.

"Pull it down, what's the matter, tell me."

Ye Feng leaned back, the ghost would believe what Su Ke said.

Su Ke was not embarrassed, he pulled a chair and sat down, and said: "Brother-in-law has sharp eyes, I can't hide anything from my brother-in-law, I really need my brother-in-law's help with a little matter."

"What's the matter, tell me."

Ye Feng lit a cigarette, and threw one to Su Ke and Lao Wan, Lao Wan was flattered.

"Lao Wan sits too." Ye Feng said with a smile, and then said to Su Ke: "Lao Wan is a rare talent."

Su Ke smiled, looked at Lao Wan, Lao Wan quickly waved his hands and said modestly: "Boss Ye praised Boss Ye, and it's all thanks to Boss Ye's leadership."

Su Ke nodded with a smile, "Assistant Wan is also sitting, just to listen." Hearing this, Lao Wan found a stool and sat on half of his buttocks.

After all sat down, Su Ke said: "Brother-in-law, that's the case. Originally, CCTV had a bidding meeting in the afternoon, and I was required to go there in person, but the city notified us temporarily that our company should go to watch the meeting. It’s a conflict. So I want to see if you have time, brother-in-law, and if you have time, go to the bidding meeting for me, after all, I don’t feel relieved to let others go.”

"Does brother-in-law have time this afternoon?" Su Ke asked.

Ye Feng looked at the computer and frowned. To be honest, he didn't want to go, he was busy with the production of this animation right now.But Su Ke has come to look for him in person, presumably there is really no other way, otherwise Su Ke will never come to him.

Indeed, if Ye Feng doesn't go, then Lan Tian can only go, Su Ke doesn't want Lan Tian to have such an opportunity.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng still nodded, "I'm fine this afternoon, what time is it?"

Su Ke was overjoyed immediately, and said repeatedly: "02:30 in the afternoon."

Ye Feng pinched his cigarette butt, and said: "I can go, but I don't understand anything about these classes, don't blame me for messing up."

"Don't worry brother-in-law, I'll let my secretary and Assistant Wan go with you." Su Ke said with a smile: "My secretary understands everything, so just ask them if you don't understand anything. Of course, in the end it's up to you, brother-in-law. The two are for you."

Hearing Su Ke's words, Lao Wan who was next to him secretly clicked his tongue, refreshing his understanding of Ye Feng again. Both Su Ke and Ye Feng spoke so cautiously?I have to emphasize that Ye Feng has the final say?This is for fear that Ye Feng will be unhappy!
What is the identity of Mr. Ye?
Even if it is Mr. Su's brother-in-law and Mr. Lan's son-in-law, there is no need for Su Ke to be so respectful, right?After all, Su Ke's surname is Su, and Ye Feng's surname is Ye!
"Okay." Ye Feng looked at the time, "It's 01:30, tell your secretary to come down and get ready."

"it is good."


At [-]:[-], a large auditorium was full of seats.

There was also a banner of "CCTV Advertisement Bidding Conference" hanging on the stage, and there was a host on the stage, who was in the heat.


Ye Feng and the others sat in the third row, and Ye Feng naturally sat between them. Besides the three of them, there were people from other departments of the company following.

Bidding is no small matter.

When he came, Secretary Xiaofan had already introduced it to Ye Feng, and now he knew exactly what he was here for this time. Simply put, Wei C Technology has launched a new app and needs to promote it. So I want to buy a good short-term advertising space on CCTV, and make this new APP famous.

Moreover, what interests Ye Feng the most is that this app is called "Knowledge".

Although Secretary Xiaofan didn't mention the function of this APP, just hearing the name, Ye has a very familiar feeling!
Do you know?

Do you know?
Su Ke came up with a Zhihu?

Ye Feng didn't check it online, but he guessed that his guess was pretty close.

Regarding the influence of CCTV's advertisements, even if Ye Feng didn't know about it, he still understood that after all, he is the leading brother in the country, not comparable to local satellite TVs, especially during the prime time, the influence is even greater.Of course, the price is also leveraged.

Therefore, generally speaking, if a company can advertise on CCTV, it basically means that the company has good strength.But this time, Su Ke meant not to fight for the prime time, but at least to fight for a certain time during the day.

On the stage, the host finally finished talking nonsense, and then a national auctioneer came up.

This time, it is said to be a bidding, but it is actually more like a bidding, or an auction.

The highest bidder wins, simple and clear rules, and cumbersome bidding documents are not allowed, as long as you have money.

"The first one, the advertising space in front of "Morning News", five seconds and one hundred thousand a day, please raise your placard."

As soon as the voice on the stage fell, many bosses raised their cards off the court.

The former advertising space of "Morning News" is still very good, so it is quite popular.

(End of this chapter)

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