Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 265 CCTV Tender Meeting

Chapter 265 CCTV Tender Meeting

"Morning News"? This is fine, Mr. Ye, what do you think? Shall we fight for it?" Secretary Xiaofan said with a sparkle in his eyes. He was indeed more optimistic about this position.

Ye Feng said casually: "If you think it's okay, you can lift it."


Seeing Ye Feng's attitude, Secretary Xiao Fan felt a little annoyed, you are always the vice president, I can't make the decision!
"Mr. Ye, then I lifted it?"

Secretary Xiaofan said cautiously.

"Lift it."

What Ye Feng said was an understatement.

Secretary Xiaofan twitched the corner of his mouth, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he raised the sign in his hand.

"Fifty-one from the Tycoon Group!"

"Six Orange Group fifty-two thousand!"

"Three mango groups fifty-four thousand!"

"Wei C Technology fifty-five thousand!"

"Six Orange Group fifty-six thousand!"


All kinds of quotations are emerging one after another, and the prices are also rising all the way.After Secretary Xiaofan lifted it once, he stopped lifting it again. The price is a bit exaggerated.

In the end, the advertising slots during this time period were taken down one by one by more than a dozen groups.

Secretary Xiaofan is a bit pity.

Next, another round of competition.

"Mr. Ye, how about this? Shall we raise our placards?" Secretary Xiaofan asked.

"Whatever." Ye Feng was also very desperate in his heart, why do you keep asking me why I don't understand, idiot!
Old Wan next to him seemed to have seen what Ye Feng meant, and said to Secretary Xiaofan: "Boss Ye let you decide, you can raise your sign if you can, there is no problem."

"This... okay."

Even though he said so, Secretary Xiaofan was still quite nervous. This is not a joke. Be responsible!

Ye Feng let him figure it out, it was like putting Secretary Fan on the fire!
Something went wrong, who is responsible?
Is it Ye Feng or Secretary Xiaofan?
Although it is said that Ye Feng let him figure it out, if something really happens, if Ye Feng said in the end that I let you figure it out, you will do it for me?The unlucky one was Secretary Xiaofan.

So, he panicked a little.

For the next few bids, Secretary Xiaofan was timid, for fear that his bid would be too high and the company would lose money.As a result, all the morning slots passed, and Wei C Technology did not compete for an advertising space in the end!

Secretary Xiaofan was about to cry, "Mr. Ye, it's better for you to come. I really can't do it. Mr. Su told me to win at least three daytime advertising spots. We don't have any of them."

Ye Feng rubbed the center of his brows, he was also a little apprehensive.

Originally thought that bidding was just to hold up a sign and see who had the most money, wouldn't that be the end of the matter?But looking at it this way, this is not the case at all, and there is a lot of knowledge in it!
Like when do you bid?Which ad space do you compete for best?Also, you have to be optimistic about who the advertisements before and after you are. Does your advertisement conflict with theirs?Can it be enhanced or weakened?Waiting for this series of things that need attention, Ye Feng is a little confused.

Of course, Secretary Xiaofan understands these things quite well, but unfortunately he is not a leader, and he doesn't have the courage to bid at all!

How can you compete with others if you are timid?
This is also the reason why Su Ke must let a vice president lead the team. The employees below do not have that kind of courage, and they dare not let go of their hands and feet.Originally, Su Ke felt that there would be nothing wrong with Ye Feng being the one to make the decision, but he never expected that Ye would flick his hands when he arrived here, and would not care about anything.

As time passed, all the better advertising spots were taken. Secretary Xiaofan became more and more anxious.

"President Ye? President Ye?"

"Don't worry, let me think about it." Ye Feng frowned, "Did Su Ke tell you about the price limit?"

"I've said it." Secretary Xiaofan nodded and said, "Boss Su said that the normal time period can't exceed [-] seconds and [-] a day. We don't dispute the prime time period, and the rest of the better time periods can't exceed [-] seconds and [-] a day."

"Is this the upper limit?"

"Uh, yes."

Ye Feng was speechless, your upper limit is a bit low!

Almost every time the transaction price fluctuates around their upper limit, isn't this too damn foolish?If an expert bidder comes, he might succeed, but I'm just a rookie!What does this make me do?
In fact, this was Su Ke's mistake. He had wrongly estimated the intensity of the bidding, and the budget was much smaller.Of course, if Su Ke came in person, it wouldn't be a problem, after all, he is the president and can make adjustments at any time.But the three of them now, including Ye Feng, are not top leaders, so they can only act according to the standard given by Su Ke.

"Forget it and see, you will offer our highest price, if you can get it, get it, if you can't get it, let it go."

Ye Feng has nothing to do, this kind of thing is not something he can decide.

"This, can this work?"

Secretary Xiaofan swallowed, Mr. Ye's method is too hasty, isn't it?
Old Wan next to him said, "We will implement what Mr. Ye says."


Secretary Xiaofan sighed, he felt that he must be dead when he went back this time.

What kind of shit is he bidding on!

It's completely out of order!



three times.


In the next bidding, Wei C Technology really missed time and time again. After more than two hours, the companies sitting in the first three rows were the only ones who got nothing.

Many people have already started to point fingers.

"Is that someone from Wei C Technology? Familiar."

"The company under Lan's is so stingy?"

"The person in charge is not good, and he doesn't have any courage."

"I heard that he is a vice president of Wei C, and he is also a famous professor."

"Professor? I said, why does it look familiar? Isn't this Professor Ye from Haida University? Why did he go to Wei C to be the vice president?"

"Who knows, and I don't know what Mr. Su thinks. He was asked to come to such an important matter."

"Hehe, just wait and see the joke, their Wei C came in vain this time."

"For such a big company, they didn't even get a single advertising space? It's really..."

"Since ancient times, it has been said that literati cannot do business, and it is true!"

"Professor Ye is still too bookish, and he has not let go of his poor mentality. He is reluctant to spend money. What good position can he get?"

"Hahaha, makes sense! Makes sense!"

Many people looked at Ye Feng and the others and couldn't stop laughing. Lao Wan and Xiao Fan's secretary looked a little ugly. Being ridiculed by so many people on such an occasion is simply embarrassing!
At this time, a woman came over, "Are you the person in charge of Wei C Technology?"

Ye Feng looked up at her, and said lightly: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"I'm the president of Lan's Group Operations Department, Ling Luohan." The beauty frowned and said, "What's your name?"

"Ye Feng."

The identity of the woman, Lao Wan next to her, suddenly widened her eyes. Seeing Ye Feng's indifferent attitude, Lao Wan quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Mr. Ling, this is our company's Vice President Ye Fengye."

Ling Luohan glanced at Lao Wan, then frowned slightly and said to Ye Feng: "Do you need help?" Wei C Technology is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lan's Group, and in a certain sense is Lan's own son. As the president of the operation department of the head office, Ling Luohan actually came out of good intentions, and she also came to compete for the advertising space, but seeing that Wei C Technology hadn't bought an advertisement for so long, she couldn't stand it anymore.

I have seen the boss who has dishes, but I have never seen such dishes!

This is the most straightforward thought in Ling Luohan's heart.

Moreover, Ling Luohan's ability to come here in person is already giving Ye Feng a lot of face.Of course, she mainly wanted to warn those who gossip.Don't forget, Wei C is a subsidiary of our Lanshi Group, not everyone can laugh at it.In fact, after Ling Luohan came over, no one whispered.

This woman, despite her young age, has a great reputation in the business district of the Imperial City.In the business district of the imperial capital, everyone said that Ling Luohan was the one who got the true inheritance of Lan Ruo, and even Su Li, who was gradually in charge of the Lan family, was far inferior.Ling Ruohan is also worthy of Lan Ruo's cultivation, and has made great contributions to Lan Ruo in recent years.

"Thank you."

When Ye Feng heard that he was here to help, he smiled, but still said: "Thank you for your kindness, but this is our own business, so I won't bother you."

Ye Feng feels that he seems to be in decline recently, why do he always encounter bad things?
Although this beauty wanted to come over to help, Ye Feng was actually very upset, as if his self-esteem had been hit by [-] points!

Ling Luohan frowned, a little unhappy. At this time, the little secretary next to her curled her lips and muttered: "Why are you putting on airs as a vice president of the company below? Our President Ling came here in person to give you face, I don't know Good people."

Ling Luohan glared at his secretary, but didn't say anything, instead he said to Ye Feng: "It's all for the benefit of the company, you..."

But before she finished speaking, she heard Ye Feng say: "I said no, the person who brought you disappeared in front of me, thank you."

Ye Feng's voice was very low, and he didn't even look at Ling Luohan.

This woman may be out of good intentions, but she is too arrogant, giving Ye Feng a feeling of being looked down upon.Ye did not like this feeling very much.He doesn't like others to communicate with him in that condescending tone, no matter who it is, he won't give her a good face.If it wasn't for the good intentions of this beauty, Ye would not even bother with her.

Seeing Ye Feng's attitude, Ling Luohan's face was also a little ugly.

I ran over to help him with good intentions, but it's fine for this guy to be ungrateful, but he even flirted with me?
Ling Luohan's chest rose and fell in anger, and she gave Ye Feng a hard look, then turned her head and went back to the seat in the first row.

After seeing Ling Luohan leave, Lao Wan smiled wryly and said: "Mr. Ye, this is the president of the operation department of our Lan Group. This is our direct boss. You offended her, it's scary..."

"What does it have to do with me? The president of the operation department? What's the matter?" Ye Feng sneered.

Are you kidding, direct boss?
Brother, he is just a temporary worker, why are you talking about whether he is a boss or not?
"Mr. Ye, what are we going to do with this?" Xiao Fan didn't care much about those messy things, and now he wanted to know what to do with this advertisement bidding meeting!
Ye Feng thought for a while, then suddenly asked: "What time period is the worst advertising space?"

Xiao Fan was stunned for a moment, and said: "After midnight, after three o'clock in the morning." Xiao Fan didn't know what Ye Feng meant by asking this.

"Okay, just buy the time slot at three o'clock in the morning!"


"Isn't it?"

Xiao Fan also Lao Wan's eyes widened suddenly, what did you just say?
What time period did you buy it?
Three in the morning?

the worst?

I rub!

Don't make trouble!

Is there any use for you to buy this shit?

Even if it is CCTV, this time period is useless!

"Boss Ye, let's see if this is..."

"Stop talking, I've made up my mind, I'll just buy this time period, it's still cheap." Ye Feng interrupted Xiaofan's words.

Xiao Fan's head was covered with sweat, and Lao Wan next to him also had cold sweat on his forehead. Why is it always so exciting to do things with Mr. Ye?
(End of this chapter)

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