Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 266 The most rubbish position?

Chapter 266 The most rubbish position?
In the end, a 03-second advertising spot at 30:15 in the morning was photographed by Ye Feng at a price of [-] a day.It can be said that this is already a "sky-high price"!

During this time period, no matter which channel it is, there is basically no traffic. After all, it is so late, who still watches TV?
"Boss Ye, we are at a loss!"

Secretary Xiaofan was about to cry, he really didn't know what Ye Feng was thinking, spending 15 a day to buy a [-]-second advertisement?Poisonous!

He could even imagine the furious appearance of President Su after returning home.

Fortunately, Ye Feng bought the right to use it for one month.

This can be regarded as not yet at home.

Seeing Xiaofan's expression as if he lost his soul, Ye Feng said lightly: "Why did you lose? I think we earned this price." Just now, there was a guy who competed with Ye Feng, otherwise it would be cheaper than this price. low.However, from Ye Feng's point of view, they are all about the same. Anyway, it's not very expensive, at least it's much cheaper than the price of 30 seconds a day during the prime time, isn't it?

Secretary Xiaofan was crying, looking at Ye Feng, he really didn't know what to say, if President Su hadn't told him to respect Ye Feng, Secretary Fan might have killed Ye Feng at this time!

I've seen nonsense, but I've never seen such nonsense!
The love company's money doesn't belong to your family, does it?

Thirty thousand a day to buy an advertising space at 03:30?
If he said it, he would be laughed at to death!
Lao Wan next to him didn't know what to say, mainly because Ye Feng seemed to be a little nonsense this time, after deliberating for a while, Lao Wan said: "That Mr. Ye, shall we continue to raise placards? A few late-night advertising spots."

"I have nothing to do, right? Why do you need so many late-night advertising spaces?" Ye Feng pouted.

Lao Wan twitched the corner of his mouth, I don’t want it, it’s because you seem to have a soft spot for late-night advertising spots!

"Just this one." Ye Feng said.

"But President Su asked for at least three..."

"Just this one." Ye Feng said without doubt.


Secretary Xiaofan is already in despair, what to do, Ye Feng is the boss, what can he do?
The bidding is still going on. There are basically no big companies to compete for these late-night advertising spots. They are all small companies asking for bids, such as [-] or [-]. Anyway, I have never seen more than [-]. Their [-] , is really too much of a loss!
But, Ye Feng felt that it was really not a loss.

Perhaps this advertising space is rubbish in the eyes of other people, it is just a useless thing, but in Ye Feng's view, this advertising space may be worth more than the prime time advertising space!

Because, just now, he suddenly remembered a classic advertising marketing case in his previous life.

That case can be said to be a model of turning decay into magic!

Ye felt that he could do some research. After all, he was the vice president of the company. Besides, Su Ke entrusted him with the matter. It would be bad if he screwed up.Of course, it was more helpless, if he could successfully complete Su Ke's entrustment and buy a few normal advertising spaces, Ye Feng would definitely not do this.But the current situation is that he can't buy normal ones, so he can only do something strange!
Fortunately, this plan is very simple and will not waste too much time, otherwise it will be a real loss.


At around five o'clock in the afternoon, the bidding meeting ended, Secretary Xiao Fan went back to sign the contract with the people from CCTV, the old Wanhui company, and Ye Feng went home directly.

While driving the car, Ye Feng called Su Ke.

"Brother-in-law? How is it?"

Su Ke didn't get the news yet, so he asked excitedly.

Ye Feng said lightly: "Brother-in-law, you can rest assured that you have completed the goal beyond expectations."

"Really? Great!"

Hearing Ye Feng's calm tone, Su Ke immediately beamed with joy, and quickly asked, "Which time slots did my brother-in-law win? Morning? Or afternoon?" Best outside prime time at night.

"Not at all." Ye Feng laughed.

"Not at all? Could it be that brother-in-law has snatched the prime time slot?" Su Ke couldn't believe it, but he said the upper limit, Ye Feng snatched up the prime time slot with just that little time ago?It's incredible!

"Hehe, almost, it's all at night. When Lao Wan goes back, he will report to you. I will drive." Ye Feng's tone was quite calm, his face was not red and his heart was not beating.

"Okay, okay, brother-in-law, pay attention to safety, and say hello to sister Ning for me when we get home."

"Okay, hang up."


Ye Feng looked at the car slowly, thinking about the planning of this advertisement in his head, but there was nothing to think about, this thing is actually very simple, after thinking about it for a while, Ye Feng continued to think about the animation documentary. This is the most important thing right now.



In the office, Old Wan stood tremblingly in front of Su Ke, while Su Ke had a dazed expression on his face.

"You said Mr. Ye spent 3 yuan to win the advertising space at 03:30? Early in the morning? Are you sure it's not in the afternoon?"

Su Ke couldn't believe his ears, are you talking nonsense?My brother-in-law just said that the goal was accomplished beyond expectations!What the hell are you telling me now that it's the advertising slot at 03:30 in the morning?Why did he get it for [-] a day?

Lao Wan's forehead was covered with cold sweat, but he didn't dare to wipe it off. He said tremblingly, "That one was at 03:30 in the morning, but Mr. Ye bought it for a month."


Su was so angry that he gasped heavily, forced himself to calm down, and asked, "How many did Boss Ye buy?"

"One, one."

Lao Wan lowered his head and stretched out a finger.

Su Ke's face is getting worse and worse. What's the difference between an advertising space at 03:30 in the middle of the night and he didn't buy it?What the hell is there to use!

"Are you two just decorations? Why don't you persuade Mr. Ye?" Su politely slapped the table and shouted, he didn't blame Ye Feng in his heart, after all, Ye Feng was a layman, but both of you are ministers of the company Can't even do this shit?big eater!
"I'm sorry, President Su." Lao Wan said in a panic, "The main reason is that I was confused at the time and didn't think too carefully, otherwise President Ye would never have made such a low-level mistake." In fact, Lao Wan did nothing wrong at all. But at this time, he tried his best to block the fault on himself, and did not shirk it to Ye Feng.

Su Ke lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and looked at Lao Wan who lowered his head. After a while, Su Ke suddenly smiled, "Boss Ye appreciates you very much." Patted Lao Wan on the shoulder, and said softly: "Do it well, go out."

Lao Wan was stunned, but then his heart warmed, he thought about it, and said carefully, "Mr. Su, Mr. Ye seems to have really thought about this matter." What Lao Wan said was a little uncertain, and he knew how to guess.

Su Ke raised his eyebrows, "Oh? How should I say it?"

"At that time, Mr. Ye said that we bought this advertising space, not only did we not lose money, but we also made money. Although I didn't understand it, Mr. Ye can't tell lies in front of us, right?" Lao Wan said.

Su Ke thought for a while, it seemed that brother-in-law also meant the same thing on the phone just now, right?

"When you understand, ask Mr. Ye."

After thinking about it, Su Ke didn't understand.

3 yuan to buy an advertising space that no one watches late at night, where is the profit?
No matter how you look at it, it is a loss!

And this news, like wings, spread in the industry.

Wei C Technology bought a junk advertising space at a "sky-high price"!
Especially in the imperial capital, it spread quickly. After all, the Lan family was behind Wei C, and the Lan family was like a giant in the imperial capital. It was unknown how many people would pay attention to his every move.

Of course, this time Wei C Technology can be said to have become a joke in the industry.

Thirty thousand to buy a late-night advertising space?
Are you crazy or a philanthropist?
Not to mention these spectators, even the top executives of CCTV were full of ridiculing and commenting, they all looked at Wei C and Ye Feng as if they were idiots.

(End of this chapter)

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