Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 267 Sky-high advertising space!

Chapter 267 Sky-high advertising space!
The next day, when Ye Feng came to the company, Su Ke was already waiting in the office.

"Yo, so early?" Seeing Su Ke, Ye Feng was taken aback.

"Morning brother-in-law." Su Ke greeted Ye Feng with a smile.

"Advertising?" Ye Feng felt the same as Ming Jing.

Su Ke smiled awkwardly, "Isn't this curious about how my brother-in-law operates? I want to learn." Su Ke is also very tactful, and what he said didn't make Ye Feng ugly, and he also expressed his purpose.

"I operate?" Ye Feng smiled and said: "I don't have that kind of spare time, here, this is for you, you let the operation department operate according to this, it will definitely be fine."

Originally, when Ye Feng said that he didn't care, Su Ke's heart twitched, but he didn't expect Ye Feng to give him a document.

"What is this?" Su Ke was a little curious, and the title was not indicated on the cover of the document.

"It can be regarded as an operation plan." Ye Feng said casually, this thing was written by Ye Feng in 5 minutes last night, and it is already very detailed.

"Operational planning?"

Su Ke's eyes lit up immediately, he didn't want to know if Ye Feng understood the plan, but now he wanted to know if Ye Feng's plan could work!

"Okay, brother-in-law, then you should be busy first." Su Ke lost his mind, and left in a hurry after saying a few words.

Ye Feng glanced at him, then turned on the computer and continued to make his own animation documentary. To be honest, this is really difficult. Many professional data need to be collected by Ye Feng with hacking skills. Enough for Ye Feng to be busy.


The operation department of Wei C, every technology company, especially this kind of Internet technology company, has its own professional operation department, and their job is to promote and operate the company's products.

Su Ke came out from Ye Feng's place and went directly to the operation department.

Manager Li from the Operations Department rushed to meet him, "Boss Su!"

"Hello, Mr. Su!"

"Hello, Mr. Su!"

Some small leaders of the operation department also rushed up to say hello to Su Ke. This is the absolute leader of the company, and it is not easy for them to meet each other at this level.

Su Ke greeted everyone with a smile, and without delay, directly handed Ye Feng's document to Manager Li, saying, "Look at this and analyze it." After speaking, he went to the manager's office to wait.

Su Ke immediately wants to know how Ye Feng's plan is!
This can be said to be too important!

Originally, Su Ke wanted to win at least three acceptable CCTV advertising spots to increase the promotion of the new APP, but who would have thought that Ye Feng would finally find him a spot at 03:30 in the middle of the night?Fortunately, Ye Feng seemed to be full of confidence, and even gave him a plan, which made Su Ke feel a little low.

For Ye Feng, Su Ke trusted him.

This brother-in-law, don't go against the sky!

So far, he is basically invincible in the fields he has been involved in!

Therefore, Su Ke has great hopes for Ye Feng's plan!

Soon, Manager Li came in.

Su Ke was taken aback, "Analyzed?" Isn't this too fast? 10 minutes?
"Well, there's not much content in this plan." Manager Li explained.

"What do you mean?" Su Ke frowned and asked, "Is it not good?" Su Ke didn't have time to look at it, so he came over directly. After all, the people in the operation department are professional, and Su Ke doesn't know much about these things.

"Boss Su, you should take a look for yourself, I really can't tell." Manager Li didn't know who planned this plan for Su Ke, but the person who gave Su Ke such a plan must be his boss!Either a boss, or a stunned young man who is not afraid of death!

Really, when Manager Li read this plan just now, he almost vomited blood!

Su Ke opened it and looked, shit, he almost vomited blood!

This Nima is not real, is it?

What is this written about?

This plan is really simple, so simple that Su Ke can finish it in 30 seconds!
But the content here caused a super impact of [-] points on Su Ke!
"Investment Advertisement: This advertising space is rented out, 3000 million a month!"

Just this first sentence made Su Ke's brain buzz!

What do you mean?


Pay him back 3000 million a month?

I rub!

Isn't my brother-in-law crazy about money?

How can he be rented out!This is more exciting than robbing a bank!
The advertising space bought for 3 yuan a day, your old man wants to rent it out for 100 million yuan a day?

Am I... a talent!

Fortunately, this plan is not just this sentence, this is only the first step, and there is more to come.

"The advertisement for investment promotion was hung for three days, and then it was replaced with an advertisement for a new product."

The second step probably meant this. Su Ke was stunned when he saw this.

He is not a fool, he seems to understand the meaning of Ye Feng's actions.

As Manager Li said, this plan is really too simple, so simple that Su Ke can understand it at a glance.But this plan is too nonsense, right?Throughout history, no one has used this method?Can this work?

He now understands why Manager Li has that expression. To be honest, Su Ke is a little uncertain at this time.

Ye Feng's plan was clear and clear, and Su Ke also understood it.I just want to attract people's attention, and then hang up my own advertisement, so that the purpose of publicity is achieved.

But, can this work?
There is really no example to learn from!
If it wasn't for Ye Feng's plan, Su Ke would have killed it immediately!This stuff sounds good, but the risks are too great!

3000 million a month of junk ads can make people laugh to death!
Wasn't Shabi the one who rented this advertising space?Then hang up your own advertisement, wouldn't you be a badass?Depend on!

This thing is a classic if it is done well, but if it is not done well, it will be a bad idea!
Su Ke was a little confused, thought for a while, picked up his phone and called Ye Feng.

"Hey, brother-in-law, are you reliable?"

"rest assured."

"No, how sure are you?"

Ye Feng, who was making animations in the office, heard Su Ke say that, he didn't know what to say, how sure was he?It's really hard for Ye Feng to say, but Ye Feng knows that this plan caused a huge sensation in his previous life!
After thinking for a while, Ye Feng said softly: "When I was engaged in mathematics before, they all thought I was not good enough, and later they called me a world-class mathematics master; when I went to Haida University to teach Chinese, the entire literary and educational circles came Criticized me verbally, but later they all said that I was an ancient genius in China; you were there at the old man’s birthday last time, what did those seniors in the calligraphy world say about me? They said I couldn’t do it, but what happened later? You saw it, They call me Shusheng."

"This time, do you think I can do it?" Ye Feng asked softly.

Su Ke was stunned, and thought about it carefully, is what Ye Feng said true!And he didn't tell the whole story, Su Ke also knew that during the last hacker war, everyone said that Huaxia was not good, but what happened later?A god Y sweeps the world!Thinking about Ye Feng's experience, it seems that they were all rushed out amidst doubts, and in the end they used their own strength to prove to the world that it's not that I can't do it, but that your vision is too bad!

Thinking of this, Su Ke gritted his teeth, "Okay, brother-in-law, go ahead, I know what to do."


What the hell!

If you don't succeed, you will become a badass!
Let the pen be the pen!

Su Ke put down the phone and said to Manager Li: "Immediately start the production of the investment promotion advertisement. I want to see this sky-high price advertising space tonight!"

"Yes!" Manager Li's expression froze, knowing that Mr. Su was going to come for real, but he was very strange in his heart, who did Mr. Su call, and he was so firm directly?

Su Ke said: "Be sure to hurry up, by the way, do we know how the app's commercial shooting is going?"

"I have already contacted the spokesperson, and the filming will start tomorrow."

"Which advertising company advertised?"

"Advertising all over the world!"

"Yeah." Su Ke nodded. This advertising company is a leader in the advertising industry, and Su Ke is very assured of their ability. "Hurry up and shoot, it must be completed within three days."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Manager Li said loudly.

Su Ke nodded and left.

On the eighth floor, Ye Feng's vc shock department, Su Ke called Lao Wan, and arranged: "Let your people work overtime today, and tomorrow morning, I hope that many vc users have already known about this advertising space."

Su Ke became the president of Wei C Technology not only because his surname is Su, but mainly because he is still capable. Since he decided to take the risk, Su Ke will naturally spare no effort to go all out!

Vc is such a good publicity channel, Su Ke naturally won't turn a blind eye.

"Yes, President Su!"

"By the way, you can inform Mr. Ye, but don't be too deliberate, just let him know about it, do you understand what I mean?" Su Ke said softly.

Lao Wan was stunned for a moment, thinking about Su Ke's words, and after a while he said: "Yes, I understand, President Su."

"Yeah." Su Ke nodded, "Mr. Ye may be leaving in a few days, and you should do well in the future." Su Ke patted Lao Wan on the shoulder, smiled and left.

Leaving Lao Wanyi alone in place is extremely exciting!
Mr. Ye is gone, so can I sit in Mr. Ye's office in the future?

Thinking of this, Lao Wan was full of energy!

(End of this chapter)

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