Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 268 The investment advertisement that was ridiculed miserably!

Chapter 268 The investment advertisement that was ridiculed miserably!
the next day.

Ye Feng came to work as usual, but when he got to the eighth floor and saw it, Ye was shocked. Why is there no one?
What about my employees?
What about those editors?
Did the company close down?Or did they all resign?
isn't it?
Ye Feng was dumbfounded.

At this time, Lao Wan came out from the inside, "Boss Ye, you are here, good morning."

Ye Feng nodded and asked, "Where is this person?"

Lao Wan said, "I'm going to report this to you."

Ye Feng listened, and Lao Wan said: "Isn't it because Mr. Su asked you to work overtime yesterday? Everyone fought until six o'clock in the morning, so I asked everyone to rest for half a day and come back to work in the afternoon. At that time, you had already left, so I didn't have time to report to you." You report."


Ye Feng said: "I know."

However, he didn't care whether everyone had a holiday or not, but he was thinking that Su Ke would do this, even use vc?It seems that Su Ke really trusts himself.

Ye Feng shook his head and smiled, then went to his office.

Go ahead, do animated documentaries.

When Ye was busy with his own affairs, the Internet was already fried.

Many people saw the overwhelming "shocking news" in the vc browser early in the morning.

"Shocked! CCTV actually did such a thing? Millions of netizens fell silent!"

"Unbelievable! The highest advertising space in history was born, and the price you will never guess!"

"Is this an advertisement for investment? I'm afraid it's robbing a bank! Netizens: It's even scarier than robbing a bank!"

"What is the meaning behind the sky-high advertising space? Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality?"

"The 13 billion Chinese people fell silent after watching it!"

"Ad space that can't be rented!"

"A single advertisement makes even the richest man flinch!"

"Is it gold, or trash?"

It can be said that today's vc browsers are all about advertisements, and they have now insisted on implementing Ye Feng's theory of shock, no matter what the news is, let's start with shock!

But this time, netizens were really shocked.

"Damn it, this is the first time I feel that vc editor's words are not exaggerated enough!"

"3000 million? One month? One million a day? This shit is really more than robbing a bank!"

"Central TV is crazy about money, right? So attracting investment?"

"Is CCTV treating other companies as idiots? Who the hell would go there!"

"Maybe there are powerful ones?"

"Hehe, that's not how money is spent. This advertising space is at 03:30 in the morning, and no one will rent it. I guess it's because no one rents it, so CCTV is attracting investment."

"It's true that 13 billion Chinese people are silent after watching it! I'm also drunk!"

"This time, the vc editor finally stopped talking nonsense!"

"If this advertising space can attract business, I'll broadcast it live and chop it up! Post it as proof!"

"Support upstairs!"


"Big guy!"

"Pull it down, it's impossible to recruit people, those businessmen are smarter than the other, who would be so stupid!"

"That's right!"

On the first day alone, this ad attracted a lot of attention. Of course, the vc browser also played a very important role in this, otherwise the public would not have discovered this "sky-high priced ad space" so quickly.Of course, the main reason why this incident has attracted so much attention is that this incident is too outrageous, so outrageous that it subverts people's cognition!Everyone is naturally very interested in this outrageous strange thing.

Not only the general public is interested, but also many people in the industry are paying attention. Of course, some people pay attention to very different points.They know that this advertisement is not CCTV's investment promotion advertisement. CCTV's advertising space needs to use this method to attract investment?What about trouble?Even if it is early in the morning, it is also a hot commodity!
This is an advertisement photographed by Wei C Technology. Many people in the industry know about this, and it slowly spread.

"Will C be crazy about money?"

"Who knows, even if you want to steal money, it's not so exaggerated!"

"I heard that this advertising space was won by a vice president of Wei C with 3 yuan a day. I guess the president of Su Ke felt that he was losing money."

"Even if it's a loss, how can we make up for it in this way? Are you kidding me? Thirty thousand a day, now it's 100 million a day? Hehe, you really treat me like a fool."

"Can this really attract business?"

"Hehe, do I need to ask? Obviously I can't recruit!"

"Not necessarily. Don't forget Su Ke's identity. He is the prince of the Su family. Maybe someone is going to flatter you."

"You mean that Su Ke used this method to receive gifts in disguise?"

"Very likely, otherwise it cannot be explained."

"I'll go, don't tell me, this is really a good way! If you dare to buy it, and the other one is willing to buy it, no one can say anything!"

"I've really learned a lot. I'm worthy of being the prince of the Lan Group. This brain is beyond the reach of ordinary people!"

"Hey, why can't this cleverness be used in the right place?"

There are a lot of gossip in the industry, it can be said that there are all kinds of rumors, and it is getting more and more outrageous, and various versions of speculation have come out.

Lan's Group, Office of the President of the Operations Department.

The operation department of other companies must not be called the president, but Lan's is different. The Lan's is too large. The power held by an operation department is unimaginable to others. It is actually normal to be called the president.

Ling Luohan, a beautiful woman, has a master's degree in finance from a famous Ivy League school in the United States. After returning, she worked in Lan's, step by step to where she is today.

"Boss Ling, there's been some movement in Wei C's operations." A female secretary came in and said.

"How did you do it?" Ling Luohan took off his gold-rimmed glasses and rubbed his eyes lightly.

The female secretary twitched her lips and said, "They, they put a business advertisement on it."


Ling Luohan froze for a moment, "What do you mean?" She didn't understand.

What does it mean to put a business advertisement on it?
"It's just that they said that China Merchants rents out advertising space, and said, and said..." The female secretary's voice was a little softer.

"What else?" Ling Luohan asked.

"It also said a monthly fee of 3000 million."


Now Ling Luohan was completely stunned, 3000 million a month?Are you kidding me?

"Okay, you go out first."


The female secretary went out, Ling Luohan leaned on the seat with a strange expression.

When she met Ye Feng at the bidding meeting yesterday, Ye Feng gave her a face, which made her very angry at the time, but she didn't really take this matter to heart.But later on, the more she thought about this person, the more familiar he became. The lights were dim during the bidding meeting, and Ling Luohan was so angry that she couldn't see clearly, but even so, when she thought about it later, Ling Luohan still felt This person looks familiar.

So, she checked the vice president of Wei C.

After this investigation, his identity really surprised Ling Luohan!

Ye Feng!

It turned out to be Professor Ye Fengye?

At that time, Ling Luohan felt that he had made a mistake, but when he thought about it, the person he saw seemed to be Ye Feng!

No wonder the more you think about it, the more familiar it looks!

It turned out to be Professor Ye!
At that time, Ling Luohan told the secretary to pay close attention to the operation of Wei C's advertising space.

"Is this his plan?"


On the first day, this high-priced advertising space attracted a lot of attention, and the public talked a lot, and some even made a bold statement saying that if someone rents it, he will broadcast it live!

And on the second day, the ad went viral!Fire all over the Internet!Even emoticons are made!Many people have to joke a few words from time to time.Some people even went to the CCTV website to review comments, and CCTV was immediately dumbfounded when they saw it.

What does this sky-high advertising space have to do with us?

This Nima is Wei C's advertising space!This is what they did!

CCTV immediately issued an announcement to clarify the truth, telling netizens that this is not a brain-dead investment advertisement made by us!This thing has nothing to do with us!We have already sold this advertising space to Wei C Technology, if you laugh at it, go laugh at them, don't make us disgusted by CCTV!

(End of this chapter)

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