Chapter 269

Wei C technology?

Their advertisement?

As soon as CCTV's explanation came out, everyone didn't recover.

What kind of company is Wei C Technology?
Many people don't know what this company does, wait for everyone to check it on the Internet, take a look, I'll wipe it!

Vc browser is your home?

He is so strong!
"Long experience!"

"I always thought that the vc browser was called... Uh, I'm sorry, Wei C! It's VC! I'm dizzy!"

"I just found out today that the company behind vc is Wei C!"

"You Internet illiterates, don't even know this? Wei C is a bigwig in the Internet industry! And it's a company under Lan's, with quite strong strength!"


"However, for such a powerful company, their investment promotion advertisements are so stupid?"

"That's right, is such a big company still thinking about money?"

"Yeah, are they crazy about money?"

"I'm also drunk for such a brainless investment promotion!"

"Wait a minute, this investment promotion was created by Wei C, right? But if you look at the reports on vc, why are they all so exaggerated? Besides, there is no positive guidance, right?"

"It's not without positive guidance, is it? The main reason is that the VC side successfully advertised, uh, advertising for investment promotion is also drunk!"

"I just don't know what this company thinks, can it attract business? A fool wouldn't spend 3000 million to rent such a rubbish advertising space?"

"That's right!"

As soon as CCTV was exposed, the Internet became even more chaotic, and everyone was confused by Wei C Technology!In the past, many people didn't know that the vc browser was operated by Wei C Technology. Now everyone sees that such a big company like yours has come up with such a stupid investment advertisement?

Isn't this too nonsense?
There are even rumors on the Internet that Wei C Technology has broken its capital chain and urgently needs a sum of money to tide over the difficulties.Of course, there is no need for anyone to stand up and clarify such stupid rumors, and the netizens will see through everything directly.Can Wei C be short of money?Do you think Lan's doesn't exist?Besides, how useful is 3000 million to an Internet company?

However, this can also be reflected from the side, how much impact this investment promotion advertisement has had on netizens, or how much attention it has attracted!

Some people even waited until 03:30 at night just to take a look at this legendary "day (s) price (b) advertising space".

All kinds of news are flying all over the sky, and even many professional economic commentators have expressed their views on this.


In the company, Ye Feng's office.

Su Ke had a bitter look on his face, "Brother-in-law, everyone on the Internet is scolding us for being evil..." Su Ke really didn't know what to say. If he had known that he would be scolded like this if he posted this advertisement, he said that he couldn't post anything. !
"Really? How many people have scolded you?" Ye Feng asked lightly.

"A lot! There are so many! Overwhelming!" Su Ke didn't know how to describe it, so there were so many of them, they were just like the animals being watched in the zoo.

"Isn't that good." Ye Feng said lightly: "Although they scold them."

"What's so good about this!"

The black line at the end of Su Ke, "Although everyone knows about this advertisement, our reputation is rotten!"

"Reputation stinks?" Ye Feng curled his lips and smiled, and said, "Why does it stink?"

"Because everyone is saying that we are stupid!" Su Ke opened his mouth and said.

Ye Feng smiled, "What do you mean by our advertisement for investment promotion? Is it for investment promotion?"

Su Ke was stunned for a moment, and Ye Feng said again: "When the time comes to print out your new APP, wouldn't it be good to mark it as a WeiC technology product? Let everyone know that this is a marketing advertisement. Isn't that all right?"

Su Ke's expression slowly changed, Ye Feng said a little, and he immediately reacted!He was on the edge of his head just now, for fear that others would know that this was a marketing tactic set up by them, but in fact, there is no need to worry about others knowing!

Do you know what's wrong?

This is a marketing campaign we did, what's wrong?Did you break the law?Are consumers cheated?
We are all legal and reasonable!
Can't we rent out advertising space?

You can't afford to rent it, can't we use it ourselves?

There is no problem at all!

After figuring it out, Su Ke suddenly felt better.

Suddenly, Su Ke's cell phone rang.

"Hello? What? What's the matter?"

Su Ke's face suddenly darkened, "Wait a minute, I'll go over right away!"

"what happened?"

Ye Feng asked casually.

"The operation department said that there was a problem with the commercial shooting." Su Ke said with a serious face.

"Advertisement? The advertisement for the new app?" Ye Feng also frowned.

Su Ke nodded and said: "Well, it's said that the celebrity is making trouble, I have to go and have a look, brother-in-law, are you going?"

"What am I going to do..." Ye Feng was speechless.

"Oh, you're staying here, let's go and have a look together, let's go."

Saying that, Su Ke went over to grab Ye Feng.

"I won't... okay, okay."

Ye Feng shook his head helplessly, he really didn't want to go, but Su Ke has already started to pull him, so it's hard to refuse.

Actually, Su Ke called Ye Feng with his own plan. After all, Ye Feng made this plan, so he should go and see this advertisement in person.Moreover, the most important thing is actually because of Su Ning.From the phone, Su Ke could hear the commotion on the other side. It is estimated that something happened to this damn star, and they broke up unhappy.But the advertisement was about to be used, and it was too late to find a celebrity endorsement.Therefore, Su Ke naturally thought of his sister.However, Su Ning never accepts advertisements, nor does Su Ke (I asked before), but if Ye Feng said it, there might still be something going on.

Just like that, Ye Feng was pulled along by Su Ke.


Tianxia Advertising is a well-known existence in the imperial capital and even in the entire advertising industry.Six of the advertisements they plan can reach the stage of high-quality goods. This probability is terrifying!Moreover, their company has quite complete services, not only helping you plan advertisements, but also helping with filming, editing, etc. It can be said to be a one-stop service.

Of course, the price must be expensive.However, even though the price is high, Tianxia Advertisement is also relentless in receiving business, and sometimes even has to wait in line.

Wei C also spent a lot of money, and in the end, the advertisements in the world were designed for Wei C in advance for Lang's sake.

Originally, everything went smoothly, but today, during the final filming, who would have thought that something unexpected would happen.

In a studio.


"You must pay compensation!" A woman with heavy make-up pointed at Manager Li of the planning department and shouted.

Manager Li's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, "Compensation? I said, we can compensate, but the price you mentioned is impossible!"

"Heh, what are you? Let your boss come and tell me in person!" the manager sneered and shouted.

Manager Li said in a deep voice, "Our president has already come, but, as you said, it's impossible!"

The agent glanced at him and smiled disdainfully.

"President Su!"

"Boss Su!
"Mr. Ye!"

The crowd suddenly stepped aside, and it was Su Ke and Ye Feng who arrived.

When Manager Li saw it, his eyes lit up immediately, "Mr. Su! Mr. Ye! You are here."

Su Ke nodded and asked, "What's going on?"

Before Manager Li could speak, the arrogant manager over there pointed at Su Ke and yelled, "You are the one in charge, right? Let me tell you, our Xiaodou was injured today, how are you going to pay for it?" ?”

When Su Ke heard this, he was taken aback, Xiaodou?Field beans?
Tian Dou is Wei C's endorsement star. He is a well-known and popular Xiaosheng. Although he is only a second-tier star now, he has more fans than some first-tier stars.

he is injured?

Su Ke shivered, and asked, "Is everything alright?"

"Why are you all right?" the manager called out, "It's all bleeding and you said it's all right?"

At this time, a handsome young man surrounded by doctors squeezed through the crowd, came over and said awkwardly, "Sister Liu, it's really not a big deal." This young man is Tian Dou. It looks like it's injured, and there's no trace of bleeding at first glance.

"What do you mean it's not a big deal?" The manager seemed to be very powerful, and his attitude towards Tian Dou was quite aggressive.

Su Ke frowned, seeing a doctor beside him, he asked, "Excuse me, where did he hurt?"

The doctor curled his lips, took off his mask and said speechlessly, "I scratched my finger. Thankfully we came early, so we saved the Band-Aid."

Su Ke: "..."

Ye Feng: "..."

Manager Li also said: "It was just a small slit with her finger, and she dared to demand 100 million compensation from us! Are you crazy about money?" Manager Li was really angry. This damn manager has to call 120 and keep beeping!If it weren't for the fact that she was a woman, Manager Li would definitely have kicked her if he forced her up!
What the hell!


After saying this, Su Ke immediately understood, and Ye Feng also understood the reason, was he injured?compensate loss? 100?

Su Ke's face darkened, "Impossible!"

"Impossible?" The female manager yelled, "@#%@¥%@!"

Su Ke: "@#%@#%!@!!!"

Broker: "@¥%@¥%!"

The two of them beeped...

This is being polite to Su, if my dad hadn't told me not to cause trouble, I would have kicked him if I went up!
you sir!

This kind of idiot couldn't survive three seconds in front of my eyes when I was a minor!
Su Ke really wanted to kill her!

Beside, Ye Feng was speechless seeing Su Ke's ink stains.

"You want compensation, don't you?"

Ye Feng took a step forward, blocked Su Ke who wanted to argue, raised his eyes and asked the manager.

The manager clasped his arms and said arrogantly: "Yes! One million! Otherwise, this matter will never end!"


Ye Feng didn't say anything, and he didn't know where he got the check book, so he directly signed a check and threw it to the manager.

"Brother-in-law!" Su Ke's face darkened.

"Boss Ye! This..." Manager Li also said in shock.

The people next to him also stared wide-eyed, what is this young man doing?Have money and nowhere to spend it?This is obviously extortion!
The manager quickly caught it, looked carefully, and after confirming that it was correct, he said, "For you to be sensible, this ad is okay..."

But Ye Feng didn't listen to her beeping at all, but suddenly turned around and said to the doctor inexplicably: "You drove here in an ambulance?"

The doctor was taken aback, and nodded. Just now the woman said that she was about to die, and they rushed over in an ambulance, but who the hell thought it was a Band-Aid story!
"Let me tell you..." The manager was so arrogant, seeing that Ye Feng ignored her, he immediately became angry.


She didn't finish her sentence.

No one expected that Ye Feng suddenly raised his hand and gave this woman a big mouth!

A big mouth!

It directly made half of this woman's face swollen!
The air became quiet, and everyone was frightened and dumbfounded, watching this scene blankly!
No one expected this slap!

After a full five seconds, the woman yelled frantically: "You're fucked, you know who I am..."


Another big mouth.

This woman was crazy, she rushed towards Ye Feng regardless of her teeth and claws.



With one kick and a scream, he flew two meters away.

Looking at the agent lying on the ground crying, Ye Feng walked over calmly, stepped on her finger, and asked with a smile, "Is 100 million enough?" He said, and waved the checkbook in his hand.

"Do you need to add more money?" Ye Feng asked lightly: "Is 3000 million enough for the disabled? Not enough for you to talk about." After speaking, Ye Feng raised his hand and was about to write a check.

The manager on the ground didn't know whether it was because of the pain from Ye Feng's stepped fingers, or because he was frightened by Ye Feng's words, his face turned purple and his head was covered with sweat!

At this time, Tian Dou hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Sir, you, let go of Sister Liu! You are committing a crime!" Tian Dou was frightened, he had never seen such a cruel person!
Ye Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "I am willing to pay, and she is willing to be beaten. What is a reasonable transaction, how can it be a crime?" Ye Feng tore off another check, which was still on the manager's face, "This It's 5000 million, killing them is not too much, right?"

Seeing Ye Feng's faint movements, the audience was completely silent, only the manager's crying and groaning.

"Boss Ye! Boss Ye! We were wrong! We were wrong! You, please let Sister Liu go!" Tian Dou was so scared by Ye Feng's words that his handsome face turned pale.

"Wrong? Okay, it's good if you know your mistakes and correct them." Ye Feng moved away the leather shoes on her hands, and said lightly: "But no one makes mistakes and doesn't have to pay the price. How about this? I'm in a good mood today. I don’t ask you for more money after one class, just give me 100 million.”

"Okay?" Ye Feng asked Tian Dou very politely.

"All right, all right, you have the final say!" Tian Dou said in fright.

Ye Feng nodded, "You said so." He bent down and picked up the 5000 million check on the ground and the 100 million check in the broker's hand.

"Doctor! Doctor!" Tian Dou yelled quickly, and the dumbfounded doctor next to him also came to his senses.

"Nurse! Stretcher! Quick!"

A group of doctors quickly carried the female manager out and put her in an ambulance.

The people from the entertainment company didn't say a word, they all followed in a desperate manner without even saying hello.

The rest of the people looked at Ye Feng dumbfounded, and they didn't know what to say.

Mr. Ye... is too violent, isn't he?
But, I have to say, well done!

"Brother-in-law! Fierce!"

Su Ke held up his thumb and said, "The way you write the check is so handsome!"

That's 5000 million, Ye Feng didn't even blink his eyes, and threw it out as soon as he said it.


Ye Feng smiled, "You're handsome too." After speaking, he casually threw the check to the secretary next to Su Ke.Anyway, it's not my money, 5000 million?I am willing to spend [-] million yuan!
Su Ke was taken aback, why did Ye Feng give the check to his secretary?

The secretary next to him was also taken aback, but when he saw it, he was dumbfounded!
Damn, this fucking check is in my bag!Why did you go to President Ye?
Seeing this scene, Su Ke, who was next to him, also became petrified!

I rub!

I said why you are so handsome when you keep writing checks!So it wasn't your money that he used!

 I recommend two books from friends, "The Romance of the Four Kingdoms System" and "N Dao Merchant Concern".


(End of this chapter)

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