Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 270 I speak for myself!

Chapter 270 I speak for myself!

"Brother-in-law... I really admire you!"

Su Ke smiled wryly and shook his head, Ye Feng waved his hand casually, he didn't care, then he pulled a chair and found a place with few people at random, and then started to puff.His addiction to smoking has been getting bigger and bigger recently.

Su Ke took care of him, turned around and asked, "Have you finished recording the advertisement?"

Manager Li smiled wryly, "It's only half recorded..."

Su Ke frowned, thought for a while, and asked, "Is there still time to contact the celebrity?"

Manager Li said with some embarrassment: "We will use it tomorrow. It must be too late at this time." Manager Li is telling the truth, they must not just find a celebrity when advertising, at least the size must be a wrist, However, the announcements of such celebrities are usually full, and if you don't make an appointment in advance, you really won't be able to invite them.

Hearing Manager Li's words, Su Ke was not too surprised, he actually understood in his heart.

Time is too tight!
Fortunately, he was already prepared.

Walking to Ye Feng's side, Su Ke smiled and said, "Brother-in-law."

"Huh?" Ye Feng looked at him sideways, smoking a cigarette.

Su Ke rubbed his hands and said: "Brother-in-law, can you call Sister Ning and ask her to come to the rescue, we really don't have time to invite celebrities here." He insisted on pulling Ye Feng over for this reason .

Ye Feng frowned, and said strangely: "Can you just give her a call? Why did you let me call it." Su Ke and Su Ning are brothers and sisters, so why do you have to let me talk about such a small matter?

"No, the main reason is that Sister Ning doesn't shoot commercials. I told her, but she just won't come." Su Ke said with a wry smile, "I think you are more important than my younger brother in her heart. Maybe you say Say, sister Ning may make an exception."

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, "Do you think I'm more important than you?"

"That's for sure! What's the relationship between you two!" Su Ke said exaggeratedly.

Hearing Su Ke's words, Ye felt very elated, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this matter is on me. I'll call you, and your sister will definitely come over obediently." After speaking, Ye said He took out his mobile phone.

Su Ke next to him quickly put on a smiling face and flattered him, "That's for sure, who is brother-in-law!"

There were two beeps, and the phone was connected.

"Little Ningning, I have an advertisement to come over and take a picture?" Ye, who was already swollen, actually talked to Su Ning in this tone.

"No, listen to me first."

"Don't, don't, it's Su Ke, that kid..."

Within a minute, Su Ning hung up.

Su Ke asked hopefully: "Brother-in-law, how is it? What did Sister Ning say?"

Someone Ye held the phone and said awkwardly: "What, your sister told us to get away."

Su Ke: "..." There are black lines all over your head, shit, you are not as strong as me, thankfully Sister Ning explained to me why she didn't come, but when it comes to you, you just get out of here?

"Brother-in-law, you can't do this!"

Su Ke felt that he might have overestimated the status of his brother-in-law in the family.

Someone Ye rubbed his face, coughed twice, and said: "It's not that your brother-in-law can't do it, the main thing is that I feel sorry for your sister. Why do you have to let your sister Ning to come for such a broken advertisement? It is necessary to let your sister Ning go back and forth on this matter." Do you want to make a fuss?" Ye Feng pointed his fingers and said with a high air: "I tell you, if I have to let her come here, she will definitely come here, you know? But such a trivial matter, it is unnecessary."

Someone Ye told Su Ke with practical actions, what does it mean that a man is outside, and if he loses, he can't lose his family status!
Just brag!

But now is not the time to talk about these things, and Su Ke's thoughts are no longer on the family status of the couple, so he just wants to know, what to do now!

"Brother-in-law, is this a trivial matter in your eyes?" Su Ke said: "We are going to be on the advertisement tomorrow, and that's what you said! How about we do it in a few days?" Su Ke asked, If you can stay on the stage for two days, maybe you can invite another celebrity to come.

However, Ye Feng firmly shook his head and said, "No, it has to be uploaded tomorrow, otherwise it will be delayed for a few days, and everyone's attention will not be here."

"But now we don't have any advertisements, and you've seen it too, celebrities can't be invited." Su Ke said helplessly.

Ye Feng frowned, lit another cigarette, and took two puffs, this is indeed a problem!

Why don't you beg Ningning baby?
Just when Ye was hesitating, Manager Li over there suddenly said: "Mr. Su, Mr. Ye, I don't think there is any need for us to invite any celebrities. Isn't there a suitable candidate in front of us?" ?”

Su Ke was taken aback, "Who?"

"Mr. Ye!" Manager Li said: "Mr. Ye is a well-known academic master at home and abroad, with a high reputation in many fields, and Mr. Ye's identity fits perfectly with the definition of our products!" Originally, Manager Li wanted to ask Ye Feng to speak for him at the very beginning, but now that Ye Feng is the vice president, he has never dared to say so.But at this time, if there are no celebrities to come, he has nothing to worry about.

Su Ke looked at Ye Feng, his eyes gradually brightened.

"Yes, brother-in-law, you can go directly!" Su Ke said excitedly: "There is no one more suitable than you in all of China!"

Their new app is called Zhiwu, which is mainly a question-and-answer software, which suits Ye Feng's identity too well!

Is there anyone in China who knows more than Ye Feng?

Absolutely not!
Ye Feng, who was smoking a cigarette, pulled the corner of his mouth, pointed to his nose and asked, "Me?"

"That's right, brother-in-law, it's up to you!" Su Ke clasped his fists and said solemnly.

Ye Feng rubbed the center of his eyebrows, sighed, "Okay."

Seeing that Ye Feng agreed, Manager Li immediately shouted: "Every department is ready, the makeup artist is here to touch up..."

Immediately, all departments started to move, and the advertising planner came to explain to Ye Feng how to shoot the advertisement and the lines of the advertisement, etc.

"The core idea of ​​our advertisement is mainly..."

A planner held up a piece of paper and clattered a lot to Ye Feng, but Ye Feng didn't listen to a word.When he saw the slogan they designed, he had already made up his mind.

Absolutely can't use the advertisements designed by them!


This ad is so badass!

Is this Nima one of the top advertising companies in the industry?

Design such a silly hat for the advertisement?
If this commercial is going to be aired, then their Wei C will really become a scumbag!

"How much did you spend on this advertisement?" Ye Feng asked Su Ke with his eyes squinted.

Su Ke was taken aback, made a gesture, and explained: "The price is not expensive. The boss of Tianxia Advertising and I are always friends."

"Hehe." Ye Feng smiled, "It's not expensive, but it can't be used."

"Eh?" Su Ke was stunned for a moment, "Why can't it be used? Why?"

Ye Feng just shook his head without explaining, do you have to make me say that this advertisement is too ugly?I'm afraid people won't be able to stand it so directly!

But the planner couldn't take it anymore, and asked with a dark face: "Mr. Ye, why do you think my advertisement can't be used?" He knew Ye Feng's identity, but this is the advertising industry, what the hell do you know?Don't think that your calligraphy is awesome in many other fields, but in the advertising industry, Tianxia Advertising is the endorsement of boutique!
"I'm not saying your advertisement is not good, the main reason is that I don't want to use it." Seeing the planner asking, Ye Feng explained casually.

"Uh, brother-in-law, then you don't need this advertisement, so what do you use?" Su Ke asked.

"I thought of one when I was smoking just now, it's pretty good." Ye Feng smiled.

Su Ke immediately widened his eyes, "Isn't it? Just thinking about it casually? Can it be better than this?"

Su Ke couldn't believe it!

No one believes it!
The planner frowned, and said to Ye Feng: "Boss Ye, advertisements are not something you can just think about, I think you need to..."

"No need!" Ye Feng shook his hand, and said, "Just use me!" Ye Feng's words were so decisive that he suppressed Su Ke who still wanted to talk!
Looking at Ye Feng, Su Ke felt mixed feelings!

This brother-in-law is really too sloppy!
Wherever you think of!
Is this advertising a joke?
Thought of one while smoking a cigarette?
Then you replaced the advertisement that the professionals had been thinking about for a long time?
The staff next to him also looked at Ye Feng strangely.

However, Ye Feng didn't care at all, and strode under the light. Although this was his first time shooting an advertisement, Mr. Ye was not in vain at all.

"Start recording." Ye Feng said directly.

"Boss Su, isn't this just a joke?" The planner said with a sullen face. It was the first time his ad had been blocked temporarily, and it would be a shame to spread it out!
Su Ke looked at Ye Feng, and looked very surprised. He really didn't expect Ye Feng to be serious!
Are you really going up like this?

And, just you?No props, no supporting roles?What ad is this for?Is it all in the later stage?
All the people in the room stared blankly at Ye Feng. Ye Feng frowned and asked, "Why isn't it turned on?"

The photographer looked at Su Ke in embarrassment, Su Ke thought for a while, then gritted his teeth, "Turn it on!" It's a big deal, Ye Feng didn't record well this time, so let him record it again!

As soon as the photographer heard Su Ke's words, he turned to Ye Feng and said, "Mr. Ye, it's time to start the machine."

Ye Feng's expression was very calm.

When many people around saw that Su Ke actually agreed with Ye Feng, they started discussing it immediately.

"Boss Ye really wants to use the advertisement he thought of?"

"No way, the advertisement designed by Brother Liu himself was killed by Mr. Ye? Oh my god!"

"This is Professor Ye, you don't know him, but this is a master who studies heaven and man!"

"Pull it down, can it be the same as the advertisement?"

"Wait and see the effect."

"It's probably going to be a lot of work. Brother Liu is one of the best planners in our company. His well-designed advertisements are not that simple."

All the staff of Tianxia Advertisement were discussing, and the Brother Liu they were talking about also looked at Ye Feng with a gloomy expression.

Professor Ye?
Kill my ad?

Do you think advertising is that simple?

Nothing, no props, just you?

Brother Liu sneered in his heart, he naturally knew the identity of Professor Ye Feng, but what's the use of that?

Kill my ad, wait until you beg me!
", let's go!" the director shouted.

Ye Feng stood tall like this, looked at the camera faintly, smiled softly and said: "You only smell my perfume, but you don't see my sweat, you have your rules, I have my choices, you Deny my present, I decide my future, you laugh at me for having nothing, I pity you for always waiting, you can despise our youth, we will prove whose era this is, dreams are doomed to travel alone, without questioning and ridicule , but so what? Even if you have to be covered in bruises, you must live a beautiful life."

Everyone was stunned.

Listening to Ye Feng's words, some girls' eyes turned red, and even old men like Su Ke and the others got goosebumps all over their bodies!
Ye Feng looked at the camera, rubbed his left little finger with his right hand, lowered his head for a moment, then raised his head again, facing the camera.

"My name is Ye Feng."

"I speak for myself."

(End of this chapter)

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