Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 271 Peak of Public Opinion!

Chapter 271 Peak of Public Opinion!

in the studio.

Ye Feng finished speaking.

The photographer stared blankly at Ye Feng with his mouth open, seeing Ye Feng's indifferent look, he even forgot to turn off the phone.

The whole room was also very quiet, as if there was still the lingering sound of Ye Feng in my ears.


"This ad..."

"Professor Ye..."


After a full half a minute, everyone still hasn't recovered.

Suddenly, Su Ke, who was at the front, was the first to clap his hands, and more and more people followed suit.

Even Brother Liu who was next to him smiled wryly and clapped his hands along with him.At the beginning, the advertising people in the world didn't applaud because of Brother Liu's face, but now that Brother Liu is convinced, they have no scruples!
"Clap clap clap!"

The applause grew louder and louder, as if the roof was about to be lifted!

Su Ke was applauding, Brother Liu was applauding, Manager Li was applauding, the director was applauding, even the cameraman was applauding!
Everyone is applauding!Heartfelt applause!

Who said that Professor Ye doesn't understand advertising?
No props?

No supporting role?

Is there any use for that thing?

Ye Feng stood there, adding this paragraph, it was invincible effect!

Moreover, in the entire Huaxia, only Ye Feng can control this advertisement!There is no second person!
You only smell my perfume, but don't see my sweat?
Ye Feng's success has attracted worldwide attention, but who would have thought about the hard work in a corner where no one is around?


You can despise our youth, we will prove whose time it is!

How many doubts did Professor Ye receive because of his age?But in the end?


I am Ye Feng.

I speak for myself!

Who is Ye Feng?

That is currently the most knowledgeable person recognized by China!

A person known as the "Huaxia People" and "Eternal Wizards"!

I am Ye Feng!

I speak for myself!

It's so arrogant!

new app?

Do you know?

Ye Feng didn't mention a single word, but the influence reflected in his last two short sentences is unparalleled!

I am Ye Feng, I represent knowledge!

In the entire Huaxia, only Ye Feng dared to say such a thing!Only Ye Feng has the qualifications to say such words!
Ye Feng under the light smiled faintly and nodded slightly, "Thank you."

Su Ke smiled all over his face, gave a thumbs up, and praised without hesitation: "Brother-in-law, this is what you are! You are amazing!"

Even Brother Liu, who had a gloomy face just now, had to sigh in admiration at this moment: "No wonder Mr. Ye doesn't like my plan." Brother Liu shook his head with a wry smile, and said helplessly: "Everyone said 'know everything, Knowing everything', I didn't believe it before, but I always believe it today." How about Ye Feng's "I Speak for Myself"?good!It couldn't be better!This is the best advertisement Brother Liu has ever seen in his career, bar none!

But, what kind of advertising method did you say he used?Is it a set?Or screen structure?

Not at all!

It has nothing to do with the advertising industry!

Ye Feng just relied on his invincible literary skills to create a breathtaking advertisement!

This advertisement perfectly combines Ye Feng's own experience with the characteristics of the Knowing APP. Brother Liu asked himself, he would never think of such an advertisement in his life, because his literary skills are not enough.

"What do you think of this advertisement?" Su Ke turned around and asked Brother Liu. Although Su Ke thought Ye Feng's advertisement was very good, he was not a professional after all.

"It's perfect." Brother Liu said truthfully.

Su Ke was overjoyed, and said, "That's it!" Then he turned to Manager Li and said, "Be sure to make it today!"

"No problem, President Su."

However, at this time, Ye Feng frowned, because he suddenly remembered something, their advertising space should be 15 seconds long, but what he said was 12 seconds, and there are still five seconds left. !
"Brother photographer, look at the duration." Ye Feng asked.

Everyone was taken aback, and they all remembered this matter.

The photographer took a look, "12 seconds."

Sure enough, it was the same as Ye Feng estimated.

12 seconds!
Su Ke made a "thumb", isn't the time long enough?

Brother Liu next to him said: "It's nothing, Mr. Ye, you are recording it again, just slow down a little." They often encounter such things that the time is not long enough. When recording just now, everyone didn't take it very seriously, so record it again , Just make sure the duration is enough, it's not a big problem.

But Ye Feng said: "No need, just add a few more sentences."

Everyone was taken aback, add a few words?
What do you mean?
Many people looked at each other silently, a little confused.

However, at this time, no one dared to discuss it. Ye Feng said what to do, just do what he said, and just wait and see the result.

Someone came over and wanted to touch up Ye Feng's makeup, but Ye Feng shook his head directly and said, "Just record directly." After speaking, he cleared his throat and was ready to start.

The director over there saw it, and quickly directed the receivers to follow up.

"Do you know the app?" Ye Feng's voice was still very soft, "A question-and-answer app used by [-] million people."

A simple sentence.

"No more?" Su Ke asked with a confused face.

"No more." Ye Feng replied.

"This, this is not enough for three seconds!"

"It's enough for you to make an animation and plug it in."

"Okay." Su Ke rubbed the center of his brows, and said again: "But, an app used by [-] million people? What the hell is this!"

Su Ke has been said to be a little guilty, if [-] million people are using it, I will even advertise it!
Ye Feng smiled, but didn't speak.

After a while, Ye Feng said: "You guys do it, I'm leaving." After speaking, he left.

For this advertisement, Ye Feng is not worried at all.

In the previous life, this advertisement was famous, and it was even listed as one of the "Ten Classic Advertisements".

Chen Ou, the founder of Jumei Youpin back then, was a model for young people.When this advertisement came out, I don’t know how much shock it caused in the industry. Countless people followed suit and revised it, and even came up with a Chen Ou style, saying "I am chacha, I speak for myself" overwhelming, and the effect of the publicity is also Well unexpected, a miracle in the advertising industry.Moreover, the advertisement recorded by Ye Feng is not only this one, it also contains another textbook-level advertisement in the advertising world in the previous life-Pinduoduo!

Many people felt that Ye Feng's last two sentences were too simple, and they were a bit reluctant to even make up the time.However, this is actually the finishing touch!
This is also what Ye Feng suddenly thought of in a flash of inspiration.

Although his "endorsement for himself" is very good, it is a bit reserved, but adding this imitated Pinduoduo's advertisement is really even more powerful, and the connection between the two advertisements is even more seamless!

If there are any problems with the two textbook-like advertisements in the previous life, it must be their post-production fault!Of course, the chance of something going wrong is too small. After all, the previous marketing has done enough, and the three-day preparation has already attracted huge attention.As long as this advertisement is placed on the "sky-high price investment advertisement space" at 03:30 at night, it will definitely be out of control!
Ye Feng left, Su Ke also left, but the people in the studio became busier.

Tonight, at 03:30 tomorrow morning, this advertisement will be launched!
No one dares to delay!

And, you don't want to delay!

Everyone wants to see how shocking the effect of such a miracle produced by such an advertisement will be!
Everyone involved is looking forward to it.

On the Internet, there are still endless discussions about the sky-high advertising space.

"It's almost three days?"

"Yeah, no one rents it."

"I definitely can't rent it out!"

"Which villain would spend 3000 million to rent such a rubbish advertising space?"

Suddenly, a netizen was shocked and said: "Oh shit, what's the latest news! I just heard from a friend who works in Wei C that this advertising space was created by Professor Ye Fengye!"

"Ye Feng?"

"Professor Ye?"

"Are you fucking kidding..."

"That's right, what IQ is Professor Ye? Professor Ye made such a stupid investment advertisement? You are not insulting Professor Ye, but insulting ordinary people! If his IQ is so stupid, then we still Are you alive?"

"That's right! What kind of wisdom is Professor Ye? How could he make such a mentally retarded advertisement. Besides, you can't make sense. Professor Ye seems to have nothing to do for them to make an advertisement for Wei C? Professor Ye is not from the advertising industry either. !"

"It must be a rumor again. I might still believe you when you said you asked Professor Ye to shoot the advertisement, but if you said you asked Professor Ye to design the advertisement, isn't he out of his mind?"

In the face of those who broke the news, none of the netizens believed it, and continued to break the news: "Professor Ye is now the vice president of Wei C Technology! If you don't believe me, look, I have pictures!" Below, several pictures are placed, and It's very clear, everyone can tell it's Ye Feng at a glance, and there is also a job list of Wei C Technology, which says "Ye Feng: Deputy General Manager"!
This time, the Internet suddenly exploded!
It is even more lively than when the "sky-high price advertising space" was first exposed!
Who is Ye Feng!
Although he is not a star, and his ranking in the celebrity circle is not high, his influence is undoubtedly huge!
Then he is the backbone of the nation and the hope of China!
Why did he go to Wei C to be the vice president?
The Internet exploded!

"Is this really designed by Professor Ye?"

"Damn it! I just heard from a friend of CCTV that Professor Ye took Wei C Technology to bid for the advertising space. It seems that he didn't get a good position. When he finally bought the advertising space at 03:30 , and lost a lot!"

"Professor Ye is trying to atone for his crimes? But 3000 million a month is too fucking crazy... Uh no, it's too hard for ordinary people like me to understand!"

"I think Professor Ye must have a deep meaning in doing this! Think about it, who is Professor Ye? He is a genius who has learned from all ages! He must have his own reasons for doing this!"

"Pull it down, what's the point? As the old saying goes, literati can't do business! This Ye Feng obviously doesn't understand anything, Xiaobai in the shopping mall!"

"Literati? Isn't Professor Ye doing mathematics?"

"Well, anyway, he has never been in contact with business, so he probably missed it this time."

"I really don't know what Wei C thinks, but let Professor Ye Feng be the vice president? Isn't this nonsense?"

"Oh, I don't understand. Let's see how this matter ends in the end."

The "brainless investment promotion advertisement" that has been sprayed by everyone for two days was actually made by Professor Ye?
And Professor Ye is now the vice president of Wei C?
As soon as these two news came out, the attention of this matter skyrocketed again!

It even rushed to the top of the hot search list in the entertainment industry!
I don't know how many netizens are waiting to see the follow-up development of this matter.

 Thank you for the rewards of the name of Huangzhi, and also thank you for the rewards from Doll City Master, Jianku Gefan, L, and ruffian Cai, as well as everyone's various supports.

(End of this chapter)

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