Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 272 The advertisement broadcast!

Chapter 272 The advertisement broadcast!

This high-priced advertising space has attracted huge attention since it appeared.Now it is even more revealed that this is Professor Ye's handwriting, which immediately pushed this advertising space to the peak of public opinion.

Everyone is paying attention.

The public, the industry, and even some scholars in the cultural circles are all paying attention.

Professor Ye is so mentally handicapped?

No one believes it.


Had hot pot chicken tonight.

My sister-in-law Su Ling was also there, and the whole family gathered around the steaming copper hot pot, everyone was drooling on the ground.

"Did you wash your hands?"

Su Ning came over with a handful of chrysanthemums in her apron.

"Wash and wash."

Several people raised their hands one by one and came out to check on Her Majesty Queen. The little baby couldn't wait any longer, so he raised his chopsticks and asked, "Ma Ma Ma Ma, can I eat it?"

Su Ning sat down, "Let your father taste it first and see if it's ready?"


Upon hearing this, Ye Feng quickly picked up a piece of chicken with chopsticks, dipped it in some sesame sauce, and took a sip, "It's good, it's good, you can eat it, try it all."

As soon as Ye Feng finished speaking, the sister-in-law and the little baby couldn't wait any longer, and each of them seemed to be scrambling to get something into their own bowls.

"Both of you slow down." Su Ning looked helpless, but the two of them ignored her at all, and ate the dishes with a smile.

"Come on, Ningning, you can eat too." Ye Feng thoughtfully scooped up a piece of chicken for Su Ning.

Su Ning smiled at Ye Feng, feeling happy in her heart, eating the chicken brought by someone Ye, Su Ning asked casually, "Are you going to shoot commercials with Su Ke today?"

"Yeah." Ye Feng enjoyed the delicacy, but complained: "You too, you didn't give me face, hehe, fortunately, brother, I have many talents, otherwise I would be ashamed today."

Su Ning blushed pretty, and pouted, "Who told you to speak so aggressively!" Today Ye Feng asked her to help, but the elder brother's words were too irritating, and Su Ning refused as soon as she got angry.But later Su Ning regretted it a bit. This was the first time Ye Feng asked Su Ning for help. He didn't give him face, and he didn't know if he would be angry.Therefore, Su Ning, who was a little apprehensive, prepared such a large table of delicacies ingeniously at night.Now it seems that the effect is not bad. Mr. Ye is very happy to eat.

"Forget it, forget it, it's your loss if you don't go." Ye Feng snorted proudly, "Let me tell you, the advertisement that brother shot is definitely the best of the best."

"You?" Su Ning was stunned while eating the meat, "You took the picture?"

"Yes." Ye Feng said casually: "If you don't go, Su Ke can't find anyone, so I will go up in the end."

Su Ning seemed to have thought of some kind of joke, she chuckled, and someone Ye raised her eyebrows and glanced at her, "Why? What are you laughing at?"

Su Ning pursed her lips, suppressed a smile, and said, "It's all right, I just want to see what kind of advertisement Professor Ye made."

"Tch." Ye Feng took a big mouthful of Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, and muttered, "Look, you Professor Ye are invincible!"

Listening to Ye Feng bragging, Su Ning rolled her pretty eyes.It's not that she doesn't believe Ye Feng, it's mainly because she's a little curious.

What does Ye Feng look like in an advertisement?
Master Su Ning was a little curious.

Seeing that Su Ning rolled her eyes at him, Ye Feng said directly, "You don't believe me, do you? Let me tell you, brother, this advertisement is definitely a legend in the advertising industry. If anyone can surpass it, it can only be me. .” Ye is quite a stinky fart.

"You can brag." Su Ning doesn't believe it. If Ye Feng's advertisement is good, Su Ning may still believe it. After all, Su Ning knows that Ye Feng is very versatile, but if you say it is a myth in the industry, then it must be Just bragging!People in the advertising industry all grew up eating cabbage?
The sister-in-law and the little baby next to her didn't care what Ye Feng and the others were saying, so they ate their own food with their heads down. Seeing that Su Ning really didn't believe it, Ye Feng smiled, "Okay, don't you believe me? Let's make a bet? If this new app gets more than 100 million downloads on the first day, what do you lose me?"

"Bet?" Su Ning put down her chopsticks, looked at him and said, "100 million? No, 200 million!"


Ye Feng almost choked, "200 million?"

This number is too much!The apps with more than 200 million downloads on the first day can be counted on one hand.

"Yes, it's 200 million. Don't you say that your advertisement is a myth? It's not an exaggeration, and it doesn't reflect how powerful you are, Professor Ye." Su Ning said with a smile.

Ye Feng pouted, "Okay, 200 million is 200 million."

Su Ningshui looked at him with big eyes, "What if you lose?"

"I lost? Well~, how about I lose a kiss to you if I lose?"

"Good idea!" Ning Ning wrinkled her lovely nose, what was going on in this guy's mind?
"Well, whoever wins the opponent has to agree to a condition, is this fair?" Ye Feng said.

Su Ning bit her chopsticks and thought for a while, "Okay, but don't go too far!"

"No problem." Ye Mou's eyes were full of joy, this is simply a windfall!
Master Ning Ning is also very happy in her heart, if she wins, she must make this guy quit smoking, hum!Her Lady Queen never thought about what would happen if she lost, lost?If this guy's request isn't too much, then say yes to him, if it's too much!hum!If it's a big deal, just play tricks!You won't lose if you win or lose!
After dinner.

The little baby and her aunt were exhausted, slumped on the sofa and touched their chubby belly, while Su Ning and Ye Feng were cleaning up the dishes.

In the kitchen, Su Ning was cleaning the bowls and chopsticks, while Ye Feng was cleaning the oily copper pan.

The two chatted and said everything.

Coming out of the kitchen, Su Ning asked, "I read on the Internet that your ad was broadcast at three o'clock in the morning?"

Ye Feng washed his hands well, nodded and said: "Yeah, let's not wait any longer, just watch some TV and go to sleep, it will be everywhere on the Internet tomorrow, let's watch it tomorrow."

"That can't be done. It's Professor Ye's first commercial, so he has to see it right away." Su Ning twisted her slender waist, went back to the room, took a blanket, and nestled on the sofa. It looked like she wanted to Stay up late and wait.

The little baby quickly got into the mother's blanket. The sister-in-law saw it and got in too. Someone Ye saw it and said, "Ah, ah, it's too much, Su Ning, why are you kicking me..."

Su Ning stared at him, Ye Mou laughed twice, went back to get a blanket, and lay down on the other side of the sofa pitifully.


10: 30.

Eleven o'clock.

11: 30.

a little.

A little bit of time passed, and the sister-in-law and the little baby had gone back to the house to sleep.

In the living room, there are only Su Ning and Ye Feng.After her daughter and sister-in-law left, Ye managed to get into Su Ning's blanket, hugging the warm and soft beautiful daughter-in-law, smelling the faint scent of lavender on Ning Ning's body, Ye even fell asleep. catch...

Originally, Su Ning was still very energetic, but drowsiness is contagious!The person next to Ye was sleeping so soundly, Su Ning couldn't stand it any longer, curled up in Ye Feng's arms and fell asleep in a daze.


Early in the morning.

After Su Ling got up, she came down to take a look, and saw that her sister and brother-in-law were having such a good time?Just fell asleep on the sofa?Seeing that the two hugged so tightly, Su Ling didn't call them both. She made some breakfast by herself, and went back to the house to eat with the little baby.

The two, who were not disturbed, slept until noon.

By the time the two of them woke up at noon, the Internet had already been fried!

"Damn it! That advertising space is occupied!"

"My mother, someone actually rented this advertising space!"

"I saw it last night, and it almost scared me to death!"

"This is so nonsense!"

"You may not believe it, but this shit is actually endorsed by Professor Ye!"

"That's right, I was working the night shift last night, and I saw that ad, it was so shocking!"

Few people look at this sky-high advertising space?Knowing whether the APP was launched, immediately detonated the entire network!
Moreover, the most shocking thing is not this, but this promotional advertisement of the Zhiwu APP!
Ye Feng!

Ye Feng endorsed it!
Of course, the timing of this ad slot is so fucked up that more people can't see it at all.

"Professor Ye's endorsement?"

"Oh, which god is the video again? Please share!"

"Bosses, give me the video!"

'Professor Ye's endorsement?Don't be a fool! '

"I just want to see, what is it that actually rented this sky-high price advertising space? It's real!"

"Are you really a fool? And Professor Ye endorses it?"

"Why can't I understand it? The sky-high price advertising space planned by Professor Ye, and then appeared in the advertisement of his own endorsement? What the hell is this?"

The Internet has been fried, and I don't know how many netizens clamored to watch the video.

Ye Feng hugged Su Ning, nestled on the sofa, held up a tablet, and was also looking for videos on the Internet.

Su Ning snuggled into Ye Feng's arms, looking at the comments on the Internet, she was very surprised, "What kind of advertisement is that?"

"Don't worry." Suddenly, Ye Feng shouted: "Yes! This is it!"

Finally, a master shared the ad from last night, and immediately, the internet was buzzing!
I don't know how many netizens clicked in immediately.

in the video.

The first shot is very messy, there are many people in the background of the picture, people from various countries.

In a messy voice, "He can't!"

"Huaxia people? Hehe!"

"This field is not something they can study well."

"Luck! It's just luck!"

Sentence by sentence, it is very messy, but everyone can see it through the countless mathematical symbols on the background. This is the question of mathematicians.

Then, the screen changed, and there were countless poems in the background, the same noisy people, and the same voices of doubt.

"He's too young!"

"What kind of literary background can such a person have?"


"You can't teach! You give up! You go back to your mathematics world!"

"He can't!"

"Literature has literary rules, you have crossed the boundary, you have broken the rules!"

Looking at the beginning, many people can't figure it out. Is this an advertisement?I can't see what it means at all!

However, at this time, the screen suddenly changed, and the camera was completely focused on Ye Feng. Ye Feng in the screen seemed to be facing countless accusations and doubts. At this moment, he spoke lightly, and said softly: "You just Smell my perfume, but don't see my sweat..." The camera is also constantly switching according to Ye Feng's words, sometimes it is a lonely figure in the night, and sometimes it is a bedroom full of waste paper!
"You have your rules, I have my choices!"

"You deny my present, I decide my future!"

"You laugh at me for having nothing, I pity you for always waiting!"

"You can despise our youth, we will prove whose era it is!"

"Dreams are doomed to travel alone. Questioning and ridicule are inevitable on the road, but so what? Even if you are bruised and bruised, you must live beautifully!"

At this moment, it seems that the world is quiet.

No hustle and bustle, no doubts.

Seeing this, all the netizens on the Internet were stunned.

In the video, Ye Feng was rubbing his left little finger with his right hand, with a calm expression.

"My name is Ye Feng."

"I speak for myself."

Hearing this, I don't know how many people suddenly felt a surge of enthusiasm in their hearts!


laugh at?

Not optimistic?
My name is Ye Feng!

I speak for myself!

Afterwards, the screen changed again, and with the appearance of a logo, Ye Feng's voice sounded again, "Do you know the app, a question-and-answer app used by [-] million people."

It was not until the last sentence that everyone finally realized that this is an advertisement!
This is an advertisement shot to promote a product!

However, this advertisement is simply too different from other advertisements!

Is this an advertisement?
But it's not just advertising!
I don't know how many people's hearts surged after watching it, and the blood that had been buried in life rushed to the whole body again!

My name is Ye Feng!I speak for myself!

Speak for yourself!

These words deeply touched the tired and sleepy hearts of everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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