Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 273 Suffocating marketing tactics!

Chapter 273 Suffocating marketing tactics!

As soon as the advertisement of Zhiwu APP was broadcast, it became popular all over the Internet!
In all major circles, the screen has basically been swiped!

No one was talking about mental retardation, stupid hats, etc. Everyone was shocked by this advertisement, and no one cared about the story of the 3000 million investment promotion advertisement.

The audience watched with excitement, but the industry was shocked and silent.

This advertisement can be seen everywhere, in all major circles, major video sites, etc., as long as there is this advertisement, the number of private views and comments are quite scary.

"Professor Ye! Invincible!"

"I got goosebumps when I saw this ad!"

"I'm so excited to see an advertisement? Damn! Only Professor Ye has this kind of charm!"

"Who wrote this advertisement? It's so fucking awesome!"

"Isn't he talking nonsense? Does he still think about it? In the whole of Huaxia, except Professor Ye, who can write such words?"

"Yes, Professor Ye wrote it himself! Except for him, no one else has such skills!"

"You don't need to guess, look at the last second of the ad, there is a line of small characters below, which is planning, and Professor Ye's name is on it!"

"I wipe, really!"

"Is this the voice of Professor Ye! So many people made things difficult for Professor Ye before, but now? Everyone regards Professor Ye as a god!"

"Professor Ye is as domineering as ever! I speak for myself! Domineering! So fucking domineering!"

"Yeah, even if you are covered in bruises, you have to live a wonderful life! This is Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye is mighty!"

"Facts have proved that those who questioned Professor Ye before all knelt down. I believe that the investment promotion advertisement that Professor Ye planned before has a deep meaning!"

"Nonsense, this must have a deep meaning!"

"Just for this ad, I downloaded that damn Zhiwu app!"

"Yes, me too, those endorsed by Professor Ye must be downloaded!"

"Hey, you guys just downloaded it? I've already downloaded it. I have to say, it's so fucking wise for this app to be endorsed by Professor Ye!"

"A question-and-answer app used by [-] million people? I have to go and see what kind of app is used by [-] million people!"

"Hahaha, Professor Ye is bragging, right? How can there be [-] million people?"

"That one is not necessarily! Maybe there are really [-] million people? Anyway, I downloaded it!"

"Uh, I downloaded it too!"

"Professor Ye is really a man of heaven! Mathematics, literature, songs, and now come to the advertising industry?"

Countless netizens screamed, today's traffic belongs to Ye Feng.Big news in the entertainment industry, such as "Tian Dou was beaten", "Liu An's divorce", "Li Xiao and Zhang Tian's relationship exposed", etc., were all eclipsed today!
No one pays attention to this stuff except their fans!

Today, all the topics on the Internet are Ye Feng!

It is Professor Ye's first endorsement advertisement!

Of course, some people applaud it, but some people can't see it.Many fans of Tian Dou couldn't take it anymore, Tian Dou was injured, who did it?He is this Ye Feng!They don't care who you are, whether you are a professor or not, you can't bully our idols!Many fans of Tiandou left messages of abuse under each video.Of course, their comments seemed so weak that they were quickly drowned out.

Still, it pissed off fans in the kitty circle!
What the hell are you scolding our Professor Ye?
Can Nima endure this?
Suddenly, in the circle, a group of fans with "Cat Clan" badges appeared in front of them, rampaging, active in the bottom of each video, Wada Dou's fans crazily spat at each other!
Tian Dou Dao has a lot of fans, much more than the cat clan. However, Ye Feng's fans are all experienced, and they all screamed.

"I bought a watch last year!"

"Just like you, hang on the wall to ward off evil spirits, and hang on the bed to prevent pregnancy!"

"You are a well, you are two in every way!"

"I'm afraid that you will lower my IQ if I confront you!"

"I've scolded you before. We are more beasts than beasts. We can't scold you. We are not even as good as beasts! Why do you want to be at a disadvantage! It's uncomfortable!"

Although there are not many people in the cat clan, their mouths are too fucking poisonous, and they make the other party angry. There is simply nowhere to vent their anger!What's more, many fans went to Tian Dou's circle to sing "Don't Bite Me", and the faces of all Tian Dou's fans turned green!
Even the netizens who watched the excitement were secretly speechless, saying that the fans in the cat circle are fierce, and they really deserve their reputation!This is not a question of top two, this one is top ten!This fighting power is too damn strong!What's more, people don't use dirty words when they swear, it's like getting the true biography of Professor Ye!

At home, Su Ning, who was being hugged by Ye Feng, said with blushing cheeks, "All my fans have been spoiled by you."

Ye Feng rubbed Su Ning's pretty face in embarrassment, "This, this may be the awakening of their innate skills."

Su Ning pouted her lips in disgust, and said softly, "Oh, your beard has stuck to me, how long has it been since you shaved?"

"Ahem, small problems, these are all small problems." Ye Feng grinned.

The two of them surfed the Internet affectionately, looking at all kinds of comments on the Internet, suddenly, a big boss in the advertising industry stood up in the circle, and his circle certification was "Liu Qi, a famous planner of advertising in the world", I saw him in the circle Reposted this video, and then added the text: ""I speak for myself", this advertisement was recorded by Professor Ye in our advertisement in the world, and we even produced it in the later stage. To be honest, when I first watched it, it was I was shocked. But I watched it again today, and it was still hard to calm down for a long time! Because, I suddenly discovered that this is not just a problem of advertising! This is a perfect promotion with a ring of rings, no exaggeration Said, this is the most perfect planning campaign in the advertising industry in the past 20 years! No one!"

Because he is reposting the video, there is a character limit, so there is no more to say here.

As soon as such a passage came out, everyone felt itchy in their hearts.

"What plan?"

"Boss, continue!"

"Wait for professional analysis!"

"Anyway, I think this ad is awesome, but to be honest, I have no idea how good it is!"

"This Liu Qi is a big shot in the advertising industry, big shot, keep going!"

Many netizens are not professional after all, they just think this ad is quite shocking, but if you ask them to say what is so good about this ad, they really can’t tell.Now that a professional comes out, everyone rushes over.

Not long after, Liu Qi commented under the video he reposted, following what he said above, "Let's not talk about this advertisement, just talk about Professor Ye's marketing methods. I have been surfing the Internet for the past few days and saw many people saying Why do people pay so much attention to an advertising space at 03:30 in the middle of the night about the sky-high price of advertising space? It is because this investment promotion advertisement is too nonsense! It is so nonsense that it has exceeded the general perception of everyone! 3000 million a month? Who would buy it? ?Everyone thinks this is a joke, this is a silly hat! Everyone looked at this investment advertisement as if it was a joke, and even many people abused it. However, when everyone was laughing at it, Professor Ye’s purpose It has already been reached! Everyone knows about an advertising space at 03:30 in the middle of the night! This is unimaginable!"

Having said that, it came to an abrupt end.

But everyone has already understood, and everyone has reacted!
"Damn! This investment advertisement is just to attract attention?"

"I'll go, Professor Ye can think of such a trick?"

"Professor Ye's grasp of people's hearts is really terrifying!"

"Oh my god, look at that Zhiwei APP, it's actually a product of Wei C Technology!"

"What? I'll wipe it, give him back! Really!"

"So, Wei C didn't want to attract investment from the very beginning, but to create traffic? Let an advertising spot at 03:30 in the middle of the night become popular? Then they launched an advertisement for their app with the opportunity? What the hell, what the hell? Invincible! Professor Ye is invincible!"

"How did this brain grow? It's too scary!"

"This is a series of links, no one expected it!"

"Damn, so we were all tricked by Professor Ye!"

"This may be IQ suppression!"

"Let me just say, it makes sense for Professor Ye to be so aggressive!"

"A celestial being is a celestial being! I wait for mortals, just watch in silence. From now on, as long as it is about Professor Ye, I will never be forced to speak first, my face hurts!"

All the netizens are like enlightened!Who the hell is talking about that ugly business advertisement, then you will have trouble with us mortals!


All of Professor Ye's tricks!
The longest road I have traveled in my life is Professor Ye's routine!

All the netizens are convinced.

Not only Liu Qi from Tianxia Advertising, but also many planners and bosses in the advertising industry are amazed by this advertisement, or this series of planning!Even, many advertising companies held seminars right away!
Just study Ye Feng's marketing techniques!

From the beginning of CCTV's bidding for advertising space, to the final broadcast of product advertisements, research link by link, study of detail by detail!

Textbook-level advertising planning!

Flawless Marketing Operations!

The companies that bid with Wei C that day were all dumbfounded. Everyone thought that Wei C spent a lot of money, but who the hell would have thought that this would be the end result?
Lan's Operations Department, President's Office, Ling Luohan had a copy of "Yuefu Poetry Collection" by his hand, and a pair of beautiful eyes were staring at Ye Feng's advertisement without blinking.

On the Internet, there are constant discussions.

And the number of downloads of Zhiwu APP is constantly refreshing people's cognition.

Ten thousand!
One hundred thousand!

30 million!
50 million!
100 million!

200 million!
It's not even night yet!

In less than 200 hours during the day, the number of downloads of Zhiwu APP has already exceeded the 200 million mark!You know, many softwares don't have [-] million downloads in a lifetime, let alone a day!

This amount of downloads is simply terrifying enough to make one's scalp tingle!

If it exceeds 100 million, it is already superior to the crowd! 200 million, that is something no one has ever thought of!
Moreover, this number is still rising crazily!

One advertisement, one marketing, let Zhiwu APP directly create a download myth!
This time, the people of China and the industry have truly realized how incredible the influence of a good advertisement can be!
Ye Feng immediately became a great god in the advertising industry!
(End of this chapter)

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