Chapter 274


It's past nine.

The hot discussion on Ye Feng's advertisement on the Internet has not yet subsided. It can even be said that everyone's enthusiasm has become more and more intense, and even many imitated versions have come out.

A naughty college student in a university posted: "You only see my scores, but not my hard work; you have your test papers, and I have my answers; you laugh at my scores for not being high enough to play, and I Poor you always wanting a famous school; you can underestimate our grades, and we will prove whose era it is. Studying is destined to be a painful journey, and there will always be setbacks and low scores on the road, but so what, even if you fail the subject, you will fail Calm. I'm a student and I speak for myself!"


"He spoke my heart out!"


"This change is flawless!"

"This is awesome!"

"No, I have to try too! You only see my single life, but you don't see my hard work; you have your standards, I have my tenderness; you laugh at me for not being beautiful enough to love; I am pitiful You are always too superficial,... I am single, I speak for myself!"

"I can't do it anymore! You are all talents! Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter!"

"I'll make a game version... I play the heavens, and I speak for myself!"

"I'm stupid, then I have to complain about our school cafeteria, have your queue, I have mine; you laugh at me for having nothing in the card, and I feel sorry for you who are always vegetarian...I am a junior high school student, and I am a Speak for yourself!"


The Internet has gone crazy, and the netizens have opened their minds, and all of them are talents.Even, many stars have joined.

The goddess Li Xueer in the film and television industry posted: "You only see my haha, but not my sadness... I am a goddess, and I speak for myself! Hahahaha! Follow Professor Ye!"

"My God, the goddess is poisoned!"

"It turns out that the goddess Xue'er is also so skinny!"

"This literary talent is still great!"

"Come on, goddess!"

"It's a little worse than my Queen Su Ning!"

"Hahaha, the goddess is amazing!"

This ad has become very popular, and there are various versions everywhere. In less than a day, "Ye Fengti" has become popular all over the Internet!
And the number of downloads of the **APP has set various records again and again!

However, at this time, Ye Feng didn't pay attention to these at all.

In other words, he didn't have the heart to pay attention to these at all.

He didn't play with his video, but was fighting with Su Ning in the bedroom!

"No, Su Ning, how can you be like this?"

On the bed, someone Ye crossed his legs and said angrily.

He and Su Ning were the only ones in the bedroom, and the little baby and sister-in-law were next door, probably already asleep.

Do you know that the number of app downloads has already exceeded 200 million? According to their bet, Su Ning is going to promise Ye Feng one thing.But now Su Ning regrets not admitting it!

"What's wrong with me?" Su Ning's face remained unchanged, as if nothing had happened.

This is for Ye Fengqi, isn't it a shame?

Ye Feng rolled his eyes and said, "No, you forgot what we agreed? You said that the downloads have exceeded 200 million, so why don't you let me do that!"

"Which what?" Su Ning raised her eyebrows.

"That's what..." Ye Feng whispered a word.

"Get out!" Su Ning's pretty face flushed immediately, and she said angrily, "I never said that! I meant to agree to a condition! Who said that!" But after Su Ning finished speaking, she realized that she seemed to be tricked by Ye Feng. up!The bastard!IQ is really a bit high!Baby Su Ning was a little unhappy, she turned her face away, she didn't want to see Ye Feng's complacent look.

"Okay, you have the final say, one condition is one condition." Mr. Ye coughed lightly twice, and said, "Well, can I raise a condition that is not too excessive? Like giving birth to a daughter A younger brother or a younger sister?" Looking at his wife's exquisite figure, hidden under the silk pajamas, she looked even more alluring, and Ye swallowed consciously, thinking that his spring might be short arrive.

Su Ning unceremoniously rolled his eyes at him, and spat: "It's a beautiful idea." After finishing speaking, she got into the bed like a loach, wrapped herself like a silkworm baby, and all the scenery disappeared without a trace. .

Ye Feng pursed his lips and shouted: "No, you said it yourself, you said you can put forward a condition!"

"This one won't work! Change to another one!" Su Ning said unreasonably.

Ye, with black lines all over his head, said again: "Then it's okay not to have younger brothers and sisters, let's just improve the relationship between husband and wife!"

"No! Who wants to promote a relationship with you!" Su Ning's little face is getting redder and redder. Although she is used to sleeping on the same bed with Ye Feng, she still can't help it when it comes to this blush.

Ye Feng choked for a moment, and said speechlessly: "Then kiss the head office?"

"No!" Su Ning pursed her lips and snorted.

"Kiss your face?"


"Can you do it yourself?"

"No! No physical contact?" Su Ning said with a smile.

Seeing Su Ning smiling at herself was originally something to be happy about, but now Ye Feng is so angry that his liver hurts!
This woman is too much!
No way, no physical contact?
Then what the hell can I do?
Ye was quite depressed, but suddenly, Ye Feng had a flash of inspiration, and he suddenly thought of a good way!

"If you don't touch, don't touch, then you can put on a fashion show for me! Hehe, isn't this considered physical contact?" Ye Feng's eyes are getting brighter and his heart is getting hotter and hotter, this is better than that kiss It's much more exciting!
When Su Ning heard it, fashion show?He shook his head immediately, "No, no, no! I don't want it!" That's too embarrassing, it's better to kiss!

Seeing that Su Ning still refused to agree to the fiery Ye, the little flame in his heart was extinguished immediately.

Ye Feng looked at Su Ning, twitched the corners of his mouth, rolled his eyes, stopped talking, got into the bed speechlessly, turned off the bedroom light with a "snap", covered his head with the quilt, and didn't say a word , I turned on my side and got ready to sleep.

Now it's Su Ning's turn to be dumbfounded, what's wrong?Is Ye Feng angry?

Seeing Ye Feng lying on his back, the two of them were covered with two quilts, Su Ning stretched out her little feet from her quilt, and kicked him lightly.

But Ye Feng didn't respond, and didn't even move.

Su Ning kicked him lightly a few more times, but there was still no response.

"Ye Feng, Ye Feng?"

Su Ning leaned over, turned her body sideways, and called softly behind Ye Feng.


Ye Feng seemed to answer with his nostrils.

"What's wrong with you? Are you angry?"

Su Ning asked a little dumbfounded, it's true that such a big person is still like a girl, she gets angry and ignores people at every turn.

"No." Ye said stubbornly.

"Oh, then turn around, okay?"

"No! I'm going to bed, I'm sleepy."

"Come on, come on, talk to me."

"I'm sleepy, let's talk tomorrow."

Seeing that Ye Feng really didn't want to talk to her anymore, Su Ning was a little speechless and a little funny, this was the first time he saw Ye Feng like this.

like a child.

"Okay, okay, at worst, I will promise you the head office, right?" Su Ning shook Ye Feng and said, Su Ning felt that Ye Feng just wanted to perform a fashion show for him, so she was angry with herself.If I promised him, he should be happy, right?

Ye Feng, who was very angry at first, suddenly regained his energy just as Su Ning expected, "Are you sure?" Ye turned around in a hurry, and asked Su Ning with a look of surprise.

Su Ning curled her lips, "When my sister is in a better mood, I will perform for you."

"No, when will you be in a good mood?" Ye's face collapsed again, why is this Ningning getting worse?If you're not in a good mood anytime, why don't you act like a fart?

"Look at your performance. If you perform well, my sister's mood will naturally improve." Su Ning said softly.

"Uh, okay..."

Someone Ye reluctantly accepted this result, which is better than nothing, at least there is something to look forward to!
"Sleep, Mr. Ye."

"Okay, little Ningning."

"Call my sister!"

"Isn't it?"

"It's good to call my sister."


"Do you call?"

"Can I change it?"


"Then I won't call!"

Ye is mighty and unyielding!

"How about a fashion show in uniform?"


Ye was a little dazed.

"The kind of role-playing~" Su Ning also went all out, anyway, she had to show it to Ye Feng, and didn't care about the formality.

Hearing Su Ning's seductive voice, Ye suddenly gasped, role-playing?teacher?Airline stewardess?loli?Oh My God!Don't dare to think, don't dare to think!Ye can't hold it anymore!No no no!Ye was still firm and said: "That, that, not..."

"You can help me choose clothes~"

"elder sister!"

Needless to say, you will be my sister, Mr. Ye from now on!
"Hehehe, good night brother." Seeing that Ye Feng finally gave up resistance, Su Ning giggled contentedly.Although the sacrifice was a bit big, Su Ning felt it was worth it.She didn't really want Ye Feng to be called her sister, but she mainly wanted to tease Ye Feng.It has to be said that now Su Ning and Ye Feng are really more and more like a couple, a couple in love.


Ye's heart is broken!

The morals of the old man!Now, it's really broken!

 The next chapter will be in a while, I will go to the Internet cafe to play games all night, and I will write when I arrive at the Internet cafe.

(End of this chapter)

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