Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 275 Video Posting

Chapter 275 Video Posting
In the past few days, Ye Feng has been obedient to Su Ning. He is afraid that Su Ning will be a little unhappy. He is afraid of melting in his mouth and breaking in his hands. After all, it is his sister who is crying , if it makes Su Ning unhappy, it will be a real loss!
In the past, Ye Feng was so kind to her daughter, Su Ning was sometimes jealous of her daughter. These days, she can be regarded as enjoying the care of someone Ye, but this made the little baby unhappy.Mr. Ye is in a dilemma now, but he can't do anything about it, the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh, what can he do...

However, on this day, the little baby didn't make any noise, neither did Baby Ningning, and the house was very quiet.


There is smog today.

Ye Feng stood by the window, looking at the gray sky outside the window, his eyes looked very deep.


This matter must be resolved!

He's not meddling in other people's business, the main thing is that no one can escape or avoid this thing.Ye Feng must take care of this thing, his reason is very simple, he wants his daughter to see the blue sky.

My daughter is watching TV, Su Ning is playing with her mobile phone, and my sister-in-law doesn't know what to do in her bedroom.Ye Feng stood by the window for a while, without saying hello to the babies, turned around and went upstairs by himself.Su Ning glanced at him, but said nothing.Su Ning knew that Ye Feng seemed to be very concerned about the smog.It seems that he is going to make a big move.However, Su Ning didn't ask, no matter what he did, just support him silently.Just like at that time, Ye Feng silently supported himself.

in the study.

Ye Feng was smoking a cigarette, looking at the animation he had spent several days making on the computer, and checked it for the last time to see if there were any mistakes and if there was anything missing.

This, Ye Feng dare not be careless in the slightest!
This is not like the literary works he wrote before, even if there are some mistakes or flaws, it doesn't matter, he can explain them all.This is not like mathematics, it is Ye Feng's invincible field, Ye Feng has his own, his own things, he can never go wrong!
But this one doesn't work!

He can't have a little mistake, this is not his field of expertise!What Ye Feng relies on is really passionate!

To be honest, if he hadn't had a really good memory, basically remembering the content of the previous life Chai Jing's video, coupled with the professional knowledge provided by Professor Wang, and all kinds of data he stole, Ye Feng would never be able to Make this video!
It is no exaggeration to say that the video of Ye Feng cannot be done by ordinary professionals!
Checked it carefully, no problem!

Log in to the circle, the account of Syphilis.

With a click of the mouse, he sent this video in the syphilis circle instead of the cat circle.

This matter will definitely detonate all directions, and he doesn't want to implicate Su Ning.


Syphilis, famous songwriter.

Although there are not many works, they rank very high in the list of songwriters in the entertainment industry, ranking No. 30!Of course, this ranking is definitely incomparable with Zi Ye and Ye Zi.However, he is still hailed as the new great god in the songwriting world!

However, his circle is not very active, and ordinary old fans basically won't be here.His circle is full of new fans who don't understand anything.

"No, what about the song of the Poison God?"

"That's right, why can't I find any of them?"

"Where is "Wan Wu Sheng"? I came here specially to listen to "Wan Wu Sheng"!"

"Is the Poison God there?"

"There isn't a single piece of Poison God's news in this circle!"

"I'm stupid, didn't I add a fake circle?"

A few days ago, Dushen's song "Wan Wusheng" exploded the circles. The funny lyrics coupled with the brainwashing tune directly attracted another wave of fans for Dushen.Many fans rushed directly to Poison God's circle.But it was only when I saw this that I realized that this place is simply barren!
Not to mention the news of Poison God, there are not even many fans!
It stands to reason that this should not be the case!

How can the poisonous god say that he is also a hot songwriter industry leader now!
How could there be so many fans?
And the ranking in the circle is so low?
This is not scientific!
Many new fans are confused!

At this time, an old fan appeared. In the circle of Poison God, there will always be such an old fan who is responsible for "guiding the way". This is already a common practice.

"Hi everyone, first of all, welcome to the Poison God's circle." An old fan with a "Cat Clan" sign said: "Our circle is a little different, everyone should know that Poison God is a fan of Queen Su Ning , so our lair is also in the cat circle, if you like the poisonous god, if you want to interact with the poisonous god, you can join the cat circle. Of course, any news about the poisonous god will also be posted in the cat circle."

Obviously, this is not the first time these words have been said, this old fan said it in an orderly and clear way.

These new fans can understand it at once.

"Oh, yes, Poison God is indeed Su Ning's fan."

"Hey, I heard about this before, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I didn't expect it to be true!"

"Poison God is really not in his circle?"

"Hey, this is really the first time I've seen this kind of star. Instead of running your own circle, go to add popularity to others? Or use a large size?"

Many people know that there are four resident great gods in the cat circle, but likewise, many people don't know it, which is normal.After all, no one is Huaxia currency, and no one pays attention to it without blinking.

Seeing the reactions of these new fans, the old fan shook his head and smiled, thinking that he was the same at the time?
"Everyone go to the cat circle, that's our lair, the God of Poison will not appear here." The old fan said.

"Oh, okay."


"Let's go, go to the cat ring."


"Hey? What's going on here? Didn't it mean that the Poison God won't post updates here? What is this? Is it fake?"

"I, I seem to have seen the God of Poison?"

Many new fans are ready to go to the cat circle, but at this moment, Syphilis suddenly updated a post?
Didn't you say that the God of Poison is in the cat circle?

Didn't it mean that the Poison God wouldn't appear here?
What does this mean?Is it fake?
Many new fans are a little confused!
That old fan smiled, poisonous god will update the news here?Impossible, it is probably a high imitation number.

"Everyone, don't believe in this kind of high imitation account. All poisonous gods that don't appear in the cat circle are fake. Come, let's report it."


"Is this a high imitation? The high imitation is too similar, right?"

"Not only are the names the same, but why are the certifications the same?"

"Yes, is there such a high imitation number? This is too realistic!"

"Seniors say that this is a high imitation number, so it must be true. Our time is still too short. I guess we will be as good as seniors in the future!"

"That is, this kind of realistic high imitation number, probably only this kind of senior can recognize it?"

"Senior, how long do we have to hang out before we can be as good as you?"

Many new fans were a little surprised when their seniors said it was a high imitation.If it wasn't for the senior's reminder, everyone would have thought that this was the God of Poison himself. Thanks to the presence of the senior, otherwise everyone would have been fooled by this guy!
This old fan saw that everyone seemed to admire him, and his vanity was greatly satisfied. "Don't worry, everyone, let's report first."

"Yes, report him!"

Many new fans clicked to report.

The old fan went on to say: "In fact, it is very easy to tell whether it is a high imitation. If it is not the poisonous god in the cat circle, it must be a fake. Of course, we can also click on his homepage to see his various See if it often appears in the cat circle." The old fan clicked in while talking, "It's like this account, you see, he doesn't have at all... Fuck! Don't worry about it Reported, this shit is not a high imitation, this is a real poisonous god!"

Looking at his news, he basically spoke in the cat circle, this old fan was immediately dumbfounded, this nima is not a fake!
Taking a closer look at the certification, he looked so confused!I'm stupid, what the hell is the official certification!This shit is unscientific!
New fans: "..."

Ye Feng in front of the computer, seeing that he was reported and warned, he was speechless, what did I do, you just report me?

Damn, you are all demons, right?

(End of this chapter)

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