Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 276 Detonate Public Opinion!

Chapter 276 Detonate Public Opinion!

In Poison God's circle, a group of fans were dumbfounded.

Didn't it mean that the Poison God won't appear here again?

How is this going?

This group of cute newcomers are at a loss, even the old fans are confused, this is unscientific!

"Poison God made a mistake?"

"No way? That's too ridiculous?"

"Could it be that the Poison God and Queen Su Ning quarreled?"

"It shouldn't be possible, I think the God of Poison still has a sign in the cat circle!"

"Maybe it has some special meaning?"

"Never mind him, let's see what the God of Poison said first!"

The fans also didn't understand what the poisonous god meant, so they simply stopped thinking about it, and let's see what the poisonous god said first.

There was only one video, and the rest didn't say anything.

Everyone click in and take a look.

Against the dark background, four large characters suddenly popped out.

"under the dome"?
What is this ghost?

But looking at the foggy four words, everyone couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

The screen turned, and suddenly there was a burst of music.

When you hear this prelude, why is it so familiar?
"Once upon a time, the imperial capital was beautiful and the four seasons were clean and refreshing."


"Damn, isn't this the new song of the Poison God?"

"Yes, Wan Wusheng!"

"This is the MV!"

"Hey, I thought it was something, it turned out to be an MV!"

"But this mv is a bit long, isn't it? More than an hour?"

"Um, indeed."

Everyone thought it was an MV, but it was a bit strange, why did the MV last so long?
At this time, in addition to the song, the video also played pictures one by one.

The foggy sky, the hurried pedestrians, the girl wearing a mask covering her mouth, the dust-free car...

Every picture is full of endless smog!
The endless smog is like a ferocious monster, devouring everything you can see!
"I saw that girl covering her mouth desperately on the street"

"Covering your mouth tastes like suffocation"

"A thick fog spreads and surrounds people"


With the song, the photos turn one by one.

Everyone was a little dazed.

The song didn't last long, and when the song ended, the screen went black again. A second later, four words appeared, "Introduction, Motivation", and then a cartoon villain popped out...

"I have a very happy family, a very beautiful wife, and a very lovely daughter... But I don't know when it started, it's hard for them to see the blue sky in winter..."

"That day, I heard that a friend of mine was pregnant...but her child was diagnosed as a benign tumor just after it was born..."

"In the current imperial capital, I dare not go out, because the weather is often like this..."


The voice is very deep.

But the picture is even more shocking!

A world full of grayness!

Under the shroud of smog, neither the blue sky nor the stars can be seen!

"Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I'll see my daughter, knocking on the window and asking me, what's outside Daddy? Why don't you let me out? I don't know how to answer..."

"Since then, I have made up my mind to let everyone understand what smog is!"

"pm2.5! This shouldn't be an unfamiliar ranking!"


"This is the data of the United States, this is the data of Europe, and this is ours!"

"What is contained in the smog?"

"... carcinogens!"

"Ours exceeds the standard by twenty times! Twenty times!"

"The air in China is like being shrouded by a dome flying from the sky! We have been exposed to a huge experimental cabin for the rest of our lives!"

As the video progressed, everyone watched with horror!
"In order to let everyone understand what pm2.5 is, I made another animation."

"I'm pm2.5 and my brothers are many..."

This animation, similar to the one made by Chai Jing, uses No.1 name to explain what pm2.5 is. Although there are not many professional terms, it is even more frightening!

"This set of data is the internal data of the Chinese Academy of Sciences! The annual death toll is 50 people!..."

"Last year in the winter of the imperial capital, there were 25 days of smog in one month! Last year, our country had 27 cities with serious smog pollution!..."


The video is very long, but everyone watched it without blinking an eye!
In the circle, it was quiet.

Quietly, no one said anything, no one said this is the mv!

Everyone, I'm scared.

Someone seemed to be trembling.

This video is so shocking!

I don’t know how many people were frightened by what was said in it!


Isn't that just fog and dust?

How can it cause cancer?Will it still cost lives?

What is Pm2.5?
Is our air quality so low?

Many, one after another, nakedly exposed to the eyes of everyone, it is unbelievable, really unbelievable!
It's one thing to believe it, but another thing to care about it or not!

It is a matter of everyone's health, and no one will care less!

Almost at the same time, people who watched this video subconsciously clicked forward!


"Unbelievable, is this the smog?"

"My god, is this the air we breathe all day long?"

"Look, everyone, is this true?"

"Poison God's science popularization is simply too scary!"


"The smog turns out to be poisonous!"


Crazy, this "Under the Dome" has been turned crazy!
Although it was only circulated in cat circles at first, it spread all over the Internet in less than an hour!Compared with the documentary of Chai Jing in the previous life, the spread speed is simply too much faster!

At home, Su Ning ran upstairs with a serious expression.

"What you said is true?" Su Ning was frightened. She knew that the smog was definitely not a good thing, but after seeing this video, she was still shocked!

"There is not a single lie." Ye Feng said lightly.

Su Ning's complexion changed.


At the same time, the Internet has exploded!

"Damn it! Is this smog? This shit is poisonous gas!"

"Hiss, this is simply too scary!"

"That's not true, is it?"

"Spreading rumors! Absolutely spreading rumors! If it was really so scary, wouldn't we have died long ago?"

"I think what is said in this video is true. If you look at the data in it, there is a source! What Chinese Academy of Sciences, Imperial Hospital, etc., these should not be fake, right?"

"Damn it, it's a big smog today!"

"Made, luckily I'm wearing a mask!"

"It's useless to wear a mask. When I come to work, my nose is full of dirt!"

"This smog is really serious!"

"We don't all have tuberculosis, do we?"

"No, I'm going to the hospital to check right away!"

"Grass, I'm fine, the main reason is that there are children at home!"

"Yes, the child is so young, the body is too fragile!"

On the Internet, the netizens were panic-stricken. Those who watched the video were all frightened into a cold sweat!

It turns out that the danger is so great!
At the same time, many celebrities in the society reposted it.

Su Ning turned around.

Zhao Meng turned around.

Tian Dou turned.

Even the kings and queens of the entertainment industry have turned around!

This is not over, not only the entertainment industry, but even some rich people can't sit still!

The richest man in a certain area said: "Air, none of us can escape! This thing is the most equal. If the air is gone, each of us will be gone."

A business leader in education said bluntly: "It is not certain whether this video is true or not, but it has attracted so much attention, someone must stand up and explain it!"

"This matter must be investigated!"

They are really scared, they are more scared than ordinary people!
In the face of natural pollution, all living beings are equal!
Finally, some experts and scholars stood up!
A professor from the Environmental Department of Haida University said: "pm2.5 is not a term made out of nothing. This professional term was proposed in foreign countries as early as ten years ago. It means inhalable particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less."

A professor at Peking University also said: "For the phenomenon of smog, there has not been much research in China, and this requires the support of the state."

"It's hard to say whether the data in the video is true or not, but what we can see is that the phenomena in the video do exist."

"We need to verify the authenticity of the data."

There are not many experts who stand up, and even those who speak out are vague, and no one dares to directly agree with this video!
They are all professors who specialize in environmental pollution research. Can they not understand this?Can they understand smog?
They understand, but they don't say it, they are all waiting and watching, watching the attitude of the country.

A small video actually directly detonated the whole society!

Everyone is paying attention, and everyone is looking around.

Few people know what the truth is!

Is this video an exaggeration, or is there something real?
No one knows.

However, the smog has suddenly become the most concerned point in society!
Everyone is waiting for an official reply.

In the hearts of the people, the government is the most authoritative.

This video only attracted everyone's attention, but if you want everyone to believe it, you need an official acknowledgment.

Whether it is true or not depends on the official actions.

However, there has been no official response.

(End of this chapter)

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