Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 277 Ye Feng Was Invited

Chapter 277 Ye Feng Was Invited
The matter of smog, up to here, is actually no longer a big deal for Ye Feng.After all, the people are now aware of the dangers of smog, and there is no need for any further catalysts. Everyone knows how to do some things by themselves.Various experts and scholars have also emerged on the Internet, and the overwhelming knowledge of smog can be seen everywhere.

Moreover, this thing is not something that can be accomplished overnight, it needs a buffer of time.

In fact, zf can have such a quick response, which has exceeded Ye Feng's expectation.Of course, this is also inseparable from Ye Feng's use of hacking methods.If it is just relying on public opinion, then I don't know which winter it will be delayed.

The next thing is actually relatively simple.

It depends on how to control the smog.And these are not Ye Feng's final say.

However, he still used Ye Zi's account to post an article.

"A Rational Approach to Smog".

Actually, it's mainly Ye who feels that he seems to have exaggerated the smog...

To be honest, he knew that everyone would have a very strong reaction, but he really didn't expect the reaction to be so violent.Of course, this is mainly because he exposed all the data at once. The stimulation is endless, and it is more intense than the wave.People who knew nothing about the smog would be surprised if it didn't explode.

No one can calm down in the face of the smog that may cause cancer!

This is similar to the photochemical smog in the Eagle Country in the previous life. At that time, the people of the Eagle Country were blown up!
When Ye Feng's "A Rational Approach to Smog" came out, it still played a big role, after all, Professor Ye's influence is there.

"Professor Ye is right!"

"It's useless for us to be anxious. Everyone should be more rational."

"Although the smog is terrible, it is not to the point where one breath can kill a person."

"Let's see what the smog control meeting said in a few days."

"Well, I hope we can negotiate a result."

"Smog must be controlled!"

"I also don't want my descendants to see the blue sky in winter."

Netizens have experienced ups and downs in the past few days. First, they were frightened by the video of the poisonous god, and then they were comforted by the environment*. They found out that it was a false alarm. God Y bombed indiscriminately, and it was fatal!This feeling of ups and downs is unbearable for most people, and their mentality is sluggish.

Everyone on the Internet is full of sighs and sighs, feeling endlessly.

Of course, the most uncomfortable thing is definitely the environment department. They have been living in hell these few days!

The leaders above exert pressure, and the people below threaten them. Everyone is walking on eggshells, for fear of saying the wrong sentence.Moreover, they are almost like rats crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats them, and no one speaks for them.It seems that the smog was created by them, uh, of course, they must be responsible for this blame, who told them to hide the truth!I can't blame others for this end.

At this time, Professor Ye suddenly came up with an article "Treat the Haze Rationally", which was a timely help!
The newly appointed Director Li is about to cry!
Good man!
Professor Ye is much better than that bastard with syphilis!
He is also a cultural person, why is Professor Ye so good!

The environmental department's favor towards Ye Feng has exploded!

no!Professor Ye must be invited to participate in the "Smog Control Conference" in two days!A master who is well-known overseas like Professor Ye is fully qualified!Although he is not an environmental expert and may not understand it well, Professor Ye's thinking is definitely quite correct!
Awareness guides practice, there is nothing wrong with that!

Therefore, Director Li personally sent an invitation letter to Ye Feng, inviting him to attend the "Smog Control Conference" in a few days...

When Ye Feng saw this invitation letter in the circle, he was a little unresponsive.

invite me?

How does it feel weird?

That night, the official website of the environmental department announced the list of participants for the "Smog Control Conference" to be held in a few days.

The first one is Ye Feng!

The rest are experts on the environment in society, and there are many economists, such as professors of various universities, researchers of certain organizations, etc., anyway, they are all people related to the environment and economy.There is only Ye Feng alone, and it has nothing to do with a dime.

Netizens looked at this list with a look of bewilderment.

"If you want to invite old Professor Wang Yuqin and the others, I can understand, after all, these professors are experts in environmental research; if you want to invite Professor Li Hai, I can understand, after all, they are experts in economic construction; even if you invite Wang Quan and the others I can still understand these professors, they are experts in social planning after all. But why do you hire Professor Ye? As a copywriter? Or to calculate governance costs for you? Isn’t he too nonsense?”

"Professor Ye is going to change his career to develop in the environmental field?"

"Damn, I can really see Professor Ye everywhere!"

"I'm convinced! Professor Ye is everywhere!"

"Professor Ye is still ranked first..."

"No, for an environmental governance conference, what's the point of inviting Professor Ye? If you say that Professor Ye understands environmental governance, I won't believe anything!"

"I don't believe it either! Why don't you say that Professor Ye has discovered aliens!"

"Professor Ye, this kind of thing is too professional, you must have been mixed up."

"Yes, you will meet Haida soon, the teachers and students of Haida should miss you to death!"

"Aren't you the vice president of Wei C? What's the matter? Wei C can't hold you anymore? Are you going to go to the environmental field to show your skills?"

"I'm dizzy. Professor Ye just abused the advertising industry, and now he's going to abuse the environment industry? Can't you abuse it? This has nothing to do with literature!"

"It has nothing to do with mathematics!"

"It has nothing to do with entertainment!"

"It has nothing to do with poetry!"

"It has nothing to do with calligraphy!"

"It has nothing to do with martial arts!"

"It has nothing to do with education!"

"Damn it! Professor Ye has already been involved in so many industries? Damn..."

I really don’t know if I don’t say it, I’m startled when I say it!Before he knew it, Professor Ye had dabbled in so many circles?Moreover, it seems that the places he dabbles in are all directly to the top!

Many netizens who followed Ye Feng were all talking, not knowing what to say.

At this time, a fan in the cat circle said, "In the past, I thought Ye Zi was just a writer of online novels. Later, I realized that I was wrong. It turns out that he can sing! He can also compose music by himself! He He’s a singer! When I finally accepted his identity as a singer, he revealed his true identity. He turned out to be a professor of Haida, the youngest professor of mathematics! He is a well-known mathematics master both at home and abroad! When I finally accepted him When I was a mathematician, I found out that I was wrong again. It turned out that he was a poet! Well, he is a poet, I can accept it, but who would have thought that he, a weak scholar, would dare to give him back? He knows martial arts! Okay, I accepted his identity as a martial artist again, but I found out that this guy can also calligraphy! Damn it! How the hell can you know everything? But, I found out, this is not counted. It’s over! It’s not over! He actually ran off to do some planning, and Professor Ye is still an excellent advertising designer? I thought it was over. But, why do I think he’s going to become an advertising designer again? An environmental expert?"

"Hahahaha! You are right!"

"A fan's sorrow!"

"I finally found out that Professor Ye's fans are so tired!"

"Ordinary people can't be fans of Professor Ye, really, you don't have enough education, you can't understand Professor Ye at all!"

"I am a graduate student at Peking University, and I said that my current brain capacity is not enough."

"Hai Da's report!"

"My double first class is holding everyone back!"

"I have embarrassed everyone!"

"I've quit the social circle on February [-]!"

"I have a regular copy. Who is Professor Ye you are talking about?"

"I'm an ordinary second book, who are you talking about?"

"Hahaha, sooner or later you will die laughing in the circle!"

"I have to say, Professor Ye is really strong!"

Professor Ye was invited by the environmental department to participate in the conference on smog control. This news seems to have diluted a lot of the negative emotions brought about by the smog news a few days ago.Of course, there are only a few people who really care about Ye Feng, and there are many more people who are eagerly waiting for the conference to be held.


There was a lot of public opinion outside, but there were no major changes at home.Su Ning also thought about it, with Ye Feng around, she was not allowed to worry about anything.She believed that Ye Feng would handle it well, how great it would be to be his little princess with his daughter.

Ye Feng didn't pay much attention to this smog-free governance meeting.Mainly, Ye Feng suddenly realized that Su Ning's birthday is coming soon!
This time it's really coming!

If that hellish smog control meeting and Su Ning's birthday collided, Ye Feng would definitely not go!
Moreover, Mr. Ye plans to start tomorrow, so he needs to prepare!

After all, it's his first birthday with his wife, so he must prepare well!

Although I heard that Su Ning's birthday is arranged by her father-in-law, but I can prepare a surprise the day before!In Ye Feng's view, things like celebrating birthdays and holding such a damn birthday party don't feel at all. They are all used to win people's hearts and have little to do with feelings.In Ye Feng's view, only the birthday of their little family together is the most perfect.At most one sister-in-law can be added, and there must be no more!

Ye Feng already has the gift, so don't worry about it.

But what form?

Western candlelight dinner?
Drinking under the moon in the East?
Seems to be good!

Shall we set off some fireworks?

How about some lighting effects or something?
Is it better to be romantic, or warmer?

This night, Ye suffered from insomnia...

(End of this chapter)

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