Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 278 A New Dream!

Chapter 278 A New Dream!
It's winter.

In the morning of the imperial capital, six out of seven days will be shrouded in smog.

Home, bedroom.

Su Ning has woken up in a daze, but it's winter, even if there is heating in the room, she still doesn't want to wake up.Sitting sideways in the bed, Her Lady Queen wanted to lie down for a while, and wait for Ye Feng to get up to make breakfast.

However, Ye last night tossed and tossed until after three o'clock in the middle of the night before falling asleep, and he was sleeping soundly at this time.And, most importantly, someone Ye is dreaming!

In the dream, he sometimes sat under the bodhi tree, practiced Zen and enlightened the Tao; sometimes he wore a brocade cassock and opened the door to give lectures.A high-ranking monk is full of scriptures; a living Buddha is empty of all five aggregates.Either the Dharma looks solemn, or the Vajra is glaring.Thousands of years are like the snap of fingers, and the universe is nothing but dust...


"Papa, Mama..."

The little guy opened the door and came in, standing at the door, wearing a little pink pajamas, holding a big bear in his hand, rubbing his eyes, pouted his mouth, and said aggrievedly: "No one cooks, Yiyi is hungry Oh, woo woo woo." The little guy was so pitiful, as if he had been abused, and tears were about to come down as he spoke.

Su Ning looked at her daughter's aggrieved look, her heart almost broke!

Blame Ye Feng, that bastard!
If he hadn't been waiting for him to cook, he would have woken up a long time ago, hum!

Hungry the little ones!
Su Ning got up quickly, got out of bed with bare feet, hugged the little baby in her arms, stroked her hair gently, and coaxed: "Mom, will I cook for you now? What do you want to eat?" ?”

"I want to drink hot milk." The little guy pouted, with teary eyes.

"Okay, Yiyi will wake up Dad, and Mom will prepare it for you, okay?"

"Yeah." The little guy nodded, Su Ning put on her slippers, didn't change her clothes to wash, and went out directly.

In fact, the little one got up a little early today, and at this time, she is still dreaming with her aunt.Maybe it was because she went to bed too early yesterday, but she woke up early this morning, and Su Ling is still not awake yet.

Mom went to cook, the little guy was very obedient, he listened to his mother very much, and dutifully called up his dreaming father.

Ye opened his eyes in a daze, and what caught his eyes was his daughter's little face that hadn't been washed yet.


Ye Feng hummed a few words in a daze, his mind was still in chaos, he hadn't recovered from the dream yet.

"Papa! Papa!"

The little guy was lying on the side of the bed, yelling loudly into Ye Feng's ear.

Ye Feng turned over, faced the little baby, smacked his mouth twice, and stretched out his hand to fish the little baby from under the bed to the bed.

"Hmm~ Baba, get up quickly."

The little baby's big bear fell off, and he struggled indiscriminately in his father's bed, but Ye Feng's anger at getting up was too serious.In fact, he has already woken up, he opened his eyes just now, and now he closed them again, hugging his little lover comfortably, before speaking slowly.

The little guy giggled and pushed his father's chest with his small hands, trying to struggle out of his father's bed. He did not forget the task his mother gave him.

"Papa~papa~ hurry up!"

"Don't worry, sleep later."

"No, no, Mama wants you to get up!"

"Leave her alone."

"But don't you listen to Mama?"

"Do you listen to your mother or your father?"


The little guy was in a bit of a dilemma. He tilted his head and blinked his big eyes. Should he listen to Mama or Papa?
"Hee hee~"

The little guy was very clever. After thinking about it for a while, he smiled and said nothing.Ye Feng hugged his daughter just like that, the little baby stopped fussing, and lay in his father's arms obediently.

Feeling the temperature of the girl's body, in fact, what Ye Feng thought was a thousand miles away.At this time, Ye's heart actually collapsed!

He was completely terrified by that dream!

What the hell?


High monk?

Living Buddha?

Where are all these from?
Why do you dream of Buddhism so well?
Isn't this stuff implying that I'm a monk?

Ye has never been so terrified!
He knew that his dream was definitely not for no reason!Moreover, the most important thing is that these things in the dream will become his real skills!Moreover, what he dreamed about must be a particularly useful skill!It is the kind of skill that will be used sooner or later!Like the previous medical skills, games, calligraphy, and hacking, all of them were useless to him at first, but it turned out that Ye Feng used them all in the end!

What is the use of Buddhism?

Apart from becoming a monk, Ye couldn't think of what else he could do with this thing.So, Ye is a little scared!He doesn't want to be a monk at all!This little life is lived comfortably, the daughter is so cute, the wife is so beautiful, what do you do to become a monk when you have nothing to do?Are you so overwhelmed?
With his daughter in his arms, Ye Feng carefully recalled all the recent events, large and small, which had nothing to do with Buddhism, Dharma, or monks!There are not even any signs of this!

After thinking for a while, Ye Feng didn't understand what was going on.

Forget it, whatever you want, I can't become a monk anyway!The kind that is impossible to kill!

At this time, Su Ning came back with her slippers on. When she entered the room, Queen Su Ning suddenly had black lines all over her head.

That damned girl Yiyi asked her to wake her father up, but she got into her father's bed again?
"Ye Yiyi!"

Su Ning glared at her daughter angrily, "What did I call you for!"

Seeing that his mother seemed to be angry, the little guy quickly shrank back into his father's arms, and smiled and stuck out his pink tongue at his mother.The little guy has no concept to explain. If mom gets angry, then ask dad to protect her.

Seeing her girl's eccentric appearance, Su Ning was very happy. She twisted her waist and stood on the bedside, trying to drag her out, but that bastard Ye Feng was holding her.Looking at Ye Feng again, he still squinted his eyes!

"Ye Feng! What time is it, still sleeping? Are you a pig?"

Su Ning was reluctant to pull her daughter's little ears, but it didn't hurt Ye Feng at all!

"Ah, ah, ah~ hiss~, this is too much, let go, let go!"

Someone Ye was pulled out of the bed by Su Ning alive, Su Ning was really pulled out, Ye Feng grinned in pain.The little guy cat was in the bed, giggling as he watched.

"Take your daughter to wash your face and prepare to eat."

Seeing Ye Feng woke up, Su Ning snorted, then glared at her precious girl, turned around and went to call Su Ling again.

As for Su Ning now, she is more tired than when Ye Feng didn't come. Now Su Ning not only has to take care of the little baby girl, but also has to worry about the big baby Ye Feng, plus her own sister, the big family. People, daily life, completely depend on Su Ning alone.In the past, when Ye Feng first came here, he still cooked and did housework every day, but now, hehe, Ye doesn't even bother to wash the clothes by himself.


After breakfast, it was past eight o'clock.

It was another day of heavy smog, but at this time, the smog had cleared up a lot.

Su Ning is going to her father-in-law's place today to study who will be invited to the birthday party. After all, she is the eldest lady of the Su family, and she is Su Ran's favorite. The ones with high specifications are definitely quite scary.Originally, Su Ran meant to let Ye Feng go with him, but Ye Feng has his own plans today, so he doesn't want to go there.

"What are you going to do?" Su Ning asked with a frown. Ye Feng called her father just now, and Su Ning naturally heard it. Baby Su Ning was a little upset that Ye Feng didn't go with her.

"Uh, it's okay." Ye said haha, since he wanted to prepare a surprise, naturally he couldn't be known by Su Ning in advance.

Su Ning glanced at him a few times, and the more she looked at her, the more angry she became. If there is nothing wrong, why don't you go with me?snort!
Her Lady Queen said that she didn't want to talk to Ye Feng anymore!
Went out with the baby in my arms.

"Goodbye, Papa."

"Yiyi! Don't talk to him."


"No reason!"


Ye Feng, who was standing at the door, listened to the conversation between the mother and daughter, and felt as if ten thousand grass-mud horses were galloping past in his heart!

"Brother-in-law, you are really good. If you don't make my sister angry a few times a day, you are not feeling well." The sister-in-law said with a smile.

Ye Feng twitched his mouth in embarrassment, scratched his head, "What, Su Ling, what are you doing today?"

"It's okay, what's the matter?"

"Can you go out for a walk with me?"

"Pfft! Isn't that brother-in-law? You don't accompany my sister home, you want to ask me out for a walk?" Su Ling first had an exaggerated expression on his face, and then pursed his lips and said in a funny way: "This is not very good? If my sister I know, I will definitely kill us both!" After speaking, he patted his chest fearfully.

Ye Feng: "..."

What do you think, sister-in-law?
Is the thought so strong?
Thinking wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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