Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 279 Leng Mei!

Chapter 279 Leng Mei!

Ye Feng is also speechless, this sister-in-law is not very old, but her thoughts are very mature!
"I'll let you go shopping with me and buy something for your sister!" Ye Feng said speechlessly: "If you don't go, I'll go find Sister Su Leng." After speaking, Ye Feng took out his mobile phone, Call Su Leng.Compared to the eccentric Su Ling, Ye Feng actually prefers to be with the cold and quiet sister Su Leng.At least, don't worry!

"Okay, you can ask sister Leng if you want to go. If sister Leng goes, I will go too." Su Ling said with a smile behind her back: "Brother-in-law, are you going to buy my sister a birthday present?"


While talking on the phone, Ye Feng replied casually, and then leaned on the sofa.

Soon, the phone was connected.

Su Ling lay on the sofa behind Ye Feng, listening to what they said.

"Sister Leng, I am Ye Feng."

After the call was connected, there was no sound over there, so Ye Feng could only speak first.


Just two words, nothing more. ,

Ye Feng twitched the corners of his mouth, how could I continue talking?Now he suddenly felt that Su Ling was better. Seeing Ye Feng's deflated look, Su Ling happily covered his mouth and started laughing.

"What, do you have time today?" Someone Ye also found out that Leng Mei's personality is not suitable for chatting with her, so it's better to go directly to the topic.


"Then can you go shopping with brother-in-law?" After speaking, Ye Feng was afraid that sister Leng would misunderstand, so he added: "I want to buy something for your sister Ning, and Su Ling will go too. You are all girls, help me refer refer to."

There was silence for a while, as if thinking, and after a while, Lengmei's voice came again, "Yeah."

"Uh, then shall I pick you up?"


"Okay, I'll go right away."

After finishing speaking, the person on the other side didn't hang up yet, but Mei Leng stopped talking, Ye Feng watched for a few seconds, and then hung up by himself.

"Oye, I'm going shopping with Sister Leng!"

Seeing that Lengmei agreed, Su Ling immediately danced and cheered, and Ye Feng was stunned.

Is it necessary to be so excited to go shopping with Lengmei?
"Oh, I want to tell Xiao Qingqing!"

Su Ling took out her phone and called Su Qing. The two of them hung up after a few words.Then, Su Ling began to urge Ye Feng to leave.

In the car, Su Ling sat at the back and directed: "Let's pick up Sister Qing first, she is relatively close."

"Oh, how to go?"

Looking at Su Ling who was still excited, Ye Feng had a bad feeling in his heart, it was weird.

"Go forward, after three houses, you will be the residence of sister Qing." Su Ling said.

Ye Feng discovered that this small villa is the residence of the younger generation of the Su family!Su Li and Su Ning live next door, Su Ke is not far from Su Ning's residence, and Su Qing is not too far away, they can get there within a minute of driving.

On the side of the road, a beautiful girl in a brown woolen coat was Su Qing, and Su Qi and Tao Xiaoyao were also there.



Su Qi and Su Qing greeted Ye Feng in the car one after another. Ye Feng got out of the car and handed Su Qi a cigarette. Looking at him and Tao Xiaoyao, Ye Feng smiled.

These two people are in a situation!

Every time I see Su Qi, Tao Xiaoyao must be there!
Little young, a bit interesting.

"Seventh Brother, Little Demon Sister." Su Ling also got out of the car and greeted with a smile.

"Ling'er is here too, what are you going to do?" Su Qi asked curiously.

Su Ling smiled happily, "I want to go shopping with Sister Leng."


When Su Qi heard this, his jaw dropped, "My sister? Is she going shopping?"

Even Tao Xiaoyao next to her was quite surprised, "Sister Leng? Is she going out?"

Seeing Su Qi and the others' reactions, Ye Feng became even more confused. Why do they all have such incredible expressions?Don't you just go out and buy something?As for what?
"Yes." Su Ling said with a smile: "Brother-in-law asked me out."

Su Qi looked at Ye Feng like a giant panda, "Amazing, my brother-in-law." As he spoke, he gave him a thumbs up.

Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, he was confused, he couldn't get their point at all!
"Go away."

Su Ling pulled Su Qing into the car, "Brother Seven, goodbye sister Xiao Yao."

Ye Feng said hello and was about to leave.

"Hey brother-in-law, where are you going?" Su Qi asked quickly.

Ye Feng has already returned to the car, "I don't know, let's talk about it later."

"Uh, okay then."

"Let's go first, see you later."

After Ye Feng said something, he drove to pick up Leng Mei.

Looking at Ye Feng who left, Su Qi who was on the spot was full of excitement, and said to Tao Xiaoyao: "Sister Xiaoyao, should we go and have a look? My sister!"

"Follow me, Sister Leng is going out, it's rare to see." Tao Xiaoyao also had bright eyes, but Sister Leng...


Su Qi went to drive in a hurry, and followed Ye Feng all the way.

Su Leng's residence is also very close, just a few steps away by car.However, Su Leng's small villa seems to give people a different feeling from the outside.But if you want to say what is different, Ye Feng really can't tell, it's obviously similar to Su Ning Suqi's villa, but it just gives people a little different feeling.It's like, the whole villa seems to be emitting a... halo?brilliant?Ye Feng can't say well, anyway, if you don't look carefully, you won't feel much, but if you look carefully for a while, you will always feel that this small villa is different.


Although Lengmei is cold, her manners in person are not bad.

"Sister Leng."

"Hello, sister."

Leng Mei sat in the co-pilot, and after getting in the car, Su Qing and Su Ling in the back seats greeted Su Leng excitedly.


Everyone is here, Ye Feng asked while driving: "Where are we going?" Although Ye Feng suggested to go shopping, he is very unfamiliar with the imperial capital, and he is not good at shopping, so he still asked Better to ask the women.

"I'm going to Brilliant Pedestrian Street!" Su Ling shouted first.

"No, brother-in-law, let's go to Ziman to have a look? There is everything there, and it's beautiful." Su Qing said.

"No, I'm going to the pedestrian street!" Su Lingqi said: "I'm my sister, you have to listen to me."

"Nonsense, I'm your older sister!" Su Qing argued, "Just go to Purple Romance!"


Looking at the two people who turned their faces when they said they would turn their faces, Ye Feng was also speechless. Just now, what about you and me? They looked like sweet and sweet sisters, but they turned up in the next second?This is really a bubble sisterhood, right?

"Um, Lingling, Su Qing, you..."

"Brother-in-law, what do you want to buy for your sister?"

Originally, Ye Feng wanted to persuade her, but she was interrupted by Leng Mei, who seemed to have gotten used to it and ignored them at all.These two people are very similar in age and personality, and their usual relationship is as good as hell, but they often quarrel when they are together.Especially on the issue of who is the elder sister, they can argue all day and all night!
Listening to Leng Mei's light tone, Ye Feng thought for a while before saying: "I want to prepare a dinner and buy some romantic decorations."

"Chinese and Western style?" Leng Mei asked.

"Anything is fine, as long as it's romantic."

Leng Mei thought about it calmly, and then said: "Then go to Green Island, there is everything there."

"Green Island?"

This name is very strange, Ye Feng said that he has never heard of it.

"How to go?"

"With autopilot."

"Uh, is there any?"

Ye Feng was stunned. The truck scales in his world were high-end, but he didn't expect that the car he drove could also drive automatically.

Leng Mei didn't speak, she just leaned down and pressed a few buttons on the driver's seat, but, Leng Mei's posture made Ye feel a little... well, a little inappropriate!Lengmei was wearing a snow-white sweater, and she took off her coat when she got in the car. Her figure is also... well, everyone loves it!

"When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva practiced the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, he saw that all five aggregates were empty..."

Mr. Ye silently recited the "Heart Sutra" in his heart. This thing was only merged in his dream last night. He didn't expect it to be used.Don't tell me, it really works!After reading a few words, Ye Feng suddenly felt that his mind was clear and he had no distracting thoughts!
But Ye Feng is still very strange, how strong his concentration is, he is very clear in his heart.When he saw Su Ning, Ye Feng didn't react at all, but just now he had an indescribable thought about Leng Mei in his heart, this is really poisonous!

This is not scientific!
"All right."

Leng Mei switched the car to autopilot, Ye Feng threw away the messy things in his mind, and saw, hey, there is really no need to control, and the route has already been planned.

in the car.

The two live creatures in the back seat chattered non-stop, giggled happily for a while, and fought with each other for a while, Ye Feng couldn't do anything about them, he simply ignored them like Leng Mei.

As for Leng Mei, she sat there quietly, looking out of the window quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

As for Ye Feng, this guy is silently understanding the dream he had last night.Being tempted by Lengmei unintentionally just now, Ye Feng suddenly thought of another possibility, this dream may not be for him to become a monk, but it is also very likely for him to resist some temptation!

Buddhism emphasizes that the four elements are all empty, and all things such as beauty, money, power, etc. are considered temptations.

Could it be that someone wants to seduce me, someone Ye?Or do you want to buy me with money?

(End of this chapter)

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