Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 281 Ling Luohan

Chapter 281 Ling Luohan

You don't have to take the things you bought yourself, there is a special person in the commercial building to deliver them, but instead of transporting them back to Ye Feng's house, they first transport everything back to Leng Mei's house.

After shopping for a full day, I just took a casual bite at noon, and the three younger sisters were also hungry.After leaving the commercial building, the neighborhood is very busy. I found a good hot pot restaurant. Winter is the best time to eat hot pot.

Get in and sit down.

"Don't worry, brother-in-law is treating guests today, you can order whatever you want."

Ye Feng is quite generous. The younger sisters are all tired all day, so they should be rewarded.

"Oye, I want something delicious."

"It's my brother-in-law's first treat."

Both Su Qing and Su Ling have a lively personality. Although the meal is not much, their eyes lit up when they heard Ye Feng's treat.

At this time, Su Qi brought Tao Xiaoyao over.He didn't see anyone, didn't say a word, and directly helped Tao Xiaoyao pull out a chair.

"Ye Feng, Sister Leng, Xiao Lingling, Xiao Qingqing, don't mind having a meal?" Xiao Yao is still a little polite, not as careless as Su Qi.

"I don't mind, I don't mind, eat whatever you want, today must be my brother-in-law's treat." Others didn't speak, Su Qi rushed to say.

Tao Xiaoyao gave him a blank look, and Su Ling over there said, "Brother Seven, it's a coincidence that you came here and said, are you following us?"

"Tch, stalking?" Su Qi said, "I was following openly, why do you call it stalking?"

Su Ling curled her lips and gave him a supercilious look.

"Let's order."

Ye Feng said, everyone is not an outsider, and they don't pay too much attention.

"I want to eat Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, spinach, and cabbage..." Su Ling yelled and grabbed the menu, and Su Qing, who was next to her, quit and yelled, "Why don't you write some meat, I want to eat lamb! Lamb!"

"No, no, you dead girl, don't you know that my sister doesn't eat mutton?"

"I don't care, I love mutton the most!"

The two of them were about to start again, Su Qi next to him laughed and laughed, while Ye Feng hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, order a mandarin duck pot!"

Seeing what the brother-in-law had said, the two of them gave up.

The two little girls, Su Qing and Su Ling, obviously eat very different foods, but they still have to get together. Maybe this is the sisterhood that Ye Feng can't understand.Over there, Su Qi was also discussing something with Tao Xiaoyao in a soft voice. The more Ye Feng watched the two, the more they felt that there was something wrong. Even if they were in a relationship, it was almost the same.

How did Su Qi fall in love with the little witch, Tao Xiaoyao?

Ye Feng is really curious, but he can't forget the first time he saw Tao Xiaoyao, she was a domineering "little demon sister", why is Su Qi dating her now?

At the table, apart from Ye Feng, only Leng Mei was relatively quiet.

"What would Sister Leng want to eat?" Ye Feng asked.

"What they order, there will be something I like to eat." Leng Mei said lightly.

"Uh, okay."

This is the first time Ye Feng is so confident when he sees ordering food.

"Brother-in-law, let me tell you, Sister Leng is really the goddess of luck. If you are with her, good things will definitely happen." Su Ling said with a smile.

Ye Feng nodded deeply. If he didn't believe it before, luck is too nonsense. How can anyone be lucky all the time?But today, he was really convinced!

Su Leng is an existence favored by heaven!

Wherever you go, you will be surrounded by a halo of luck!

Even for a meal, the boss just said to give them free...

They had just ordered food here, and before the hot pot was served, someone came over again.

Two big beauties.

"Boss Ye, what a coincidence."

A very intellectual beauty, with a smile on her face, greeted Ye Feng.

Ye looked at her, stunned for a moment, his brain was running fast, and finally remembered who this beauty was in a corner of his memory.

Ling Luohan!
Isn't this the operating president of the Lan Group in the last CCTV bidding meeting?
Why is she here?

Can you meet them in hot pot restaurants?

Are you so sloppy?
"Hello, Mr. Ling."

Ye Feng replied indifferently, and the rest of the people looked at this beauty curiously, especially Su Ling, who was quite curious.How could such a mature and beautiful girl come up to say hello to her brother-in-law?

Ling Luohan smiled, and said softly: "I was out shopping at first, and I was hungry when I saw the hot pot, but unfortunately there is no room for this one. Is it convenient for Mr. Ye to add two pairs of chopsticks? This meal is enough I invite you." Although these words were quite abrupt, Ling Luohan didn't look embarrassed at all, and was still so calm and sensible.

Ye Feng frowned, his eyes casually glanced around, there was really no room.However, Ling Luohan is not Su Qi, to put it bluntly, all the family members of Ye Feng are sitting at this table, what does it mean that an outsider is suddenly added?Besides, he didn't know Ling Luohan well.

Someone Ye didn't want to agree, but Su Qi spoke at this time.

"Since there is no room left, Mr. Ling can sit here."

Su Qi said very politely, it was a bit different from the foolish look just now.

"President Su?"

When Su Qi spoke, Ling Luohan noticed him, and asked in surprise, "Boss Su and Ye are always friends?"

Su Qi, she is no stranger, it is no exaggeration to say that she is Lan Ruo's son.Moreover, she and Su Qi have dealt with each other in business, so they can be regarded as acquaintances.

Su Qi shook his head and said with a smile, "Not friends."


"This is my brother-in-law!"


Ling Luohan was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Feng, and then at the beauties at the table, especially the sister Leng beside Ye Feng.It turned out that Professor Ye was already married, alas...In an instant, a strong sense of disappointment surged in Ling Luohan's heart.

"Yes, my sister Ning's husband." Su Qi explained with a smile.

"Huh? Sister Ning? Su Ning?"

Ling Luohan froze again.

"Yes." Su Qi nodded.


It turned out to be Su Ning's husband!
Ling Luohan suddenly fell in love again. She knew more or less about Su Ning's marriage. She heard that their marriage existed in name only. It turned out that Professor Ye was actually Su Ning's promiscuous husband!

I really don't know whether I should be happy or sad... Ye Feng's glorious deeds have been widely circulated in the circle of the imperial capital.


Su Qi agreed, Ye Feng couldn't say more, let's eat together.

Ling Luohan and her friends also took their seats.Just like this, it was clearly a hot pot for four people, but it suddenly became a game for eight people for no reason.

Su Ling and the two girls who used to talk and make troubles are not so wild now, as if they have become ladies in an instant.

While eating hot pot, everyone chatted without saying a word, and the atmosphere was not as lively as before.

Su Ling was also sitting next to Ye Feng. While eating, she turned her head and whispered to Ye Feng, "Brother-in-law, I said that Sister Leng is the goddess of luck. Look, your luck is here." Su Ling pursed her lips, her words were very sour, as if she was a little angry.

"Don't talk nonsense, what kind of luck!" Ye's head was full of black lines, what does this have to do with me?I didn't let her sit here!

"Hmph! Look at the way she looks at you, she's all lewd! She looks like a pervert, brother-in-law, you have to protect yourself!" Su Ling snorted softly.

Ye Feng: "..."

The meal was finished in a very weird atmosphere.

In the end, Ling Luohan even invited Ye Feng to go for a walk together, and Ye exploded right then!

"No! I want to go home!"

Ye Feng didn't give him any face, so he refused without even thinking about it!

What about trouble?

Go for a walk?

What is there to do with a black light?
So many people looked at it, but my buddy directly rejected it!

Being rejected in public, Ling Luohan was not angry, but said to Ye Feng gently, "Well, it's a bit late, let's have an appointment in the future." After speaking, he smiled sweetly at Ye Feng , and left.

Leaving Ye Feng and a group of people alone, messing around in the wind...

"I'll go, brother-in-law!" Su Qi said incredulously, "Is President Ling interested in you?"

"Nonsense! It's so obvious, do you need to say it?" Su Ling gritted her teeth, and even the seventh brother stopped calling.This woman is too shameless to seduce her brother-in-law so blatantly. Hmph, you must tell your sister when you get home!

"Brother-in-law, this is the luck that Sister Leng brought you." Su Qing covered her mouth and giggled, she thought it was quite interesting, she had never heard of Ling Luohan before, but now she knows, Lan The operating president of the family, who is also a strong business woman, would hook up with her brother-in-law so blatantly?Hey, interesting.

That's right, hook up!
Um, it might be nicer to say you have a good impression.

However, as long as he is not blind, he could have seen it when he was eating just now. Ling Luohan, a beautiful girl, is definitely interested in Ye Feng!
"Don't talk nonsense, I don't even know this person!" Ye Feng said quickly, if Su Ning knew about this, she wouldn't kill her brother!
(End of this chapter)

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