Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 282 Watching Horror Movies Again?

Chapter 282 Watching Horror Movies Again?

To be honest, Ye Feng was exhausted after buying things for a day. After all, shopping is really not suitable for men.He was very surprised that all the sister-in-laws were wearing high heels, and they looked more energetic than him.

When I got home, it was past eight o'clock, and Su Ning was not there, so I probably won't be back tonight.Ye Feng spread out on the sofa and lit a cigarette comfortably.

The two sisters-in-law, Su Ling and Su Qing, also came, both of them had to rely on their sisters because they could not return to their own homes.The two of them threw off their high heels, and flung themselves on the sofa with bare feet. Su Ling poured a cup of hot water first, and then lay down on the sofa, crossing her calves.

"Is my sister not coming back?" Su Ling asked while playing with her mobile phone.

Ye Feng puffed out his cigarette slowly, and said, "Let me ask." As he spoke, he took out his cell phone and called.

"Ningning, are you still busy?"


"How about it?"

Su Ling blinked her big eyes and asked.

Ye Feng put down his phone and said, "I'm still busy, staying with my parents tonight."

When Su Ling heard this, she immediately beamed with joy, "Then we can play till late tonight!"

Su Qing also giggled, "Sister Ning is not here, so we can do whatever we want!" Usually they live alone, even if they want to play, there is no one to accompany them, so Su Ling spends all day at her sister's house, after all There are many people.

Looking at the two excited sister-in-laws, Ye Feng twitched the corners of his mouth, "You guys are crazy, I'm going to bed." Ye Feng shook his head, pinched his cigarette, lifted his buttocks and was about to go upstairs, he didn't want to accompany these two Crazy girls go crazy together.

"Brother-in-law!" Seeing that Ye Feng was about to leave, Su Ling quickly got up and grabbed him, begging, "Brother-in-law, why don't you stay with us later."

"Pull it down, I'm exhausted, you two can play."

Although Ye Feng was a little tired, the main reason was that they didn't want to stay with these two eccentric sisters-in-law.The two of them were so naughty that Ye couldn't bear it.

"Brother-in-law, why don't you watch a movie with us? I promise, I'll let you go to sleep after watching it." Su Ling held Ye Feng with one hand, and pointed three fingers at the sky with the other hand.

"Look, I'm really sleepy." Ye Feng said helplessly.

Su Ling pouted, knelt on the sofa, looked at her brother-in-law pitifully, her big watery eyes got wet just by looking at her, and Su Qing who was beside her was stunned.

Not to mention Ye Feng, his head is full of black lines.

"Okay." Ye Feng said weakly: "What do you want to see?" He was also convinced, Su Ling really got the true biography of the little baby, and he would feel wronged if he disagreed with him. Ye Feng really has no temper at all.

"Watch "Inokako-II"!" Seeing that Ye Feng agreed, Su Qing quickly cheered.

She and Su Ling had already figured it out on the way, if Su Ning wasn't at home, they would watch horror movies at night!


When Ye Feng heard this thing, he immediately became furious.

Return two?

But pull it down, someone Ye swore a poisonous oath that he would never watch horror movies again in his life!
Look at this thing?

That's impossible!
The last time I watched "Inokako", Ye Feng was almost paralyzed from fright!

Su Ling said with a smile: "My sister never watches horror movies, and she doesn't allow us to watch them at home, so I can only watch them when my sister is away." Su Ling praised Ye Feng and said, "Brother-in-law, don't you also like ghost stories? The Chinese Ghost Story you told last time is very good."

A Chinese Ghost Story...

That's not a ghost story at all!
That is not in the same genre as "Inouezi" at all, isn't it?

Also, I don't like ghost movies!
Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "I still feel a little tired, you two should watch, I have to go back to sleep." But what did Su Ling say just now?Did Su Ning never watch horror movies?The last time Su Ning accompanied her to watch "The Well"... Well, forget it, it's better not to mention this matter, it's a shame to throw it at grandma's house.

"Brother-in-law!" Seeing that Ye Feng was about to leave again, Su Ling shouted quickly: "If you don't watch with us, I'll call and tell my sister that you have prepared a surprise for her!" Su Ling picked up the phone and threatened Ye Feng with a smile. wind.

Someone Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, Su Ling is pretending to be wronged, and changed to threatening?

Su Qing who was next to her also begged: "Brother-in-law, please come and take a look with us, the two of us will be scared, okay?"

Looking at the two sister-in-laws, Ye Feng was also speechless, you two are afraid to watch ass!Wouldn't it be good to go back to sleep honestly?Need something exciting?Moreover, you play your tricks, don't pull me!

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, if you don't want to watch it, you can sleep on the sofa, and Qingqing will get a blanket for brother-in-law." Su Ling pulled Ye Feng, afraid that he would run away.

"Okay." Su Qing was also familiar with the road, and ran up to the second floor with bare feet, and took a few blankets down after a while.


Su Ling said in a tender voice, she was coquettish and pushed Ye Feng, and pressed him on the sofa. Su Qing, who was next to her, helped Ye Feng cover the blanket, and Su Qing sat beside her, and gently helped Ye Feng. The wind rubs shoulders...

This service... is also drunk.

Ye Feng saw it, and there was no way to refuse it.Forget it, the big deal is to cover the blanket and not look at the head office, right?

Seeing that Ye Feng finally had no intention of leaving, Su Ling quickly turned on the TV, turned off the lights, drew the curtains, and found the movie "Inoko 2".And Su Qing went to the kitchen to bring back a lot of snacks. The two of them huddled in a blanket, next to each other tightly, with their two small heads exposed, staring nervously at the screen on the TV.

Ye Feng, on the other hand, was lying on the sofa on the other side like a salted fish, with his back to the TV and his head covered.

He didn't even want to look at it!
If possible, he would not even want to hear the sound.

Su Ling and the others didn't care about Ye Feng, they mainly wanted to find a partner, Ye Feng was here, who cares whether he wants to watch or not.

The movie begins.

This "Inoue 2" continues the style of the first part. The opening chapter is a burst of horrifying music, and the two little beauties are trembling.Of course, even Ye, who didn't watch it, was already trembling just listening to this music.

Really, Ye Feng still hasn't figured out why he is so afraid of horror movies?
The former Ye Feng asked himself that he was not the most courageous in the world, but as a killer, would he not dare to watch horror movies?Isn't that just a joke?

They are all men who have drank blood from the dead, so they are still afraid of this little thing?
But the fact now is that even if Ye Feng didn't watch it, just listened to the music, and unconsciously recalled the scene when he watched "Inouezi" in his mind, Ye could feel the trembling from the depths of his heart.That kind of fear seemed out of Ye Feng's control.

As the movie progressed, the two sisters-in-law started to scream in surprise, their pretty faces turned pale with fright, but their eyes were still reluctant to look away.And Ye Feng, who was huddled in the blanket, was already sweating profusely.

He is really scared!
"So I heard that for a while, the Buddha was in the country of Sravasti...Subhuti! The four dimensions of the south, west, north, up and down... can't be seen, and it can't be seen..."

Ye Feng, who couldn't take it anymore, began to recite the "Diamond Sutra" silently in his heart.Don't mention it, this thing seems to be really useful!
As Ye Feng recited each word silently, Ye Feng suddenly felt that the spiritual platform was empty, as if some filth had been removed from his heart, and his soul seemed to be purified.The endless fear, like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun, is slowly melting away.

Slowly, Ye Feng felt that his mind gradually calmed down, without fear, without fear, as if he had entered an ethereal state of neither joy nor sorrow, forgetting everything and himself.

Feeling the changes in his emotions, Ye Feng was quite surprised, this thing is so useful?
After Ye Feng quickly and silently recited the "Diamond Sutra", Ye Feng found that he was not afraid at all when he heard the voice on the TV.

It really is the nemesis of ghosts!
Ye's current understanding of Buddhist scriptures is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary eminent monks. Who did he transform into in his dreams?Then each of them is a living Buddha who has influenced the history of Buddhist development!

It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Feng is the current Buddha!

Was Buddha afraid of ghosts?
Certainly not!
Wanting to understand this, Ye suddenly became full of confidence!
Isn't it just a little horror movie?
Even if it's a real ghost, I'm not afraid anymore!

Thinking about it, Ye Feng "thumped" and lifted the blanket on his body, and sat up straight.



Ye Feng was not afraid anymore, but he sat up suddenly, almost scared the two sisters-in-law next to him to death, their faces turned pale, the screams almost lifted the roof, and tears came out.

Ye Feng glanced at the two of them with a Buddha-like face, neither happy nor sad, expressionless, and then looked at the TV lightly.


Ye Huofo sneered disdainfully in his heart, the scene that Ye Feng dared not look directly at, now felt so plain.

(End of this chapter)

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