Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 283 Smog Control Conference

Chapter 283 Smog Control Conference
The unexpected discovery last night made Ye Feng excited and almost lost sleep, but although he didn't suffer from insomnia, it was almost the same.

This big brother, after suddenly not being afraid of horror movies, even dragged his two sisters-in-law to watch four or five horror movies alive!From more than nine o'clock in the evening, I saw more than two o'clock in the night!And the kind that no one can leave!
What I showed my sister-in-law was mentally weak!
It is estimated that from now on, the two sister-in-laws may no longer like watching horror movies.

However, after many tests, Ye Feng finally confirmed that he was really not afraid, even if a real ghost appeared in front of him now, Ye Huofo had the confidence to save him and let him transcend life!

In the morning, in the bedroom.

Ye Feng's cell phone rang, and he looked impatient. He knew that this call must not be from Su Ning, because Su Ning never called herself in the morning.

So, he was lazy to pick it up.

"Ring Ling Ling~~~"

However, the phone rang over and over again, and it seemed that the person on the other side was also a ruthless person. If Ye Feng didn't answer it, he kept calling.After ringing four or five times, Ye Feng finally couldn't take it anymore.


Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and said in a daze without opening his eyes.

"Excuse me, is this Professor Ye?"

Judging from the voice, the opposite should be a middle-aged man, speaking very politely.


Ye Feng snorted.

The other side said: "Hello, Professor Ye, I am the secretary of Director Li of the Environmental Protection Agency. I would like to inform you that at nine o'clock this morning, we will hold the 'Smog Control Conference' in the conference room of Peking University. I hope you can attend on time."


Ye Feng snorted again in a daze.

"Then, see you later."

The person on the other side also seemed to hear that Ye Feng didn't seem to wake up, so he had no choice but to hang up.

Hearing that there was no sound on the phone, Ye Feng turned over and threw the phone aside, he wanted to sleep now, as for the meeting or not, he didn't even bother to go.


There has been a lot of discussion on the Internet, and the topic of smog has remained high these days, and it has always been a hot topic in society.

"Today, the smog control meeting will be held."

"It's not easy to finally see the efficiency once."

"The Ministry of the Environment is still ok, but this time it's not efficient."

"Hehe, the whole society is paying attention, can it be done without efficiency?"

"It's useless to be efficient. We still have to see if this conference can come up with a specific solution!"

"Yes, everything depends on whether a practical and effective governance plan can be introduced in the end."

"It should be possible. Judging from the list of participants, this conference is all experts in environmental science, economic construction, and social science. It almost brings together the top people in the country! If they can't find a solution Measures, that’s really hanging.”

At this time, some netizens suddenly joked: "Ha, it's not just these experts, there are also famous mathematicians, writers, and educators here, hahaha!"

"QAQ, Professor Ye..."

"I just want to know, why did Professor Ye go? Have a sip of tea?"

Everything about this conference was pretty good, and the standard was the highest, but the only thing people couldn't understand was why the Ministry of Environment invited Ye Feng to participate?
In fact, this incident was entirely due to Director Li’s new appointment. Facing all kinds of condemnation from the society, Ye Feng was the only one who spoke for the Ministry of Environment. Naturally, Director Li was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw. Well, it doesn't matter if you study the environment or not, Ye Feng is also a famous professor anyway, so let's invite him over first.But later, Director Li also regretted it a bit. It was indeed a bit hasty to invite Professor Ye.

"Who knows... But this time the smog control conference will be broadcast live on the Internet. It will be interesting to see Professor Ye's performance then, hahaha."

"Wow, this kind of meeting will be broadcast live online? Is it true or not?" Some netizens questioned.

A netizen who knows something explained: "It looks like you are not too old. This is not a new thing. It started more than 20 years ago. Discussions on hot social issues must be made public to the public. This is already a clear rule. Yes. It used to be broadcast live on TV, but in recent years it has become a live broadcast on the Internet.”

"Yes, it will definitely be broadcast live. Didn't you see that it was written in the announcement?"

"What software can I watch the live broadcast on?" asked a netizen who hadn't read the announcement from the Ministry of Environment.

"Live broadcast on the whole network, you can watch it on everything."

"The official meeting will start at nine o'clock, and the live broadcast will start at eight o'clock, right?"

"Eight o'clock? Let me wipe, it's almost time now!"

"Ah? Really!"

"See if it's started!"

"You didn't watch it? It's already started!"

Sure enough, the live broadcast had already started.

Although the official meeting starts at nine o'clock, this kind of meeting is usually entered in advance, at least half an hour in advance, and many people even come an hour in advance!

Because everyone needs to have a breath before the meeting to understand each other's ideas.Of course, there must be some people who passed Qi long ago, but there must also be some people who are not familiar with each other.After all, they are experts from all corners of the country, and it is normal for most people to be unfamiliar with each other.

The conference room and the door are full of reporters, and they will interview one when they come.

At this time, an energetic old man came, and the reporters passed the microphones in their hands with a whimper.

"Professor Jiang, what are your thoughts on the topic of this conference?"

"Professor Jiang, you are an expert in environmental governance. What's your opinion on smog?"

"Professor Jiang, have you done any research on smog before?"

Obviously, the reporters had done their homework before, and they recognized who was who at a glance.Professor Jiang is the pillar of Tsinghua University's Department of Environmental Science and a well-known environmental expert in China, especially in the field of environmental governance.It can be said that this "Smog Governance Conference" has high expectations for Professor Jiang.

"Don't worry, everyone. I have conducted research on smog for a period of time, but unfortunately it was interrupted for some reason. However, I have already summarized some solutions, and I will submit a report at the conference at that time. .”

Professor Jiang said a few words and went in.

In the conference room, many people were already sitting.

"Lao Jiang is here, come, sit here, I'll take your seat."

"Mr. Jiang is really getting younger and younger."

"This is Professor Jiang Hongbo? I've looked forward to it for a long time."

When many people saw Mr. Jiang coming in, they all got up and said hello, but there were also many people who just looked up and continued talking with other people.

The time from the start of the conference is getting shorter and shorter, and more and more people are coming.

Professor Yu Linkun from the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at Fudan University, Professor Niu Zihan from the Department of Environment at Haida University, Dean Wu Wenhui from the School of Environmental Materials at Renmin University of China, Professor Yang Liuqing from the School of Environmental Chemical Engineering at Tianda University, and many other environmental experts. turn up.It is worth mentioning that old professor Wang Yuqin from Peking University was also invited.Under the current general situation, Mr. Wang has become a hot figure. He is the first expert in China to study smog. Before the general environment was not good, he has been suppressed. Now he finally sees the moon through the clouds and smog.

In addition to these experts in environmental studies, many experts in social sciences and economics also entered the venue one by one.

In the conference room, the voice of talking and communicating is getting louder, and the reporters around are also busy.

On the Internet, more and more netizens watched the live broadcast online.

"Wow, Professor Niu Zihan from Haida University, this is a master who has won awards in the world!"

"Professor Wang Yuqin from Peking University is the real bull!"

"That old professor named Song Ziqing, isn't he the master who proposed social demography?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that even this old gentleman was invited. It seems that this conference is for real."

"The gathering of top experts from so many countries is truly spectacular!"

"Any one out of here must be a well-known existence in the academic world."

"Nonsense, I think those who pour tea are at least doctors!"

"Hey, someone is here again. My God, isn't this academician Zhang Shuqing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences? I heard that this person has already retired! This person must be 85 six?"

"This is a national treasure. He used to be a professor in the Environmental Department of Peking University. Later, he specialized in environmental research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It's amazing."

Netizens were all amazed at the big shots who were over 60 years old, none of them were younger than [-] years old!This is the real pillar of the country!

However, some netizens also raised doubts, "I don't know any of you, but it sounds better than the other. But I wonder, how many years has this smog existed? Why did it end up being blocked by an entertainment circle? Did the singers come out? Didn’t these great people discover the dangers of the smog before?”


"This one……"

This netizen's question immediately made countless people speechless.

Yes, this group of experts and masters are all top leaders in the industry. Could it be that no one has studied and understood smog?Obviously not, God Y has revealed it before, and many scientific research institutions have research data on smog, but they just haven't made it public.

"Maybe there are other considerations. After all, smog control does not rely on one mouth."

Some netizens explained it this way.

Everyone can barely accept this explanation, but as for what is going on, I guess everyone has their own ideas in their hearts.

It was almost nine o'clock, and no one continued to come in at the door. Everyone who should have come had already come, even the leaders of the Ministry of Environment had already taken their seats.

However, many people suddenly discovered that what about Professor Ye who everyone has been teasing?Why is he not here?

Could it be that Professor Ye was not shot?

It shouldn't be, even if Professor Ye is not an expert in environmental studies, he is still the most famous professor in China, why can't he not even have a shot?
Not only the netizens are looking for Professor Ye, but even some experts who are interested in Ye Feng are looking for Ye Feng.For example, old professor Wang Yuqin, old professor Niu Zihan from Haida, etc., they were all looking for Ye Feng, but after looking around the entire meeting room for several times, they couldn't find Ye Feng!

Professor Ye is not here!

Now that the meeting is about to start, Professor Ye won't be late, right?
(End of this chapter)

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