Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 284 I Disagree!

Chapter 284 I Disagree!

Ye Feng was not just a problem of being late, when the elder brother got up, he found that it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

After sleeping for a whole day, Mr. Ye woke up from hunger. After waking up, he took a shower and staggered downstairs to find something to eat.

"Su Ling? Su Qing?"

I called twice, but no one responded. I looked and found that the two sisters-in-law were not at home because the high heels at the door were missing.

Forget it, let's find something to eat by ourselves.

Look through the refrigerator, there is bread, and you can deal with it in one bite.I took a bag of bread and a cup of hot water, but I didn't put it on the table, so I just nestled on the sofa and ate listlessly.

While eating, Ye Feng always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, but he just couldn't remember it.After eating, Ye didn't think about it.

Smoke a cigarette and calm down.

However, it was found that the smoke and fire were in the upstairs bedroom. Ye yawned and went upstairs again shaking his head.

Go to bed and light a cigarette.

Seeing the mobile phone next to the pillow, Ye suddenly remembered something.

I rub!

isn't it?
Did someone call me this morning?
What kind of conference do you mean to attend?
"Cough cough!"

Thinking of this, Ye Feng was choking on his cigarette, so he quickly picked up his phone to check, shit, someone really called this morning!
"Ding Ding~"

The phone beeped once, and it was a push from the circle.

The smog control conference continues to be broadcast live...

live streaming?

The smog control meeting is not over yet?

It's past two o'clock in the afternoon, isn't it?
Ye Feng quickly clicked in, and after looking at it twice, Ye Feng finally understood what was going on, it turned out that it was already the second half.The first half of the morning is over, and this is the second half of the afternoon.

Do you want to go?
The conference is already halfway through, what's going on at this time?

Ye Feng felt that he might as well not go.

Smoking a cigarette, lying on the bed and watching their live broadcast is also very good.


Director Li said at the beginning: "With regard to the smog control measures, we finally decided on three sets of plans after discussions with many experts in the morning. In the next time, we need to choose the most suitable set of plans among these three sets of plans. Let's execute it! Next..."

After Director Li finished speaking, everyone understood what he meant.In the morning, these professors mainly express their opinions, and in the afternoon, they will choose the best governance plan.

"I think Professor Wang Yuqin of Peking University has a good plan."

"I think so too."

"No, I think Professor Tsinghua Jiang's proposal is feasible and more realistic."

"Professor Jiang's idea is good, but the cost is too high. It is not as cost-effective as the plan of Professor Niu Zihan of Haida University!"

"I don't agree. From the point of view of social management, it is obvious that Professor Jiang's is slightly better!"

"Oh, the cost of social management has little effect. Since it is smog control, it is natural to look at it from an environmental point of view. Professor Wang Yuqin's idea is the most scientific and reasonable!"

"Pull it down, Professor Niu's proposal is the most scientific!"

The experts present at the meeting have been divided into three factions. They respectively support Professor Wang Yuqin of Peking University, Professor Jiang Hongbo of Tsinghua University, and Professor Niu Zihan of Haida University. Their three proposals are also alternative proposals.

In the conference room, there was endless debate, and netizens on the Internet also expressed their opinions.

"I think Mr. Wang's is very good! Shut down high-polluting factories, so there will be no pollution sources!"

"I think so too. Without pollution, the smog will definitely disappear!"

"Old Wang's cost is too high, it's not as practical as Professor Jiang's increase in greening!"

"Increasing the green area may sound good, but let alone how many years it will take to be effective, let's just say that there is no open space in our city to increase greening?"

"Yeah, that's a big problem."

"So, we still have to choose Professor Niu's idea and focus on developing new energy instead of polluting energy such as oil, so that the smog will naturally be resolved!"

"Hehe, I started talking about the development of new energy sources ten years ago, but how long has it been? Have you used new energy sources? This is not reliable at all!"

"Anyway, I think Elder Wang's proposal is good!"

"Oh, we can't vote, otherwise I will definitely vote for Professor Niu!"

"The proposal to shut down the steel and coal factories is nothing short of foolish! You're like a beast! You're full and don't care about other people's lives?"

"Strive for upstairs!"

"That is, if this suggestion is really adopted, how many people will lose their jobs!"

Online, the discussion is extremely intense.

After all, netizens come from various places and people of different classes, and their views on these suggestions are also quite inconsistent.Some people, living a prosperous life in big cities, don't even think about those workers who are still working in steel factories in small cities.There are also some people who come from coal-rich provinces, but they do not agree to rectify the coal industry.Of course, there are still some vested interests in the oil industry. They disagree with the development of new energy. If you develop new energy, don’t we who rely on oil for food have to starve to death?

And Ye Feng, who was watching the live broadcast, was frowning more and more. What are these people thinking?Is it too idealistic?Have you really researched each of them?
These proposals are all scientifically based. No matter which one is implemented, or implemented together, they can achieve the goal of controlling smog!
However, even if these proposals are promoted, they will definitely not have any effect!
Because, no one will follow this to do!

Develop new energy?
Do you think the bigwigs in the oil industry are going to sit idly by?

Shut down heavily polluting steel and coal industries?
What about you?Not to mention how many people are unemployed, even if you are closed, do you think you can really pass it?Millions of people are unemployed, do you eat at home?
As for this afforestation, the idea is very good, but it is just an idea. This thing is not windproof and sand control. How many years will it take for you to make greening effective?ten years? 20 years?This thing can only be an auxiliary means!

Looking at it in this way, Ye found that he still had to go there, otherwise, the smog could not be cured in ten years with the help of intellectuals like them!

Peking University.

The largest meeting room in the school.

The eight long tables were filled with top domestic scholars, professors, and experts. There were talents from all walks of life, and the reporters were never idle for a moment.

The meeting has come to the end, and it is also the climax part, where scholars from all sides have launched a fierce debate.

Ye Feng, who rushed over in a hurry, just arrived at the door when he heard the noisy discussion inside.

"No! Absolutely not!"

"This proposal, I will not agree to it anyway!"

"Professor Wang's idea has too many flaws!"

"Professor Niu's is fine? It's completely irrelevant!"

"Professor Jiang's. Although the effect of Professor Jiang's plan is slow, there will be no major mistakes!"

"I disagree!"

The inside has become a mess, and everyone insists on their own opinions, and no one can convince anyone.Chief Li rubbed his brows helplessly, it won't work if this continues!
Today's meeting, no matter what, has to come up with a result. So many people are watching, and there is also a webcast. If they keep arguing like this, when will it end?

"Okay, okay, let's all be quiet." Director Li cleared his throat and said, "Let's vote. We adopt the principle of the minority obeying the majority and adopt the proposal with the highest number of votes. How about it?"



"So be it!"

Everyone has no opinion, and now it seems that this is the only way.

Director Li said: "Okay, since everyone agrees, let's start voting and support Professor Wang's request..."

"I disagree!"

Director Li hadn't finished speaking when the door of the meeting room was pushed open with a "bang".

Everyone was taken aback, and subconsciously looked towards the door.


"Who is this young man? Isn't he polite?"

"This, isn't this Professor Ye?"

"Professor Ye?"

"Why is he here? Didn't it mean that he won't come?"

"What do you mean by coming at this time?"

"He doesn't agree? He knows nothing!"

Seeing Ye Feng push the door and enter, the meeting room immediately exploded, and discussions started immediately.

Being watched by everyone, Ye Feng was also a little uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk inside.

"Professor Ye, this way."

Professor Niu from Haida stretched out his hand to say hello, and Ye Feng looked up, his face was a little familiar, he should be from Haida, so he passed by without thinking too much.

When Ye Feng sat down, Director Li frowned and asked, "Professor Ye, what do you mean?" Originally, he had a good impression of Ye Feng, even if Ye Feng let them go, Director Li still helped Ye Feng get round. For a moment, he said that Professor Ye was too busy to leave.But Ye Feng appeared suddenly and sang a different tune, which made Director Li very unhappy.

Ye Feng leaned on the chair, looked at everyone, stretched out three fingers, and said slowly: "I mean, I don't agree with these three proposals!"

In the meeting room, it suddenly became quiet!
There was no sound!Even the reporters forgot to take pictures!

What did Professor Ye say?
He disagrees?He disagrees with these three proposals?
Even the professors of Haida who were beside Ye Feng looked at Ye Feng in astonishment, what kind of wind did Professor Ye have?Don't agree?Are you crazy?
After a while, a reporter in the corner suddenly said, "Damn, Professor Ye is, is he so fierce!" The reporters next to him nodded in sympathy. nod.

(End of this chapter)

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