Chapter 285

"Huh? Professor Ye Feng is here?"

"Hahaha, Professor Ye's entrance method is so different every time!"

"This is Professor Ye? He's really young enough."

"How long has Professor Ye been late?"

"Why are you late? Didn't you say that Professor Ye couldn't come because of something? Why did you come here suddenly?"

"It reminds me of the time when Professor Ye was teaching at Haida University. It would be perfect if he said 'class'."

"What does Professor Ye mean by disagreeing? I don't understand either. Does he disagree with voting?"

"Who knows."

Netizens who watched the live broadcast were all happy when they saw Ye Feng came.Some people know Ye Feng, and some don't; some people are concerned about why Ye Feng came suddenly, and some people are concerned about what Ye Feng's phrase "I disagree" means.However, when netizens heard Ye Feng's words after sitting down, the whole network immediately exploded!
"I got a weed!"

"Professor Ye is crazy, right?"

"The three plans discussed by so many top professors, did he deny them all in one sentence?"

"Is this too much?"

"Professor Ye is a little drifting!"

"No, why is this person? Just open his mouth to say it? I'm convinced too!"

"Hehe, why? Just because he is Professor Ye! Although I am also shocked that Professor Ye dared to say that, it is best to show him some respect!"

"Respect ass! He doesn't respect others, why should we respect him? I don't care if he is Professor Ye or not, and I don't care how good he is in other fields. I just know that he is not about the environment. Just don’t beep, he doesn’t agree? Why doesn’t he agree? How can he solve the smog?”

"Fuck, you can't say that!"

"That's right, maybe Professor Ye has his own ideas?"

"Pull it down, he's a layman, what does he know?"

"This is really very Professor Ye, the words are not shocking and endless!"

"Is it really okay to say that in front of so many experts?"

The Internet has already been bombarded, even Professor Hai Daniu, who was sitting next to Ye Feng in the conference room, was stunned for a while, looking at Ye Feng with the corners of his mouth pulled, not knowing what to say.The professors of Haida next to them also stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Who is Ye Feng?

That is a symbol of their greatness!That is the spiritual leader of their Haida!That is their hope for Haida's rise!
Even if Ye Feng is not engaged in environmental research, but what he said, these Haida professors really can't refute casually!Although this is against science and not conducive to academic development, it is the truth!In Haida, if you dare to confront Professor Ye, that’s fine, you have already been expelled from Haida.

A group of participating professors from Haida were hesitant to speak due to various factors.However, professors from other schools, you are welcome!

Professor Jiang Hongbo from Tsinghua University couldn't stand it anymore, "Professor Ye, right? I've heard of you. You are young and promising, and you are well-known in China and even in the world. But just do your research well. Make your contribution to the country and the people, don't cross borders casually! No one is omnipotent, don't regard yourself as a savior, want to get involved in everything? Arrogant!" Professor Jiang said with a sullen face and his voice became louder and louder. In the end, it was completely impolite, and they all took on a scolding tone.

"Professor Jiang! Please pay attention to your words!" Professor Niu of Haida University is not happy, what is your attitude?ah?What about educating primary school students?Although I can't bear what Professor Ye said, but Professor Ye is still Professor Ye, and that is the only courtyard pillar in China today!Not your student, you can scold him if you want?This is not only a disrespect to Ye Feng, it is a disrespect to the Chinese academic circles!

"Professor Ye's words are too straightforward, but we are here to discuss today, why? Are you not allowing people to have different opinions?" Professor Niu is not young anymore, talking to Professor Jiang Hongbo is completely You're welcome!Everyone is an old professor, who is spoiling whom?
"Hmph! Is he discussing this?"

Another professor said with a bad face: "Everyone here has made great achievements in the field of environment. How can he have any real material for a literary person? Disagree? What qualifications do you have to say that!" The old professor spoke aggressively and pointed at Ye Feng angrily.

"that is!"

"How do you qualify?"

"This time it's real, it's not a joke!"

"This is not a child's play, it is a major event that concerns thousands of households! It is a major event that affects the national economy and people's livelihood!"

Several old professors said angrily with sullen faces, all of them had ugly faces.This is Ye Feng, if it were someone else, they would have kicked him out a long time ago, and they would argue with you as an outsider from here?Not to mention saying a few words about you without giving a good face, this is already the result of everyone suppressing their anger.

Looking at the angry crowd, Ye Feng was not afraid, and raised his eyes lightly and said: "First of all, I am not engaged in literature, I am engaged in mathematics."


Depend on!
You say this has a fart use!
We know you're into math!What's the matter?Does mathematics have anything to do with the environment?So it doesn't matter if he is not the same as a literary person?

Professor Jiang is so angry that his gums itch, Ye Feng is really angry, he just said that he is engaged in literature, and he is right, you are engaged in literature!However, Ye Feng came back alive?Mathematics?Fuck you uncle!You dead writer!

But Professor Jiang can also scold Ye Feng a few words in his heart, because there is nothing wrong with Ye Feng saying so. He said that he is in mathematics, and no one can find fault with him.

"Professor Ye, although you are young, you are well-educated. I respect you very much." Professor Jiang gritted his teeth and said, the subconscious meaning is that I will give you face, so don't be too arrogant. Honestly, don't get involved.Professor Jiang is already regressing, that is to say, Ye Feng's reputation and status are too high, Professor Jiang is also a little bit guilty.

However, Ye Feng didn't mean to accept it as soon as it was good, and said: "Secondly, you say I am a layman? Let alone whether I am a layman or not, I just want to ask the experts here, what's wrong with the layman? Is the syphilis of a layman? Is the hacker Y who exposed the smog an layman?"

Ye Feng's voice was very weak, but his words were powerful, and the experts present were speechless.


Hacker Y?

He really can't say that!

The faces of all the experts present were livid, Ye Feng slapped them in the face!
Everyone knows what's going on with the smog. It's not that they haven't studied it before, but that there is resistance from above, and they can't continue to study it.To be honest, if it wasn't for syphilis and God Y, it would have been impossible for this matter to be brought to the fore.

Looking at the faltering crowd, no one could speak at this time, Director Li hurriedly said: "Professor Ye is right, and your views are not wrong. We are supposed to be a seminar today, everyone Experts in China can speak freely if they have different opinions. However, we are all cultural people, and we still have to follow the principle of reasoning. The bureau chief was laughing and chatting, but the meaning behind the words was aimed at Ye Feng.


Isn't it just to tell Ye Feng not to compare blindly?You can have an opinion, but you have to come up with evidence!Didn't you say that you disagree with these three proposals?Okay!But you have to let everyone recognize you!

Professor Niu looked at Ye Feng helplessly. He felt that Ye Feng was really too impulsive this time. He had already said something, and it was too big. Now it is not easy to end.He doesn't know what Ye Feng thinks, but from his point of view, the three proposals of himself, Professor Wang and Professor Jiang are already the most suitable. Now that Ye Feng has rejected all of them, what other plans can he have?
All the people in the audience, counting one by one, stared straight at Ye Feng. The reporters and the media were also frantically shooting at Ye Feng, and the live broadcast camera was always facing Ye Feng.

At this moment, Ye Feng became the focus again, and everyone was waiting for him to see what he could say.

(End of this chapter)

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