Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 286 Impractical!

Chapter 286 Impractical!

"Can Professor Ye do it?"

"It doesn't look like you're messing around, does it?"

"After all, he is a well-known professor in China. On such an occasion, Professor Ye wouldn't mess around?"

"It's hard to say."

On the Internet, the netizens who watched the live broadcast were all heartbroken.

In the office of the president of the operations department of Lan's Group, a female secretary hurried in.

"President Ling, Professor Ye..."

"Professor Ye? What's wrong with him?" Ling Luohan immediately regained his energy when he heard Ye Feng's name.

"Uh, Professor Ye is participating in the smog control conference, and there is a live broadcast on the Internet." The female secretary said with complicated eyes. A strong business woman like Mr. Ling doesn't look like a nympho?Usually he is unsmiling, how could he be interested in a married man, yes, Ye Feng who even has a doll?

Hearing Ye Feng's name, sparks could appear in Ling Luohan's eyes, it was too obvious!
"He participated?"

Ling Luohan put down the work at hand, turned on the computer, "Didn't it mean that he has something to attend? Oh? He really participated." In the morning, Ling Luohan had watched the live broadcast of the smog control conference, but that Li The director said that Ye Feng couldn't come due to something, so Ling Luohan didn't continue to pay attention.

"Okay, you go out."

Ling Luohan said to the secretary, holding his chin happily, watching Ye Feng in the live broadcast.Ling Luohan has admired Ye Feng for a long time, ever since reading his poems, Ling Luohan has been out of control for this person.This may be the legend, the talent is attractive.


In the conference room, everyone was staring at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng raised his eyes and looked around, then said calmly: "I don't agree to vote because the three proposals you proposed are not realistic."

Ye Feng's words were simply earth-shattering!

Everyone in the conference room was stunned!


How dare you say it!

Even if you say it's a little flawed, everyone can accept it, but it's too much if you just say it's unrealistic!
The three top-notch plans researched by a group of professional professors, you just dismissed them as unrealistic?

What's up bro?Are you always awake?

"Professor Ye!"

Mr. Jiang's eyes were about to burst into flames, as if he wanted to kill Ye Feng directly, Professor Jiang gritted his teeth and suppressed his anger, and said, "This is not a joke, every word you say is You have to come up with a basis! You say our plan is unrealistic, what is the basis? You come up with a basis!"

Not only Mr. Jiang, but many professors were furious, because these three plans were not only researched by Mr. Jiang and the three of them, but were discussed and deliberated by so many professors present. People in the house pay attention to it!

Even Professor Niu Zihan next to Ye Feng couldn't bear it anymore, but he couldn't do anything, he could only stand beside him with a gloomy face, sullen himself, and stopped talking for Ye Feng.On the contrary, the old professor Wang Yuqin over there was frowning and looking at the plan in his hand.

Others don't know, but Wang Yuqin knows that her information was taken away by Ye Feng that day.But in the end, why was syphilis exposed?There are only two possibilities, either Ye Feng gave the information to Syphilis, or Syphilis is Ye Feng himself!
No matter what it is, Ye Feng has read those materials. He said that these three plans are unreasonable, and maybe he really has his own ideas.

Ye Feng had no expression on his face, and said, "Professor Jiang, right? What you proposed is to expand greening and control smog?"


Professor Jiang turned his face away and hummed.

"Let me call it the 'Green Law', do you have any objection?" Ye Feng said lightly.

Professor Jiang sneered and ignored it.

The others also looked at Ye Feng, wanting to see what he could say.

Seeing Professor Jiang's attitude, Ye Feng leaned back, smiled softly, and said, "This method, in my opinion, is the most useless method!"


When Mr. Jiang heard this, he immediately slapped the table angrily and stood up, his eyes wide open, "Ye Feng!"

"Professor Jiang, calm down! Calm down!"

"Mr. Jiang, don't get excited!"

"Let's not have the same knowledge as a layman."

"He's talking nonsense."

Director Li and the professors next to him quickly spoke well.

"Professor Ye, you..."

Li Ju pretended to want Ye Feng to stop talking nonsense, but Ye Feng was not moved at all, and said softly to himself: "If planting trees can cure the smog, then the smog is not a chronic disease." Yes. Although the smog contains a lot of harmful substances such as sulfuric acid and nitric acid, green leaves can absorb these harmful substances in the air through photosynthesis.”



"Professor Ye still understands this?"

"He He……"

Ye Feng's words stunned the professors in the conference room. How could Ye Feng speak such professional words?

Everyone looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

Ye Feng leaned forward a little, and said, "However, no matter how much vegetation there is, how quickly it can be digested, how quickly can it be polluted?"

With that said, Ye Feng stood up and walked slowly to the front of the conference room. There was a multimedia unit over there. Ye Feng took out a USB flash drive, turned on the projector, and after a few keystrokes, a file was called out. .

Everyone frowned and looked at the data given by Ye Feng on the multimedia. There were so many numbers, but they didn't know what it was.

At this time, Ye Feng said: "This is the vegetation purification rate I calculated and the current pollution rate in our country. You can see that every 1000 square meters of greenery can purify ten tons of harmful gases a day, and our imperial capital can purify [-] tons of harmful gases every day. [-] million tons of harmful gas discharged! Greening? Oh, you have to turn the imperial capital into Daxing’an Mountains, so that you can barely reach a balance of payments!”

"This this……"


"how is this possible?"

"Is it so exaggerated? The purification speed is so slow?"

"This, this, I really haven't counted."


Many experts who supported the "greening law" were dumbfounded.If Ye Feng's data is true, then their proposal is really tasteless!
Seeing the astonished experts off the field, Ye Feng straightened his back slightly.In the past life, the control of smog was even more urgent than in this life. I don’t know how many people discussed and researched it. At that time, someone proposed this "greening law", and it was finally implemented.However, the result is just like what Ye Feng said, this is a "chicken rib"!It is definitely useful to increase the green area, but the usefulness is definitely not as great as people think!
The reason is that the speed of vegetation to purify the air is far behind the speed of people's pollution!

"In a place as big as the imperial capital, even if you plant trees on the roof, you will need ten years to purify the smog produced in one year!" Ye Feng said with a sneer, looking around at the crowd. : "Although the idea is good, it can't be realized. What is it that is not unrealistic?"

Professor Jiang frowned, "Did you calculate the data yourself? Are you sure it's accurate?" He didn't know what to say for a while, Ye Feng put the data here, it was more effective than anything else!

Listening to Professor Jiang's words, Ye Feng said indifferently: "Are you questioning my mathematics level? I have calculated these data bit by bit. I think statistics is not an advanced subject, is it?" Ye Feng's voice was very calm, even a little disdainful.

However, the professor present had no temper at all!
When others say this, you may feel that they are bragging.However, when Ye Feng said this, it seemed too normal!

Is statistics difficult?

For a world-class mathematics master, do you think it is difficult?

Professor Jiang and the others can question Ye Feng's environmental literacy, but in terms of mathematics, everyone is really qualified to criticize Ye Feng, even they are not qualified to question Ye Feng!

Ye Feng said that the data is correct, before you prove it is wrong, then this thing is right!

This is the privilege of a world-class mathematics master!
On the Internet, it has been fried.

"I wipe!"

"Professor Ye is invincible, right? Can this thing be calculated by mathematics?"

"I'm convinced. It's the first time I've seen someone use mathematical algorithms to study environmental problems!"

"Professor Ye: Sit down, normal operation."

"Professor Ye's brain circuit is really beyond the reach of ordinary people!"

"In environmental studies, everything is determined based on experiments. But according to Professor Ye's algorithm, even if this is an experiment, there shouldn't be too much deviation."

"A world-class mathematician can really do whatever he wants!"

"I'm convinced."

Looking at the pile of data listed by Ye Feng, the netizens were convinced one by one.Ling Luohan, who was watching the live broadcast, saw that Ye Feng was overpowering everyone, he was full of vigor, and his eyes were like peach blossoms.What's wrong with getting married?What if you have a child?Being a stepmother is great too!Ling Luohan folded his hands, looking at Gujing Wubo's Ye Feng, the more he looked at him, the more he liked him, he was handsome and talented, it was simply, ahhh, I couldn't stand it!The nympho version of the aunt laughs all the way!
In the conference room, the professors who supported the "Green Law" looked uglier than the other. They didn't have time to find a place to experiment with their ideas, and they were directly killed by Ye Feng with data!I rely on!

This bastard is a devil, right?

Can he calculate the purification speed of plants?

Looking at those professors with flushed faces, Ye Feng felt that what he did should not be too extreme, it would be bad if he was discouraged by them.

"Actually, your ideas are good. As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparse. It is also a kind of wisdom to think of purifying the air." Ye Feng comforted.

But it was fine if Ye Feng didn't say it, but when Ye Feng said it, everyone wanted to vomit blood even more.

You, a mathematician, even educated us majors?

Too much!

At this time, Director Li looked at Ye Feng differently. This professor Ye may have come prepared, and asked quickly: "Professor Ye, do you think this, this 'greening law' will not work? How about teaching them to govern from the root? I personally think this method is very effective.”

Ye Feng glanced at Director Li, hehe said: "It is effective."

(End of this chapter)

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