Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 287 Ye Feng's Suggestion!

Chapter 287 Ye Feng's Suggestion!
Shut down and ban heavily polluting enterprises!

The idea supported by Professor Wang Yuqin and his group is simply too effective!

Nothing works better than this idea!
They really have fundamentally controlled the smog!
There are no more sources of pollution, why are you still smoggy?


You go straight back to the farming society, not to mention the smog, even the air pollution is gone!

Let you cure the hole in the ozone layer!
To be honest, Professor Jiang and the others are just a little out of touch with reality, but Mr. Wang's idea is simply inhumane!

This is a typical sacrifice of the interests of some people, and then to satisfy the interests of others!

Shutting down those factories must be shut down!

But it is definitely not just shutting down as Professor Wang and the others said!If you really do this in the end, there will definitely be a big mess!

"Professor Ye agrees with our plan?"

Seeing Ye Feng nodding his head, old professor Wang thought that Ye Feng thought their idea was good, which surprised old professor Wang, didn't you just say that you disagreed with all of them?Thinking differently now?
Ye Feng glanced at the aged Professor Wang. To be honest, he admires Professor Wang very much. He is an old gentleman who dares to stand up. In him, Ye Feng can see what an intellectual is. character!But, at the same time, Ye Feng also saw the "height" of an intellectual in Wang Lao's body!
They stand too "high", so high that they can't see the people at the bottom.

It can only be said that Mr. Wang's starting point is good, he really wants to control the smog and contribute his strength to the country and society.Unfortunately, sometimes the result of things is often "doing bad things with good intentions".Ye Feng is almost certain that if Mr. Wang and the others' plan is passed, Mr. Wang will definitely be scolded by the people and doubt his life!
Ye Feng thought for a while, and then said: "Your old plan can indeed effectively control the smog. It can be seen that you have done a lot of exercises. From a scientific point of view, there is nothing wrong with your method. An appropriate place." Ye Feng still respected Mr. Wang.

Upon hearing Ye Feng's words, Mr. Wang didn't react much, but Professor Jiang next to him couldn't help but hummed heavily.

You fucking gave me a good meal, and then started praising old man Wang again?Why, who do you look down on?
"Professor Wang's plan is effective in controlling smog, but the economic loss is too great!" An economist who originally supported Professor Jiang said: "According to Professor Wang's idea, at least Hebei, Northeast and other places need to be shut down. The local heavy industrial polluting enterprises, especially the iron and steel industry, have to make drastic cuts, this is something our country can't stand at present!"

"Yes, the price is too great."

"It will affect the national economy."

"Professor Wang's conclusion based on environmental studies should be understood by all the environmental experts present, but in terms of economics, this plan is the most inappropriate."

All the economic experts present at the meeting shook their heads. The economic cost of Professor Wang's plan is too high. It is no exaggeration to say that his plan will hurt the society and economy!Even if it is passed by the Ministry of Environment, the country will never pass it after reporting it!
Ye Feng spread his hands and said: "Old Wang, you have also seen that although your plan is scientifically sound, the cost is too high for us to bear. Therefore, no matter what, Your proposal will not pass."

After Ye Feng finished speaking, everyone was stunned again.

What do you mean?
Didn't you just say that Professor Wang's plan is scientific and effective?

Now it's changed again?

Many people present twitched their mouths and looked at Ye Feng speechlessly.

Ye Feng smiled, "I said at the beginning that I disagree with these three proposals. I said that Professor Wang's proposal is scientific and effective, but I never said that I agree with this proposal. On the contrary, in these three proposals Among them, I am the least optimistic about Mr. Wang's proposal."


Listening to Ye Feng's words, everyone didn't know what to say.

This guy is indeed an expert at playing with words, let him say everything, and everyone present is bound together, it is estimated that Ye Feng is not an opponent alone.

"Professor Ye, don't talk about my plan. Everyone knows the shortcomings of my plan. You can just talk about your thoughts." Professor Niu Zihan shook his head and smiled. Everyone originally chose among these three plans. , or want to combine these three plans, and everyone knows that there are some problems in it, so the debate has been endless.

Since Ye Feng analyzed Professor Jiang's plan better than anyone present, it shows that Ye Feng did come prepared, and there is no need for Ye Feng to repeat what they discussed before.

Of course, Professor Niu is from Haida after all, so he doesn't want to cause trouble for Ye Feng.

"Yes, Professor Ye might as well talk about your opinion now." Director Li also nodded, he didn't care whose plan was used in the end, or whether they were all adopted at the same time, he didn't care about these, he just wanted a plan final result!

How to deal with this smog!

That's the point!
This is also the question that netizens are most concerned about.

"Yeah, it's useless to talk so much!"

"This won't work, and that won't work, so what should I do?"

"Does Professor Ye have a feasible plan?"

Seeing that Ye Feng rejected this and said that was not acceptable, it sounds reasonable, but this is not the point!
What the hell are you bringing out some dry goods!

Ye Feng stood behind the multimedia at the front, looked at the crowd, and said slowly: "No one can live without the air. Without it, no one can live. The generation of smog, to put it bluntly, is air pollution. Everyone is Victims. Therefore, everyone must participate in the governance of smog. This is not only a method, but also an obligation!"

Hearing Ye Feng's unhurried voice, everyone bowed their heads thoughtfully.

Everyone gets involved?

This statement is novel enough!
Before, no one ever mentioned it.After all, in everyone's mind, this is a public problem, a big problem that needs to be solved by the state.You ask an ordinary citizen to do it, how does he do it?What ability does he have to do it?

Just like the sandstorm problem back then, you asked citizens to prevent wind and fix sand?It's just nonsense, this thing can only be done if the country comes forward.Therefore, in the face of the smog problem, everyone naturally pins all their hopes on the country.

Still, that's just how the world sees it.

Ye Feng said word by word: "If you want to control the smog, you must participate in it!"

"Huh?" Professor Jiang frowned: "All people participate?"

Professor Wang was thoughtful, "What the people can do...??"

Professor Niu was a little puzzled: "The power of the people? What can this do?"

Many people don't understand what Ye Feng's words mean. After all, the persistence of thinking cannot be broken by a single sentence.

At this time, Ye Feng tapped the keyboard a few more times, "Everyone can take a look at the screen, you can look at these data."

When everyone heard the words, they immediately looked over, and the camera lens was aimed directly at the big screen.


Looking at the data given by Ye Feng, everyone gasped.

"This, is this true?"

"Is it too exaggerated?"

"There are so many?"

The professors who study environmental science stare at the big screen one by one.

Look at the pollution sources listed by Ye Feng.

industrial pollution……

traffic pollution...

Pollution from construction work...

These are the three largest sources of pollution. Although industrial pollution accounts for the largest proportion, it is far from the overwhelming proportion as everyone thinks!

Moreover, Ye Feng also has a more detailed division here, such as "exposed surface dust pollution", "construction site dust pollution" and so on in the pollution of construction operations. These are things that almost no one thinks of. All of them!
Especially the traffic pollution, which has caused a great impact on everyone.Everyone knew before that automobile exhaust is definitely polluting, but they never expected that it would account for more than 30.00% of the total!You must know that industrial pollution only accounts for about 40.00% five!And traffic pollution has exceeded 30.00%?
so scary?
"As for the authenticity of the data, you can verify it in the future." Ye Fengdao: "The government must participate in the governance of smog. As Professor Jiang said, increasing greening is indeed a way, but it can only be done. Auxiliary means."

Now, everyone was quiet, listening to Ye Feng seriously.Even the secretaries led by the Ministry of Environment have started to record it quickly.

Ye Feng also corrected his expression, stood up straight, and said seriously: "Aiming at the serious smog situation in our country, I have the following suggestions."

"First, rectify the steel and coal industries, rebuild lightly polluting enterprises in accordance with the law, and ban heavily polluting enterprises that refuse to mend their ways! Severely crack down on excessive emissions and random discharges of waste gas! Formulate strict, clear, and scientific corporate exhaust gas emission standards, and urge relevant Enterprises purchase and install exhaust gas purification systems!"

"Second, research and develop coal and oil purification technology, remove sulfur and other harmful substances in coal, produce sulfur-free clean coal, and order the oil sector to improve oil refining technology."

"Third, publish the pm2.5 data, increase public awareness of environmental protection,... formulate a vehicle number limit travel system..."




Ye Feng gave seven suggestions in a serious manner, and everyone in the conference room listened to each of them in a serious manner.

I have to say that people who engage in literature speak differently from those who engage in scientific research. They always make suggestions and list plans, but Ye Feng's proposals are much clearer than those of Professor Jiang's previous plans. Clearly, every suggestion can make people see at a glance where the purpose is.

Of course, these are details, not what needs to be paid attention to now. What shocks the bottom of my heart is the content of Ye Feng's seven proposals!

It can be said that this includes the previous plans of Professor Jiang, Professor Wang, and Professor Niu, but it is very different!
(End of this chapter)

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