Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 288 Forcibly Dated

Chapter 288 Forcibly Dated

That's it.

Ye Feng is gone.

However, the largest conference room at Peking University was still silent.

No one said anything, they all stared dumbfounded at the information Ye Feng left on the multimedia.

At first glance, many of Ye Feng's seven suggestions are the same as those of Professor Jiang and the others. For example, what to increase greening, control pollution sources, etc., these are all discussed by Professor Jiang and the others.However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ye Feng's seven suggestions are actually very different from what they discussed before.

Although, in some places, there are only some words that are different, such as "shutdown" and "rectification", but here, the gap is huge.

Seeing Ye Feng's seven suggestions, the experts in the conference room were all lost in thought.

"Everyone, take a look at Professor Ye's proposals..." Director Li tried to say.

"I agree!"

Professor Niu Zihan was the first to speak, and raised his hand as he spoke.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Wang Yuqin also said in a concentrated voice: "I think that although Professor Ye's plan has some shortcomings, but now it seems that it may be the best." Professor Wang also raised his hand.

Old Professor Jiang and the people around him exchanged glances, and finally raised their hands.

Gradually, more and more professors and experts raised their hands in the conference room. In the end, almost unanimous votes passed.

There is no way, Ye Feng's seven suggestions are simply too comprehensive, from the country to the common people, they are all clearly arranged.In particular, the concept of "All People Participation" proposed by Ye Feng caught the eyes of many professors present. This concept was never heard of before. Ye Feng was the first to bring up the need for public pollution. People who govern public affairs.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, let's make this decision." Director Li said seriously: "We will use the 'seven suggestions of Professor Ye Feng' as the basic content, and submit a smog control plan to the country. As for the result of the review , then it depends on the meaning above.”

Ye Feng's suggestion was approved.

But Ye Feng had already left. At this time, he had already reached the gate of Peking University.Ye Feng has no doubts about whether his suggestion will be adopted.

They have no better choice!
If these professors really want to solve the smog problem, they will definitely adopt his suggestion!
Driving the car, Ye Feng was about to go home, but at this moment his cell phone rang suddenly.

Ye Feng parked the car on the side of the road, took out his mobile phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello? Who is it?"

Ye Feng asked.

"Hi Mr. Ye, I'm Ling Luohan."

Ling Luohan?
Ye Feng frowned, "Is there something wrong?"

For this woman, Ye Feng didn't have any feelings, he was rather strange, how did Ling Luohan have his own phone number?Moreover, why is she calling herself at this time?

"Um, it's nothing." Ling Luohan seemed to be choked, but he still asked sweetly, "I just want to ask Mr. Ye if he has time now? Would you like to come out for a drink?"

"No time to."

Although Ling Luohan's voice was full of hope, Ye Feng refused without thinking, what should we drink, what do we have to drink!

Ling Luohan seemed to be rejected for the first time, so he was speechless for a while.

After a while, Ling Luohan's complaining voice came from the phone, "Didn't you just finish the meeting, why don't you have time." Ling Luohan's voice was not loud, as if he was muttering.

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, you know I just finished the meeting?

Of course Ling Luohan knew, she was watching the live broadcast bit by bit, after Ye Feng left, Ling Luohan called directly.

But Ye Feng still asked bluntly: "Is there anything else?"

"Mr. Ye, is this how you usually talk to girls?" Ling Luohan said quietly, her voice sounded aggrieved.

But Ye Feng was not moved at all, "If you have nothing else to do, I'll hang up first." Although Ling Luohan is also a big beauty, but Ye can't even deal with Su Ning, so how can he be in the mood to play tricks.Besides, beautiful women are basically not attractive to Ye Feng, what he values ​​is feelings, the most beautiful throbbing in his heart.

How is sex different from copulation if it's not based on love?
"Don't, don't." As soon as Ye Feng was about to hang up the phone, Ling Luohan said hastily: "In fact, I have something to ask for you."

"What's the matter?" Ye Feng frowned, what could she ask for?
"Shall we meet and talk?"

"Don't say I'm hanging up."

"Okay, let me say." Ling Luohan felt a little wronged in his heart, but he still said: "Aren't you managing the VC network at Wei C Technology? Our department wants to talk to you about cooperation."

"I'm not interested. If you have anything to do, you can go to Su Ke." Ye Feng rolled his eyes. He didn't understand what the hell was talking about cooperation. After finishing speaking, Ye Feng hung up the phone.

However, just as Ye Feng hung up the phone, the phone rang again. When Ye raised his eyebrows, he immediately became unhappy. Are you done?You are a beautiful girl anyway, do you have the arrogance of a beautiful girl?ah?It's inappropriate to be so proactive!

But looking at the phone, hey, it turned out to be a call from the lovely Ning Ning. Ye immediately changed his face and answered the call with a smile on his face.

"Ningning, are you home?"

Ye Feng asked with a gentle face, the tone of his words was completely different from what he said just now, if Ling Luohan saw Ye Feng like this, he would probably give up.

"No, I have to be busy today, so I won't go back. Let me tell you."

"Uh, it's fine, you should take a break and don't get too tired." Ye Feng was a little helpless, but he still instructed.

"Hmm, is Lingling still at home?" Su Ning asked.

"I don't know, I'm going out today."

"You went out? Why did you go?"

Su Ning didn't know why she went there, Ye Feng twitched the corners of her mouth, and said, "Isn't this for participating in the smog control conference?" Maybe Su Ning was busy and didn't have time to pay attention to herself, or else she must have Will watch the live broadcast, Ye comforted himself silently in his heart.

The two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Sitting in the car, Ye Feng opened the window, lit a cigarette, and looked outside quietly.

At this time, the phone rang again...

This time it's Suke...


"Brother-in-law, I have something to do."


"Well, Lan's Operations Department wants to discuss cooperation with us, and they asked you to go by name and surname, you see..."

"Pull it down, I won't go."

Ye Feng knew what was going on as soon as he heard it, it must be Ling Luohan who called Su Ke.

"Brother-in-law, listen to me, this matter is very important not only to me, but also to the third brother. If this cooperation is successful, then..."

Su Ke said a lot, almost talking about Ye Feng to the edge of the cliff, if you don't go, you will die!I'm sorry for our two brothers-in-law!


Ye Feng is also convinced, the Lan Group is owned by your father, you two princes, actually need to see a woman's face?ah?Is this the style a prince should have?

"Brother-in-law, you don't know, that little girl Ling Luohan has a special status in the Lan family. Aunt Lan likes her very much. At that time, she wanted to match the third brother with her, but she didn't like the third brother. Said Really, if you can get her, you will definitely be no worse than that princess of the Yang family. Besides, Aunt Lan is definitely very happy!"

"Go away! What the hell? What are you talking about?"

Ye Feng's face darkened immediately, "Are you doing your sister a favor by saying this?"

Are you really Su Ning's real brother?
Encouraging your brother-in-law to cheat and raise a mistress?

What is he thinking?
Even if you are that kind of person, brother-in-law, I am not that kind of person either!

What is the princess of the Yang family, so does he have something to do with me?

But what Su Ke said was right. If Su Ning was left aside, if Ye Feng really got Ling Luohan, Lan Ruo would be really happy.As for monogamy, in the Su family, there is no such concept at all.Just look at Su Ran, there is never only one woman beside a powerful man.

But Ye Feng doesn't think so, this guy has never liked anyone in his previous life, love is just a luxury for him.In this life, he finally had a chance to fall in love with Su Ning. What he thought was that he would give Su Ning all the best things.As for having beautiful women all over the world, let's all lean back, these are all things that I have been tired of playing with in my previous life.

In this life, the old man only wants to love Su Ning alone!

"Okay, brother-in-law, you can do whatever you want with these things, anyway, you have to go, you can't just ignore death!"


In the end, there was no other way, Ye Feng still nodded, but only to talk about work, don't even think about the rest, no one can tarnish the purest love in the hearts of buddies!
(End of this chapter)

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