Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 289 Outraged!

Chapter 289 Outraged!
The place where we met was called "Blue Crystal", and it was a very quiet cafe.

Someone Ye pushed open the door unsteadily, glanced around, and saw Ling Luohan who had arrived earlier in the corner by the window, and the beautiful girl was waving excitedly at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng complained in his heart, he always felt that the girl Ling Luohan was too reserved, not his type.

"Mr. Ye."

Ling Luohan called Ye Feng with a smile, and waited for Ye Feng to sit down before waving to the waiter.

"Hello, what do you need?" The waiter came over and asked politely.


Ling Luohan blurted out, it seemed that she often came here for coffee.

"I can do whatever I want, just like her."

Ye Feng doesn't like coffee very much, he prefers to drink tea.

"OK, just a second."

After the waiter finished speaking, Ling Luohan smiled politely at him, and when Ling Luohan smiled, the waiter blushed, and hurriedly slipped away with his head down!
Seeing the waiter like this, Ling Luohan was even happier.Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, they are all essentially the same. They all like to show off in front of the person they like. This waiter explained Ling Luohan's beauty from the side very well.

She is really beautiful!
It's the kind of beauty that even a man can't help but sneak a glance while walking on the street!
However, Ye Feng didn't look at her...

Although a little frustrated, Ling Luohan still smiled and said to Ye Feng, "Boss Ye? Professor Ye? Ye Zi? What should I call you?"

Ling Luohan may be really fascinated by Ye Feng. If you say that you are in love with him, it is not true, but your liking for him is obvious. When talking, look at Ye Feng His eyes were as bright as the starry sky.Things like feelings are really mysterious, and they usually happen for no reason.Also, everyone expresses it differently.If this was Su Ning, even if she liked Ye Feng, she wouldn't show it so nakedly.

It can only be said that different people will have different expressions.

"You can call me Ye Feng as you like."

Ye Feng said casually, "What kind of cooperation are you going to talk about, let's talk about it first, I don't understand these classes."

"Coffee for you two."

At this time, the coffee was served, Ling Luohan thanked the waiter, took a sip of coffee with a small spoon and brought it to his mouth, and then said to Ye Feng: "Mmm, it's okay, that's not important..."


Ye Feng raised his eyebrows.

"No, no, cough cough." Ling Luohan waved his hands quickly, and he choked on speaking in such a hurry, "cough cough, I didn't mean that, I mean, I mean, it's all a company, just follow a formality thing."

Ye Feng twitched the corners of his mouth and shook his head helplessly. Ling Luohan took out a few pieces of paper and wiped the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, in the originally quiet cafe, there were a few "I rely on you" suddenly!
It wasn't just one or two people, almost more than half of the people burst out foul language one by one.

"Is this crazy?"

"How the hell do I want to kill him!"

"Are you kidding us?"

Both Ling Luohan and Ye Feng were attracted by the sound, but at first glance, there was nothing wrong, except that some people who looked down and played with their mobile phones didn't know what they saw, and they were a little excited.

"What happened to them? What did they see?"

Ling Luohan was a little curious, Ye Feng didn't answer, but lowered his head and took a sip of coffee.He didn't want to talk to Ling Luohan. After all, he was married. He was already sorry for Su Ning if he came out so late to drink coffee with a beautiful woman. It would be too much if he was chatting!Ye Feng himself will not forgive himself!
Seeing Ye Feng ignoring her, Ling Luohan pouted, but she was not angry, just take it one step at a time, if she can ask Ye Feng out, Da Mei Niu is already very satisfied.

In the cafe, more and more people took out their mobile phones, and more and more people began to curse.

"Which bastard is this?"

"Professor Ye Feng? The one who wrote the poem?"

Suddenly, Ye Feng was stunned because he heard his name.

"Made! This bastard! Kill a thousand swords!"

"My God, what is Professor Ye thinking?"

"I'm so mad! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The originally quiet cafe exploded without knowing what was going on.

Ling Luohan also heard them scolding Ye Feng, and this beautiful girl was not happy all of a sudden, "teng" took possession of her, and ran to the next table angrily.

"Who are you talking about you? Why are you so unqualified!"

"And you! Whatever Professor Ye has done to you, just scold him!"

"Is Professor Ye Feng bad? Why are you scolding him like that!"

Ling Luohan was furious, pointing at people's noses and cursing one after another, Ye Feng was taken aback for a while.



Ye Feng really didn't expect that Ling Luohan would defend himself so much, even if he heard someone scolding him?

In the coffee shop, it stopped, and only Ling Luohan was still talking, and everyone else was dumbfounded!
Where did this beauty come from?

So angry?
Is he Professor Ye's true fan?

Finally, a big brother stood up and said to Ling Luohan: "Girl, calm down, you can find out by looking online. I also like Professor Ye, but... well, you can find out when you look at it." He also handed over his mobile phone.

Ling Luohan took a look, I...

The big beautiful girl is also speechless...

But he still said stubbornly: "Professor Ye is also doing it for everyone..."

But looking at the reactions of the others, the beautiful girl smiled resentfully, then returned to her seat, and drank her coffee with her head down.

Just now, Ye Feng also went online, and he understood it at a glance.

On the Internet, it has been fried.

Oh no, it's already turned upside down!
In the afternoon, the seven suggestions that Ye Feng put forward at the "Smog Control Conference" were edited by someone, and they were directly posted on the Internet.Although this is a live broadcast, many people have watched it, but the vast majority of people have not watched it yet!

Many people saw that it was Professor Ye and clicked in.After all, Professor Ye's reputation is too great, even if many people don't care what Ye Feng is doing, they still want to go in and take a look when they see the short video!
Really, many people just want to take a look and see what earth-shattering event this famous Professor Ye has done!
Indeed, the famous Professor Ye did not disappoint everyone.

"Hahaha, Professor Ye is invincible!"

"Professor Ye went to the environmental field to do something again? Wow, this wave is okay!"

"Professor Ye's suggestion is very good!"

"Rectification, this is very humane!"

"Haha, seeing those experts obediently listening to a layman speak, this scene is so joyful, I would have watched the live broadcast this afternoon!"

"Oh? Wait!"

"Did I hear wrong? What is he going to do?"

"Damn it! What did he say just now?"

"I'll go to your second uncle!"

"You Ye Feng, you lack virtue!"

"How can you think of such a way?"

At first, everyone laughed and took it as a joke, and marveled at Professor Ye's omnipotence.However, when they heard the last of Ye Feng's seven suggestions, everyone was so dazed!

Vehicle number limit!

One-day single number open, double-day double number open!

This Nima!

This is not the most desperate thing. The most desperate thing is that after "Professor Ye Feng's seven suggestions" were quickly approved by the state, the transportation department directly issued the relevant documents at [-] pm!

After three days, the restriction policy will be implemented immediately, and you need to lottery to buy a car in the future!
Moreover, it is clearly written in the questioning document that according to the "seven suggestions of Professor Ye Feng", our Ministry has formulated relevant regulations, stipulating that in the future, if you drive a private car on the road, you need to pay a "pollution tax"!
pollution tax...

I'll wipe your second uncle!

As soon as this document came out, the internet exploded!
Really, the mentality of netizens directly collapsed!
"I care about your second uncle, Ye Feng!"

"Both cars in my Nima family have odd numbers! I'll wipe it!"

"I just bought the car today, but you told me to stop driving half the time? I'll go to your grandma's!"

"What's the matter with my nima ending in a letter?"

"Okay, buddy, your car is useless."


"Although I'm a fan of Professor Ye, but now I have something to say about my mother's criticism!"

"I just want to know, how did Ye Mo's brain grow out? He can think of such a bad move? Huh? Number restriction? I have lived most of my life. If the purchase is too limited, what about the limited number?”



In the media.

Relevant reports were also released one after another, and they were all drafted by the reporters who attended the meeting.

"Smog control, there is hope!" "

"Professor Ye Feng, worry about the country again! "

"Professor Hai Daye—Adding a touch of legend!" "

"Analysis of "Professor Ye Feng's Seven Suggestions"!" "

"Professor Ye Feng's proposal has been unanimously affirmed by environmental scientists! "

"Air stubborn disease, or hope to be eradicated? "

"Professor Ye Feng talks about his views on smog governance!" "

"The country has passed "Professor Ye Feng's Seven Suggestions", the coal and steel industries may face a cold winter in the future! "

"The governance of smog may affect economic development!" "

"The Ministry of Communications issued the latest traffic management regulations! "



This is the only word to describe it!
All major newspapers and media, no matter local or national, and whether you are national or private, in short, almost all media are reporting "Professor Ye Feng's Seven Suggestions"!
This is no longer just Ye Feng's idea, but has risen to become the country's countermeasure to control the smog!

Netizens on the Internet are scolding because of the travel restriction, but the media reports are all positive!

There are also some small online media, in order to attract traffic, wantonly cater to netizens, and severely criticize Ye Feng.But this kind of report was blocked as soon as it came out!

At this time, no negative guidance is allowed!
But the more positive the media reports, the more scolding the netizens will be!
Not only netizens are scolding, but people from many industries have also jumped out!

There are coal tycoons, oil magnates, bigwigs in the auto industry, and even some people from state-owned heavy industries. There are also countless workers in the steel industry. All the spearheads are directed at Ye Feng!

(End of this chapter)

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