Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 290 Ye Fengzhang Ying

Chapter 290 Ye Feng's Response
cat circle.

It fell in an instant.

I don't know how many people scold Ye Feng here!

"Ye Feng! Your second uncle, you are so wicked!"

"Why don't you just write your poems properly? Why are you meddling in the affairs of the Made environment?"

"You know a fart, you! You can talk nonsense!"

"Limited number, sir!"

"You bastard, I bought my car for nothing!"

"Damn, I thought Ye Feng really knew about environmental governance. Sure enough, an amateur is an amateur!"

"Made, I want to kill him!"

The cat circle has fallen, and the curses are overwhelming.Moreover, not only the cat circle, but also the less popular circle of "Yezi", don't capture it.This is not the most exaggerated, even Haida's official circle was massacred by angry netizens.

"You Haida can't control your Professor Ye?"

"Made, look at your professor! Look at what he's doing!"

"Limited numbers, sir! Let me see what to do with your school bus!"

"Your professor, clean it up yourself! You're so mad!"

"Hurry up and take Professor Ye away! Don't let him mess around!"

"Did you not arrange classes for Professor Ye? Why is he so free every day? Immediately, immediately take up his time! Take up! I don't want to see him appear outside the Haida classroom! Ahhhhhhh !"

"This guy is a knowledgeable troublemaker!"

"I'm not afraid of the madness, but I'm afraid that the madness will make him educated!"

Netizens were almost pissed off, and when they saw the notification that the number was limited, everyone was so angry that they couldn't find one place!
Of course, there are also netizens who support Ye Feng, after all, there are not too few fans in the cat circle.

Huaye never sees: "I'm a die-hard fan of Professor Ye, I just want to say: Professor Ye, have your fucking brain been kicked by a donkey?"

Everyone: "..."

This big brother's turn was a bit caught off guard!

Huaye never saw and said again: "Fortunately, my family has a lot of cars, and the number limit or something has nothing to do with me! I still support Professor Ye, but to be honest, this is also to fight against the smog!"


Depend on!
Are you here to show off your wealth?

But what he said had a point.

"That's right, Professor Ye is doing this for everyone's benefit!"

"You didn't watch the live broadcast in the afternoon? Car exhaust is a big source of pollution! Professor Ye did this to reduce pollution. This is to encourage everyone to take more buses and subways. Is this wrong? I think the number limit is quite Well, it can also relieve the traffic pressure, maybe there will be no traffic jams on the road in the future.”

"That's right, support Professor Ye Feng!"

"Unconditionally support Professor Ye! No explanation!"

"It's a good thing for the country and the people, but you call it a heinous crime, and you accept it."

"Although the limited number is really bad, I just support Professor Ye! I'm just a fan of the brain, come on, scold me!"

"Everyone, stop scolding. You didn't watch the live broadcast in the afternoon. Professor Ye has real materials, and every one of his suggestions has a scientific basis! Moreover, if you don't adopt Professor Ye's suggestions, you will definitely Worse than now!"

"Same as above!"

"I advise you to be kind!"

"I advise you to watch the replay of the afternoon live broadcast!"

However, the voice speaking for Ye Feng is still too small, and it is simply insignificant in the face of the crusade from the whole network.

In Shanjin Province, a boss of a certain coal group came out, "If Professor Ye's request is followed, then our mine will have to lay off at least one-third of the staff! Too much cost, if you want to continue to operate, you have to lay off staff.”

"Yeah, our group is not big, and there are five or six mines, all of which are open-pit mining. Now we have to rectify all of them, and I don't know how much we will lose!"

"That's not bad for you. The quality of our coal is not very good, but it can be used. Everyone has used it for more than ten years. If you want to improve the technology at once, how can you have the funds to develop sulfur-free coal?"

"Oh, winter!"

"I don't know how many people have lost their jobs, and I can't help it."

Ye Feng's suggestion had a great impact on the coal industry. At this time, naturally, some entrepreneurs in the coal industry stepped forward.But their attitude is still relatively good.

And look at the bigwigs in the steel industry, all of them were so angry that their lungs exploded.

A vice president of the largest iron and steel group in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, said angrily in the circle: "One Ye Feng will cost the country at least 1000 billion in revenue! At least one million workers will be unemployed! It's like the 100st century. The biggest sinner!"

Still in Hebei Province, a certain leader of Rehe City couldn't stand it, "Professor Ye has harmed us a lot!" Rehe City is probably the most affected city in the country.

"Oh, the literati have misled the country!"

"Economic winter is inevitable!"

Then, a big name in the oil industry came forward, and PetroChina issued an announcement: "According to Professor Ye's request, the oil price will definitely rise. There is no way. Please forgive me, we are also victims!"

Immediately afterwards, large and small oil companies followed suit.

"There is no way, researching new pollution-free oil will definitely increase the price."

"If you want to blame, you can only blame Ye Feng."

"It's already a fact, and no one can change it."


It happened in many industries, those official enterprises are fine, and their words are more tactful, but those private enterprises, or ordinary workers, are not polite to Ye Feng at all.They don't want to bother about the smog now, they know that because of Ye Feng, their interests have been damaged!
Therefore, Ye Feng deserves to be scolded!
On the Internet, there are overwhelming curses.

Abuse for various reasons!
Moreover, at this time, no environmentalist stood up to speak for him.

Who dares to stand up and seek death at this time?

Oh, you said that we agree with these seven suggestions, don't you believe that you can watch the replay of the live broadcast?Isn't he an idiot?Faced with this "popular outrage", who would look for trouble when they have nothing to do?Whoever dares to stand up now will definitely be scolded as a sieve!
Even if this is really what they all agree is the best solution, no one dares to stand up!
At this time, I can only sacrifice and teach, happy you and me!As the saying goes, dead friends don't die poor people!

In the coffee shop, Ye Feng looked at the phone silently.

He knew that the process of smog control would not be smooth sailing. From the very beginning, he knew that he would face many obstacles.However, what he did not expect was that human nature in this world is unpredictable.

He asked himself, his plan has minimized economic losses.If Professor Jiang and the three of them follow the plan, the loss will definitely be greater than now, and more people will be affected!Can shutdown be compared with rectification?Can banning and upgrading technology be compared?

The live playback video is there, Ye Feng doesn't believe that no one has watched it, and Ye Feng doesn't believe that no one has compared it by himself.

Many people know that in comparison, Ye Feng's plan is the best, with the least loss.But the human heart is never satisfied.

Little loss?
So why not make it smaller?

You are smaller than others, but you cannot be smaller, then you are a sinner!
It is the eternal sinner!

It is the sinner of the times!

I am sorry for the country and the people!

You have made the loss of the society smaller, but you can't make it smaller, so you are guilty!

This is human nature.

Ha ha.

"Why are they doing this? It's too much!"

Ling Luohan frowned and said angrily, typing while talking.

Ye Feng glanced at her, Ling Luohan seemed to be arguing with someone on the Internet, no need to think about it, he must be speaking for Ye Feng.

Glancing at Ling Luohan, Ye Feng raised his eyes and looked out the window, instead of looking at her, he looked at the street that was just lit up, Ye Feng's eyes reflected the comings and goings of people.To be honest, he felt a little disappointed.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't respond, Ling Luohan asked strangely: "Ye Feng, aren't you angry?"

Ye Feng turned his head, looked at the furious Ling Luohan, and said softly, "What's the matter?"

"You're not angry when they scold you like that? You're amazing." Ling Luohan smiled wryly.

Ye Feng smiled and didn't speak, but picked up the phone and logged into Ye Zi's account.

Is he not angry?



On the Internet, the scolding is still there.

It even intensified, and all kinds of ghosts and monsters came out.

But at this moment, Ye Feng suddenly updated a post in the cat circle.

"What do Yuanjiao Huagai want? I haven't dared to turn over and have already met. He frowns coldly at Qianfu, bows his head and is willing to be... a bully!"

As soon as this poem came out, the entire Internet was silent.

Countless netizens were all stunned.

Whether it was those who scolded Ye Feng, those who supported Ye Feng, or the environmentalists who hid behind Ye Feng and dared not stand out, everyone, at this moment, all trembled from the bottom of their hearts.

Hengmei coldly pointing fingers?
Bow your head and be willing to be a ox!
Two simple sentences shocked the world!
What kind of mind is this?
What kind of boldness is this?

Let you bully me, humiliate me, scold me, and laugh at me, I will not reply, ignore, be angry, or resent, I will just look at you coldly and do what I should do.

Looking at these two lines of poems, Professor Jiang and the others blushed all of a sudden, feeling ashamed and indignant.

"Professor Ye's suggestion, I support it! I passed it at the meeting!" Old Professor Jiang was the first to speak out. Although he was angry with Ye Feng for not giving himself face, he had nothing to think about at this time and had to stand up.

Then, Professor Niu Zihan from Haida followed closely behind, "Professor Ye's seven proposals, I also support them!"

Professor Wang Yuqin: "I also supported it at the time!"

"Yes, I support it too! If you want to scold me, scold me!"

"And me! I also support it!"

"Professor Ye's plan is the best! You can scold us, and scold us too!"

"How can the smog be so easy to control? Looking at all countries in the world, which one has no cost to control environmental pollution? Professor Ye's cost is already quite low!"

"Those in the oil and coal industry, you are the least qualified to scold Professor Ye. Otherwise, he would consider for you and veto the vigorous development of new energy. You can still play Q now? Don't think that the world can't change without oil and coal. There are too many energy sources that can replace you!"

"That is, if Professor Ye hadn't considered the livelihood of too many people, it would not only be a matter of rectification and upgrading for you! Still not satisfied?"

The environmental scientists broke out collectively and stood up one by one, supporting Ye Feng one after another!

The scolding on the Internet also stopped abruptly.

"Professor Ye..."

"I..., oh."

"never mind."

"Bow your head and be willing to be a bully... I'm sorry, seeing these two sentences, I suddenly feel like crying."

"Actually, I watched the replay of the live broadcast just now, and it seems that Professor Ye's doing so is the best."

"Those who can write these two lines of poems, we... well, forget it, let's not talk about it."

There are only scattered comments on the Internet.More people chose to shut up, remain silent, and not comment.

Don't netizens know what Professor Jiang said?
Yes, it may be that some people are being paced.However, there are many people who just want to push their limits.

However, after seeing Ye Feng's words "bow your head and be willing to be a bully", all netizens with a little conscience will no longer abuse Ye Feng.

Because such a professor is really distressing.

Faced with so many insults, he never said a word, but endured it silently, being his "ruzi oxen" and quietly contributing to the country.

Who can scold such a person?
(End of this chapter)

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