Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 291 The Love Around the Corner

Chapter 291 The Love Around the Corner

Ye Feng deleted two sentences of the warning quote from the great writer Lu Xun in his previous life and directly moved it to the Internet. It can be said that the effect is quite shocking.

Thousand pointing fingers, head bowed as a willing ox!
Look at this realm!
Look at the boldness!
That is by no means comparable to ordinary people!
Of course, Ye Feng is just talking about it, he still can't reach this level.Although he didn't care too much about the abuse on the Internet, it was actually because he didn't put his mind on it at all.

As for your willingness to scold, that's up to you.

Of course, the Internet has basically stopped now.

It comes suddenly and goes quickly, which is the characteristic of the Internet age.

Ye Feng put away the phone, looked at Ling Luohan, thought for a while, and said, "Thank you." No matter what Ling Luohan's performance was, Ye Feng should say thank you.

Ling Luohan also knew what Ye Feng meant, and she was very happy in her heart, "It's okay, it should be."

Ye Feng also smiled slightly, and said: "It's getting late, the coffee is cold, let's talk about business?"

"Busy business?" Ling Luohan was taken aback for a moment, blinked his big eyes and said blankly: "What business is it?"

Ye Feng: "..."

Didn't you just talk about cooperation?

Have you forgotten all this?
"Forget it, if there is nothing else, let's stop here today."

Ye Feng shook his head, and he could tell that Ling Luohan didn't care about that damn cooperation at all.If she doesn't care about it, Ye Feng is even less likely to care about it.

That night, they basically did nothing else, the two drank a cup of coffee and surfed the Internet for a while.Ye Feng didn't even say a few words to Ling Luohan, it was basically Ling Luohan who said it himself, and Ye Feng could only nod his head in a perfunctory manner.


Ling Luohan looked at his watch, and it was indeed getting late. Although she was reluctant to part with it, she still understood the reason why she couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.You have to take it step by step. It is already a big progress to get Ye Feng out today.

"Waiter, check out."

Ye Feng took the initiative to settle the bill, he still has this kind of grace.

The two went out together.


Ye Feng said: "Then I'll leave first, where is your car parked?"

"I didn't drive here."

Ling Luohan blinked and said, a little playfully.


Ye Feng really loses his temper, this woman is simply amazing!
You said she didn't have a car?
Then you are simply joking!

This is obviously not open on purpose!

"It's okay, let's go. I'll take a taxi to go back. Although my place is a bit out of the way, taxis are still relatively safe now, right? The taxi driver raped the passenger a few days ago, it shouldn't happen, right? "

"Okay, okay, stop talking, I'll take you back."

Ling Luohan's words became more and more outrageous, and Ye Feng couldn't listen anymore.

Ling Luohan secretly smiled, and a sly look flashed in the corner of his eyes.

If a woman is interested in a man, there will be endless routines, which will definitely make you hard to guard against!
Ye Feng parked the car in the parking lot outside, he walked in front a little depressed, Ling Luohan followed behind bouncingly.

When passing by a hardcover store, Ling Luohan suddenly stopped Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng!"


Ye Feng turned around, "What's wrong?"

"I want to go in and buy a scarf." Ling Luohan said standing at the door of the store.

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, "Go, I'll wait for you here."

"I'm slow in shopping, it's so cold outside, you..."

"It's okay." Ye Feng shook his head, Ye Feng knew exactly what Ling Luohan was up to.

It's not that he wants to accompany her for a stroll, this is fine, Ye Feng is already very uncomfortable in sending her home.If you are going shopping with her... Ye Feng thinks this is not good.

But Ling Luohan said again: "You can buy something for your wife. Now that the weather is getting colder, a beautiful silk scarf is very necessary."

Doesn't that sound like a good idea?

When you went shopping last time, did you buy silk scarves?
Last time I bought too many things, my eyes were dazzled, Ye Feng even forgot what was there.

Do you want to buy one?
"Sure, then I'll buy one too." Ye Feng nodded, since he wanted to buy something for Su Ning, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Ling Luohan smiled sweetly, pushed the door open first and went in, and then helped Ye Feng hold the door, waiting for him to come in.

Ye Feng was not shy, and walked in with big steps.

"Tsk tsk, this man is so majestic."

"The key to such a beautiful woman is that she is still so obedient. Did this man save the galaxy in his previous life?"

"This is the role model for our men!"


"Daughter-in-law, can you pull me out from now on?"

"Want to kneel down on the remote control?"


This scene made many men in the shop envious. You said that everyone is a man, so why is there such a big gap?

Especially, Ling Luohan is still so beautiful, which makes people even more jealous!

But Ye Feng didn't pay attention to it at all, instead Ling Luohan, a big and generous girl, blushed a little at this moment.


"How about this one?"

Ye Feng asked.

Originally it was Ling Luohan who proposed to buy silk scarves, but who knew that after coming in, it was Ye Feng who was picking and choosing.That's the problem with Ye, as long as it's related to Su Ning, he's a little uncertain, especially when it comes to buying her a gift, he doesn't know which one to buy.Fortunately, Ling Luohan is here, and Ye Feng urgently needs a woman at this time, a woman who can buy things!

"Is it pink? It doesn't look good, it's too tender."

Ling Luohan said very seriously, although Da Mei Niu was feeling sore in her heart at this time, she still tried her best not to show it.There's no way, who made me fall in love with a married man?And I have to help him choose a gift for his wife... At this moment, Ling Luohan regretted asking Ye Feng to come in together.

Really, looking at Ye Feng's carefully selected appearance, it is absolutely false to say that Ling Luohan is not uncomfortable!What was Ye Feng's state when he was drinking coffee just now?What is the state now?There is no harm without comparison, and the current comparison directly caused [-] points of critical damage to Ling Luohan!

Didn't Ye Feng and Su Ning have a bad relationship?Kayefeng looks like this, doesn't it seem bad?

This corner seems a bit difficult to dig!
"Where is this?"

Ye Feng picked up another blue one with a butterfly pattern printed on it.

"This color is not bad, and the pattern... is not bad." Ling Luohan looked at it, but picked up another silk scarf and said, "I don't think it's as good-looking as this purple one. Su Ning is more suitable."


Ye Feng's eyes lit up, this one is good, Su Ning likes purple the most.

"That's it!"

Ye Feng happily made a decision, and after asking the waiter to wrap it up, seeing Ling Luohan's hands were still empty, Ye felt a little embarrassed, "Look at me, I just take care of myself, I'm really sorry, you're making a fuss ?”

Ling Luohan smiled slightly, didn't say anything, just nodded and walked to the other side.

Ye Feng quickly followed with the wrapped silk scarf.

Ye Feng bought a good silk scarf for Su Ning, Ye was very happy and in a good mood, and gradually he and Ling Luohan chatted and laughed.

"Go over there and have a look."


The two were talking and laughing.

However, at this moment, at this corner, Ye Feng saw a person who made him startled.

Su Ning.

At this corner, Ye Feng and Su Ning met each other's eyes.

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze.

ps: Prepare to abuse a few chapters. . .

(End of this chapter)

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