Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 292 Handsome Su Ning!

Chapter 292 Handsome Su Ning!
Seeing Su Ning, Ye's mentality immediately collapsed!
Do you want to be so unlucky?
The more afraid I am, the more I will meet whoever I meet!

Looking at Su Ning's gloomy eyes, you don't need to think about it, my wife must have misunderstood!

"Ningning, this is actually..."

Ye Feng wiped his face and wanted to explain in embarrassment, but he was interrupted when he was halfway through.

It's my sister-in-law Su Ling.

Bouncing over from behind, it looks like I went to the bathroom just now, come back and take a look, huh?Isn't this brother-in-law?Take another look, huh?Isn't this the Ling Luohan who seduced her brother-in-law?

"Brother-in-law? Why are you with Mr. Ling?"

The sister-in-law opened her eyes and said incredulously, she had seen Ling Luohan before, and she also knew that Ye Feng seemed not interested in Ling Luohan, could it be that her brother-in-law couldn't bear the temptation?


Ye Feng looked at his sister-in-law, and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, are you deliberately cheating your brother-in-law?
What do you mean me and Mr. Ling are together?

ah?It's inappropriate for you little girl to speak like that!

Sure enough, with Su Ling's words, Su Ning's expression completely changed!
Ye Feng, that bastard!

At first, Su Ning thought that Ye Feng was not the same as before, he was no longer the jerk he used to be, but now it seems that it is really easy to change the country, and the nature is hard to change.That Yang Yu'er Su Ning didn't want to talk about it anymore, and she never took the initiative to mention it, as if this person didn't exist.But today, this bastard hooked up with another one?And from what Su Ling meant, did he hook up a long time ago?
Su Ning is very disappointed with Ye Feng!

With a cold face, without even looking at Ye Feng, he went straight past him.

"Ningning, Ningning, listen to my explanation!"

Ye Feng saw it, it was going to be cold!
Quickly grabbed Su Ning's hand, and eagerly explained: "Ning Ning, I have nothing to do with her, I just came out to talk about work!"

Su Ning looked at him expressionlessly, and said coldly, "Let me go."

"No, you have to trust me!"

Ye Feng explained: "I just came out with Mr. Ling to discuss a cooperation issue. If you don't believe me, you asked Su Ke, and he asked me to come. Didn't this happen to coincide with Mr. Ling who wanted to buy a silk scarf? I just thought I’ll buy one for you too, take a look, take a look, this is what I’m going to give you, it’s your favorite purple.”

Saying that, Ye Feng quickly opened the gift box in his hand, and took out the purple silk scarf inside to show Su Ning.

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Su Ning's face softened a lot after seeing the silk scarf in his hand.

Although she already believed Ye Feng's words in her heart, Su Ning's face was still very cold. She took the silk scarf expressionlessly, touched it lightly, and then said in a cold voice: "Go home early when you're done." Said After finishing, she glanced at Ling Luohan next to her, and Su Ning gave Ye Feng a sharp warning look.

At this time, Ling Luohan who was next to him spoke up and said, "Miss Su, I think you may have misunderstood Professor Ye." Ling Luohan smiled and said openly: "I admit, I have feelings for Professor Ye. Good impression, after all, such an excellent man as him is rare. However, Professor Ye has always been honest and indifferent to me. I think that a man can be like Professor Ye when he is outside. , really not much."

"If you don't know how to cherish it, I think someone else will."

Ling Luohan smiled and looked at Ye Feng's eyes, which were so naked and undisguised.She didn't want to destroy the relationship between Su Ning and Ye Feng, she just didn't want to be sneaky.Yes, although you, Su Ning, are Ye Feng's wife, what's the matter?I just like him, he is aboveboard and righteous!If you don't cherish him, sooner or later I will snatch him over!This is Ling Luohan, a strong woman in the mall, she is also extremely strong when it comes to matters of love!She didn't even bother to use any sneaky and shady tricks, so she told Su Ning plainly that I just wanted to grab a man from you!You have to pay attention!
Ye's face turned green immediately!

What Ling Luohan said was simply too irritating!
This is provoking Su Ning!Is this declaring war with Su Ning, the main room?
Damn, you are too fierce!
Sure enough, baby Su Ning's complexion is not to mention so ugly, it's wrong, baby Su Ning is so beautiful, even if she is angry, she is beautiful!
It's just that the expression is full of ice!
Su Ning stared at Ling Luohan with a cold face, still holding the silk scarf Ye Feng gave him, and said coldly: "You like him, it's your business, but whether he likes you or not is mine." matter! If I don’t nod my head, you will never become a woman of our Ye family!”

"Uh." Ye was so confused when he heard that, no wonder the fans called Su Ning the queen, it turns out that Su Ning really looks like a queen when she becomes strong!Whether Ye Feng likes Ling Luohan or not, he wants her to have the final say?

"Wow, my sister is so handsome!" Even the sister-in-law next to her was made handsome by Su Ning's words, and looked at her with admiration.

Seriously, this sentence "I don't nod my head, you will never become a woman of our Ye family" made everyone in Ye feel a little overwhelmed!Unexpectedly, Su Ning would say such a thing.However, there is some connotation in the words of big baby Ningning.

She nods?
Can she just nod?
"go home!"

Just when Ye was thinking wildly, Su Ning said another sentence coldly.

"oh oh."

Ye Feng nodded quickly, and Her Majesty the Queen angrily threw the bag in her hand to Ye Feng, and she held a silk scarf, stepped on high heels, and walked in front with a snap, really showing a kingly demeanor!
Ye Feng caught Su Ning's bag and followed behind, without saying hello to Ling Luohan, just walking behind Su Ning.

Su Ling glanced at Ling Luohan, stuck out her tongue, and followed quickly.

Ling Luohan folded his hands on his chest, looked at Su Ning's back with long eyes, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, "This little girl is quite powerful." Ling Luohan whispered to himself, and Ling Luohan even chuckled. For a moment, I don't know what idea I had in mind.


In the car.

Ye Feng was driving the car carefully in front, and the two sisters were sitting in the back.

At this moment, Ye did not dare to say a word!
Because, Su Ning is getting angry at the back!

However, he is not angry with Ye Feng, but is calling Su Ke!

"Su Ke, give me an explanation!" Su Ning's face was cold, and her tone was even less warm.

"Uh, sister Ning? Who messed with you?" Su Ke pretended to be crazy.


"No, Sister Ning, what's wrong with me? Tell me who messed with you, is it brother-in-law? I'm busy. When I have time, I'll go over and deal with him immediately, okay? Hello? Sister Ning, talk to me ? Isn’t it brother-in-law? Is that that damn girl Su Ling? Or…”

Su Ning didn't speak, just listened quietly with a cold face.

Su Ke talked for a while, and seeing that Su Ning didn't respond, he knew that Su Ning was really angry.

Su Ke smiled embarrassingly, "Well, sister, I didn't do it on purpose, I can't help it, Ling Luohan is the chief operating officer of Lan's, and I heard that she caught the third brother's pigtail, she threatened me ah!"


Before Su Ke finished speaking, Su Ning hung up the phone.

"Hello? Hello? Sister Ning? Sister?"

Su Ke twitched the corner of his mouth and swallowed. He naturally understood why Su Ning called him.What did this brother-in-law do?Can't even handle your own wife?Go out on a date and get caught?Is this too good for him?Su Ke despised Ye Feng in his heart.

Third brother?

The youngest is Su Li, right?

Su Ning called Su Li again.

She must treat these guys well today!

If the tiger doesn't show its power, you really think I'm a meow, don't you?

The phone was connected, and Su Ning didn't give Su Li a chance to explain at all this time, she just scolded her head and face!Su Li was so stable and stable, he was so frightened that he almost shut himself up.

Ye Feng, who was driving in front, was terrified when he heard it. This was the first time he saw Su Ning get so angry!

In the past, even if the two of them were angry, it would have been a cold war at most, and Su Ning would have ignored Ye Feng at most. She had never been like this before, and she was so angry that she scolded her two younger brothers!

Also, baby Su Ning couldn't help being angry this time!

Damn everyone said in front of her that I like your husband, you should be careful, such things have been said, who would not be angry if it was a woman?
Even the original Yang Yu'er never said that to Su Ning!

Su Ning can bear this anger?
If Su Ning didn't quarrel with Ye Feng, it was already giving Ye Feng face!She is already a sensible woman!
At the gate of Su Ling's house, Su Ling wanted to go home.

"No, Su Ling, what are you doing home today? Let's go back and be together!"

"Hehe, no need." Su Ling gave Ye Feng a supercilious look, and went to your house?To bear the anger of my sister?Pull it down, my sister-in-law wisely chose not to get involved.

ps: I originally wanted to write a sad article, but after voting in the group, it said that life is already very difficult, so let's write about sweet pets.

(End of this chapter)

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