Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 293 What kind of routine is this?

Chapter 293 What kind of routine is this?

Just Su Ning and Ye Feng.

Su Ling went back, but the baby girl didn't come back.

Originally, Su Ning didn't plan to come back tonight, but now that this happened, Su Ning came back even if she didn't come back.

It was past eight o'clock, and it was already dark.

When Su Ning entered the house, she didn't stay in the living room, and went back to the bedroom directly.Ye Feng saw it, put the bag away, and quickly followed.

Su Ning did not lock the door, Ye Feng came in.

But as soon as he came in, Ye's eyes widened immediately!

I wipe!What is he?
Su Ning is taking off her clothes?

What is this going to do?
It's not just taking off a coat, it's really taking off clothes!
In front of Ye Feng, one, two...

Ye Feng stared straight at Su Ning, his wife was irritated?
Baby Su Ning's clothes are getting less and less, Ye Feng's heart is getting hotter and hotter, his eyes are getting straighter and straighter, Ye Feng's mind is blank at this moment!
Really, he thought of many possibilities before, Su Ning would scold him?Or give him two slaps?Or just ignore him?But even if he was thinking about it, it was impossible for him not to think that Su Ning would do this!

Take off your clothes when you get home?

What kind of trick is this?
As if she didn't see Ye Feng, Su Ning took it off by herself, and moved very slowly.

scenery is beautiful.


Su Ning didn't even look at Ye Feng, she slowly stood up from the bed, her black hair was scattered on her fragrant shoulders, her waist was twisted, her little feet were bare, she walked from Ye Feng's body with endless temptation Walked by, slowly into the bathroom.However, from the beginning to the end, Su Ning didn't even look at Ye Feng, as if Ye Feng was like a lump of air that didn't exist at all.


It wasn't until Su Ning closed the bathroom door that Ye Feng's staring eyes slowly recovered.

Su Ning's delicate and beautiful face, black and straight hair, slender and graceful waist, long and straight beautiful legs, cute and playful feet... Hiss, and that smooth white skin, in Ye Feng's mind It's just lingering!


Ye Feng didn't know if Su Ning was stimulated, but he was definitely stimulated!

This is so exciting!

Ye Feng stared blankly at the bathroom door, and swallowed dully.

But Su Ning in the bathroom is not as calm and calm as she appeared outside just now. She leans against the door, clutches her chest, her heart is beating non-stop, her pretty face is blushing, Even the skin exposed to the air is like a cherry, bright red and eye-catching, and the whole person leans softly against the door, looking shy and alluring.

After a while, Su Ning calmed down, patted her chest, and took a deep breath.

Thinking of Ye Feng's fiery eyes just now, the corners of Su Ning's mouth turned up slightly.

Is Su condensed?

Of course, it was simply outrageous.If she wasn't angry, she wouldn't call and scold Su Li, Su Ke and the others.It can be said that Su Ning was so angry that she wanted to beat Ye Feng up.

However, I can't beat him!

Wouldn't that make me look like an uneducated resentful woman?

Moreover, according to what Su Lingsuke and the others said, Ye Feng has always consciously kept a distance from that woman, and Ling Luohan himself said it.

Doesn't this mean that Ye Feng not only did nothing wrong, but also withstood the temptation of a beautiful woman?

It was the first time Su Ning met Ling Luohan, but even if she was as proud as Su Ning, she still had to admit that Ling Luohan was really an out-and-out beauty!
This point, even Su Ning, who is also a beautiful woman, cannot refute it in her heart.

That pervert Ye Feng, such a pervert, can bear this kind of temptation?
Baby Su Ning expressed a little doubt!
Well, even if Ye Pervert has withstood the temptation, it has nothing to do with Ling Luohan.However, Baby Su Ning was still very uncomfortable!

Baby Su Ning was very angry when Ling Luohan said that in front of her face!

very!Do not!Cool!
It's all Ye Feng's fault!
Who told you that you are so good?
Are they so good that there are beauties chasing after them?ah?You've got a lot of patience!
No matter how good you are, you can only sleep in your sister's bed!

Su Ning looked in the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. Baby Su Ning suddenly had a question in her heart. Is she beautiful or that woman?Or is Yang Yuer more beautiful?
Lying in the bathtub full of foam, many strange questions suddenly appeared in Su Ning's mind.

Yang Yuer?
I have never heard Ye Feng mention Yang Yu'er, why...why did she suddenly go away to the Eagle Country?What happened between Ye Feng and her?
Are the two really out of touch?

Su Ning is more aware of the relationship between Yang Yuer and Ye Feng than outsiders.

Back then, Yang Yuer even married Ye Feng, but she still had no hesitation, ignored everyone's objections, and was willing to follow Ye Feng.But why did she leave all of a sudden?

Su Ning was thinking wildly in the bathroom. When a woman is taking a bath, her thoughts are really too erratic.She was obviously angry a second ago, but Yang Yuer became curious again in the blink of an eye...

Of course, Su Ning may never ask Ye Feng about these doubts.She has never been a stupid girl, she knows when to be willful, and also knows what is the bottom line of that man.No matter how curious she is, she will not ask. If Ye Feng really loves her, sooner or later he will take the initiative to say so.What if you didn't say it?Thinking of this, Su Ning wiped the foam and pouted, then he must not love me!
Su Ning was thinking about those unconstrained and strange questions in the bathroom, while Ye Feng outside was already eager to see through it!

It wasn't the first time he was waiting for Su Ning to take a bath from outside, but it didn't seem so slow before, right?
Ye Feng fidgeted from the bedroom, walking back and forth, his restless heart was so hungry and thirsty!
Glancing at the watch, "Is it 10 minutes?"

"Not coming out yet?"

"It's been 21 minutes!"

"Isn't it drowning?"

"Ningning? Ningning?"

Ning Ning ignored him.

Ye Feng lay sprawled on the bed, staring at the ceiling hopelessly.

The most tormenting thing in the world is nothing more than this, right?

Three 10 minutes...

Four 10 minutes...

Ye Feng feels that every second is a torture to him now, time is like a devil, full of malice towards him.

Finally, after 48 minutes and 56 seconds, the bathroom door opened.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Ye Feng suddenly sat up from the bed, staring naked at the misty beauty.


Why did my wife put on a bathrobe!

However, looking at the expression of my wife, it seems that I am not as angry as before. After taking a bath, the anger was washed away a lot?

Indeed, now Su Ning's pretty face is not as cold as it was then.

At this moment, Su Ning's delicate face, because of the baking of the water vapor, was glowing red, very charming.Her wet hair was stroked to her left chest. Although she was wearing a loose bathrobe, she couldn't hide Ning Ning's proud curves at all.Especially the looming snow-white ravine in the neckline complements the wet hair.The bathrobe was not very long, but only covered the thighs. The white calf underneath was really eye-catching, and the playful and cute little feet stepped on the floor naked.

Su Ning's whole person, under the smog, is even more radiant, every move, every look seems to be full of temptation.

Ye Feng felt that his eyes were not enough...

"I'm going to take a shower!"

Ye Feng hurriedly rushed to the bathroom.

"no need."

However, Su Ning stopped him.

Baby Ningning had a smile on her lips, closed the bathroom door charmingly, and glanced at Ye Feng.


Ye Feng was taken aback, don't you need to take a bath?

Seeing the astonishment on Ye Feng's face, Baby Ningning didn't explain, just smiled at the corner of her mouth, and walked slowly to the wardrobe.


What do you want to do in the shower?

Baby Ningning suppressed a smile in her heart, how could she not know what Ye Feng was thinking?
But, Professor Ye, are you overthinking it?
If something like this happened today, it would be fine if my sister didn't scold you. How dare you think so much?

Although Ye Feng couldn't be blamed for Ling Luohan's matter, even Ye Feng did a good job.However, Su Ning's anger is not fake!

You made my wife angry, do you still think about it?
(End of this chapter)

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